How to bulk copy in org agenda - emacs

After an agenda search, I want to bulk copy marked entries.
The bulk action dispatcher only allows to bulk refile. (And I do not want to modify the variable org-refile-keep.)
How does a custom function for this bulk action has to look like?
The org manual gives an example for a custom function in but simply replacing org-set-property "CATEGORY" "web" by org-copy does not do the trick, as the function will then ask for the destination for each entry it is executed on.

This answer assumes the original poster wants to copy the entire subtree from the master todo file, rather than the excerpt (redacted version) in the *Org Agenda* buffer.
Mark your entries, hit the letter B, then the letter f, then type org-agenda-bulk-copy-subtree, then hit RET. The original poster may wish to modify the data gathering portion to push the entries to a list, etc.
[CAVEAT: In my testing, it appears that org-agenda-bulk-action destroys/moves the markers (invisible to the naked eye) so it will be necessary to rebuild the *Org Agenda* buffer if any additional work needs to be done with markers leading back to the master todo file. Alternatively, perhaps we could clone/duplicate the *Org Agenda* buffer and work with a temporary buffer so that the original is not altered?]
(defun org-agenda-bulk-copy-subtree ()
(or (eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode) (error "Not in agenda"))
(let* ((marker (or (org-get-at-bol 'org-marker) (org-agenda-error)))
(buffer (marker-buffer marker))
(pos (marker-position marker))
(output-buf (get-buffer-create "*RESULTS*")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char pos)
(org-back-to-heading t)
(with-current-buffer output-buf
(insert org-subtree-clip "\n"))
(unless (get-buffer-window output-buf)
(display-buffer output-buf t))))


Emacs: fix 'changed on disk'/'Reread from disk' when file has not changed [duplicate]

How to disable Emacs from checking the buffer file was changed outside the editor?
Emacs is really trying to help you here. Read the info page on Protection against Simultaneous Editing.
But, if you still want to avoid that message/prompt, you can redefine the function that is doing the prompting:
(defun ask-user-about-supersession-threat (fn)
"blatantly ignore files that changed on disk"
(defun ask-user-about-lock (file opponent)
"always grab lock"
The second function there is for when two people are using Emacs to edit the same file, and would provide a similar prompt (but not the one you seemed to refer to in the question).
I'd advise against overriding the two routines, but it's there if you want.
On the off chance global-auto-revert-mode is on, you could disable that. Add this to your .emacs:
(global-auto-revert-mode -1)
You can tell if the mode is on by looking at the variable of the same name:
C-h v global-auto-revert-mode RET
If the value is t, then the mode is on, otherwise it is off.
I have the following in my .emacs. It makes Emacs only ask about really changed files. If a file remains the same bytewise, just its timestamp is updated, as often happens when you switch branches in VCS, this "change" is ignored by Emacs.
;; Ignore modification-time-only changes in files, i.e. ones that
;; don't really change the contents. This happens often with
;; switching between different VC buffers.
(defun update-buffer-modtime-if-byte-identical ()
(let* ((size (buffer-size))
(byte-size (position-bytes size))
(filename buffer-file-name))
(when (and byte-size (<= size 1000000))
(let* ((attributes (file-attributes filename))
(file-size (nth 7 attributes)))
(when (and file-size
(= file-size byte-size)
(string= (buffer-substring-no-properties 1 (1+ size))
(insert-file-contents filename)
(set-visited-file-modtime (nth 5 attributes))
(defun verify-visited-file-modtime--ignore-byte-identical (original &optional buffer)
(or (funcall original buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(advice-add 'verify-visited-file-modtime :around #'verify-visited-file-modtime--ignore-byte-identical)
(defun ask-user-about-supersession-threat--ignore-byte-identical (original &rest arguments)
(unless (update-buffer-modtime-if-byte-identical)
(apply original arguments)))
(advice-add 'ask-user-about-supersession-threat :around #'ask-user-about-supersession-threat--ignore-byte-identical)
In my case I wanted:
(setq revert-without-query '(".*"))
Documentation for revert-without-query:
Specify which files should be reverted without query.
The value is a list of regular expressions.
If the file name matches one of these regular expressions,
then ‘revert-buffer’ reverts the file without querying
if the file has changed on disk and you have not edited the buffer.
I had annoyance with this because every time I switched branches in git, emacs thought all my files had changed.
Revbuffs helps you cope with the symptoms of this. It allows you to cause all your buffers to be reloaded.
You can also try (global-auto-revert-mode) which will automatically revert your files to what's on disk.

