How to uninstall eclipse neon on ubuntu? - eclipse

I have downloaded Eclipse Neon from their official site and then I just ran an installer contained in the compressed folder(I didn't change any of the default installation settings). It is working just fine, but the icon in the sidebar is not displayed correctly when I am running it and the quick search from the sidebar also doesn't find eclipse when searched for. That is why I want to reinstall it, but i don't even know how to remove it completely. I tried Synaptic Packet Manager, but it doesn't work. What should I do?
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.

Eclipse doesn't have a traditional install or uninstall process. Only a folder of an application is created plus the workspace which you created. If you used the Eclipse Installer, you may also have a bundle pool folder named .p2 under your user home directory. There can also be .eclipse in your user home. Other than that, there shouldn't be anything Eclipse-related. Uninstalling is just removing those folders.


Eclipse Neon 2 & 3 keeps Resetting the Workspace and Plugins

Have installed Eclipse Neon 3 x86_64 bit on macOS Sierra...
Proceeded by picking a workspace folder and installed the following plugins:
Subclipse 1.10.13 (by dragging the icon on to the workspace from
Installed the following plugins (by going to Help -> Install New Software -> All Available Sites and expanded Web, XML, Java EE and OSGI Enterprise Development):
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools 3.8.0.v201701262139
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools 3.8.0.v201702270442
Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.8.2.v201702270442
JST Server Adapters 3.2.400.v201606081655
JST Server Adapters Extensions 3.3.501.v201609071751
JST Server UI 3.4.300.v201606081655
Everything works (plugin functionality) but everytime I close Eclipse, it brings up the default dialog asking for a workspace and is completely fresh (no plugins and preferences...). I have to manually install these plugins every single time I restart Eclipse!
I've deleted the following directories and files:
~/.eclipse (folder);
~/Library/Saved Application/org.eclipse.eclipse.savedState;
And, also unzipped Eclipse into a different folder and specified a new workspace and after installing the plugins and restarting Eclipse, its completely fresh again!
This is very annoying and also disappointing...
I even tried to put -clean as the first line of the eclipse.ini file but it didn't help any...
What's weird is that this is happening on my company issued MacBook Pro but not my personal MacBook Pro (which is the exact same model and year as the company issue one)...
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Have you checked Eclipse Bugzilla for a similar issue?
It looks like you are running into this:
Bug 507328 - Eclipse forgets about global settings and installed features
It's a feature of macOS introduced with Sierra called "App Translocation" or "Gatekeeper Path Randomization". Try unzipping Eclipse and moving it (drag and drop) with Finder to a different location. This should set a flag which disables Gatekeeper Path Randomization. However, it's important this this is done from within Finder.
The Eclipse Oxygen packages will ship as DMG which will motivate users to drag and drop the bundle into the Applications folder using Finder. There is an Apple bug here where Apple explicitly states that Finder may be able to opt an app out of Gatekeeper Path Randomization.
To check whether Gatekeeper Path Randomization is happing in Eclipse perform the following:
Open Eclipse > About Eclipse
Click Installation Details
Navigate to tab Configuration
Check the value of osgi.install.area property
If it points to some random looking path with /var/private that path randomization is in effect.
The situation may become more complicated in future macOS versions, though.

Eclipse doesn't save the previous settings like workspace & Plug-ins

I am using Eclipse Neon on my MacBook & every time I start Eclipse it prompts me for my workspace again and again even though I set it as my default one.
Same goes for the plug-ins I have installed , I need to install eclipse decompiler every time I load eclipse.
I get an error like : "This wizard helps you to import and reinstall previously installed plug-ins. It is triggered because
either you are launching eclipse for the first time or your Eclipse has been updated."
Can someone please assist me with this issue ?
I had the same problem after updating my Mac to Sierra: Eclipse would not remember the default workspace. After moving Eclipse into the Application folder, the problem disappeared.
The issue seems to come from a Mac OSX Sierra feature called 'path randomization' (see eclipse bug 507328). The actual solution to avoid the path randomization seems to be for eclipse to provide signed .dmg images (bug
Two workarounds that I can suggest are:
Start from the eclipse oomph installer when installing eclipse (see
Start the actual eclipse executable file instead of opening the .App container

