Is there a way to generate a map directions image (for fb messenger bot usage) - facebook

I'm working on a Facebook Messenger bot for a client and I'm trying to give the users a map with directions to the client's location. I know FB has a button to get the user's location, but I'm not sure how to show the directions.
Any ideas how I might go about doing that because I don't believe Facebook provides something like that by default or as a template message (I could be wrong?).

There is no template for this afaik, but you could just create a picture of the map (and directions) server side. Sending pictures with the bot is no problem at all. It all depends on how exactly you want to show directions, but i guess there is no other option. You can include a list too, showing all the steps/turns to get to the destination.


How can I keep in Google Analytics 2 Utms in paralel when one is changed with another?

I have developed an app that retargets customers when browsing a website and I have some problem with UTM tracking and Google Analytics.
For example if a client gets a customer to click on a FB ad and lands on their website they will have a custom FB utm. After browsing the website my app will display a pop-up and when a client clicks on it he receives my custom UTM.
The problem is that clients loose conversion rate data for the original traffic source and I need to figure out a solution.
Help is very much appreciate
It's not a good practices track with utm inside your site, if the pop-up is on the same domain, dont do it?
In you example, if the user comes from FB, yes, you need to tack with the utm, but the pop up is on your site... lets check the option?
If the asnwer is yes, try to track the user with a Custom Dimention on a Session Level, that will solve almost all your problems.
If the answer is no, you can only store a single UTM per sessions, that means that there is no option to avoid the overwriting the UTM, even consider the referal exclusion.
More about Custom dimentions:

Alternative for Facebook request for non-canvas app?

I have an app where a user creates some object and invites people to interact with it. It's not a game and it's not a canvas app.
I tried to get requests to work probably and couldn't
After reading a bit, I understood that these don't work for non-canvas apps anymore.
1) Does anyone know if this is going to stick? It's extremely painful that stupid games like candy crush are allowed to create requests, while apps that might actually provide users real value can't. If there's anyone from FB here, I'd really like to understand why this discrimination is taking place?
2) Are there any alternatives? Sending a message or feed post are possible but, I need to either a) generate a unique link per invitee or b) get the list of people the user sent the link to. Both don't seem to be an option with messages and feed dialog.
3) Is is ok to just embed my web app in the canvas as is?
Facebook policy indicates that you should not use app requests to send users to an external website. However, an embedded web canvas app is fine. It will let you use the apprequests function to render the Request Dialog and provide a user invite experience similar to the most popular Facebook games.

Generate a Facebook share box for my app

Is there an easy way to generate the Facebook share box for my own app (see image below for what I mean)?
Users of my app will be able to share many of the same things that the this current box allows and wondered if the Facebook api can just generate it or do I would have to style the whole thing from scratch?
The closest thing available for you to use is: But that doesn't have all the cool options of Status/Photo/Link/Video/Question/Security. You will have to build your own form to collect that information and then HTTP post it to the appropriate graph object.

Accessing checkboxes with faces when using Facebook "send" button

I've messed around with FBML (deprecated, I know) and the newer HTML5 code to no end, but so far I haven't found any way to do what I'm looking to do.
When using "apprequest" within an application on Facebook (within iframe), I can allow users to share requests to join the app, but those messages that get sent are very hidden away. They don't seem to appear in the newsfeed for shared recipients, and we're afraid users won't see the request from their friends.
Instead, we thought we'd allow users to alternatively share to their friends with the "send" button code that Facebook offers up. This allows us to specify a URL (we were thinking the app canvas URL or page tab it would live on).
So far, this is all I could generate...
Is there any way to have the send code let me specify that we want faces with checkboxes for uses to select their friends, instead of a sharing party needing to type out names of their friends by hand? There's got to be some easy way of doing this.
Stop me if you think I'm going in the wrong direction on this. Maybe there's a better way that I'm simply not thinking of.
Here's an example of the checkbox functionality I'm referring to...
This violates the browser security model and also Facebook's policies, you can include a to parameter with the send dialog to preselect one recipient, but you can't modify the browser DOM because the Facebook dialog is in an iframe

Facebook Like button - Yahoo Implementation

Could someone tell me how this could be done?
This is basically a Facebook share button that is used by Yahoo in one of their blogs. The reason I am interested in this is because
1. it is very fast.
2. Has very few requests to facebook servers, unlink the Facebook iframe like button.
I currently use the Facebook Iframe button and it makes lot of requests to the fbcdn servers.
It looks to me like you're asking about manually tacking the count on the end of a plain graphic:
If so, what you're talking about is generating a graphic (ie: png, but you can do jog, as well() and maybe using an fb api to get at the current count, if you're not tracking it yourself. Using the API isn't trivial to set up or use, but after you get the pieces in place, fairly intuitive to use.
If you're talking about just doing a different button, I'd advise against it. That's just how that facebook feature works. It's great because it out of the box, though it does have requests to fb servers for it to work.