Can someone explain, what does the webhook do in - webserver

I am new to I want to send data to the web server and receive it and then give it to the users? From the documentation that I read, I understood that I have to use a webhook. But I am not sure how will send and receive the data?
Can the webhook be developed in any language?

The webhook is a web service that you implement in any language and on any platform, with an HTTP (must be https for ghome) and JSON interface, that fullfils (in their lingo) a user intent.
API.AI matches a user utterance to an intent (which then suggests entity values and a response) and they pass these in the call to your web service. You do whatever processing you need - your domain logic - and then return a speech response for the user and optionally some API.AI contexts.
You can read more about it (and about slot filling fulfillment which is a little different) here.

You can visualize the working of a webhook like a block where data request comes in JSON format somewhat like this:
"id": "7aef9329-4a32-4d59-b661-8bf380a0f35b",
"timestamp": "2017-06-07T05:36:12.641Z",
"lang": "en",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "hi",
"action": "",
"actionIncomplete": true,
"parameters": {
"address": "",
"crust": "",
"sauce": "",
"size": "",
"time": "",
"topping": "",
"type": ""
and another json file is returned to it according to the prescribed settings.


Is there a way to retrieve the generated HTML email body of a dynamic template via SendGrid API call?

We have a site where our agents enter in some data, and then that data is sent to a client, via a SendGrid dynamic template.
The email content includes a lot of calculations based on the data entered, so we want our agents to have the ability to preview the email and verify the content first before sending it to the client.
Is there a way to use the SendGrid API to send a request with our json object, but instead of sending the email to the client, receive the generated email body so that we can display it to the agent and let them review it first?
Answered my own question. API v3 has GET methods for Dynamic Transactional Templates and Template Versions.
API Call:
using sendgrid-ruby:
sg = sendgrid_api_key)
(Note: the template_version_id is the ID and not the Name of the template version)
The response body then includes a field called html_content which is the full rendered HTML of a dynamic template version with any handlebar templating.
You can make API call via postman as:
with Bearer token along with Sendgrid API key like:
Bearer SG.Fvsdfsdjfksdfsdfjsdkjfsdfksjdfsdfksjdfkjsdkfjsdf
The response is:
"id": "d-d55d081558a641b48a8a1145b4549fbe",
"name": "Bt_Payment_Reminder (Active)",
"generation": "dynamic",
"updated_at": "2021-12-21 07:35:12",
"versions": [
"id": "a95c3652-e49f-4608-a9dd-5aa4831c2dc3",
"user_id": 11702857,
"template_id": "d-d55d081558a641b48a8a1145b4549fbe",
"active": 1,
"name": "Bt_Payment_Reminder_Updated",
"html_content": "Hello {{firstName}}",
"plain_content": "Hello {{firstName}}",
"generate_plain_content": true,
"subject": "{{subject}}",
"updated_at": "2021-12-21 07:37:48",
"editor": "code",
"test_data": "{\n \"firstName\":\"Virendra\"}",
"thumbnail_url": "sdasdasdasdasdasdsd"

What's the RESTful way to return metadata on a collection of resources?

Say I have a REST API for accessing user notifications. I have an endpoint for getting all notifications:
GET https://server:443/api/notifications
Which returns the following response:
"status": "unread",
"_id": "5db8228d710ab4b1e33f19b2",
"title": "Some title",
"time": "2019-10-29T11:29:17.402Z",
"details": "Some details...",
"user": "user1"
"status": "unread",
"_id": "5db8228d710ab4b1e33f19b3",
"title": "Some title",
"time": "2019-10-29T11:29:17.411Z",
"details": "Some other details",
"user": "user2"
Now, I'd like to also be able to retrieve the amount of notifications for each user in a single request, for which the response will be something like:
"user": "user1",
"count": 1
"user": "user2",
"count": 1
What would be the best way, in terms of REST conventions, to do that?
What would be the best way, in terms of REST conventions, to do that?
REST really doesn't answer that. REST tells you that you have resources, but it doesn't actually offer any opinion on where the "boundaries" of your resources should be.
Again, think "web pages". You could add your summary to the web page that describes notifications, and that would be fine. Or you could decide that the notifications are described on one web page, and the summary on a different web page, and that would be fine.
What REST does tell you is that caching is important; so if you think the cache controls for summary data should be different from notification data, then you want to be thinking about separating that data into a different resource. If you think the summary data and the notification data needs to be synchronized, then its more likely that they belong as part of the same resource.
Of course, there's nothing in REST that says you can't have multiple resources that return the "same" data.
If you wanted the summary to be part of the notifications resource, and also wanted that information to be independently identifiable, then you would use a fragment to describe the summary "sub-resource"; perhaps https://server:443/api/notifications#summary.

