NodeMCU ESP8266 I2C Module High-Speed - raspberry-pi

I am making a wireless device to measure a magnetic field based on the HMC5983 magneto-resistive sensor and an ESP8266 (NodeMCU ESP-12e module).
The sensor is connected to the ESP8266 on the I2C interface. The
ESP8266 polls the sensor and sends this to a data collector (Raspberry Pi).
It is extremely important to me to achieve the greatest possible number of computation in a second, as quality of the obtained data for later processing depends on it.
HMC5983 supports the I2C interface in Standard, Fast and High-speed modes. But the NodeMCU I2C Module only supports i2c.SLOW speed.
common I²C bus speeds are the 100 kbit/s standard mode and the 10
kbit/s low-speed mode
Then I connected the HMC5983 directly to the Raspberry Pi via I2C. I could achieve about 500 measurements per second (by monitoring the DRDY interrupt pin) in single-measurement mode and 200 measurements per second in continous-measurement mode (with Data Output Rate at 220 Hz - all right).
The programm was written in Python, here is the code:
import smbus #for i2c use
import time
import os
bus = smbus.SMBus(1) #use i2c port 1 on Rasspberry Pi
addr = 0x1e #address HMC5983 0x1E
bus.write_byte_data(addr,0x00,0b00011100) #Write to CRA Speed 220Hz
bus.write_byte_data(addr,0x01,0b00100000) #Write to CRB Gain 660 +-2.5Ga 1.52mG/Lsb
print "Start measuring.....
while True: #if we need infinity cycle
bus.write_byte_data(addr,0x02,0b00000001) #Write to Mode single-measurement mode
while bus.read_byte_data(addr,0x09) == 0b11: #Wait RDY in Status Register
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr,0x03,6)#Take data from data registers
#convert three 16-bit 2`s compliment hex value to dec values and assign x,y,z
x = data[0]*256+data[1]
if x > 32767 :
x -= 65536
y = data[2]*256+data[3]
if y > 32767 :
y -= 65536
z = data[4]*256+data[5]
if z > 32767 :
z -= 65536
print "X=",x, "\tY=",y, "\tZ=",z
When I connected the HMC5983 to the ESP8266, I could achieve only about 140 computations a second in single-computation mode.
--init i2c
function H_init(sda,scl)
i2c.setup(id, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
print("I2C started...")
-- reads 6byte from the sensor
function read_axis()
i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.RECEIVER)
data =, 6)
return data
--set register
function set_reg(reg_addr,val)
i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
gpio.mode(drdyn_pin, gpio.INPUT)
-------I2C INITILIZATION-------
id = 0
i2c = i2c
local i=0
dev_addr = 0x1e
set_reg(0x00,0x1c) --set speed 220Hz
set_reg(0x01,0x20) --set gain
print("Start measurement...")
while true do
set_reg(0x02,0x01) --single-measurement mode
while( == 1) do
data = read_axis()
After that I configured the sensor to continous-measurement mode and received the same 200 measurements per second.
Is operation of the I2C interface in NodeMCU at high speeds possible? Can somebody tell me how to try to accelerate sensor polling?

Of course it is possible, ESP8266 is faster than Pentium :-) Just a few thousands or even just a few ten thousands measurements per second would be really disappointing for such tremendous processing power. Here you are the link to ESP8266 I2C library written in assembly and tested with Arduino toolchain. That way you can communicate at the rate of 800000 messages per second #80 MHz or one million messages per second #160 MHz. I believe that would be more than enough for the project you have described, at 80 kHz I2C speed you can have a few ten thousands measurements per second - if a slave device can handle such speed.
For any future doubts if something could or couldn't be done with ESP8266, I'd say this is more than enough to get a picture - and in this case I mean it literally :-)


STM32/ESP32/PIC32 + multiple SPI devices + Ethernet

I am developing a measurement system, comprised of a MCU (being STM, ESP or PIC), multiple (let's say 8) ADCs sending data over SPI. ADCs are to be triggered using a SYNC signal so that they sample at the same time. It's crucial to access the data at the same time (or almost at the same time), the sampling frequency will be 1 or 2 kHz. I'm wondering how should I approach this: use a single physical SPI bus, and perhaps a DMA, or get a MCU with 8 physical SPI buses allowing them to operate in parallel?
Additionally, I would like this MCU to support Ethernet connection, to send the data to a post-processing unit.
My initial thought was to simply get a MCU with 8 SPIs, but maybe it's an overkill?

