WSO2 API Manager - APIs missing after recreating a pod - kubernetes

We have a setup of WSO2 API Management in a distributed pattern (pattern-3) in Kubernetes. We are using a PostgreSQL DB which is running outside the Kubernetes cluster for all the databases.
I have published some APIs in the publisher and am able to invoke them from the store.
I had to make a change in api-manager.xml for the API Publisher and API Store configmap files and recreated the pod. When the pods were available, I observed that the APIs that I had published and working earlier are not visible anymore.
I tried to add the same APIs again and it is complaining that the APIs by that name already exists.
Following is the log from the plubisher pod:
[2019-05-16 08:19:38,266] ERROR - APIProviderHostObject Error occurred while adding the document. PizzaShack API Documentation already exists for API PizzaShackAPI-1.0.0
[2019-05-16 08:19:38,273] ERROR - docs:jag org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException: Error occurred while adding the document. PizzaShack API Documentation already exists for API PizzaShackAPI-1.0.0
While creating the API again on the Publisher, following error is displayed: "Duplicate API Name"
It clearly seems to be some synchronization issue. How can this issue be fixed?

I had shared the instance of Carbon DB across the components. This was causingthe issue. Using separate instance for each component in disbuted mode solved it


OpenSearch 1.3 > 2.3 upgrade, CloudFormation fails on domain update

I recently updated our CDK code to move our OpenSearch cluster from version 1.3 to 2.3. The cluster itself seems to have upgraded to a healthy state and is still accessible / usable by our application, but CloudFormation failed when attempting to update our domain resource with:
Resource handler returned message: "Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request provided: DP Nodes are OOS, Tags operation is not allowed"
This kicked the stack into UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED, which is not allowed. The cluster cannot be downgraded back to 1.3.
I'm struggling to find any information about this error it's kicking out and not quite sure how to resolve it to unblock the CloudFormation stack.
Things I have tried:
Digging through CloudWatch logs only revealed information pertaining to queries.
Forcing the rollback to occur without Domain resource. This got me back to an UPDATE_COMPLETE state, but each subsequent deploy of this stack will cause it to fail again since the core issue is not resolved.
This was an odd presentation of a permissions issue. As I was reading through some docs, I stumbled upon this section, which discusses changes to tag-based access control.
This lead me start looking into CloudTrail a bit and stumbled upon the exact error that was firing when this deploy happened. It was a little odd because the assumed role granted admin access to CloudFormation, but the last line of this event record caught my eye:
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "",
"errorCode": "ValidationException",
"errorMessage": "DP Nodes are OOS, Tags operation is not allowed",
"eventSource": "",
Upon adding to the trust relationship of that role, the deploy fully re-ran successfully.
Hopefully this helps someone else.

Create Service broker for Play Framework Api

I have created a sample play framework api which has one endpoint.
Which just return me number that have passed.
I am able successfully deploy the service. Next want this service to Act like service broker
For same want to register this as by using below command
cf create-service-broker play-demo-broker admin admin --space-scoped
This command it giving me below error -
The service broker rejected the request. Status Code: 404 Not Found
Not sure what is causing this issue as there not much information available for Play Framework Service broker Setup.
The play framework is implemented above the akka packages. Akka rejects paths that are not implemented.
If I an not mistaken, cf create-service-broker command access the / endpoint. If you implemented only say?number=20 endpoint, then be default all other paths, such as the empty path, are rejected by Akka.
In order to open that endpoint you need to add it into the routes.
For example you can add:
GET / controllers.ControllerName.GetEmptyPath
And implement the GetEmptyPath method in ControllerName

