How to hide extra information in Emacs - emacs

I want to open an XML file and process it in a special way in Emacs. (Let's say a major mode which is customized to open XML files and process it and present it in a special way)
What I want to do is to hide the extra markup tags in XML and show just the content to the user. Can anyone advice me how I should do this?
`<name id=22> Luke </name>`
=> I just want "Luke" to be shown.

One way to do this would be to use a regular expression to extract the element information from your XML, and then open a temporary buffer for viewing into which you paste that element information. i'm not sure that narrowing is granular enough to hide the markup and display only the element information.
Having said that, an alternative to the temporary buffer approach would be to extract the element information, paste it into the bottom of the file, and then narrow to just that portion of the file so that the source markup is invisible.
The function below does approximately what I have in mind:
(defun show-xml-entities ()
(let ((old-max (point-max))) ;; save current end of buffer
(goto-char (point-min)) ;; go to beginning of buffer
(while (re-search-forward ">\\([^<>]+\\)<" nil t) ;; search for elements until not found
(when (> (length (match-string-no-properties 1)) 0) ;; if match is non-zero length
(setq temp (point-marker)) ;; save end of match
(goto-char (point-max)) ;; go to end of buffer
;; paste current match to end of buffer
(insert (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
(goto-char (marker-position temp)) ;; return to end of current match
(narrow-to-region old-max (point-max))) ;; narrow to newly pasted element text

Logical steps would be
- calculate starting buffer end position (point-max) and sav in a var
- loop through your XML, collecting your entity information and pasting it after the saved position
- when done call (narrow-to-region original-point-max (point-max)). This will hide all the XML so that only your entity text is visible.

M-x sgml-hide-tags RET
see in menu SGML section VIEW some more related commands


In Emacs org-mode, how to refile highlighted text under an org heading?

In Emacs org-mode, is there a way to automatically refile highlighted text under an org heading? i.e. to cut the highlighted text and automatically paste it under the org-heading of my choice?
You could call it org-refile-region. Similar to org-refile, but to refile not the entire subtree, but only the highlighted region under any heading in the current document.
Ideally this functionality would be independent of the org-agenda files used by org-refile, so as to avoid displaying irrelevant headings as possible targets.
Currently this is doable by doing:
1. select text
2. cut
3. other-window
4. navigate to desired target heading
5. paste text
6. other window
The proposed new function would make this much more efficient:
1. select text
2. org-refile-region
3. choose target
The most useful form of this would allow you to choose a target from among any currently open documents. My use case involves selecting text from one buffer and refiling it from among org-headings in another buffer, i.e. moving text from a source document displayed in one window and refiling to targets within the hierarchy of a target document displayed in another window, like so:
If you are using emacs 24.1 or later, you can try
(setq org-refile-active-region-within-subtree t)
which will almost do what you want, but turn the line in which you have highlighted text (the emacs term is "active region") into a headline.
If you want to move the text you have highlighted to another heading, you have to extend org-mode. Fortunately, org provides the tools you need. Here is an example:
(defvar org-refile-region-format "\n%s\n")
(defvar org-refile-region-position 'top
"Where to refile a region. Use 'bottom to refile at the
end of the subtree. ")
(defun org-refile-region (beg end copy)
"Refile the active region.
If no region is active, refile the current paragraph.
With prefix arg C-u, copy region instad of killing it."
(interactive "r\nP")
;; mark paragraph if no region is set
(unless (use-region-p)
(setq beg (save-excursion
(skip-chars-forward "\n\t ")
end (save-excursion
(skip-chars-backward "\n\t ")
(let* ((target (save-excursion (org-refile-get-location)))
(file (nth 1 target))
(pos (nth 3 target))
(text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
(unless copy (kill-region beg end))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
(goto-char pos)
(if (eql org-refile-region-position 'bottom)
(insert (format org-refile-region-format text))))))
We use org-refile-get-location to apply the org refiling mechanism and extract the file and the location. Then we go to that location and insert the copied text. Two variables added for convenience.
org-refile-targets lets you control which files to consider, e.g.:
nil ;; only the current file
'((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 2)) ;; all agenda files, 1st/2nd level
'((org-files-list :maxlevel . 4)) ;; all agenda and all open files
'((my-org-files-list :maxlevel . 4)) ;; all files returned by `my-org-files-list'
To restrict refiling to the currently open org buffers, define a function
(defun my-org-files-list ()
(mapcar (lambda (buffer)
(buffer-file-name buffer))
(org-buffer-list 'files t)))
And then either
(setq org-refile-targets '((my-org-files-list :maxlevel . 4)))
or use
M-x customize-option <ret> org-refile-targets
select "Function" from the "value menu", and type my-org-files-list

