Permissions removed while upgrading from AEM6.0 to AEM6.1 - aem

We recently upgraded from AEM6.0 to AEM6.1 and noticed that there were users and groups which lost their permissions to specific paths as part of the upgrade.
Now when i try to give read permissions manually on products is not giving permissions on child nodes.
What is the best way to restore the permissions that were active in AEM6.0?

If you still have AEM6.0 backup somehow, you can create a package of rep:policy nodes with ACS Commons ACL Packager and move them to AEM 6.1


How do I update the keycloak client?

I have a 12.0.1 instance and I would like to upgrade to 12.0.2. I followed the guide here however I do not seem to have the new option that was added here ( in my UI. If I go to Server Info in the admin panel it shows 12.0.2 as the version.
What am I missing? Do I need to update the client separately? I downloaded the latest archive and copied the files from my old KEYCLOAK_HOME/standalone/ into the new folder and restarted keycloak. The DB was migrated from what I can tell but that UI options is just missing.
Do I need to do something to my existing realm to activate this feature?
Keycloak release 12.0.2 doesn't contain linked KEYCLOAK-16606 change. See the history of the commits: You need to build your own custom Keycloak release from the master or wait until change will be released.

Changing the appearance and user authentication in Owncloud

I installed owncloud 10.0.8 on centos 7 and everything went well. Since I needed user authentication via Active Directory I installed “LDAP Integration” from the market and suddenly the background and the name change to “Custom Cloud”. Now despite changing the background file and some change in “/lib/private/legacy/defaults.php” file nothing changes.
What should I do to apply my changes and what is “Custom Cloud”?
Is it correct to use “LDAP Integration” app for user authentication via Active Directory ?
Not sure about Owncloud. In Nextcloud the theming can be easily done in the webui and LDAP is already included. Nextcloud is faster and has a lot more features and is fully open source. So I suggest that you try this instead.

What Permissions does a user need to upload content into AEM Mobile Cloud service from AEM

I have setup a package that I built on an AEM author instance running on my local machine. I have it connecting to the AEM Mobile on demand cloud service.
When I have my package uploaded to a hosted AEM author instance, where I am not able to log in as admin. When I load the mobile project I see an error that the cloud config path does not exist. And I also don't see the 'Upload Shared Resources' button and can't upload articles.
What paths and permissions on those paths does my user need to fix this?
I was able to track down the paths and the permissions needed on those paths.
For the cloud config does not exist error the user needs
read access to the cloud config path: /etc/cloudservices/dps2015
In order to upload the user needs
read access to /etc/contentsync
read, write, create, delete access to /var/contentsync
read access to /var

What permission is required to create a Service Hook in Visual Studio Team Services?

In Visual Studio Team Services on the tab for "Service Hooks", some of our project team members get an message that says "You do not have sufficient permissions to view or configure subscriptions."
What permission or group do they need to be assigned in order to create a Service Hook for a given project?
You need to add user to Project Administrators or Project Collection Administrators group.
For some reason on TFS 2017 RTM, some projects' Project Administrators could create Service Hooks and some could not.
I had to run the following from tfssecurity.exe:
tfssecurity /a+ /collection:[TFS_Collection_URL] ServiceHooks PublisherSecurity/[Project_GUID] EditSubscriptions n:"[User_ID]" ALLOW
tfssecurity /a+ /collection:[TFS_Collection_URL] ServiceHooks PublisherSecurity/[Project_GUID] ViewSubscriptions n:"[User_ID]" ALLOW
More information:
Rest API on getting Project GUIDS
MS TFS Service Hook Q/A
MSDN forums: What permissions do I need to set up a subscription
I tested the following method and it worked:
Firstly turn the project to be public and then you can see the service hook settings become available. Set up the hook and then turn the project back to private and the hook still works correctly.
I implemented the permissions from the top answer (Project Admins and Project Collection Admins) and it still didn't work for me. After some research, it seems like there is some kind of auth cookie issue.
A temporary fix that worked for me was to use a different browser or an incognito window. It seemed to actually use my new permissions this way.
Hope this helps someone!
I encountered this in Azure Dev Opps and the issue was due to my Project Visibility settings being set to "Private" rather than "Public".
When I changed Visibility to "Public" from "Private" I gained ability to "+ Create Subscription"
It seems that even if you are in the correct Administrators groups, you may be blocked if your project visibility is private.

JBPM-Console-NG 6.1.0 User Not Authorized

I downloaded the jbpm-console-ng from github and built it. I then went to the distribution wars folder and done the next build. I then took the distribution war for as-7 and deployed it. Next i created my own user and added admin, manager, user, IT etc to its roles.
When I go to log in I can't because I'm not authorized? The same thing happens with the default users e.g. salaboy
What can I do to fix this?
Did you follow the steps in the documentation to create the users and add the roles?
Are you using jboss as 7.1.1?