What Permissions does a user need to upload content into AEM Mobile Cloud service from AEM - aem

I have setup a package that I built on an AEM author instance running on my local machine. I have it connecting to the AEM Mobile on demand cloud service.
When I have my package uploaded to a hosted AEM author instance, where I am not able to log in as admin. When I load the mobile project I see an error that the cloud config path does not exist. And I also don't see the 'Upload Shared Resources' button and can't upload articles.
What paths and permissions on those paths does my user need to fix this?

I was able to track down the paths and the permissions needed on those paths.
For the cloud config does not exist error the user needs
read access to the cloud config path: /etc/cloudservices/dps2015
In order to upload the user needs
read access to /etc/contentsync
read, write, create, delete access to /var/contentsync
read access to /var


MAUI: Persisting access to Nextcloud files via the file picker in connection with an iOS File Provider

I have currently the problem specially on iOS, that when I select a file through the FilePicker, which is located in Nextcloud and integrated in the file manager through the file provider, I get a shared path to the file. The access is now possible to the file.
However, if I now save the path and want to access it when I restart the application, this is no longer possible. I ran this on a local device.
Access to the path'/private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/File Provider Storage/abcd.../test.xyz' is denied.
I couldn't figure it out from the documentation at apple.
Is the selected file only temporarily accessible? How can I permanently access e.g. a file in nextcloud via FilePicker without implement a WebDAV client to the app and constantly kept up to date the selected file?
With Android, as far as I have read, a permanent copy of the file is created, and access to the file also works when the application is restarted. Here, however, there is the problem that the file is not updated.
The permission checks and requests are automatically handled by .NET MAUI. But, when you use the FilePicker, you need to enable the iCloud capabilities.
For how to enable the capabilities, you could check the MS docs. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/ios/deployment/entitlements

Appservice deployment issue

Hi iam deploying my war file using azure appservice from azuredevops. deployment is getting completed successfully but when i hit the url Microsoft azure welcome page is displayed instead of application. can you please suggest a work around
In Azure Web Apps, the default document is the web page that is displayed at the root URL for a website. The first matching file in the list is used. Refer File structure on azure to know more about the files and directories on Azure Web App.
You may check whether the deployed files are available or not using Kudu Console.
Also, make sure that your startup file (For ex: index.htm) is added to the default documents section as mentioned above. You can delete the remaining files if not required and see if that works.
For details , you can refer to this case.

Wildfly: Management user vs Application user

I downloaded Wildfly (wildfly-13.0.0.Final) and I want to configure it. I start standalone.bat in the bin folder of JBOSS_HOME directory (I use Windows platform).
I go to management console: localhost:8080 -> Administration Console. I see this
Your WildFly Application Server is running.
However you have not yet added any users to be able to access the admin console.
To add a new user execute the add-user.bat script within the bin folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested information.
I run add-user.bat and it asks me what kind of user I would like to add.
I need a user to have permissions to deploy, redeploy applications. For example, for Apache Tomcat I can consifure tomcat-users.xml file and add users there (https://stackoverflow.com/a/1327730/4587961), so when I log into console as that user, I can deploy applications.
You need to add a Management user with the add-user.bat, whose credentials you will be able to log in the web admin with.
You could direclty add the user to the mgmt-users.properties file in the configuration directory of your standalone or domain, but the entry must be of the form <username>:DIGEST-MD5(<username>:ManagementRealm:<password>), which the add-user.bat script will handle for you.
You don't need any particular role unless you set up RoleBasedAccessControl.
Applicative users are used by applications with frameworks such as JAAS and are interfaced through the "default" security-domain, which refers to the ApplicationRealm containing those users.
As I read
Management user is used to enter the web console. Here you can deploy app, make settings, add resources (JPA config for example). Application users do not have access to the web console. They can be used for example to authenticate services. For example to invoke remove EJB bean, you need application user credentials to access the remove server.

What files to package Atlassian Connect Express Confluence Macro

I am trying to find what files to upload and where for my web confluence plugin. I know the atlassian-connect.json needs to be uploaded to an https:// location. Do I upload that project root direct in the same location as well as all the folders, or can I skip uploading the node_modules folder?
You need to host the whole app on a hosting platform that you choose, and yes that includes the atlassian-connect.json file. Once you upload it and have it running you can install it into your Confluence app using the url to your atlassian-connect.json file.
If you haven't already, you should go through the Getting Started guide on the docs. This will walk you through setting up an app and getting it running locally and installing a running app into Confluence.

How to connect to Google Storage with Bucket Explorer

I generated Access & Secret Key put it into Bucket Explorer just as I saw on their screenshots but I get an error that Keys are not recognized on AWS, so it keeps trying to connect to AWS. I have latest version for OS X.
Looking at the Bucket Explorer website, it sounds like you need a special version of their software -- however, the download link does not actually seem to have that version available. Have you contact the developers of Bucket Explorer about it?
Alternatively, you can use the Google Cloud Console to upload and access your data in Google Cloud Storage without depending on a particular client application.