How can one quickly browse through lots of files in Emacs?

is there a way to quickly browse through lots of files in Emacs (24.3)? More specifically:
Let's assume an Emacs frame is split into two windows. Suppose focus is in the left window that has an open 'dired' buffer with lots of text files (or code). I would like to go up and down the list of files (e.g. with cursor keys), while at the same time the current file is shown in the right window. Even better the file is only viewed and closed once I move in the dired buffer to the next file. This would be very useful especially together with some 'omit' mode.
Can this be done in 'dired'? I also coudn't find this functionality in dired-x or in sunrise-commander. Is it possible?
The best candidates I tried already (and why they not solve the problem):
'v' which shows the current file, but also moves the attention
'C-o' which shows the current file, but after moving up or down, I have to press C-o again, also it generates lots of buffers
Thanks a lot for your help!
A simple and generic (while not optimum) solution could be via the C-x () mechanism.
First open the two panes in Emacs, with - say - top one being dired.
Press o to open the first file in the 2nd pane.
Then you can start the repetition mechanism:
do C-x ( to start recording a macro
do C-x k and return to close the buffer
do o again to go back to dired
do down key to go to next file
do o to open next file in bottom pane
do C-x ) to end the macro
From that point (being in bottom pane, dired in top pane), doing a mere
C-x e (and then only e if there is no other operation in between)
will automatically
close bottom pane file, go to top pane, down to next file, open it in bottom pane
There is maybe a more specific way to do that, but knowing the macro mechanism is anyway very helpful in Emacs.
Here's how I do this with view-mode:
(add-hook 'view-mode-hook
(define-key view-mode-map (kbd "n") 'dired-view-next)
(define-key view-mode-map (kbd "p") 'dired-view-prev)))
(defun dired-view-next ()
"Move to next dired line and view ."
(dired-next-line 1)
(defun dired-view-prev ()
"Move to next dired line and view ."
(dired-next-line -1)
This one has two panes:
(defun dired-view-next-pane ()
(other-window 1)
(if view-mode
(other-window -1)
(dired-next-line 1)
(other-window -1))
Thanks a lot for all those answers. Summarizing I created the following solution (extending the answer of "abo-abo"):
;; little modification to dired-mode that let's you browse through lots of files
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'dired-view-current) ; was dired-display-file
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "n") 'dired-view-next) ; was dired-next-line
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "p") 'dired-view-previous))) ; was dired-previous-line
(defun dired-view-next ()
"Move down one line and view the current file in another window."
(defun dired-view-previous ()
"Move up one line and view the current file in another window."
(defun dired-view-current ()
"View the current file in another window (possibly newly created)."
(if (not (window-parent))
(split-window)) ; create a new window if necessary
(let ((file (dired-get-file-for-visit))
(dbuffer (current-buffer)))
(other-window 1) ; switch to the other window
(unless (equal dbuffer (current-buffer)) ; don't kill the dired buffer
(if (or view-mode (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)) ; only if in view- or dired-mode
(kill-buffer))) ; ... kill it
(let ((filebuffer (get-file-buffer file)))
(if filebuffer ; does a buffer already look at the file
(switch-to-buffer filebuffer) ; simply switch
(view-file file)) ; ... view it
(other-window -1)))) ; give the attention back to the dired buffer
Three keys are changed:
C-o to view the current item in another window (possibly create one).
n to view the next item in another window.
p to view the previous item in another window.
This can be used in a dired buffer. Note that only dired-mode buffers and view-mode buffers get killed while moving up and down. If a file is shown that another buffer is already visiting (not in view-mode), that buffer is shown as well, but not killed when moving to the next. Another subtlety is the case when the passively shown buffer is the dired buffer used for going through the list (this can easily happen, when going inside a folder with RET). To handle this case, we first check whether we are trying to kill the initial dired buffer.
