Broken toolbars in Eclipse - eclipse

I am experiencing an issue with Eclipse's toolbars (Eclipse Neon) - most of them are not visible and I don't know how to show it. I even tried to reinstall Eclipse, but (I don't exactly remember) either it did not help at all, or it did, but Eclipse had crashed once and toolbars disappeared again.
The perspective bar is missing, so is the Run toolbar and I think a few others as well. This is how it looks:
Toolbars broke after the update to Neon, before that no problem existed.


How to get close button/icon back in Eclipse views

I have recently upgrade my Eclipse installation from 2020-06 (4.16) to 2020-09 (4.17) using the recommended way. After restart and while opening the same workspace I use for years, the close button/icon is missing for some views when they are selected
This seems to be a known problem. However, closing the view and reopening it (as suggested on that page) doesn't work for me - the icon/button is still missing. I have also tried closing the view, restarting Eclipse, re-opening the view, and also while starting Eclipse using the -clean argument. This didn't help either.
Interestingly enough, for some views the icon/button is shown.
What else can be done to get the icon/button back?
Reseting the Perspective worked for me - Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective.
This has been reported as Eclipse bug 565946, which currently (2020-10) is still in status NEW.

Eclipse: get a rid of this "mark occurrences" bar?

As you may see from the screenshot below it seems I'm having a problem with an eclipse button bar (v4.6 Neon / Linux AMD64). I see a toolbar with a lot of "Mark Occurences" buttons, there're a lot of them (9) and I don't know how to turn this bar off (disable, customize or hide it). Is there a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance for your kind reply
Replying to myself to solve my own problem but BTW it could probably solve it for someone else as well.
I have had this problem since Eclipse Mars.2 and it seems to be something related to the workspace. Here's what I did:
Applied tobias_k suggestion
quit from eclipse Neon
opened the same workspace with eclipse Mars.2, replyed OK to the eclipse warning message related to version mismatch
quit again from Mars.2 and reopened with Neon again, same warning message, pressed OK again
After these operations I don't have that toolbar, it seems there's something related to the workspace and after an upgrade it was automatically cleaned

Eclipse: workspace is completely invisible

Something quite strange has happened: The whole Eclipse main window disappeared while I was debugging a Play Framework project. The Eclipse symbol in the applications bar still shows up as usual (from where I still can force Eclipse to quit).
My System (Ubuntu 14.04.) still behaves as if Eclipse was there, e. g. other applications get unfocused when choosing Eclipse in the applications bar. Meanwhile I have re-started Eclipse (that didn't help) and even re-started Ubuntu (still the same behaviour).
When I start Eclipse the workspace selection window shows regularly up. If I select another workspace, it also shows up regularly (I have created a second one to test that). Eclipse even still reacts properly on any shortcut as well as well as F10 & F11. It seems like the Eclipse main application window was "transparent". Therefore I assume that it is a problem of Eclipse resp. its workspace rather than an Ubuntu problem.
Does anybody have an idea where to maybe re-configure the workspace? Or is there even a secret function for all that?
Thanks a lot!!
Meanwhile I was able to re-get the window: I clicked on a shadow effect that sometimes showed up. I resized that shadow with my mouse. As an effect the Eclipse window top bar (the one above the menu) showed up again. Afterwards I could "pull out" the window from the bar - and there it all was again... But I have still no idea, how that happened - and what might be the solution if someone runs into that issue without having a shadow.

Eclipse quick view works but not outline

In eclipse juno i can view the outline of XML/java files from outline view. i can also see the drop down menu options for the outline view.
the problem i have is that for some XML files i get "an outline is not available" message in the outline view, and the drop down menu options disappear. but Quick view still works for the current XML file but outline view shows an error.
i think this maybe an issue with eclipse, i have to restart eclipse about every few hours because it visually starts bugging out (lines of code disappearing when clicked on, but not actually deleted) . this is also a fresh installation of eclipse juno with just Android SDK.
Here is my eclipse workspace log.
Sounds like a memory issue. Please consult: How can I give eclipse more memory than 512M?
If this doesn't help you, please include your Eclipse workspace's logs (located at your {workspace}/.metadata directory) for further investigation.
EDIT: The solution seems to be to update Eclipse to Kepler.

Unable to dock perspective bar on the left in Eclipse Juno

This page says that I should be able to dock my perspective bar in Eclipse Juno on the left, just the way I've been doing it in Indigo, Helios and previous versions.
Except that the menu I get when I right-click on a perspective button in the perspective bar, only includes the following options:
show text
Has anyone else run into this -- is there something wrong with my configuration or workspace? Or is it time for me to submit a bug?
(I'm using this release: 20120614-1722 )
It seems like this feature will be implemented in M20120809-1200/4.2.1/Juno SR1. See
this comment on eclipse bug 383599.
Dock functionality is not available in Eclipse 4.2 - only in Eclipse 3.8
See comment #3 at
I'm currently in the process of enhancing the DnD for trim elements to include the Perspective Switcher (as well as tool bars and most of the rest of the trim). Hopefully this will make it into the SR1 release in September.
Note that we won't be putting the 'Dock on Left' context menu back though since we're trying to reduce the complexity by only having one way to do things...
I wouldn't rely on the online documentation for specific information, I think large chunks of it are just copied over from previous releases into a new folder and left there.
I've been confused a few times by this fact too (in my case it was also concerning the UI configuration).
The page you supplied in your link is indeed labelled Juno (4.2) but as eugener mentioned this feature is for the 3.x (Indigo).