Facebook Graph IP filtering

I've read few posts around about the limitations on 600 requests in 600 seconds that Facebook Graph Api sets on requests.
This question is about getting some clarification in the issue I'm facing.
I'm doing requests, quite simple to the FB Graph:
So, from my home I run:
(Having the trail slash is not trivial)
which gives me empty results:
"share": {
"comment_count": 0,
"share_count": 605
"og_object": {
"id": "XXXXX6ZZ70301002",
"description": "text",
"title": "title",
"type": "article",
"updated_time": "2019-03-09T00:15:06+0000"
"id": ""
I took the url from js code in the website.
Instead, running the Scrapy crawler, on the same url, still from home network, gives me the same as above:
"share": {
"comment_count": 0,
"share_count": 605
"og_object": {
"id": "XXXXX6ZZ70301002",
"description": "text",
"title": "title",
"type": "article",
"updated_time": "2019-03-09T00:15:06+0000"
"id": ""
Which is more than fine for now and the js-code-scraping system seems to be working. The results contain all the information from js calls to FB Graph.
Hands on server side, the crawler runs as expected, but having a closer look at the results, information coming from js code execution is not there.
I've checked the whole code, in other url which also fires js actions to provide html content and the code actually works fine.
Then, repeating the simple:
this time from the server ip, it replies:
"error": {
"message": "(#4) Application request limit reached",
"type": "OAuthException",
"is_transient": true,
"code": 4,
"fbtrace_id": "ErXXXXZZrOn"
Regarding ip-blocks, the code wasn't able of delivering more than 600 requests. Actually it sent less than 10 requests to the graph api.
Obviously, the information coming from js requests to the Fb Graph Api from server side is missing.
I tried from different servers, from different providers, to check if there was a Ip filter on Cloud providers, but it seems that is not the case, as in every server the results are the same.
What is going on here?
Why the js requests do not get valid response data when they are fired from server ip addresses? (as it gives the error OAuthException:Application request limit reached also using the curl command)
Thanks for any clue

Doesn't HATEOAS multiplicate HTTP requests?

I came across HATEOAS on my researches and was thinking : doesn't HATEOAS multiplicate HTTP requests ?
Let's take the basic customer and order example.
Let's say you want to retrieve an order, the endpoint would be /orders/2
with the following JSON response :
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": [{
"rel": "customer",
"href": "
Now what if I also need the customer ? Do I have to make another request to /customer/1 ? Doesn't this overload the HTTP traffic ?
Couldn't I get the couple customer + order with a single endpoint like /customers/1/orders/2 ?
Or just send the customer in the /orders/2 JSON response ?
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"customer": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
What's the benefit(s) of one solution or another ? When do I need one or the other ?
Thanks ! :-)
If the server only supplies the customer and order separately, then you have to make two requests regardless of whether they are following REST or not.
Nothing about REST or its HATEOAS constraint prevents the server from providing both customer and order in the same resource, exactly as you have suggested:
GET /orders/2
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"customer": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
But the customer in that response has no connection to the identifier /customers/1 — the server could combine the two ideas:
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": [{
"rel": "customer",
"href": "
"resources": {
"": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
or better yet, group the links by their relation to the requested resource:
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": {
"customer": [{
"href": ""
"resources": {
"": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
Whilst this would make it a bit more work for the client to print the name of the customer (nothing at all taxing, mind), it allows the client to fetch more information about the customer if they want to!
Just to add to Nicholas' answer:
Embedding related resources
Pros: saves you a trip to the server
Cons: While it saves you a trip the first time and may be a few lines of code, you are giving up on caching: if something changes in a related resource (that you embedded) client cache is no more valid, so the client has to make the request again. Of course, assuming you leverage HTTP caching. Which you should...
If you want to go this route, you are better off using something like GraphQL... but wait!
Going "pure" HATEOS
Pros: resources have independent life-cycles; easier to make each (type of) resource evolve without impacting the others. By fully leveraging the cache, overtime, the overall performance is far better.
Cons: more requests (at first access), this might be a little slower on first access; some more code to manage the HATEOS thing...
I personally tend to use the second approach whenever possible.
The classic web analogy:
If it can help, a classic website is just another api that serves html related resources, the client app being the browser itself. If you have ever done some html/css/js, you might want to approach it the same way:
For the given particular website, given its navigation architecture...etc would you rather inline all/part of the css/js (the related resources) in the html pages (the main resource) or not.

Facebook API for extracting basic(Public) profile info of a person

Actually I want to extract basic(Public Profile) information of a person on Facebook by it's name or email-ID without any type of authentication. So, can anyone tell me the detailed procedure how i can acheive this using Java Programming and i want the result in XML format
Will give you a result similar to -
"id": "4",
"name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
"first_name": "Mark",
"last_name": "Zuckerberg",
"link": "",
"username": "zuck",
"gender": "male",
"locale": "en_US"
That will give you all the public information about a user. The response you get is a JSON object. If you want it in XML you'll have to manually convert it.
Beaware that not all USER_ID's will return information. It all depends on the user's privacy settings.
I have no knowledge of JAVA so I can't give you and code samples, but you can make a simple HTTP request to that URL using whatever methods you feel comfortable with...