Load Icicles.
Define this command:
(defun my-find-file ()
"Like `icicle-find-file', but alt action views file temporarily.
Alternate action keys such as `C-S-down' visit the candidate file in
`view-mode' and kill the buffer of the last such viewed candidate."
(let ((icicle-candidate-alt-action-fn
(lambda (file)
(when (and my-last-viewed
(get-file-buffer my-last-viewed))
(kill-buffer (get-file-buffer my-last-viewed)))
(setq my-last-viewed (abbreviate-file-name file))
(view-file file)
(window-frame (active-minibuffer-window))))))
(defvar my-last-viewed nil
"Last file viewed by alternate action of `my-find-file'.")
Then you can:
Use M-x my-find-file (or bind it to a key - e.g., C-x C-f).
Optionally type part of a file name, to limit the matching names.
Optionally use down or up to cycle among file names.
Use C-S-down to visit the next file in order.
Repeat #4 to see other files in order.
Repeat #2 or #3 to see other sets of files.
End with RET to choose a file to visit or C-g to cancel.
Each file buffer you visited with C-S-down was killed when you
viewed the next one. You can also mix in C-down or C-RET to
also visit files whose buffers you do not want to kill
automatically. (Change view-file to find-file if you don't
want to visit in view-mode, which is read-only.)
[By default, the alternate action for icicle-find-file is
icicle-alt-act-fn-for-type, which prompts you for a file-
appropriate action to use on the particular candidate chosen for
the action. Command my-find-file just substitutes a different
alternate action function (for all candidates you choose).]
See also this thread from It is pretty much the same question as yours, I think. My replies there were pretty much the same as my reply here, but there are also replies from others that might help you as well.
M-x speedbar
That might appeal to you
Another view-mode solution on top of ag-mode lists. I couldn't find a question for ag-mode, maybe this helps someone generalize a ffap-preview for any mode.
(defun directory-ag-results ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "\"")
(setq a (point))
(search-forward "\"")
(setq b (- (point) 1))
(buffer-substring-no-properties a b)))
(defun search-item-path ()
(let ((dir (directory-ag-results))
(file-parts (split-string (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'filename)) ":")))
(concat dir (nth 0 file-parts))))
(defun search-item-line ()
(let ((file-parts (split-string (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'filename)) ":")))
(- (string-to-number (nth 1 file-parts)) 1)))
(defun view-current ()
"Quickly view the current file in another window."
(if (not (window-parent))
(split-window)) ; create a new window if necessary
(let ((file (search-item-path))
(line (search-item-line))
(dbuffer (current-buffer)))
(other-window 1) ; switch to the other window
(unless (equal dbuffer (current-buffer)) ; don't kill the dired buffer
(if (or view-mode (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)) ; only if in view- or dired-mode
(kill-buffer))) ; ... kill it
(let ((filebuffer (get-file-buffer file)))
(if filebuffer ; does a buffer already look at the file
(switch-to-buffer filebuffer) ; simply switch
(view-file file) ; ... view it
(goto-char (point-min))
(next-line line)))
(other-window -1))))
(defun next-view-current ()
(defun previous-view-current ()
(define-key ag-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'previous-view-current)
(define-key ag-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'next-view-current)
This is the one thing I think Sublime does better than Emacs. Blasphemy, I know! I like the "q to exit" feel of view-mode, rather than timer-based solutions, and like scrolling around a previewed file. This snippet navigates to the line number found in the search results, optimizing for browsing speed.
Note about the code: I tried polyfilling vc-root-dir from Emacs 25, but it doesn't really make sense for ag-mode since ag-mode's buffer is outside the repo you're searching in. I ended up pulling the root dir from the top of the "ag search" buffer.
Early stages. Improvements welcome.
Edit: It works for ag-mode, not dired. Demo gif.
Credits: abo-abo, user2979331
In the interest of keeping StackOverflow up to date, the package peep-dired does everything posted in the other answers, and I’m sure there are other packages as well. You don’t have to maintain copypasted or home-rolled lisp for this job.