STM32 CAN controller gets arbitration lost transmitting at 500 Kbit/s

My APB1 clock is reported by the STM32 library as being 36MHz.
I used a website to calculate a prescaler value of 3 (4 with the automatic +1), BS1 of CAN_BS1_15tq and BS2 of CAN_BS2_2tq. When I use the values in a quick spreadsheet calculation they come out right for a 500 Kbit/s baud rate.
I used different values, but assuming the same clock speed of 36 MHz to talk at 250 Kbit/s baud rate to NMEA 2000 devices successfully. When I run my code at 250 Kbit/s it works correctly and talks to my test board (which is using the same code) successfully.
I wondered if the TX and RX pin GPIO speed mattered. Here is my configuration for those pins:
gpio_init_data.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz;
gpio_init_data.GPIO_Pin = CAN1_RX;
gpio_init_data.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU;
GPIO_Init(CAN1_PIN_GROUP, &gpio_init_data);
gpio_init_data.GPIO_Pin = CAN1_TX;
gpio_init_data.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(CAN1_PIN_GROUP, &gpio_init_data);
When I run at 500 KBit/s baud rate I get all transmissions failing and arbitration lost flagged: TSR=41000004. This happens even with the RX and TX pins at GPIO speed 50 MHz.
The CAN transceiver is an ISO1050 which, according to the data sheet, can handle up to 1 Mbit/s.
Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? Could it be a problem in the circuitry?
As Lundin said, "CAN transceivers need an ideal impedance of 60 ohm to work properly."
The system I am using is a test rig with a board to be tested connected to a test board by about 8cm of CAN bus cable pair. Up to speeds of 250 Kbits this works perfectly well, but not at 500 Kbits.
Adding a 56 ohm resistor (2 x 120 ohm may be better) solves the problem.
Many thanks to Lundin for his patience and excellent information.

STM32F429 GPIO DMA Read and Write

I'm making a project where I want to bit-bang the JTAG protocol.
According to the AN4666 provided by ST, DMA + GPIO can achieve high speeds in bit-banging synchronous protocols.
I want to:
Generate N PWM pulses (the CLK signal).
With the falling edge of each pulses, I want to set some GPIO with DMA.
With the rising edge, I want to read from the GPIO using DMA.
What is the best way to achieve these specs using HAL?
even withtout dma you can reach quite high freq bit banged i/o i'll say in range 2 - 10MHz assuming fast enougth mcu and gpio bus clock high enough (48 96MHz)
Clock just wan't be as stable and may suffer "stall" say idle time when iterrupt occur vs dma. but is way simpler
for DMA base , if you use 3 bit of one port, one for clk and one for TDI and one for TDO then use 2 dma one to wr and one that rd on same timer source (if possible) at double rate of the TCK signal
the data in is rebuilt by taking teh i bit of one read data over 2
index like 0 2 4 or 1 3 5 ... depending on edge you want and how you wr clk array in mem is coded.
last if your jtag chain is 8 bit multiple SPI is even simpler and dma easy ;)

