Is there a way to program a wallpaper for windows? - desktop-wallpaper

My buddy wants me to program a wallpaper for his birthday. The idea he has would require some code to be run in order for his idea to work. I would need access to get a timestamp and draw to the background.
I believe he is running windows 10, but he could be running windows 8. Is there any possible way to do this?


Take Screenshot of minimized application with Powershell possible? Needed for OCR later

is there a way to take a screenshot from a minimized application or if another application is opened in front it?
I'm using Powershell currently for a small script which take a screenshot of a specific desktop area where the application is in the foreground. This screenshot is used for an OCR-process in the same Powershell-script to read some values out of it.
It would be great to capture in background or another solution that the computer can be used at same time the script is running. (screenshot like every 30s)

Chrome Packaged App and Dual Monitors

I am working on a packaged app that will use multiple displays. I need to be able to open windows in specific displays. I've also tried opening windows and then, using javascript, moving them to a monitor. But the app will not move any further than the bounds of the active display.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Use chrome.system.display.getInfo with this you can get the display info for each active display.
With displayInfo.workArea you can get the working area of each display, you just have to think of one big display and each display is a workArea. With this information you can move your window with
AppWindow#setBounds to the correct monitor. Be carfull, AppWindow#moveTo is not working.
Use AppWindow#setBounds
E.g.'mainWindow').setBounds({"height": 200, "left": 2000})
Tested on v34
Boom. Change this to correct answer.
This was not the solution I was hoping for but as one of the comments mentioned there is a bug with Chrome and multiple monitors. In my case this is an internal application so I'm able to install anything i need to make this work.
My solution was to create a console application which launches the chrome app and then moves the windows around using the Windows32 API. Obviously not ideal but it works and the user still just needs one click to launch the app.
You can write a chrome extension to get this done. In the Background script you can listen to event and use function to move the windows to other monitors

SOAP UI not working on my machine

I tried many version of SOAP UI (3.6.1,3.6,3.5.1) on my machine but after couple of minutes, my screen filled with bubbles.Not sure, if this tool conflicts with anyother tool on my machine. Please let me know, if anybody has some idea.
Perhaps you have the "Bubbles" screen saver enabled on your Windows Vista PC and you are inactive for a few minutes causing the screen saver to display.
Without more information that's the best suggestion I can make.

Downloading photos from a (USB-connected) iPhone programmatically

I'm wondering if it's possible to access the Camera Roll on the iPhone programmatically. Some background: I want to basically run a cron job every night that will download all the (preferably new since last time) photos from my iPhone to a folder on my computer. I'm using a Mac, and I'm not terrifically concerned with interoperability — I suspect doing this in a platform-agnostic way is probably a lot more trouble than it's worth (if it's even possible).
Basically the only requirement here is that the program/script needs to be able to be invoked from the shell, which essentially everything can, so really I don't care what language it is in. Once the photos are downloaded I intend to run a Python script of mine to do what I will with them.
I suspect the easiest way to do this may be with (deep breath) AppleScript to the Image Capture application on every Mac. But maybe others have better ideas, or any experience with using the AppleScript approach?
You can use the ImageCaptureCore framework to download photos over PTP.
I guess the easiest and most comfortable solution would be to use Automator for that, using the "Download Pictures" action in a workflow and invoking it from a shell using "automator".

Running BASH script from iPhone app?

Basically I am wondering if it is possible to run a console script (.sh) from an iPhone App. The script is written to download a program from a repository that I set up, respring, then after a set time delete the program and respring again, so it needs root privileges, and is interactive in that the user can set how long the program will be kept. I have the bash script written, and it works fine when called from mobile terminal, but is there any way to do this from within a (jailbroken) app (without using mobile terminal / SSH / Bossprefs)? Or is there an overall better way to achieve this?
Jasarien is right here it is pretty resticted and as we all know that all apps are sandboxed. But it is not impossible since Objective-C is just build on C you can use
to execute a basic ls command and it works if you look in your gdb output. Altho you can also use popen to get the streams to app to work with the data.
Since you're working with a Jailbroken phone, you're pretty much unrestricted. Whether or not there's anything in the iPhone APIs that allows for script execution is another matter though. Also anything you do use will be unsupported, and is likely to change, stop working or be removed in a software update.
Also, you probably already know this, or don't care, but you won't get past Apple's review process for the App Store if you start running BASH scripts. Interpreted code is forbidden.
I would look up how to do it on OSX, chances are that'll be how it's done on the iPhone, but you probably won't find any iPhone specific documentation about it because it's not allowed on a "normal" iphone (one that is not jailbroken)
something you may consider is using NSTask if you want to get output and error messages from the shell.
system('ls /'); gives a better result as system('ls');