How to show the whole line in the window?

I'm using Emacs 24.2 with a line-wrapping activated.
When I read log files of various simulations which contain messages like: "Error: ...some message...", I perform an incremental search: C-s error RET, C-s, C-s...
I find it very annoying that the highlighted result of the search (the word Error) is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and all the additional wrapped lines can't be seen:
I'd like to add modifications which ensure that the whole line of text will be displayed in the buffer, like this:
I found this question concerning re-centering of the search results. It seems that I could use the same defadvice statements for the search functions, but rather than re-centering the line I need just scroll the screen down by the number of wrapped parts.
How to do this?
You can use the solution on the question you reference, but changing recenter-top-bottom by this highly untested function:
(defun scroll-if-truncated()
(/ (- (save-excursion
(end-of-line) (point))
(beginning-of-line) (point)))
After playing a bit with the code according to #juanleon's advice, I ended up with this:
;; Execute after each update in isearch-mode
(setq isearch-update-post-hook 'show-whole-line)
(defun show-whole-line ()
"Scroll such that the whole line (which contains the point) will be visible."
;; If it is the top part which is truncated
(if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (line-beginning-position)))
;; the required number of lines to scroll
(ceiling (/
(- (window-start)
(float (window-body-width))))))
;; don't scroll at all if the search result will be scrolled out
(if (< amount (/
(- (window-end)
(point) )
(float (window-body-width))))
(scroll-down amount)))
;; Else
(if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (line-end-position)))
;; the required number of lines to scroll
(ceiling (/
(window-end (selected-window) t))
(float (window-body-width))) )
;; however not to scroll out the first line
(/ (- (line-beginning-position) (window-start)) (window-body-width)))))
(scroll-up amount)))))
Few explanations:
Setting defadvice for isearch-forward is not enough - this function is not called again when you add chars to the search string. After a quick review of isearch.el.gz package I decided to advice to isearch-update function. This also eliminates the need of adding a separate advice for isearch-repeat-forward and etc. Later I noticed that there is a predefined hook in isearch-update, therefore no need for defadvice here.
show-whole-line function checks whether the beginning of the current line is visible. If not, it scrolls-down to show the beginning of the line, unless this scrolling will result in hiding the search match itself.
If the beginning of the line is visible, show-whole-line checks whether the end of the line is also visible. If not, it scrolls-up to show the end of the line, unless this scrolling will result in hiding the beginning of the line. I prefer to be able to see the beginning of the line.
This function and a hook work pretty well, but there is one annoying thing about it: the function is called when you initially press C-s (before you typed in any search string). This means that if the point is at a line which has its beginning or end out of the window, a simple invocation of C-s will result in scrolling in some manner.
While not critical at all, I'll be glad to hear suggestions how to remove the above side effect.
You should be able to get the behavior you want using variables scroll-conservatively and scroll-margin, in particular the latter.