How to make `C-x b RET` switch to previous buffer even if it's already shown in another frame?

Edit: What the poster calls a "window", Emacs calls a "frame". I fixed the title.
Concisely, the question is: in a window, how do I switch quickly to a buffer previously visited in that window, even if it's already opened in another window?
A more detailed description follows.
Normally, in order to switch window to previous buffer one just types C-x b RET. That is, the default argument to switch-to-buffer (or ido-switch-buffer) is the previous buffer.
This is not, however, the case when that (previous) buffer is already shown in another window. That's exactly what bugs me.
Let's consider an example. Suppose I have three buffers (A, B and C) and two windows showing buffers A and B (C is not visible at this point).
Then I open buffer A in the second window, too. So, now I have buffer A shown in both windows. Then I switch (C-x b RET) to B again. After that, C-x b RET will bring me not to A, but to C because A is already shown in the other window.
How do I make C-x b RET behave more consistently?
After this problem had been solved, I realized I needed more: namely, for point position to be remembered per-window, not per buffer. Luckily, there're ready-made solutions:
They're quite similar; for a discussion of differences see here.
I've found a fix for switch-to-buffer. It eventually calls
(other-buffer (current-buffer))
while in order to fix your problem, the call needs to look like this:
(other-buffer (current-buffer) t)
i.e. the visible-ok argument needs to be t.
Here's an advice to have it always at t. Hopefully it won't break other stuff that uses other-buffer:
(defadvice other-buffer (around fix-switch-to-buffer
(&optional buffer visible-ok frame) activate)
(setq visible-ok t)
Note that ido-switch-to-buffer uses a different machinery, so a different method is needed to fix it.
update: fix for ido-switch-to-buffer
I needed to re-define ido-make-buffer-list:
(defun ido-make-buffer-list (default)
(let* ((ido-current-buffers (list (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
(ido-temp-list (ido-make-buffer-list-1 (selected-frame) ido-current-buffers)))
(if ido-temp-list
(nconc ido-temp-list ido-current-buffers)
(setq ido-temp-list ido-current-buffers))
(if default
(setq ido-temp-list
(cons default (delete default ido-temp-list))))
(if (bound-and-true-p ido-enable-virtual-buffers)
(run-hooks 'ido-make-buffer-list-hook)
The diff is just one line, but it's too messy to advice it.
update: use new advice system for other-buffer
The old stuff should still work for quite a while, but here's the new approach:
(defun other-buffer-advice (orig-fun &optional buffer visible-ok frame)
(funcall orig-fun buffer t frame))
(advice-add 'other-buffer :around #'other-buffer-advice)
;; (advice-remove 'other-buffer :around #'other-buffer-advice)
Instead of advising the built-in function other-buffer, you can pre-select visible buffers using a package.
1 Using Ivy
If you're using Ivy, you can use abo-abo's approach to override the lower-use function ivy-switch-buffer.
(defun user/ivy-switch-buffer ()
"Switch to another buffer with visible-ok preselection."
(ivy-read "Switch to buffer: " #'internal-complete-buffer
:keymap ivy-switch-buffer-map
:preselect (buffer-name (other-buffer (current-buffer) t))
:action #'ivy--switch-buffer-action
:matcher #'ivy--switch-buffer-matcher
:caller 'ivy-switch-buffer))
(advice-add 'ivy-switch-buffer :override #'user/ivy-switch-buffer)
2 Using Ido mode
2.1 Switching to a buffer shown in another frame
If by "window" you really mean "frame" (i.e., you'd like to ido-switch-buffer to a buffer that is currently shown in another frame), then ido-mode gives you the behavior you're looking for when you change ido-default-buffer-method from its default value of raise-frame to selected-window:
(setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
Emacs constructs an independent buffer list for each frame, so the only thing you have to do is to configure Ido to avoid jumping to another frame when you switch buffers.
2.2 Switching to a buffer that is shown in another window inside the same frame
To get this behavior across windows within the same frame, you should hook a function that reorders the buffer list onto ido-make-buffer-list-hook.
From ido.el:
;; Changing the list of files
;; --------------------------
;; By default, the list of current files is most recent first,
;; oldest last, with the exception that the files visible in the
;; current frame are put at the end of the list. A hook exists to
;; allow other functions to order the list. For example, if you add:
;; (add-hook 'ido-make-buffer-list-hook 'ido-summary-buffers-to-end)
;; then all files matching "Summary" are moved to the end of the
;; list. (I find this handy for keeping the INBOX Summary and so on
;; out of the way.) It also moves files matching "output\*$" to the
;; end of the list (these are created by AUCTeX when compiling.)
;; Other functions could be made available which alter the list of
;; matching files (either deleting or rearranging elements.)

