Visual Studio Code shows TypeScript Error on startup - visual-studio-code

When starting Visual Studio Code, I get the following Error:
The Path c:*\node_modules\typescript\lib doesn't point to a valid tsserver install. TypeScript language features will be disabled.
I'm not using typescript.
How do I tell vscode I'm not using typescript.
vs code version 1.8.1

That error implies that you have the setting "typescript.tsdk" set to that path. It may be in the workspace settings of the folder you open, in the file at .vscode/settings.json. Or it may be in your user settings (F1 > Open user settings). Remove it, and the error should stop appearing.


VSCode Shows Errors for ES6 Imports In Deno [duplicate]

I'm using Visual Studio Code to write Deno programs.
The import statement in Deno contains the .ts extension, e.g.
import { Application } from "";
which is marked as a problem in VS-Code, error code ts(2691):
Despite the shown error, the program works fine, but I want to avoid the error message, because there's nothing wrong.
How can this be solved?
This can be solved by installing and configuring the Deno Extensions for VSCode.
Press CtrlShiftX to open the extensions view,
then type "deno" and click on the entry name "Deno - Deno support for VSCode":
and install it.
After installation, you can choose any one of following methods:
Go to settings: (Ctrl, or Cmd, on MacOSX), select "Extensions>Deno" and click on the checkbox under "Deno:Enable" and "Deno:lint"
Just enable workspace settings only
Don't enable User settings if you have other Non node projects
Or, as #hong4rc mentioned, open the Command Palette(Ctrl+Shift+P) and select Deno:initialize
Either method creates a folder named .vscode and a file settings.json with the following lines in your workspace project ( workspace settings):
"deno.enable": true,
"deno.lint": true
In both cases, after restarting Visual Studio Code, the error should be gone.

OmniSharp server is not running macOS 10.13.6

OmniSharp server is not running on my VS code. I tried with reinstall both VS code and C# extension powered by omniSharp, but it is still not running. I am working in a macOS 10.13.6.
So I do not get any error (red highlighting in case inaccurate code ) or in my code. Any advise how to solve this?
Reinstalling of an older version of C# extension solved my problem. Now OmniSharp is functioning fine.
I changed "omnisharp.useGlobalMono": "always" to "omnisharp.useGlobalMono": "never" in settings.json file and now it's working for me.
You can open the "settings.json" file from ctrl+p and type "settings.json" to opened window.
You can follow these steps:
Go to the VSCode settings (File > Preferences > Settings).
Search with the keywords omnisharp use global mono to locate the configuration.
Change the value to never from either auto or always.
REMEMBER to restart the VSCode to activate the change (I restarted it twice to be sure).

Visual Studio Code Love2D support extension detecting as a directory

I have just started with löve because of an internet course I'm on, and I'm using Visual studio code as my editor. The course recommends that I use the "Love2D Support" extension with Visual Studio. It allows me to run the code directly from VS by pressing Command + L.
Although when I do it, VS outputs me this error:
The setting specified in pixelbyte.love2d.path must be an executable file, not a directory. Check your settings.
The path I have input in the settings is /Users/My_Username/Desktop/
I am 100% sure that it is the correct directory. What is the problem?
Thanks for answering!
The actual executable file in Mac is /Applications/ so put this in your pixelbyte.love2d.path command in vscode and you are good to go.

Issue with VSC build (CMD-Shift-B) command on mac

I am working through the instructions on building VSC for developers ( currently. Right under "Build" it instructs me to go "Go into vscode and start the build task with CMD+Shift+B) since I have a mac. I have gone into the folder in my finder and have pressed this combination of buttons but nothing happens at all. Am I supposed to do this in the terminal or am I missing anything?
It looks like the vscode directory must be opened in Visual Studio Code and a build is performed with ⌘ Command+Shift+B.
Here is an older version of the instructions where it is clearer:
It appears that the directory vscode got mixed up with the full application name in a subsequent edit.

Visual Studio Code: failed to load project file (works in VS2017)

I´m trying to use Visual Studio Code, so I installed the current version (1.25.0). I open the project folder and VSC starts doing stuff with OmniSharp, producing the following error:
(Sorry, error is in german, saying that the file or assembly could not be found and that it can´t load the project file .csproj)
So, I checked the folder: the file is there and visual studio 2017 loads and builds the project as expected.
I´m new to VSC, so please tell me if I need to provide more information from some VSC logs or something.
I´d like to be able to open the project and work with VSC, so thank you in advance for your help.
From the comment
I am assuming you have installed this? C # Extenstion for VSCode and you are trying to open a dotnet core application and not a full framework project?
The best way to go about is uninstall C# extension and you will be fine to open the code in vs code again.