Emacs org-mode: textual reference to a file:line

I am using org-mode in Emacs to document my development activities. One of the tasks which I must continuously do by hand is to describe areas of code. Emacs has a very nice Bookmark List: create a bookmark with CTRL-x r m, list them with CTRL-x r l. This is very useful, but is not quite what I need.
Org-mode has the concept of link, and the command org-store-link will record a link to the current position in any file, which can be pasted to the org-file. The problem with this is two-fold:
It is stored as an org-link, and the linked position is not directly visible (just the description).
It is stored in the format file/search, which is not what I want.
I need to have the bookmark in textual form, so that I can copy paste it into org-mode, end edit it if needed, with a simple format like this:
And this must be obtained from the current point position. The workflow would be as simple as:
Go to the position which I want to record
Call a function: position-to-kill-ring (I would bind this to a keyboard shortcut)
Go to the org-mode buffer.
Yank the position.
Edit if needed (sometimes I need to change absolute paths by relative paths, since my code is in a different location in different machines)
Unfortunately my lisp is non-existent, so I do not know how to do this. Is there a simple solution to my problem?
(defun position-to-kill-ring ()
"Copy to the kill ring a string in the format \"file-name:line-number\"
for the current buffer's file name, and the line number at point."
(format "%s:%d" (buffer-file-name) (save-restriction
(widen) (line-number-at-pos)))))
You want to use the org-create-file-search-functions and org-execute-file-search-functions hooks.
For example, if you need the search you describe for text-mode files, use this:
(add-hook 'org-create-file-search-functions
'(lambda ()
(when (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(number-to-string (line-number-at-pos)))))
(add-hook 'org-execute-file-search-functions
'(lambda (search-string)
(when (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(goto-line (string-to-number search-string)))))
Then M-x org-store-link RET will do the right thing (store a line number as the search string) and C-c C-o (i.e. M-x org-open-at-point RET) will open the file and go to this line number.
You can of course check for other modes and/or conditions.
An elisp beginner myself I though of it as a good exercise et voila:
Edit: Rewrote it using the format methode, but I still think not storing it to the kill-ring is less intrusive in my workflow (don't know about you). Also I have added the capability to add column position.
(defvar current-file-reference "" "Global variable to store the current file reference")
(defun store-file-line-and-col ()
"Stores the current file, line and column point is at in a string in format \"file-name:line-number-column-number\". Insert the string using \"insert-file-reference\"."
(setq current-file-reference (format "%s:%d:%d" (buffer-file-name) (line-number-at-pos) (current-column))))
(defun store-file-and-line ()
"Stores the current file and line oint is at in a string in format \"file-name:line-number\". Insert the string using \"insert-file-reference\"."
(setq current-file-reference (format "%s:%d" (buffer-file-name) (line-number-at-pos))))
(defun insert-file-reference ()
"Inserts the value stored for current-file-reference at point."
(if (string= "" current-file-reference)
(message "No current file/line/column set!")
(insert current-file-reference)))
Not tested extensively but working for me. Just hit store-file-and-line or store-file-line-and-col to store current location and insert-file-reference to insert the stored value at point.
BTW, if you want something better than FILE:LINE, you can try to use add-log-current-defun (in add-log.el) which should return the name of the current function.
;; Insert a org link to the function in the next window
(defun insert-org-link-to-func ()
(insert (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (next-window))
(concat "file:" (buffer-file-name)
"::" (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos)))
This func generates link with the function name as the description.
Open two windows, one is the org file and the other is src code.
Then M-x insert-org-link-to-func RET

How do I get Emacs to fill sentences, but not paragraphs?

