Converting date format in denodo database - dbeaver

I'm trying to convert value for DIM_DT_ID to MMddYY. I'm successful in doinf that. However, query fails because ultimately I'm comparing a character value to date here. Is there a way by which I can get value for DIM_DT_ID in MMddyy format and its data type still remains DATE ?
DIM_DT_ID >= FORMATDATE('MMddyy',ADDDAY(TO_date('yyyy-MM-dd','2016-12-21'), -25)); from abc;

In Denodo, to convert a string to a date field, use "to_date()" (which returns a date).
Then, don't convert back to a string, leave that field as a date (so don't use "Formatdate()", which returns a string).
FROM MyTable
WHERE now() >= to_date('yyyy-MM-dd',myStringFieldThatLooksLikeADate)
In my example, "now()" is a date, and so is the output of the to_date function... so you can do a comparison.
If you try to convert the date back to a string using formatdate, it won't work:
#This doesn't work:
FROM MyTable
WHERE now() >= formatdate('MMddyy',to_date('yyyy-MM-dd',myStringFieldThatLooksLikeADate))
It doesn't work because we are comparing a date ("now()") to a string.


Unsure of date format 1200819 but need to convert to 08-19-20

The column is a nvachar(20).
select [shipment_posted_date_arch]
FROM [RxIntegrity].[dbo].[DiscrepancyReport_Receipts]
When I pull this, the date is in this format of 1200819 for that column. I need to convert to normal date.
This seemed to work:
cast(convert(nvarchar(20), (19000000 + CONVERT(int, shipment_posted_date_arch))) as date)

Converting Integer values to Date in Presto SQL

Below is a script i am trying to run in Presto; Subtracting today's date from an integer field I am attempting to convert to date. To get the exacts days between. Unfortunately, it seems the highlighted block does not always convert the date correctly and my final answer is not correct. Please does anyone know another way around this or a standard method on presto of converting integer values to date.
Interger value in the column is in the format '20191123' for year-month-date
select ms, activ_dt, current_date, date_diff('day',act_dt,current_date) from
select ms,activ_dt, **CAST(parse_datetime(CAST(activ_dt AS varchar), 'YYYYMMDD') AS date) as act_dt**, nov19
from h.A_Subs_1 where msisdn_key=23480320012
) limit 19
You can convert "date as a number" (eg. 20180527 for May 27, 2018) using the following:
cast to varchar
parse_datetime with appropriate format
cast to date (since parse_datetime returns a timestamp)
presto> SELECT CAST(parse_datetime(CAST(20180527 AS varchar), 'yyyyMMdd') AS date);
You can use below sample query for your requirement:
select date_diff('day', date_parse('20191209', '%Y%m%d'), current_timestamp);

MySQL query show the result out of range

I have the following mysqli query in my search.php file with ajax.
SELECT demand2.* FROM demand2
WHERE ddate >= '$dto' AND ddate >= '$dfrom' AND !(mach='--' OR mach='-' OR mach='' OR mach='----' OR mach='-----' OR mach='---');
field ddate is datatype of varchar2
as I entered Date From 01-01-2019 and Date To 30-01-2019, it shows the result with previous date like 29-12-2019.
So I can't find the solution to get result within specified range. Please Help.
Just as rypskar said, your type of field should be date.
If you don't want to change the datatype of the fiels, then you have to convert the string to date with STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y'). But this is not recommended, as it will cause performance degradation on larger tables.
So your query would be like that (not tested!):
SELECT demand2.* FROM demand2
WHERE STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y') >= STR_TO_DATE('$dto', '%d-%m-%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y') >= STR_TO_DATE('$dfrom', '%d-%m-%Y') AND !(mach='--' OR mach='-' OR mach='' OR mach='----' OR mach='-----' OR mach='---');
If you want to keep the varchar type of field and not make any runtime conversions, then you have to change the format to Y-m-d, so the comparison with character set will work the same as a date comparison.
Right now, you are getting the result of 29-12-2019 because 29 is between 1 and 30.

Convert packed DB2 iseries value to YYYY-MM-DD

I'm trying to select records from a DB2 Iseries system where the date field is greater than the first of this year.
However, the date fields I'm selecting from are actually PACKED fields, not true dates.
I'm trying to convert them to YYYY-MM-DD format and get everything greater than '2018-01-01' but no matter what I try it says it's invalid.
Currently trying this:
FROM table1
WHERE val = 145
AND to_date(char(dateShp), 'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '2018-01-01';
it says expression not valid using format string specified.
Any ideas?
char(dateshp) is going to return a string like '20180319'
So your format string should not include the dashes.. 'YYYYMMDD'
select to_date(char(20180101), 'YYYYMMDD')
from sysibm.sysdummy1;
So your code should be
FROM table1
WHERE val = 145
AND to_date(char(dateShp), 'YYYYMMDD') >= '2018-01-01';
Charles gave you a solution that converts the Packed date to a date field, and if you are comparing to another date field, this is a good solution. But if you are comparing to a constant value or another numeric field, you could just use something like this:
select *
from table1
where val = 145
and dateShp >= 20180101;

sqlite date comparison

I have column of type date time and values are getting stored in format 10-29-2011 08:25.
I would like to find out the rows only which are less then current date-time. What will be the condition for date comparison for current date and this date-time column field?
you could use the datetime function
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mydate > datetime('now')
you can even make date operations
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mydate > datetime('now','-15 days')