How to hide extra information in Emacs

I want to open an XML file and process it in a special way in Emacs. (Let's say a major mode which is customized to open XML files and process it and present it in a special way)
What I want to do is to hide the extra markup tags in XML and show just the content to the user. Can anyone advice me how I should do this?
`<name id=22> Luke </name>`
=> I just want "Luke" to be shown.
One way to do this would be to use a regular expression to extract the element information from your XML, and then open a temporary buffer for viewing into which you paste that element information. i'm not sure that narrowing is granular enough to hide the markup and display only the element information.
Having said that, an alternative to the temporary buffer approach would be to extract the element information, paste it into the bottom of the file, and then narrow to just that portion of the file so that the source markup is invisible.
The function below does approximately what I have in mind:
(defun show-xml-entities ()
(let ((old-max (point-max))) ;; save current end of buffer
(goto-char (point-min)) ;; go to beginning of buffer
(while (re-search-forward ">\\([^<>]+\\)<" nil t) ;; search for elements until not found
(when (> (length (match-string-no-properties 1)) 0) ;; if match is non-zero length
(setq temp (point-marker)) ;; save end of match
(goto-char (point-max)) ;; go to end of buffer
;; paste current match to end of buffer
(insert (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
(goto-char (marker-position temp)) ;; return to end of current match
(narrow-to-region old-max (point-max))) ;; narrow to newly pasted element text
Logical steps would be
- calculate starting buffer end position (point-max) and sav in a var
- loop through your XML, collecting your entity information and pasting it after the saved position
- when done call (narrow-to-region original-point-max (point-max)). This will hide all the XML so that only your entity text is visible.
M-x sgml-hide-tags RET
see in menu SGML section VIEW some more related commands

Emacs org-mode: textual reference to a file:line

I am using org-mode in Emacs to document my development activities. One of the tasks which I must continuously do by hand is to describe areas of code. Emacs has a very nice Bookmark List: create a bookmark with CTRL-x r m, list them with CTRL-x r l. This is very useful, but is not quite what I need.
Org-mode has the concept of link, and the command org-store-link will record a link to the current position in any file, which can be pasted to the org-file. The problem with this is two-fold:
It is stored as an org-link, and the linked position is not directly visible (just the description).
It is stored in the format file/search, which is not what I want.
I need to have the bookmark in textual form, so that I can copy paste it into org-mode, end edit it if needed, with a simple format like this:
And this must be obtained from the current point position. The workflow would be as simple as:
Go to the position which I want to record
Call a function: position-to-kill-ring (I would bind this to a keyboard shortcut)
Go to the org-mode buffer.
Yank the position.
Edit if needed (sometimes I need to change absolute paths by relative paths, since my code is in a different location in different machines)
Unfortunately my lisp is non-existent, so I do not know how to do this. Is there a simple solution to my problem?
(defun position-to-kill-ring ()
"Copy to the kill ring a string in the format \"file-name:line-number\"
for the current buffer's file name, and the line number at point."
(format "%s:%d" (buffer-file-name) (save-restriction
(widen) (line-number-at-pos)))))
You want to use the org-create-file-search-functions and org-execute-file-search-functions hooks.
For example, if you need the search you describe for text-mode files, use this:
(add-hook 'org-create-file-search-functions
'(lambda ()
(when (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(number-to-string (line-number-at-pos)))))
(add-hook 'org-execute-file-search-functions
'(lambda (search-string)
(when (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(goto-line (string-to-number search-string)))))
Then M-x org-store-link RET will do the right thing (store a line number as the search string) and C-c C-o (i.e. M-x org-open-at-point RET) will open the file and go to this line number.
You can of course check for other modes and/or conditions.
An elisp beginner myself I though of it as a good exercise et voila:
Edit: Rewrote it using the format methode, but I still think not storing it to the kill-ring is less intrusive in my workflow (don't know about you). Also I have added the capability to add column position.
(defvar current-file-reference "" "Global variable to store the current file reference")
(defun store-file-line-and-col ()
"Stores the current file, line and column point is at in a string in format \"file-name:line-number-column-number\". Insert the string using \"insert-file-reference\"."
(setq current-file-reference (format "%s:%d:%d" (buffer-file-name) (line-number-at-pos) (current-column))))
(defun store-file-and-line ()
"Stores the current file and line oint is at in a string in format \"file-name:line-number\". Insert the string using \"insert-file-reference\"."
(setq current-file-reference (format "%s:%d" (buffer-file-name) (line-number-at-pos))))
(defun insert-file-reference ()
"Inserts the value stored for current-file-reference at point."
(if (string= "" current-file-reference)
(message "No current file/line/column set!")
(insert current-file-reference)))
Not tested extensively but working for me. Just hit store-file-and-line or store-file-line-and-col to store current location and insert-file-reference to insert the stored value at point.
BTW, if you want something better than FILE:LINE, you can try to use add-log-current-defun (in add-log.el) which should return the name of the current function.
;; Insert a org link to the function in the next window
(defun insert-org-link-to-func ()
(insert (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (next-window))
(concat "file:" (buffer-file-name)
"::" (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos)))
This func generates link with the function name as the description.
Open two windows, one is the org file and the other is src code.
Then M-x insert-org-link-to-func RET

