WSO2 API MANAGER clustering Worker-Manager - postgresql

This is regarding WSO2 API Manager Worker cluster configuration with external Postgres db. I have used 2 databases i.e wso2_carbon for registry and user management and the wso2_am, for storing APIs. Respective xmls have been configured. The postgres scripts have been run to create the database tables. My log console when is run, shows enabled clustering and the members of the domain. However on the https://: when I try to create to create APIs, it throws and error in the design phase itself.
ERROR - add:jag org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException: Error while checking whether context exists
[2016-12-13 04:32:37,737] ERROR - ApiMgtDAO Error while locating API: admin-hello-v.1.2.3 from the database
java.sql.SQLException: org.postgres.Driver cannot be found by jdbc-pool_7.0.34.wso2v2

As per the error message, the driver class name you have given is org.postgres.Driver which is not correct. It should be org.postgresql.Driver. Double check master-datasource.xml config.


WSO2 API Manager - APIs missing after recreating a pod

We have a setup of WSO2 API Management in a distributed pattern (pattern-3) in Kubernetes. We are using a PostgreSQL DB which is running outside the Kubernetes cluster for all the databases.
I have published some APIs in the publisher and am able to invoke them from the store.
I had to make a change in api-manager.xml for the API Publisher and API Store configmap files and recreated the pod. When the pods were available, I observed that the APIs that I had published and working earlier are not visible anymore.
I tried to add the same APIs again and it is complaining that the APIs by that name already exists.
Following is the log from the plubisher pod:
[2019-05-16 08:19:38,266] ERROR - APIProviderHostObject Error occurred while adding the document. PizzaShack API Documentation already exists for API PizzaShackAPI-1.0.0
[2019-05-16 08:19:38,273] ERROR - docs:jag org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException: Error occurred while adding the document. PizzaShack API Documentation already exists for API PizzaShackAPI-1.0.0
While creating the API again on the Publisher, following error is displayed: "Duplicate API Name"
It clearly seems to be some synchronization issue. How can this issue be fixed?
I had shared the instance of Carbon DB across the components. This was causingthe issue. Using separate instance for each component in disbuted mode solved it

How to connect Ksql with ibm-cloud event-stream?

we created a project with ibm functions and event-streams in IBM Cloud.
Now, I am trying to connect KSQL with IBM cloud Event Stream, and I am following along the Document for getting basic ideas of integration.
By following the instructions, I created a file called and modified bootstrap.servers, username, password according to my credentials. Then I ran ksql http://localhost:8088 --config-file with ksql local cli. I assume everying runs correctly so far since the ksql> shows in the front of every new line...
Then I decided to check if the ksql connected with my ibm cloud by running SHOW topics;
Turns out some error lines:
`Error issuing POST to KSQL server. path:ksql'`
`Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2' (through reference chain:["streamsProperties"])`
`Caused by: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2' (through reference chain:["streamsProperties"])
`Caused by: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2'`
`Caused by: Cannot override property 'ssl.protocol'`
Also, I am quick lost at step 4 when it tells me to:
`Then start DataGen twice as follows:
i. With bootstrap-server=HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER quickstart=users format=json topic=users maxInterval=10000 to start creating users events.
ii. With bootstrap-server=HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER quickstart=pageviews format=delimited topic=pageviews maxInterval=10000 to start creating pageviews events.`
Is there anyone have done this before or would love to help me out? Thank you very much!!!
The IBM document is very out of date. KSQL runs as a client/server. The server needs to be run with the details of the broker, and then you can connect to it with a client, including the CLI, REST API, or web interface provided by Confluent Control Center.
So you need to run the KSQL server using your properties file:
and then connect to it with the CLI (for example):
./bin/ksql http://localhost:8088
See for more information.

Connection to a S3 instance using a service-connector

I'm trying to create a service-connector to my s3 instance like this:
cf service-connector 13001
But I get the following error:
Server-Error 403: Check of security groups failed (no access)
I have created my service key according to this documentation.
Connecting to my MongoDB works perfectly using a service connector.
You can access Swisscom's S3 directly without the service connector.
The error message suggests that your current org and space do no have access to the S3. This is usually the case is there is no app-binding for that service in the current space. Please check whether you created your service key in the right org and space.
There was a misconfiguration due to security changes. We fixed the issue, so connecting to s3 with the service-connector should now work.

Could not initialize class DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28P01, Error Code = 0

Can I get assistance with the error codes coming from eclipse when I try to deploy enterprise application on websphere. I followed craig st jean, I also face another problem with configuration i.e websphere data sources using postgresql. i am using a windows machine, 64bit arch. the error codes are the topic of this question. i hope this question can be seen as relevant, since not much solutions exist for the first issue concerning, thus if one doesn't overcome the first, how can one press on and attempt to solve the second. thanks.
Webspere logs
The test connection operation failed for data source AppDb on server server1 at node Lenovo-PCNode01 with the following exception: java.sql.SQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "listmanagerremote" DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28P01, Error Code = 0. View JVM logs for further details.
I have fixed the issues with deployment in the eclipse neon IDE. I think it is either as a result of the installation of the IBM WebSphere Application Server Traditional v8.0x Developer tools for Neon, and IBM jre.
Eclipse console final message
00000063 CompositionUn A WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ListManager in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ListManager started.
Postgre documents the 28P01 SQL State as an invalid password:
"28P01 INVALID PASSWORD invalid_password"
Check your data source configuration to ensure that you have specified the correct password, or if using an authentication alias for your data source, confirm that the authentication data configuration contains the correct password, and that you have configured the data source and/or resource reference to use that authentication data.

orientdb-jdbc driver: internal pool error

I'm using OrientDB 2.2.2 jdbc driver, and using OrientDB internal pool.
When all the connections of the pool have been used, after a while the pool starts to throw this error:
ERROR c.c.e.s.l.ContentServerExtractorService - Error extracting data from content Server.Content Server database and on Internal Database.
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Database instance has been released to the pool. Get another database instance from the pool with the right username and password
Storage URL="plocal:xxx/databases/xxx"
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTxPooled.checkOpeness(
A search on OrientDB indicates that this was a problem that was supposed to be corrected:
The second link seems to indicate it might be an issue of a deprecated class, and i've reversed engineered the JDBC driver, and i verified that the driver uses that specific deprecated class to obtain the connection.
Is the OrientDB team aware of the problem?
And if so, when can this problem be corrected?