Powershell script failing from teamcity, running fine upon manual run - powershell

I have a powershell script which creates a new login in a database.
The script runs fine when I run from powershell ISE or console but it fails when I run it from Teamcity or use teamcity command manually.
C:\windows\sysnative\cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive -File C:\DB_Deploy\DB_Deploy.ps1 && exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
The error I get is
Validation Error: Error while checking backup file
The .bak backup file is at a shared remote location.
I suppose the problem, while running from teamcity, is in opening the backup file.
The same runner config works for other powershell scripts, the ones not involving opening of any file on remote location.


SFX installer fails to run powershell script after powershell window is opened

I am creating an 7zip sfx installer in latest Windows 10 which is expected to run a powershell script. when extraction is done, the powershell window is shown up but quickly closed without executing the script.
Any help is much appreciated!
I have tried to sign the script file and the installer.exe itself with self signed certificate, but no luck.
I have changed the Powershell ExecutionPolicy to Unrestricted for all scopes for troubleshooting, but no luck either
I use process monitor in sysinternals to capture the powershell.exe behavor, and found powershell starts to exit thread after reading and writing c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\StartupProfileData-Interactive
Here is my config.txt for 7zip sfx:
Title="Cloud API"
BeginPrompt="Do you want to install Cloud API?"
RunProgram="powershell.exe -NoExit –NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %%T\\cloud_api\\installer.PS1"
I am zipping the files in python by:
..\\7zr a -sfx7zSD.sfx cloud-api.7z .\\cloud-api -r -y
I am expecting the installer.PS1 getting executed after unzipping, but only powershell.exe is run and exit quickly without running the script at all.
A first step to troubleshooting this problem would be to declare the full path of the .ps1 script in your 7zip config. This will ensure you are calling the script you intend to launch.

How to execute multiple powershell command from single session [duplicate]

This question already exists:
SCCM CMDrive can not be accessed from Jenkins Power Shell
Closed 6 years ago.
I have tried to execute below commands from Jenkins consecutively:
Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
cd IPL:
But it seems like Jenkins is releasing the session after executing each command. Hence we have tried to keep a delay between two command, but no luck:
Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Start-Sleep -s 5
cd IPL:
While executing script, Jenkins is taking each command from its workspace directory D:\jenkins\workspace\<JobName>. I was looking to modify the configuration in such a way, where Jenkins will execute entire script (with all commands within) from the same drive where script is located. Not from the Jenkins workspace.
But not such materials available in google. I have looked into the Jenkins Workspace modification area (Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Configure System and click on the Advanced)
Jenkins Workspace Modification
But it will not help as, it will only change the workspace path and whenever we will execute the script. Again it will take individual command inside workspace and will execute them over there instead of directory where script is located.
Is there any way can we execute all the command (from a single powershell script) without terminate the session for each command? So that the powershell script script can be executed for it own directory only?
Anyway, to answer this question (not touching the SCCM part).
Jenkins will execute all the command that are in the SAME step during the same Powershell session, so if you have 1 step in your Jenkins job, all the commands you put in there will be executed in the same PS shell.
As for the second question, you can use Set-Location to change the current working directory of powershell.
Windows Powershell was running using \Administrator account while Jenkins was running with System Account. So we have change the Jenkins service Logon from System account to Domain account: First, downloaded “PsExec.exe” and execute following command from command prompt ("C:\Users\Administrator.DUMMYIPSL\Desktop\PsExec.exe" –i –s cmd.exe) / Second, opened up Jenkins service and open the properties tab. Now from the Logon tab to change the priviliges from System account to the Domain Admin account and restarted the Jenkins service to execute the script. / Third, then triggered the build from Jenkins and it worked.

How can I run this Powershell script as a user?

I am trying to run the following script upon startup of my machine because I cannot get a service to start on startup. I can schedule it to run. The problem I am facing seems to be a user vs administrator issue.
This is for a Windows 7 machine with PowerShell 4.0.
I have set the execution policy to unrestricted.
When I try to run the script as the User I designated to have administrative privileges I see the following error.
When I right click the powershell icon, run as administrator the command works fine.
The command is
get-service -name "*vmauthd*" |start-service
Is it possible to run this as my user account?
Solution I was able to get this script to run on startup as I initially desired. I turned off UAC and set the execution policy to unrestricted. I am not sure if the UAC was the issue before but the script runs now. I created a cmd file with this in the code. I set the cmd file to run at startup using Windows Task Scheduler and set the task to run whether logged in or not.
PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
PowerShell -Command "get-service -name "vmauthd" | start-service"
Here is an image of the cmd file

PowerShell: Starting the CLR Failed with HRESULT 8007000e

I'm getting the following error when running PowerShell scripts on a remote server:
Starting the CLR Failed with HRESULT 8007000e
This is basically how I'm running/calling the scripts:
On the local server I'm running a CMD script that calls a PowerShell script to create a remote session to a remote server. In the PowerShell script I also call a CMD script to run on the remote server like so:
$Script = [scriptblock]::create("cd $BuildPath | cmd.exe /c install.cmd $apptype")
The install.cmd script runs on the remote server and calls a PowerShell script that executes a series of tasks.
powershell ./Install.ps1 -BuildNum %BUILDNUM%
After the tasks are complete, the PowerShell script then calls another PowerShell script to run a separate series of tasks. This is when I hit the above error, when the second PowerShell script is called.
This is how the second PS1 script is called from the first PowerShell script:
powershell "& {. $BinToolsSrc\PostInstallValidation.ps1 -BuildNum $BuildNum -Test 'True'; Run-Validation -App $App -AppLoc $AppLoc -Env $Env:ENV -Site $Site -AppPool $AppPool -Config $Config -EnvConfig $EnvConfig -DllPath $DllPath}"
What usually causes the type of CLR error that I'm getting and how do I resolve it?
NOTE: I do not get this error when I run the install script locally on the remote server.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: Installing PowerShell 3 on the remote server seems to have solved the problem as it targets the .NET 4.0 runtime.
I too had the same problem because I have changed some path settings in my VScode unknowingly.
I have changed the settings to command prompt which works fine for me now...(This might not be the best solution though).screenshot

Powershell script works when remoted in, but not as Azure startup task

I have an powershell script saved in a .cmd file that downloads a file from the web and then unzips it. My azure web role executes it upon startup. This is the script:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -c $(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('URL.zip', 'FILE.zip') ;
(New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('c:\FOLDER').Copyhere((New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('FILE.zip').items())
When I run the script via Azure startup tasks:
The first part of the script works. The file is downloaded. The second part of the script which unzips does not run.
When I run the script via the command line when remoted into the VM:
The entire script runs.
I therefore know this is not a syntax error. The only difference I can think of between the two cases above is a permissions issue. But, I am running powershell with -ExecutionPolicy set to Bypass, which is the highest permission level. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!
Change the command so that the output of the command is dumped into a file. Something like this should work
<YOUR_COMMAND> > out.log 2> err.log
Run the task again and checkout the output in the logs.
Also, you are using relative paths rather than absolute ones. The scheduled task probably run with the windows system folder as its working directory, so you may be getting a permissions error from that. Try using an absolute path to a directory you created.