Kubeflow fails to deploy using both CLI and Console

I deleted my KF cluster last night to create a new one (using kubectl cluster command not Kfctl delete), and then when I tied to create a new one, it fails, it does not work with CLI not Console. I found other people have run into this issue before, for example (here and here)
"However, as I said even with CLI my deployment fails, the error from console is:
ailed to apply: (kubeflow.error): Code 500 with message: coordinator Apply failed for gcp: (kubeflow.error): Code 500 with message: gcp apply could not update deployment manager Error could not update storage-kubeflow.yaml; Insert deployment error: googleapi: Error 403: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
More details:
Reason: insufficientPermissions, Message: Insufficient Permission"
and the error I get from Console is:
"Please enable APIs for your project and try again
Please enable cloud resource manager API: and iam API:"
Note that this error is wrong, all the apis are active already. I'm quite sure this is a bug of KF but not sure how to find a workaround, any thoughts?
With CLI, I'm using my own account which has "owner" privileges.
It seems you have an issue with IAM and the installation of Kubeflow, a 3rd party product that itself is not supported by us; nevertheless I went ahead and dig some information about this Machine Learning product.
The main issues (and although it seems you already cover permissions) are permissions, number of projects and some fine grained points.
I was checking and found out the following things that may help
a) Troubleshooting Kubeflow 1
b) Deploying Kubeflow in GKE[2]
c) Kubleflow auto deployer for GKE[3]
There are also some discussion about a mismatch permissions setting in Kubeflow that may be worth reading [4]
Finally there is a group that, also on a best-effort basis due the nature of Kubeflow:"" that may come in handy.
I trust this information will be useful for you to solve your issue

WSO2 API MANAGER clustering Worker-Manager

This is regarding WSO2 API Manager Worker cluster configuration with external Postgres db. I have used 2 databases i.e wso2_carbon for registry and user management and the wso2_am, for storing APIs. Respective xmls have been configured. The postgres scripts have been run to create the database tables. My log console when is run, shows enabled clustering and the members of the domain. However on the https://: when I try to create to create APIs, it throws and error in the design phase itself.
ERROR - add:jag org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException: Error while checking whether context exists
[2016-12-13 04:32:37,737] ERROR - ApiMgtDAO Error while locating API: admin-hello-v.1.2.3 from the database
java.sql.SQLException: org.postgres.Driver cannot be found by jdbc-pool_7.0.34.wso2v2
As per the error message, the driver class name you have given is org.postgres.Driver which is not correct. It should be org.postgresql.Driver. Double check master-datasource.xml config.

Trouble adding a new service

I have followed the instructions at and copied the echo service and created my new service. (That document is somewhat out-of-date in that "excluded components" no longer exists.
In any case, my service shows up as running with a gateway and a node when I look at 'vcap status' on the server. However, when I look at 'vmc services' from the client my service is not in the list. Where is this list maintained and why is my service not on the list?
Various services, including blob, filesystem, mongodb, etc, are shown on the 'vcm services' list even though they have never been included in my config. Where is this maintained and why are other services on this list?
The cloud_controller.log file shows a "Create service request:" for echo every minute. This service is not in my config file (it was once but it was removed and I repeated the deployment). What is prompting this request for a service that was not defined in the config?
The _gateway.log for my service shows the following:
INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller:
INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller .../offerings/.../handles
ERROR -- Failed registering with cloud controller, status=400
DEBUG -- [GaaS-Provisioner] Connected to node mbus..
ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=404
Why does my gateway fail to register with the cloud controller? I have found some reports that suggest that the problem is with domain name mapping. I have verified that the server can find itself:
Welcome to VMware's Cloud Application Platform
What can I do to register my service?
You can also try asking your question on the vcap_dev google group.!forum/vcap-dev
They are focused in answering and discussing OSS subjects for Cloud Foundry!
If you follow the document correctly things should work just fine. I understand that the mechanism for maintaining the excluded list of components has changed and can be a point of confusion when following the steps mentioned in the article (just ignore that step totally).
ERROR -- Failed registering with cloud controller, status=400
Well this is a point of worry. I recently followed the article step by step and was able to add a new service.
Is the echo service showing up in vmc services?
Have you copied the the yml files for node and gateway at ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config?
Are the tokens for your gateway unique? and matching in the two files? ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config/cloud_controller.yml and ./cloudfoundry/.deployments/devbox/config/**_gateway.yml**
I would recommend that you first concentrate on getting the echo service to be listed in the vmc services output. Once done with this you should replicate the steps (with absolute care to modify things like the token) to get your custom service working.
You should follow this guide
It work to me.