I've seen at least two recommendations on StackOverflow to insert newlines between sentences when editing LaTeX documents. The reason being that the practice facilitates source control, diffing, and collaborative editing.
I'm basically convinced, but I'm lazy, and I don't want to have to think about it.
So I'm searching for some emacs incantation to handle it for me. Could be a minor mode, could be a set of variables that need to be set.
I think what I don't want is
Soft wrapping of text (say using the longlines and (set long-lines-auto-wrap 't)). This is because I don't want to impose requirements on my collaborators' editors, and I sometimes use other unix tools to examine these files.
I think what I do want is
For fill-paragraph to fill between newlines that look like they mark the end of a sentence.
A solution that works with auto-fill-mode would be a bonus.
That is:
chat chat chat.
A new sentence
with goofed up wrapping that needs to be fixed.
Mumble mumble
Transformed to:
chat chat chat.
A new sentence with goofed up wrapping that needs to be fixed.
Mumble mumble
Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Edit: The suggestion by Jouni K. Seppänen pointed me at LaTeX-fill-break-at-separators, which suggests that emacs almost knows how to do this already. Anyway, I'm off to read some code, and will report back. Thanks again.
More general version of the same question: Editor showdown: Maintain newlines at the ends of sentences. Thanks, dreeves.
Here's what I use, which was mostly cribbed from Luca de Alfaro:
(defun fill-sentence ()
(or (eq (point) (point-max)) (forward-char))
(forward-sentence -1)
(indent-relative t)
(let ((beg (point))
(ix (string-match "LaTeX" mode-name)))
(if (and ix (equal "LaTeX" (substring mode-name ix)))
(LaTeX-fill-region-as-paragraph beg (point))
(fill-region-as-paragraph beg (point))))))
I bind this to M-j with
(global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'fill-sentence)
The references to "LaTeX" are for AUCTeX support. If you don't use AUCTeX, the let can be simplified to
(let (beg (point))
(fill-region-as-paragraph beg (point)))
I have been meaning to do this forever and I recently found this blog post which worked fairly well for me. So here is (a slightly modified version of) what I have been using for a few days.
(defun auto-fill-by-sentences ()
(if (looking-back (sentence-end))
;; Break at a sentence
;; Fall back to the default
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (setq auto-fill-function 'auto-fill-by-sentences)))
;; Modified from
(defadvice LaTeX-fill-region-as-paragraph (around LaTeX-sentence-filling)
"Start each sentence on a new line."
(let ((from (ad-get-arg 0))
(to-marker (set-marker (make-marker) (ad-get-arg 1)))
(while (< from (marker-position to-marker))
;; might have gone beyond to-marker---use whichever is smaller:
(ad-set-arg 1 (setq tmp-end (min (point) (marker-position to-marker))))
(ad-set-arg 0 (setq from (point)))
(unless (or (looking-back "^\\s *")
(looking-at "\\s *$"))
(set-marker to-marker nil)))
(ad-activate 'LaTeX-fill-region-as-paragraph)
If you put a comment marker at the end of each sentence, Emacs knows not to move the next line inside the comment:
chat chat chat.%
A new sentence
with goofed up wrapping that needs to be fixed.%
Mumble mumble%
Then M-q fills each sentence separately, at least in AUCTeX 11.85. (If you test this in Emacs, there seems to be a bug where if this is the first paragraph in the buffer and you type M-q, you get an error message. Just put a newline before the text to work around it.)
If you don't want to type the comment characters, you could take LaTeX-fill-paragraph and modify it so that sentence-ending punctuation at end of line works similarly to comments.
(defun wrap-at-sentences ()
"Fills the current paragraph, but starts each sentence on a new line."
;; Select the entire paragraph.
;; Move to the start of the paragraph.
(goto-char (region-beginning))
;; Record the location of the end of the paragraph.
(setq end-of-paragraph (region-end))
;; Wrap lines with 'hard' newlines (i.e., real line breaks).
(let ((use-hard-newlines 't))
;; Loop over each sentence in the paragraph.
(while (< (point) end-of-paragraph)
;; Determine the region spanned by the sentence.
(setq start-of-sentence (point))
;; Wrap the sentence with hard newlines.
(fill-region start-of-sentence (point))
;; Delete the whitespace following the period, if any.
(while (char-equal (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\s)
(delete-char -1))
;; Insert a newline before the next sentence.
(insert "\n")))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-q") 'wrap-at-sentences)
May not work in all circumstances, but:
(defun my-fill-sentence ()
"Fill sentence separated by punctuation or blank lines."
(let (start end)
(re-search-backward "\\(^\\s-*$\\|[.?!]\\)" nil t)
(skip-syntax-forward "^w")
(setq start (point-at-bol)))
