How to execute multiple powershell command from single session [duplicate] - powershell

This question already exists:
SCCM CMDrive can not be accessed from Jenkins Power Shell
Closed 6 years ago.
I have tried to execute below commands from Jenkins consecutively:
Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
cd IPL:
But it seems like Jenkins is releasing the session after executing each command. Hence we have tried to keep a delay between two command, but no luck:
Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Start-Sleep -s 5
cd IPL:
While executing script, Jenkins is taking each command from its workspace directory D:\jenkins\workspace\<JobName>. I was looking to modify the configuration in such a way, where Jenkins will execute entire script (with all commands within) from the same drive where script is located. Not from the Jenkins workspace.
But not such materials available in google. I have looked into the Jenkins Workspace modification area (Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Configure System and click on the Advanced)
Jenkins Workspace Modification
But it will not help as, it will only change the workspace path and whenever we will execute the script. Again it will take individual command inside workspace and will execute them over there instead of directory where script is located.
Is there any way can we execute all the command (from a single powershell script) without terminate the session for each command? So that the powershell script script can be executed for it own directory only?

Anyway, to answer this question (not touching the SCCM part).
Jenkins will execute all the command that are in the SAME step during the same Powershell session, so if you have 1 step in your Jenkins job, all the commands you put in there will be executed in the same PS shell.
As for the second question, you can use Set-Location to change the current working directory of powershell.

Windows Powershell was running using \Administrator account while Jenkins was running with System Account. So we have change the Jenkins service Logon from System account to Domain account: First, downloaded “PsExec.exe” and execute following command from command prompt ("C:\Users\Administrator.DUMMYIPSL\Desktop\PsExec.exe" –i –s cmd.exe) / Second, opened up Jenkins service and open the properties tab. Now from the Logon tab to change the priviliges from System account to the Domain Admin account and restarted the Jenkins service to execute the script. / Third, then triggered the build from Jenkins and it worked.


Task Scheduler - Powershell script not firing?

I've created numerous scripts in PowerShell that are working as intended if I execute them directly, however, when I try and setup a schedule to run these in Task Scheduler (to run with highest privileges) it doesn't seem to be running anything at all.
I'm running the following in my actions:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\PS\Mailboxes\CheckForwardingList.ps1
I'm getting a "Last Run Result" of 0x0 and the particular purpose of the above script is to generate a TXT file from EXO which it then mails out via SMTP and I've yet to receive any emails and I also don't see any TXT being generated in the folder where the script is located.
I do have two additional scripts setup which aren't running but once I've addressed the issue on the above this should quickly rectify the problems.
I like to test my PowerShell scripts from a command prompt first.
For example a script called C:\Tests\Test-PowerShellScriptsRunning.ps1 that only contains the following one liner helps me to test if scripts can run successfully on a machine
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "If you see this, then your script is running"
Next, I run this script from a command prompt, to get the syntax right in my scheduled task:
powershell.exe -nologo -file c:\Tests\Test-PowerShellScriptsRunning.ps1
Of course, you can add the -Executionpolicy bypass parameter, but I prefer to test the execution policy first.
However, as you are running a script that connects to ExchangeOnline, I suspect it has to do with the user you are running this task under. Does the script run if you run this task under your credentials or are the credentials stored on the system or in the script?
You might want to check this article to see how you can register an app and authenticate without storing your credentials on the machine to run the script unattended: App-only authentication for unattended scripts in the EXO V2 module

Powershell command works manually, but does not work when executed in Jenkins

I'm having a strange scenario where my command works on PowerShell manually but not when executed on Jenkins PowerShell plugin. I'm new to PowerShell and Jenkins and I'm thinking that there's a rule I'm missing. I looked all over the here and net but I failed to find the solution.
I created a job that executes a PowerShell script that opens an RDP file on my desktop using a freestyle project. It works as expected when executed on Powershell but in Jenkins, the build succeeds but it did not open the RDP.
Here's the script:
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "RDP File /h:900 /w:1600" -WindowStyle Minimized
I'm using Windows Server 2016.
Here's what I tried:
By default Jenkins uses 32-bit PowerShell, so I manually used the 64-bit but it didn't work.
I made sure that Get-ExecutionPolicy is set to RemoteSigned on LocalMachine
Run the script using Windows Batch Command
I tried opening notepad but it does not work too.
Is this really the behavior of the PowerShell plugin? Is there any points that I'm missing? Kindly help me with this.
To anyone might need this. I was able to execute the RDP via Jenkins PowerShell plugin.
What I did was to go Jenkins' Window Service > Log on tab > Select "This account" and enter your user account credentials.
I suspect this is a security issue. Jenkins by default is using the "SYSTEM" account which does not have enough privileges.

TFS Run PowerShell on Targe Machines not working?

I'm Running powershell script using TFS build step - Run PowerShell on Target Machines but it does not work.
Here's how script looks like:
Start-Process -FilePath 'Bginfo.lnk'
It runs shurtcut that refreshes information on pc desktop using bginfo.exe - script works fine when its executed manualy.
TFS executes that script, but it does not work - bginfo is not refreshed.
If I add to that script line that creates new file it also will be created.
Why it does not automatically update background using specified shurtcut?
I can reproduce this issue. Tried command line, batch script, PowerShell steps with /TIMER:0 /SILENT /NOLICPROMPT set and with the service account which has administrator's privilege. Seems it only works when run the script manually on target machine.
In this case, if you want to refresh the system info automatically, you can use task schedule to run the Bginfo script in target machine. Reference below threads :
BGinfo not running silently
BGInfo on Windows Server 2012
Making BgInfo work in Windows 2012 / Windows 2016

How can I schedule this simple powershell script 3.0 to run using Win Server 2012?

This simple copy line in powershell runs interactively but when I try to schedule in Windows task scheduler, it shows that it completed but it did no work. I.e., it did not copy the file. I tried using the steps listed in "Run PowerShell Scripts from Task Scheduler" but still no luck. If anyone can give me some advice, I would be greatful. Below is the one line script (using UNC paths gets multiple access prohibited errors) If I could get the share names working first, that would be a start.
V:\ is a path mapped to a Windows 7 drive and D:\ is on the Windows 2012 server. The task history gives task start and stop times but no detailed info.
Copy-Item -Path V:\data\bar\foo\Outlook\*.pst -Destination D:\Data\foobar\Outlook

Powershell script works when remoted in, but not as Azure startup task

I have an powershell script saved in a .cmd file that downloads a file from the web and then unzips it. My azure web role executes it upon startup. This is the script:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -c $(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '') ;
(New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('c:\FOLDER').Copyhere((New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('').items())
When I run the script via Azure startup tasks:
The first part of the script works. The file is downloaded. The second part of the script which unzips does not run.
When I run the script via the command line when remoted into the VM:
The entire script runs.
I therefore know this is not a syntax error. The only difference I can think of between the two cases above is a permissions issue. But, I am running powershell with -ExecutionPolicy set to Bypass, which is the highest permission level. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!
Change the command so that the output of the command is dumped into a file. Something like this should work
<YOUR_COMMAND> > out.log 2> err.log
Run the task again and checkout the output in the logs.
Also, you are using relative paths rather than absolute ones. The scheduled task probably run with the windows system folder as its working directory, so you may be getting a permissions error from that. Try using an absolute path to a directory you created.