STM32F429 GPIO DMA Read and Write - stm32

I'm making a project where I want to bit-bang the JTAG protocol.
According to the AN4666 provided by ST, DMA + GPIO can achieve high speeds in bit-banging synchronous protocols.
I want to:
Generate N PWM pulses (the CLK signal).
With the falling edge of each pulses, I want to set some GPIO with DMA.
With the rising edge, I want to read from the GPIO using DMA.
What is the best way to achieve these specs using HAL?

even withtout dma you can reach quite high freq bit banged i/o i'll say in range 2 - 10MHz assuming fast enougth mcu and gpio bus clock high enough (48 96MHz)
Clock just wan't be as stable and may suffer "stall" say idle time when iterrupt occur vs dma. but is way simpler
for DMA base , if you use 3 bit of one port, one for clk and one for TDI and one for TDO then use 2 dma one to wr and one that rd on same timer source (if possible) at double rate of the TCK signal
the data in is rebuilt by taking teh i bit of one read data over 2
index like 0 2 4 or 1 3 5 ... depending on edge you want and how you wr clk array in mem is coded.
last if your jtag chain is 8 bit multiple SPI is even simpler and dma easy ;)


STM32/ESP32/PIC32 + multiple SPI devices + Ethernet

I am developing a measurement system, comprised of a MCU (being STM, ESP or PIC), multiple (let's say 8) ADCs sending data over SPI. ADCs are to be triggered using a SYNC signal so that they sample at the same time. It's crucial to access the data at the same time (or almost at the same time), the sampling frequency will be 1 or 2 kHz. I'm wondering how should I approach this: use a single physical SPI bus, and perhaps a DMA, or get a MCU with 8 physical SPI buses allowing them to operate in parallel?
Additionally, I would like this MCU to support Ethernet connection, to send the data to a post-processing unit.
My initial thought was to simply get a MCU with 8 SPIs, but maybe it's an overkill?

STM32 generate 22Mhz clock on gpio out from SystemCoreClock 110Mhz

I want to generate clock for PCA9959 LED driver with my STM32L552. The LED driver needs an external clock at 20 MHz (+/- 15%). I'm trying to generate a 22 MHz clock on port PA8 on STM32L552. I managed to generate a PWM on port PA8, but I can't reach the frequency of ~22Mhz. I arrive at a maximum of 8Mhz.
Here are the PWM parameters:
I'm not sure I filled in the pwm parameters correctly. Normally with his settings I guess I should have a 22 MHz PWM with a 20% duty cycle.
PWM (MHz) = SystemCoreClock (MHz) / Prescaler => 22MhZ = 110MHz / 5
My clock configuration:
Thanks for your help.
The easiest way to output a high speed clock like this is with the MCO peripheral, rather than a timer. Fortunately for you the MCO pin is PA8. Perhaps the person who designed your board knew this and intended you to use MCO. Read the reference manual to see how.
If you do want to use a timer to do 22MHz, then as you have correctly identified you cannot get a 50% duty-cycle on your PWM. I would recommend starting with a 40% or 60%, with an output-compare value of 2-out-of-5 or 3-out-of-5, not 1 as you have above.
There is no detail in the PCA9959 datasheet about what the required mark-space ratio of the clock is, but I guess anything other than 50% could be a problem. You would be better to divide the clock by an even number. Either just divide 110MHz by 6 and output 18.33MHz, or else slow your core down a bit and divide by 4 (reduce the N parameter of your PLL).
Whether you use MCO or PWM don't forget to set the GPIO pin mode to the fastest slew rate available. Maybe the 8MHz you are measuring is the result of aliasing a faster clock that has been through the wrong GPIO mode. You could test this using a scope with at least 100MHz bandwidth.