STM32 generate 22Mhz clock on gpio out from SystemCoreClock 110Mhz

I want to generate clock for PCA9959 LED driver with my STM32L552. The LED driver needs an external clock at 20 MHz (+/- 15%). I'm trying to generate a 22 MHz clock on port PA8 on STM32L552. I managed to generate a PWM on port PA8, but I can't reach the frequency of ~22Mhz. I arrive at a maximum of 8Mhz.
Here are the PWM parameters:
I'm not sure I filled in the pwm parameters correctly. Normally with his settings I guess I should have a 22 MHz PWM with a 20% duty cycle.
PWM (MHz) = SystemCoreClock (MHz) / Prescaler => 22MhZ = 110MHz / 5
My clock configuration:
Thanks for your help.
The easiest way to output a high speed clock like this is with the MCO peripheral, rather than a timer. Fortunately for you the MCO pin is PA8. Perhaps the person who designed your board knew this and intended you to use MCO. Read the reference manual to see how.
If you do want to use a timer to do 22MHz, then as you have correctly identified you cannot get a 50% duty-cycle on your PWM. I would recommend starting with a 40% or 60%, with an output-compare value of 2-out-of-5 or 3-out-of-5, not 1 as you have above.
There is no detail in the PCA9959 datasheet about what the required mark-space ratio of the clock is, but I guess anything other than 50% could be a problem. You would be better to divide the clock by an even number. Either just divide 110MHz by 6 and output 18.33MHz, or else slow your core down a bit and divide by 4 (reduce the N parameter of your PLL).
Whether you use MCO or PWM don't forget to set the GPIO pin mode to the fastest slew rate available. Maybe the 8MHz you are measuring is the result of aliasing a faster clock that has been through the wrong GPIO mode. You could test this using a scope with at least 100MHz bandwidth.

ESP8266 + Micropython: Why do I keep getting the same value with periodic i2c reads?

I am writing some simple code using MicroPython running on a Digistump Oak, which is basically an ESP8266 breakout board. I'm trying to understand the behavior that I see when performing periodic reads of the sensors via i2c.
The following code (which reads the value of the ACCEL_XOUT_H and ACCEL_XOUT_L registers) works just fine:
>>> from machine import Pin, I2C
>>> bus = I2C(scl=Pin(2), sda=Pin(0))
>>> while True:
... h, l = bus.readfrom_mem(0x68, 0x3b, 2)
... print (-((((h<<8)+l)^0xFFFF) + 1) if (h & (1<<7)) else (h<<8)+l)
(That print statement is just performing the conversion from two's complement.)
As expected, that prints out values from the accelerometer that change in approximately real time as I move the imu around.
But if I introduce a delay into the loop, such as...
>>> import time
>>> from machine import Pin, I2C
>>> bus = I2C(scl=Pin(2), sda=Pin(0))
>>> while True:
... h, l = bus.readfrom_mem(0x68, 0x3b, 2)
... print (-((((h<<8)+l)^0xFFFF) + 1) if (h & (1<<7)) else (h<<8)+l)
... time.sleep(1)
...I see some very strange behavior. The values returned by the i2c read operation continue to remain the same for many iterations after the imu has changed orientation. I'm at a loss as to what is going on here: the i2c read operations read from the registers on the imu, which according to the documentation are updated at the sampling rate, which in a default configuration is going to be 1Khz. I don't see anything in the code or data path that could be latching or caching these values somehow.
This is the documentation on the accelerometer registers, as found in the Register Map and Descriptions document:
These registers store the most recent accelerometer measurements.
Accelerometer measurements are written to these registers at the
Sample Rate as defined in Register 25.
The accelerometer measurement registers, along with the temperature
measurement registers, gyroscope measurement registers, and external
sensor data registers, are composed of two sets of registers: an
internal register set and a user-facing read register set. The data
within the accelerometer sensors’ internal register set is always
updated at the Sample Rate. Meanwhile, the user-facing read register
set duplicates the internal register set’s data values whenever the
serial interface is idle.
Since I'm sleeping between read calls, I'm pretty sure the i2c serial interface is idle by any definition, and I don't see anything else seems relevant to this behavior.
Do you have any suggestions as to what could be going on here?