I am new to machine learning. I am classifying tweets in three classes using term frequency feature. My training and test data are balanced for all classes and it's ratio is 70-30% for all classes. But accuracy for all three classes is so different like class one high.. 92% accurate, class two medium.. 53% accurate and class three very low.. 15% accurate.
Can anyone please tell what can possibly be wrong with my algorithm?
I have three classes information neutral and metaphor.
`# Create term document matrix
tweets.information.matrix <- t(TermDocumentMatrix(tweets.information.corpus,control = list(wordLengths=c(4,Inf))));
tweets.metaphor.matrix <- t(TermDocumentMatrix(tweets.metaphor.corpus,control = list(wordLengths=c(4,Inf))));
tweets.neutral.matrix <- t(TermDocumentMatrix(tweets.neutral.corpus,control = list(wordLengths=c(4,Inf))));
tweets.test.matrix <- t(TermDocumentMatrix(tweets.test.corpus,control = list(wordLengths=c(4,Inf))));`
and that is how it calculates the probability
`probabilityMatrix <-function(docMatrix)
# Sum up the term frequencies
# Add one
# Calculate the probabilties
# Calculate the natural log of the probabilities
# Add pretty names to the columns
results for information are highly accurate , for neutral moderately accurate nad for Metaphor results are very low
I am tuning an SVM using a for loop to search in the range of hyperparameter's space. The svm model learned contains the following fields
SVMModel: [1×1 ClassificationSVM]
C: 2
FeaturesIdx: [4 6 8]
Score: 0.0142
Question1) What is the meaning of the field 'score' and its utility?
Question2) I am tuning the BoxConstraint, C value. Let, the number of features be denoted by the variable featsize. The variable gridC will contain the search space which can start from any value say 2^-5, 2^-3, to 2^15 etc. So, gridC = 2.^(-5:2:15). I cannot understand if there is a way to select the range?
1. score had been documented in here, which says:
Classification Score
The SVM classification score for classifying observation x is the signed distance from x to the decision boundary ranging from -∞ to +∞.
A positive score for a class indicates that x is predicted to be in
that class. A negative score indicates otherwise.
In two class cases, if there are six observations, and the predict function gave us some score value called TestScore, then we could determine which class does the specific observation ascribed by:
TestScore=[-0.4497 0.4497
-0.2602 0.2602;
-0.0746 0.0746;
0.1070 -0.1070;
0.2841 -0.2841;
0.4566 -0.4566;];
[~,Classes] = max(TestScore,[],2);
In the two-class classification, we can also use find(TestScore > 0) instead, and it is clear that the first three observations are belonging to the second class, and the 4th to 6th observations are belonging to the first class.
In multiclass cases, there could be several scores > 0, but the code max(scores,[],2) is still validate. For example, we could use the code (from here, an example called Find Multiple Class Boundaries Using Binary SVM) following to determine the classes of the predict Samples.
for j = 1:numel(classes);
[~,score] = predict(SVMModels{j},Samples);
Scores(:,j) = score(:,2); % Second column contains positive-class scores
[~,maxScore] = max(Scores,[],2);
Then the maxScore will denote the predicted classes of each sample.
2. The BoxConstraint denotes C in the SVM model, so we can train SVMs in different hyperparameters and select the best one by something like:
gridC = 2.^(-5:2:15);
for ii=1:length(gridC)
SVModel = fitcsvm(data3,theclass,'KernelFunction','rbf',...
%if (%some constraints were meet)
% %save the current SVModel
Note: Another way to implement this is using libsvm, a fast and easy-to-use SVM toolbox, which has the interface of MATLAB.
I have built a pretty basic naive bayes over apache spark and using mllib of course. But I have a few clarifications on what exactly neutrality means.
From what I understand, in a given dataset there are pre-labeled sentences which comprise of the necessary classes, let's take 3 for example below.
0-> Negative sentiment
1-> Positive sentiment
2-> Neutral sentiment
This neutral is pre-labeled in the training set itself.
Is there any other form of neutrality handling. Suppose if there are no neutral sentences available in the dataset then is it possible that I can calculate it from the scale of probability like
0.0 - 0.4 => Negative
0.4- - 0.6 => Neutral
0.6 - 1.0 => Positive
Is such kind of mapping possible in spark. I searched around but could not find any. The NaiveBayesModel class in the RDD API has a predict method which just returns a double that is mapped according to the training set i.e if only 0,1 is there it will return only 0,1 and not in a scaled manner such as 0.0 - 1.0 as above.
Any pointers/advice on this would be incredibly helpful.
Edit - 1
Sample code
//Performs tokenization,pos tagging and then lemmatization
//Returns a array of string
val tokenizedString = Util.tokenizeData(text)
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
//Returns a double
//According to the training set 1.0 => Positive, 0.0 => Negative
val status = model.predict(hashingTF.transform(tokenizedString.toSeq))
if(status == 1.0) "Positive" else "Negative"
Sample dataset content
1,Awesome movie
0,This movie sucks
Of course the original dataset contains more longer sentences, but this should be enough for explanations I guess
Using the above code I am calculating. My question is the same
1) Neutrality handling in dataset
In the above dataset if I am adding another category such as
2,This movie can be enjoyed by kids
For arguments sake, lets assume that it is a neutral review, then the model.predict method will give either 1.0,0.0,2.0 based on the passed in sentence.
2) Using the model.predictProbabilities it gives an array of doubles, but I am not sure in what order it gives the result i.e index 0 is for negative or for positive? With three features i.e Negative,Positive,Neutral then in what order will that method return the predictions?
It would have been helpful to have the code that builds the model (for your example to work, the 0.0 from the dataset must be converted to 0.0 as a Double in the model, either after indexing it with a StringIndexer stage, or if you converted that from the file), but assuming that this code works:
val status = model.predict(hashingTF.transform(tokenizedString.toSeq))
if(status == 1.0) "Positive" else "Negative"
Then yes, it means the probabilities at index 0 is that of negative and at 1 that of positive (it's a bit strange and there must be a reason, but everything is a double in ML, even feature and category indexes). If you have something like this in your code:
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
Then you can use labelIndexer.labels to identify the labels (probability at index 0 is for labelIndexer.labels at index 0.
Now regarding your other questions.
Neutrality can mean two different things. Type 1: a review contains as much positive and negative words Type 2: there is (almost) no sentiment expressed.
A Neutral category can be very helpful if you want to manage Type 2. If that is the case, you need neutral examples in your dataset. Naive Bayes is not a good classifier to apply thresholding on the probabilities in order to determine Type 2 neutrality.
Option 1: Build a dataset (if you think you will have to deal with a lot of Type 2 neutral texts). The good news is, building a neutral dataset is not too difficult. For instance you can pick random texts that are not movie reviews and assume they are neutral. It would be even better if you could pick content that is closely related to movies (but neutral), like a dataset of movie synopsis. You could then create a multi-class Naive Bayes classifier (between neutral, positive and negative) or a hierarchical classifier (first step is a binary classifier that determines whether a text is a movie review or not, second step to determine the overall sentiment).
Option 2 (can be used to deal with both Type 1 and 2). As I said, Naive Bayes is not very great to deal with thresholds on the probabilities, but you can try that. Without a dataset though, it will be difficult to determine the thresholds to use. Another approach is to identify the number of words or stems that have a significant polarity. One quick and dirty way to achieve that is to query your classifier with each individual word and count the number of times it returns "positive" with a probability significantly higher than the negative class (discard if the probabilities are too close to each other, for instance within 25% - a bit of experimentations will be needed here). At the end, you may end up with say 20 positive words vs 15 negative ones and determine it is neutral because it is balanced or if you have 0 positive and 1 negative, return neutral because the count of polarized words is too low.
Good luck and hope this helped.
I am not sure if I understand the problem but:
prior in Naive Bayes is computed from the data and cannot be set manually.
in MLLib you can use predictProbabilities to obtain class probabilities.
in ML you can use setThresholds to set prediction threshold for each class.
I hope you can help me with this one.
I am using cointegration to discover potential pairs trading opportunities within stocks and more precisely I am utilizing the Johansen trace test for only two stocks at a time.
I have several securities, but for each test I only test two at a time.
If two stocks are found to be cointegrated using the Johansen test, the idea is to define the spread as
beta' * p(t-1) - c
where beta'=[1 beta2] and p(t-1) is the (2x1) vector of the previous stock prices. Notice that I seek a normalized first coefficient of the cointegration vector. c is a constant which is allowed within the cointegration relationship.
I am using Matlab to run the tests (jcitest), but have also tried utilizing Eviews for comparison of results. The two programs yields the same.
When I run the test and find two stocks to be cointegrated, I usually get output like
beta_1 = 12.7290
beta_2 = -35.9655
c = 121.3422
Since I want a normalized first beta coefficient, I set beta1 = 1 and obtain
beta_2 = -35.9655/12.7290 = -2.8255
c =121.3422/12.7290 = 9.5327
I can then generate the spread as beta' * p(t-1) - c. When the spread gets sufficiently low, I buy 1 share of stock 1 and short beta_2 shares of stock 2 and vice versa when the spread gets high.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Since I am testing an awful lot of stock pairs, I obtain a lot of output. Quite often, however, I receive output where the estimated beta_1 and beta_2 are of the same sign, e.g.
beta_1= -1.4
beta_2= -3.9
When I normalize these according to beta_1, I get:
beta_1 = 1
beta_2 = 2.728
The current pairs trading literature doesn't mention any cases where the betas are of the same sign - how should it be interpreted? Since this is pairs trading, I am supposed to long one stock and short the other when the spread deviates from its long run mean. However, when the betas are of the same sign, to me it seems that I should always go long/short in both at the same time? Is this the correct interpretation? Or should I modify the way in which I normalize the coefficients?
I could really use some help...
Under some of my tests, I reject both the hypothesis of r=0 cointegration relationships and r<=1 cointegration relationships. I find this very mysterious, as I am only considering two variables at a time, and there can, at maximum, only be r=1 cointegration relationship. Can anyone tell me what this means?
I am modelling the diffusion of movies through a contact network (based on telephone data) using a zero inflated negative binomial model (package: pscl)
m1 <- zeroinfl(LENGTH_OF_DIFF ~ ., data = trainData, type = "negbin")
(variables described below.)
The next step is to evaluate the performance of the model.
My attempt has been to do multiple out-of-sample predictions and calculate the MSE.
predict(m1, newdata = testData)
I received a prediction for the mean length of a diffusion chain for each datapoint, and using
predict(m1, newdata = testData, type = "prob")
I received a matrix containing the probability of each datapoint being a certain length.
Problem with the evaluation: Since I have a 0 (and 1) inflated dataset, the model would be correct most of the time if it predicted 0 for all the values. The predictions I receive are good for chains of length zero (according to the MSE), but the deviation between the predicted and the true value for chains of length 1 or larger is substantial.
My question is:
How can we assess how well our model predicts chains of non-zero length?
Is this approach the correct way to make predictions from a zero inflated negative binomial model?
If yes: how do I interpret these results?
If no: what alternative can I use?
My variables are:
Dependent variable:
length of the diffusion chain (count [0,36])
Independent variables:
movie characteristics (both dummies and continuous variables).
It is straightforward to evaluate RMSPE (root mean square predictive error), but is probably best to transform your counts beforehand, to ensure that the really big counts do not dominate this sum.
You may find false negative and false positive error rates (FNR and FPR) to be useful here. FNR is the chance that a chain of actual non-zero length is predicted to have zero length (i.e. absence, also known as negative). FPR is the chance that a chain of actual zero length is falsely predicted to have non-zero (i.e. positive) length. I suggest doing a Google on these terms to find a paper in your favourite quantitative journals or a chapter in a book that helps explain these simply. For ecologists I tend to go back to Fielding & Bell (1997, Environmental Conservation).
First, let's define a repeatable example, that anyone can use (not sure where your trainData comes from). This is from help on zeroinfl function in the pscl library:
# an example from help on zeroinfl function in pscl library
fm_zinb2 <- zeroinfl(art ~ . | ., data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin")
There are several packages in R that calculate these. But here's the by hand approach. First calculate observed and predicted values.
# store observed values, and determine how many are nonzero
obs <- bioChemists$art
obs.nonzero <- obs > 0
# calculate predicted counts, and check their distribution
preds.count <- predict(fm_zinb2, type="response")
# also the predicted probability that each item is nonzero
preds <- 1-predict(fm_zinb2, type = "prob")[,1]
preds.nonzero <- preds > 0.5
Then get the confusion matrix (basis of FNR, FPR)
# the confusion matrix is obtained by tabulating the dichotomized observations and predictions
confusion.matrix <- table(preds.nonzero, obs.nonzero)
FNR <- confusion.matrix[2,1] / sum(confusion.matrix[,1])
In terms of calibration we can do it visually or via calibration
# let's look at how well the counts are being predicted
output <- as.data.frame(list(preds.count=preds.count, obs=obs))
ggplot(aes(x=obs, y=preds.count), data=output) + geom_point(alpha=0.3) + geom_smooth(col="aqua")
Transforming the counts to "see" what is going on:
output$log.obs <- log(output$obs)
output$log.preds.count <- log(output$preds.count)
ggplot(aes(x=log.obs, y=log.preds.count), data=output[!is.na(output$log.obs) & !is.na(output$log.preds.count),]) + geom_jitter(alpha=0.3, width=.15, size=2) + geom_smooth(col="blue") + labs(x="Observed count (non-zero, natural logarithm)", y="Predicted count (non-zero, natural logarithm)")
In your case you could also evaluate the correlations, between the predicted counts and the actual counts, either including or excluding the zeros.
So you could fit a regression as a kind of calibration to evaluate this!
However, since the predictions are not necessarily counts, we can't use a poisson
regression, so instead we can use a lognormal, by regressing the log
prediction against the log observed, assuming a Normal response.
calibrate <- lm(log(preds.count) ~ log(obs), data=output[output$obs!=0 & output$preds.count!=0,])
sigma <- summary(calibrate)$sigma
There are more fancy ways of assessing calibration I suppose, as in any modelling exercise ... but this is a start.
For a more advanced assessment of zero-inflated models, check out the ways in which the log likelihood can be used, in the references provided for the zeroinfl function. This requires a bit of finesse.
I'm examining some biological data which is basically a long list (a few million values) of integers, each saying how well this position in the genome is covered. Here is a graphical example for a data set:
I would like to look for "valleys" in this data, that is, regions which are significantly lower than their surrounding environment.
Note that the size of the valleys I'm looking for is not really known - it may range from 50 bases to a few thousands. Defining what is a valley is of course one of the questions I'm struggling with, but the previous examples are relatively easy for me:
What kind of paradigms would you recommend using to find those valleys? I mainly program using Perl and R.
We do peak detection (and valley detection) using running medians and median absolute deviation. You can specify how much deviation from the running median means a peak.
In a next step, we use a binomial model to check which regions contain more "extreme" values than can be expected. This model (basically a score test) results in "peak regions" instead of single peaks. Turning it around to get "valley regions" is trivial.
The running median is calculated using the function weightedMedian from the package aroma.light. We use the embed() function to make a list of "windows" and apply a kernel function on it.
The application of the weighted median :
center <- apply(embed(tmp,wdw),1,weightedMedian,w=weights,na.rm=T)
Here tmp is the temporary data vector and wdw the window size (has to be uneven). tmp is constructed by adding (wdw-1)/2 NA values at every side of the data vector. the weights are constructed using a customized function. For the mad we use the same procedure, but then on diff(data) instead of the data itself.
Running Sample code :
# make.weights : function to make weights on basis of a normal distribution
# n is window size !!!!!!
make.weights <- function(n,
type <- match.arg(type)
x <- seq(-1,1,length.out=n)
out <-switch(type,
out <- out/sum(out)*n
# score.test : function to become a p-value based on the score test
# uses normal approximation, but is still quite correct when p0 is
# pretty small.
# This test is one-sided, and tests whether the observed proportion
# is bigger than the hypothesized proportion
score.test <- function(x,p0,w){
n <- length(x)
if(missing(w)) w<-rep(1,n)
w <- w[!is.na(x)]
x <- x[!is.na(x)]
if(sum(w)!=n) w <- w/sum(w)*n
phat <- sum(x*w)/n
z <- (phat-p0)/sqrt(p0*(1-p0)/n)
p <- 1-pnorm(z)
# embed.na is a modification of embed, adding NA strings
# to the beginning and end of x. window size= 2n+1
embed.na <- function(x,n){
extra <- rep(NA,n)
x <- c(extra,x,extra)
out <- embed(x,2*n+1)
# running.score : function to calculate the weighted p-value for the chance of being in
# a run of peaks. This chance is based on the weighted proportion of the neighbourhood
# the null hypothesis is calculated by taking the weighted proportion
# of detected peaks in the whole dataset.
# This lessens the need for adjusting parameters and makes the
# method more automatic.
# for a correct calculation, the weights have to sum up to n
running.score <- function(sel,n=20,w,p0){
if(missing(w)) w<- rep(1,2*n+1)
if(missing(p0))p0 <- sum(sel,na.rm=T)/length(sel[!is.na(sel)]) # null hypothesis
out <- apply(embed.na(sel,n),1,score.test,p0=p0,w=w)
# running.med : function to calculate the running median and mad
# for a dataset. Window size = 2n+1
running.med <- function(x,w,n,cte=1.4826){
wdw <- 2*n+1
if(missing(w)) w <- rep(1,wdw)
center <- apply(embed.na(x,n),1,weightedMedian,w=w,na.rm=T)
mad <- median(abs(x-center))*cte
# Create series
n = 1000
series <- diffinv(rnorm(20000),lag=1)
peaks <- apply(embed.na(series,n),1,function(x) x[n+1] < quantile(x,probs=0.05,na.rm=T))
pweight <- make.weights(0.2*n+1)
p.val <- running.score(peaks,n=n/10,w=pweight)
The sample code above is developed to find regions with big fluctuations rather than valleys. I adapted it a bit, but it's not optimal. On top of that, for series larger than 20000 values you need a whole lot of memory, I can't run it on my computer any more.
Alternatively, you could work with an approximation of the numerical derivative and second derivative to define valleys. In your case, this might even work better. A pragmatic way of calculating the derivatives and the minima/maxima of the first derivative :
#first derivative
f.deriv <- diff(lowess(series,f=n/length(series),delta=1)$y)
#second derivative
f.sec.deriv <- diff(f.deriv)
#minima and maxima defined by where f.sec.deriv changes sign :
minmax <- cumsum(rle(sign(f.sec.deriv))$lengths)
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))
You can define a valley by different criterion :
volume (depth*width)
You might also have valley in a big mountain, do you want these too ?
For example there is a valley here : 1 2 3 4 1000 1000 800 800 800 1000 1000 500 200 3
Try to explain with more details how YOU (or any expert in your field) would choose the valleys given the data
You might want to look at watershed
You might want to try the peak detection function to identify the regions of interest. The desired minimum width of the valleys can be specified with the span parameter.
It might be a good idea to smooth the data first, to get rid of the noise peaks like the one in the right "valley" of the blue graph. A simple stats::filter should be enough.
The final step would be to check the depth of the found "valleys". This really depends on your requirements. As a first approximation, you can simply compare the peak value with the median level of the data.