How to archive all the DONE tasks using a single command

To archive the DONE tasks i am using
C-c C-x a
command. The draw back is i have to manually move over the DONE tasks one by one and then archive it.
How to archive all the DONE tasks using a single command.
You can bulk archive (or refile/change todo etc) from within the Agenda view.
If you call Org-Agenda from within the buffer you want to archive you can temporarily restrict it to only that buffer and view only todo entries and filter for only DONE
C-c a < t
N r
Where N corresponds to the shortcut for your DONE state (with default states it would be 2)
Then you'd simply need to mark all the desired headlines and bulk archive
m (mark for bulk action)
B a (or B $ for arch->sibling)
Here's a corrected version of madalu's snippet. Note that this version also only operates on the current subtree (change 'tree back to 'file to operate over the entire file).
(defun org-archive-done-tasks ()
(lambda ()
(setq org-map-continue-from (org-element-property :begin (org-element-at-point))))
"/DONE" 'tree))
You can write a function using org-map-entries:
(defun my-org-archive-done-tasks ()
(org-map-entries 'org-archive-subtree "/DONE" 'file))
Also from
C-u C-c C-x C-s
Check if any direct children of the current headline could be moved to the archive. To do this, each subtree is checked for open TODO entries. If none are found, the command offers to move it to the archive location. If the cursor is not on a headline when this command is invoked, the level 1 trees will be checked.
There is now a command org-archive-all-done that is built into org-mode, and in org-archive.el.
If you want to do it in the source Org buffer (as opposed to in an Org agenda view), and if they are following each other, you can select all of them in a region, and apply a command (such as C-c C-t d).
Only setting needed:
;; Some commands act upon headlines in the active region.
(setq org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region 'start-level)
I found the direct "org-map-entries" method in a couple of these answers to be a little "fragile" for some reason in situations with more varied nesting and TODOs at multiple levels.
This method - generating a list and then archiving in reverse (to avoid changes in positioning) seems to cover every use case I've thrown at it. Sharing it here for anyone else that runs into trouble.
Note the "TODO" string match on the last line needs to match how you have your TODOs defined exactly (for example in a vanilla case, the match may be: "TODO=\"DONE\"").
(defun org-archive-done-tasks ()
"Archive all tasks marked DONE in the file."
(mapc (lambda(entry)
(goto-char entry)
(reverse (org-map-entries (lambda () (point)) "TODO=\"★ DONE\"" 'file))))
Based on Robert's Answer
(require 'org)
(require 'org-archive)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'org-archive-all-done nil t)))