Can only use PyDev plugin when running Eclipse as root or using -clean option

I am running Ubuntu 15.10 with Eclipse Mars 4.5.2 (from the Oomph installer) and and Java 1.8 and Python 2.7. I am attempting to the PyDev 5.2.0 plugin for Eclipse. Installing with Eclipse's update manager seemed to go okay. The only problem is that I can only see PyDev related options when I run Eclipse with sudo.
What I have tried
I made sure to set the java VM path in the eclipse.ini file so the Eclipse binary runs with Java 8.
I added Java 8 to Eclipse's JREs and set to be default.
I tried running the Eclipse binary with the -clean option.
The first two didn't allow me access to the PyDev options in Eclipse. Running as a normal user with the -clean option did let me see the PyDev options, but running as a normal user without -clean made the PyDev menu options invisible again.
Finally, I noticed that running Eclipse as root made the PyDev options appear again. This suggested that there was some ownership or permission problem. Since my Eclipse installation and plugins are in my home directory, I made sure my user has ownership over everything in the home directory. I also reviewed the permissions of files related to the PyDev plugin, and it appears I have the appropriate permissions, but since I do not know which permissions each file ought to have, I am not sure.
I am not sure what is going on. It is especially surprising given that I was able to install the CDT plugin not long ago without any hassle. It's also possible the problem might be related to how root's environment is configured compared to my user's, but being able to access PyDev when running with -clean seems to vanquish that theory.
I could just run Eclipse as root from now on, which isn't that big of a deal. However, it is quite annoying not knowing why this is happening, making me feel like I don't have control over Ubuntu and Eclipse.
My guess is that you have the eclipse configuration folder not accessible by the current user (or some other folder inside the .metadata).
Try verifying/fixing the permissions on those folders (I don't exactly know where those folders go on the default ubuntu install, but on windows it's eclipse/configuration and the .metadata is where you point your workspace to).
In my case, upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 solved my problem. After the upgrade, PyDev was working normally in Eclipse.

How can I completely uninstall eclipse on Ubuntu14.04

I install eclipse on Ubuntu14.04 for hadoop program, and there're always some troubles with the hadoop plugin. So I install and uninstall eclipse for two times. But I'm not sure whether it was completely removed.
The last time I install eclipse from the Ubuntu software center. I click the uninstall button in the software center and then delete the folder /usr/lib/eclipse(where eclipse installed). But I also find 'eclipse.ini' in /etc. Can I delete the file?
In order to completely remove eclipse, what can I do further?
Yes you can delete the /etc/eclipse.ini file without causing any issues in your system.
Additionally, Eclipse stores personal files (workspace configuration, plugin info etc.) under .eclipse folder in your home directory which may not be removed when you are performing the uninstall.
Assuming you are the only user using eclipse on that machine you may issue the following command to completely remove all personal config files.
rm -rf ~/.eclipse

Cannot find installed plugin on my Eclipse IDE after update

I have updated my ubuntu desktop and the eclipse which i was running on the system got updated automatically. After the update all the options inside the eclipse are the same as they used to be by default.. all my customization has been lost and the perspectives, project templates are no more. Now when i tried to installed the plugins, eclipse returns me that the selected plugins has already been installed..
I want to know is it common with eclipse to show this behavior after each update? How to can i get back my old customization without deleting the installed plugin folder and install them from scratch again..
I didn't met the issue you mentioned before. but I suggest you can check whether your workspace location is changed after your plugin is installed/updated.
Actually, all your eclipse plugins configuration/preferences settings are stored into your {workspace_home}.metadata folder. it's not relevant about what plugin eclipse has installed, That's the reason why each time switch workspace, you need to re-customized preferences settings.
So, if you want to protect customized settings, pls consider backup .metadata folder properly.