Get path of FAL media? - typo3

Using Fluid Template with tx_news, I need to get the URL of uploaded FAL video.
Currently I have this:
Which prints:
I want the output:

newsItem.falMedia seems to be an ObjectStorage. With .0 you are pointing to the first object of it - not any function of it. In the API you can see its functions or you can debug it in Fluid by using {newsItem.falMedia.0}
Example: {newsItem.falMedia.0.publicUrl} should give you the public path to the file.

If you just need url of image than use following line
TYPO3: get path out of file reference in Extbase
Please refer above link.


Add a link to extension resource in TYPO3?

I want to add link tags to the head so I can preload some font files in my site package.
I have tried using headerData but how can I get file path to EXT:my_site/Resources?
For any field in TypoScript that uses the getText data type, you can use path: for that. For example:
page.headerData.123 = TEXT = path:EXT:extension/Resources/Public/path/to/file
page.headerData.123.wrap = <tag property="|">
See for more information.

XML Sitemap with typoscript makes wrong URLs

According to I let TYPO3 V8.7.24 generate the sitemap.xml file. So far it works. But in the file there are not proper URL's. On every URLs end is "?type=500001", for example an URL looks like "". As a side note , there is also Ext:Realurl in use.
My request is, how can you remove the segment "?type=500001" ? Is the reason typoscript or the extension Realurl? How can I analyse it?
Any hint is welcome. Thanks in advance for your help.
It's the link generation inside of TYPO3. that is configured by typoscript, so you could see typoscript as the culprit.
If you want to know whether realurl (or any other extension) is the culprit: disable the extension in mind. if the error is gone there is a reason to suspect this extension.
When links are generated by TYPO3 it holds some parameter to stay in the current context. Which paramaters should be considered is a configuration (so it is grounded in typoscript).
Have a look (TSOB) at config.linkVars in general (it is copied implicit to every page object) or of your page object page.config.linkVars (in your case: xml_sitemap.config.linkVars)
There is a note in the manual:
Do not include the type parameter in the linkVars list, as this can result in unexpected behavior.
Other option would be to explicit set &type=0 to every link. But don't forget to set config.uniqueLinkVars = 1 (or xml_sitemap.config.uniqueLinkVars = 1)

Custom tags in TYPO3 content

new here, and also new to TYPO3.
I need to put something like [imagebox, title='box1'] into content editor and that will be replaced by a text and image with some javascript effect (text and image are managed in the DB elsewhere, the tag is just for the placement in the page).
I've read that TYPO3 has a mechanism for adding custom tags and I managed to make them accepted in the RTE.
I tried instead of [imagebox..... to use
with something like this (copied from web):
tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags {
imagebox <
imagebox = TEXT
imagebox.value= replaced
# imagebox = PHP_SCRIPT
# imagebox {
# stripNL = 0
# Pass a parameter from Typoscript to a PHP script:
# UID of the page containing the SINGLE view of tt_news
# id_singleView = 18
# Call the PHP script
# file = fileadmin/scripts/imagebox_parser.php
# }
lib.parseFunc.tags.imagebox < tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags.imagebox
should be able to replace content between tags.
I've commented call to php function just tried to get a text replacement for starters.
I've put that in the main root template Setup, but nothing is replaced.
I've also tried other examples from the web with no success.
Did anyone have situation like this?
Are there better approaches for that in TYPO3? (I'm using v7.6.23)
Any suggestion or hint is appreciated.
EDIT: using FSC on textmedia element
I think your examples are outdated. (the object PHP_SCRIPT is obsolete for a long time)
You might have a look at the documentation for your TYPO3 version:
you also need to enhance the parsefunc where you need it. That can depend on:
which kind of content element (CE) do you use? (be sure to enhance the rendering of that CE)

In a fluid template, how to output the linked file's size?

In a fluid template, I would like to output a linked file's size.
I'm using to link to the file, as I think this is the way to do it (please correct if not).
< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</>
As I'm already using the extension ml_links on the site, I thought I could pass the link through lib.parseFunc_RTE, but
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc_RTE">< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</></f:format.html>
just wraps it into p.bodytext.
Do I have to use a different syntax to apply f:format.html TO - or is there a better way to do it (via a fluid or vhs viewhelper)?
Actually custom VH is fastest way to achieve that, i.e. basing on this VH, you'll need to replace size param with a file path, and then use i.e. filesize function of PHP to fetch the size in bytes.
Here's my VH:
I've simplified the original a little, outputting "KiB" for file size is too technical for me.
The easiest way is to use native TYPO3 FAL parameter originalFile.size :
{audio.0.originalFile.size -> f:format.bytes()}
When i use fluidcontent i have vhs extension installed aswell and then just use:
<f:format.bytes decimals="1">{v:media.size(path: '{file}')}</f:format.bytes>
This outputs clean readable sizes like "28.2 MB".
If you are using VHS you may consider (in combination with f:format.bytes).
In newer TYPO3 versions you can use the originalResource.size attribute of a FileReference object.
{file.originalResource.size -> f:format.bytes()}
or in your case:
{ -> f:format.bytes()}
TYPO3 10
I needed a file size output for a DCE module in TYPO3 10, this is what I came up with, using VHS:
<f:format.bytes><v:media.size><v:format.trim characters="/"><f:uri.typolink parameter="{}" /></v:format.trim></v:media.size></f:format.bytes>
f:uri.typolink generates the full path I need for v:media.size
v:media.size requires the path without a leading slash, v:format.trim removes this character.
f:format.bytes displays the output from v:media.size in KB or MB.

TYPO3: get path out of file reference in Extbase

i've created a Custom Content Element with Fluid and Extbase (TYPO3 6.1), in which you can define a picture.
In the picture-settings i can set a img-link, which is targetting a file.
In my Controller i can access this data with
But i just get a file-reference for this setting and no path. like this:
I've googled a lot and i didn't find a solution to access the path. Has anybody a solution or knows maybe a function in the configurationmanager or something else? I've spend hours on this problem...
Thanks a lot!
If you need to get image from FAL than use following image view helper
<f:image src="{object.image_field.uid}" alt="{object.image_field.originalResource.title}" width="640" height="291" treatIdAsReference="1" />
If you just need url of image than use following line
What you have there, is a file reference of FAL, the file abstraction layer.
First things first, if you use FlexForms in combination with ActionController (or any realisation of AbstractController) you should be able to access the settings property to compute your FlexForm values.
To compute sys_file_reference records, you should refer to the FAL docs on (and the perma-linked section about file and folder handling).
In general, you should be able to call getOriginalResource() on a \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference object. For more concrete examples, either refer to the doc links or have a look at the wiki for a example handling FileReferences.
If you want to compute such reference via fluid templating, you can use the treatIdAsReference argument on f:image:
<f:image src="{imageObj.uid}" width="150" height="100" treatIdAsReference="1" />
He is asking for a path and not for an image. This prints the path in fluid templates: