Slide-out panel using Swift/OS X - swift

Not sure there's a better way to describe this. It's almost like presentViewControllerAsSheet(vc) but presented non-modally, and not sliding out from the top of the window frame. I've searched and searched for solutions, but can't find anything that works. I think it's possible, since Apple's Mail 'Connection Doctor' window uses one for the Log Viewer, but I can't find any way to do it.
If anyone has any suggestions or pointers to tutorials on how to accomplish such a thing, I'd appreciate it!


Roblox | Help Fix Cutoff GUI's in Billboard GUI

Right now, I'm working on Server Fixing Simulator.
I'm working on the Error Popup GUI.
I wanted to add the Error Icon.
The ImageLabel gets cutoff.
so I need help fixing the Cut-Off GUIs.
Problem Info -
When the Properties Menu looks like this
And the ErrorIcon looks like this.
It just makes me mad.
This happens a lot in Roblox. When an image is new, it looks like that for about an hour. I suggest you wait a little bit or upload a new one.

C# flipping mainwindow

this is my very first entry here, may it not be the last....
I am having a bit of a struggle with some GUI stuff.
I really have an animation up front my eyes and it should look like the following: using c# with desktop application.
This Form looks like a login window with server address, username and pw textboxes and with a connect button as well, so nothing special. Size wise it can be small or at least same as size as the turned window. doesnt matter at the end.
once you entered your credentials and all turns out to be fine, connection is there and valid.
The main Form is suppost to flip then (doesnt matter horizontal or vertical),
and shows you your options you got then in this newly window. kind of an animated sign, that you are logged in and have now these options.
But the flip is suppost to stay on the same place. Like a card flip or a coin flip, but just the whole form and it ends then at the same place as before.
(sounds really wired to explain)
This can also be done with a new form poping up, just with a animated turn over, no problem with that.
And this is exactly where I am stuck.
I really cant find any information on how this would look like in code or even in animation.
I am using c# and the basic project started as a desktop application project, which it will be at the end.
Its been a while since my last coding, please be gentle.
i know there are plenty of entries in here also in google as well, but i didnt found anything which will do this for the main window as a total. images etc: yes, but for the whole form: no.
Any help out there?
May be tehr eis a trick i am not aware of? Its been a while since the last coding work, I need to admit that.#greyhairsarecomming
many thanks in advance! much appreciated
kind regards TG

Explanation of JavaFX Table View Cell Renderer?

I am very curious about an example that I am trying to imitate in my own code. My own code isn't working yet and I'm confident that it is because I don't understand the example very completely. Unfortunately, the person who prepared the example didn't bother to explain it in much detail either. I was wondering if someone could walk me through each of the three classes - especially the part in that involves setCellFactory() and setCellValueFactory() - line by line and explain what exactly is going on?
This is a link to the example:JavaFX8 – Render a DatePicker Cell in a TableView
The code clearly works as it is; I've run it myself and satisfied myself that it works. I've run it in Debug mode of Eclipse also but don't really understand what I'm seeing. I was hoping someone could explain it line by line. With a bit of luck, that will "make the penny drop" so that I can see what I am doing wrong.
Or can someone suggest a better approach to understanding why the example works but my code doesn't?

Providing un-intrusive messages on an iPhone

This is kind of a silly question, but I cannot find the answer as I don't know the terms with which to search for it.
I am looking for a simple way of giving a 'status' message like 'Data updated' to the user without necessarily interrupting what he/she is doing (but have a option I guess in some instances to tab it an perform an action).
For example; some Apps give a rounded square semi-transparent with 'Lock screen/rotation' when an iPhone is rotated, I am look for something similar (or like the square box 'Build Complete in Xcode 4').
Is there an easy way of doing this?
Thanks a million in advance!
MTStatusBarOverlay adds very subtle text to the phone's status bar. If you're looking for something a little more noticiable, try:
As #kubi has pointed out, MTStatusBarOverlay is a good one, and I've passed Apple reviewer inspection with it. However I just found something that looks fraking awesome...
Tweetbot-Like Alert Panels (Blog), and the repository is MKInfoPanelDemo at Github.
Create a view that shows your message nicely, add it to the window, and start a UIView animation which makes it fade away. In the animation ended handler (delegate or block) remove the view.

Programmatically Dismiss UIDocumentInteractionController OpenInMenu?

I am having much difficulty being able to dismiss (programmatically) my UIDocumentInteractionController's OpenIn Menu (Using the appropriate - dismissMenuWhatever method from the docs). I just can't seem to get it to work. Does anybody have any suggestions? Maybe I have an inadequate intelligence level? I am beginning to question the meaning of life.
make sure you are calling dimissMenuAnimated: on the right UIDocumentInteractionController. Maybe post some code if you still can't figure it out.