(re-search-forward "\\(^\\s-*$\\|[.?!]\\)" nil t)
(setq end (point-at-eol)))
(narrow-to-region start end)
(fill-paragraph nil))))
To make it work with auto-fill-mode, add (setq normal-auto-fill-function 'my-fill-sentence) to your LaTeX mode hook (I think).
I am assuming you know elisp.
There are a few approaches you can take:
Hook into auto-fill-mode. There are a lot of hard-coded
conditionals there, so it might not work for you. You can
potentially play with auto-fill-function and see if you have
the hook you need there.
Make a character (probably .) "electric" so that when you press
it, it inserts itself and then calls a function to determine how
to fill the line you're on.
Set an after-change-hook to call a function that determines how
to fill the sentence. This function will be called after every
change to the buffer, so do it efficiently. (This mechanism is
used by font-lock, so don't worry about it too much. It sounds
slow, but really isn't -- people type slowly.)
Once you have hooked in at the right place, you just have to implement
the filling logic. The source for sentence-at-point (from thingatpt) may be
Anyway, I've never heard of anyone doing this... but it is definitely possible. Like most things in Emacs, it's just a Simple Matter Of Programming.
If the other answers are too automatic, here's a semiautomatic approach.
It's basically what you would do repeatedly if you were going to manually reformat, but condensed so you can hit a single key repeatedly instead.
;; - go to the end of the line,
;; - do ^d to suck the previous line onto this one,
;; - make sure there's only one space between the now-concatenated
;; lines, and then
;; - jump to the end and hit space so that (with auto-fill-mode)
;; the line nicely rewraps itself:
;; (turn on auto-fill-mode with M-x auto-fill-mode)
(defalias 'fill-sentence
(read-kbd-macro "C-e C-d SPC M-x just- one- space RET C-e SPC <backspace>"))
(define-key global-map [f4] 'fill-sentence) ; or whatever key you like
I like Chris Conway's macro a lot but it only works after you manually line-break each sentence. I'm a lazy guy so I want emacs to do it for me. This morning I finally sat down and looked into the problem. The solution I have now is to hack the built-in macro fill-region-as-paragraph.
After applying the following hack, a new option newline-after-sentence will be set to true. The standard M-q (fill-paragraph) will automatically fill and create line-breaks between sentences. Note that tests are only done with GNU Emacs 23.3.1 — use it at your own risk.
The full macro is long so I won't post it here. The idea is to add the following loops in fill-region-as-paragraph
;; Insert a line break after each sentence
(while (< (point) to)
(if (< (point) to) (fill-newline)))
;; This is the actual filling loop.
(goto-char from)
(let (sentbeg sentend)
(while (< (point) to)
(setq sentbeg (point))
(setq sentend (point))
(fill-one-line sentbeg sentend justify) ;; original filling loop
You can find the full macro in my git repository. Some details are also written in my blog. In case you don't want to read my poor English, you can simply use
$ curl >> ~/.emacs
to append the hack to your ~/.emacs and give it a try. Comments and bug reports are all welcome.
An alternative approach would be to leave your .tex file as is, and use a tool like latexdiff
(described in this StackExchange post) instead of Unix diff. This produces a .tex file with Word-style track changes marks, and handles whitespace correctly so you don't have to worry about where your sentences end.
I wrote the following which loops over a region and inserts newlines. Instead of using forward-sentence which didn't work for me, I use re-search-forward "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\( \\)", which finds all sentences followed only by two spaces (the regexp is a modified sentence-end). The newline is made using newline-and-indent.
(defun fill-sentences-in-paragraph ()
"Put a newline at the end of each sentence in paragraph."
(call-interactively 'fill-sentences-in-region)))
(defun fill-sentences-in-region (start end)
"Put a newline at the end of each sentence in region."
(interactive "*r")
(call-interactively 'unfill-region)
(goto-char start)
(while (re-search-forward "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\( \\)" end t)
To be able to fix improperly formatted text such as the example "chat chat chat...", fill-sentences-in-region first calls unfill-region which gets rid of sentence-breaking whitespace:
(defun unfill-region (beg end)
"Unfill the region, joining text paragraphs into a
single logical line. This is useful, e.g., for use
with 'visual-line-mode'."
(interactive "*r")
(let ((fill-column (point-max)))
(fill-region beg end)))
I use visual-line-mode and replace my default paragraph fill M-q to fill-sentences-in-paragraph with (global-set-key "\M-q" 'fill-sentences-in-paragraph).