Raspberry Pi - How to measure 2 resistor values with GPIO

Is it possible to measure 3 specific resistor values by using GPIO / Without using a full ADC setup?
I have an alarm sensor that I want to hook up to my GPIO. This sensor has 3 specific resistors value, based on it's state:
1) Normal - 4k7
2) Alarm - 9k3
3) Tamper - infinite.
Due to long lines, I would prefer 12V power on one side.
I would like to be able to detect these states by 2 normal GPIO input pins.
Is that even possible? What would be the schematic needed for this?
Or is the only solution to use (external) ADC's?
I am thinking about a voltage diver with resistors and a 1N4148 diode to clip it to 3v3. But so far my results are unfruitfull.
The problem here is you have three levels to measure. If we had two we could use a simple resistor divider setup to make (say) the 4k7 and 9k3 outputs on the sensor to logic 0 (<=0.8V) or logic 1 (>=1.3V) on a single GPIO pin. We could do this on two GPIO pins if we had two "independent samples" of the sensor output rather than one.
Given the above it is possible to design some simple logic network to do the comparisons but as the other comment mentions you're off into the realms of electronics.
ADC is the simplest way to go if you want to stay in the software domain. The are other SBC devices e.g. ESP8266 which have onboard ADC functionality and built-in Wifi or you can hook up an add-on ADC to the Rpi for example
Good luck

STM32 SPI bandwith evaluation procedure

I'm testing the SPI capabilities of STM32H7. For this I'm using the SPI examples provided in STM32CubeH7 on 2 Nucleo-H743ZI boards. I will perhaps not keep this code in my own development, rigth now the goal is to understand how SPI is working and what bandwith I can get in the different modes (with DMA, with cache enabled or not, etc...).
I'd like to share the figures I've computed, as it doesn't seem very high. In the example, if I understood correctly, the CPU is # 400Mhz and the SPI bus frequency # 100MHz.
For polling mode I've measured the number of cycles of the call to function HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive.
For DMA I've measured between call to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA and call to the transfer complete callback.
Measurements of cycles where made with SysTick clocked on internal clock. Since there is no low power usage, it should be accurate.
I've just modified ST's examples to send a buffer of 1KB.
I get around 200.000 CPU cycles in polling mode, which means around 2MB/s
And around 3MB/s in DMA mode.
Since the SPI clock runs at 100Mhz I would have expected much more, especially in DMA mode, what do you think ? Is there something wrong in my test procedure ?

STM32F103 Input Capture Too Slow

I have a high speed clock at 10 MHz going to the processor's TIM4 input capture pin (ch.3). I would like to verify that the clock is running at 10 MHz with the processor's input capture. I coded the processor with the input capture module, and it works fine for lower frequencies (around 1 kHz or so). Once I start to climb the frequency up to the MHz range, the processor starts to miss interrupts and thus gives me an incorrect frequency. I didn't see anywhere in the datasheet that states the maximum frequency that the input capture can read. I have an external clock of 8 MHz, and a core clock of 72 MHz, so I would imagine that I can read a 10 MHz signal. Any ideas?
Take a look at the TIM_ICInitStructure.TIM_ICPrescaler options. Usually you'll have it set to TIM_ICPSC_DIV1 so that interrupts are generated on every valid transition.
Prescaler values of 1,2,4 and 8 are available that will allow you to effictively reduce the rate of interrupt generation by that factor. For example, for a 10MHz signal with a prescaler of 8 you'd expect to count a frequency of 10Mhz/8 = 1.25MHz.
This is still quite tight for a 72MHz HCLK so you'll still need to optimise your IRQ handler carefully.
Looks like you're generating an interrupt request for every rising (or falling) edge of the clock.
If that is indeed the case, then think about this for a second: with a 10 MHz input signal, you're generating an interrupt about every 7 CPU cycles. In these 7 CPU cycles, you need to budget time to save registers to RAM, run the IRQ handler function prolog, run the actual code you wrote for the interrupt handler, run the IRQ handler function epilogue, and restore the registers.
Best case, if you set compiler flags to optimize for speed and you're not doing much processing in the interrupt handler, you're looking at tens of cycles to run all these tasks. Since you only have 7 cycles to run tens of cycles' worth of processing, it's no surprise that you're missing interrupts.
You can't use an interrupt routine at that frequency. You need to feed the 10MHz in as an external trigger to the timer. Then you can use the prescaler and the timer to divide down to a suitable lower interrupt frequency.