Is there a way to retrieve the generated HTML email body of a dynamic template via SendGrid API call? - sendgrid

We have a site where our agents enter in some data, and then that data is sent to a client, via a SendGrid dynamic template.
The email content includes a lot of calculations based on the data entered, so we want our agents to have the ability to preview the email and verify the content first before sending it to the client.
Is there a way to use the SendGrid API to send a request with our json object, but instead of sending the email to the client, receive the generated email body so that we can display it to the agent and let them review it first?

Answered my own question. API v3 has GET methods for Dynamic Transactional Templates and Template Versions.
API Call:
using sendgrid-ruby:
sg = sendgrid_api_key)
(Note: the template_version_id is the ID and not the Name of the template version)
The response body then includes a field called html_content which is the full rendered HTML of a dynamic template version with any handlebar templating.

You can make API call via postman as:
with Bearer token along with Sendgrid API key like:
Bearer SG.Fvsdfsdjfksdfsdfjsdkjfsdfksjdfsdfksjdfkjsdkfjsdf
The response is:
"id": "d-d55d081558a641b48a8a1145b4549fbe",
"name": "Bt_Payment_Reminder (Active)",
"generation": "dynamic",
"updated_at": "2021-12-21 07:35:12",
"versions": [
"id": "a95c3652-e49f-4608-a9dd-5aa4831c2dc3",
"user_id": 11702857,
"template_id": "d-d55d081558a641b48a8a1145b4549fbe",
"active": 1,
"name": "Bt_Payment_Reminder_Updated",
"html_content": "Hello {{firstName}}",
"plain_content": "Hello {{firstName}}",
"generate_plain_content": true,
"subject": "{{subject}}",
"updated_at": "2021-12-21 07:37:48",
"editor": "code",
"test_data": "{\n \"firstName\":\"Virendra\"}",
"thumbnail_url": "sdasdasdasdasdasdsd"


How to send activity output as email attachment in logic app

I have an ADF pipeline, I want to send the output of my activity as an email attachment in the logic app.
I have a lookup activity followed by a For each activity and an Inside For each activity I have a web activity to call the logic app.
I want to send the output of the lookup activity as an email attachment to the logic app. I am not able to think about this integration part.
Create Logic app event trigger with HTTP and Outlook.
Inside HTTP request is received:
Request Body JSON Schema
{ "properties": { "dataFactoryName": { "type": "string" }, "message": { "type": "string" }, "pipelineName": { "type": "string" }, "receiver": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
POST Method
Send an Email
Connect Your outlook email .
Use HTTP POST URL as shown in step1
Create parameter name receiver
Add dynamic this content
"message" : "This is the row from lookup item #{item().customerID},#{item().gender},#{item().SeniorCitizen},#{item().Partner}.",
"dataFactoryName" : "#{pipeline().DataFactory}",
"pipelineName" : "#{pipeline().Pipeline}",
"receiver" : "#{pipeline().parameters.receiver}"
Pipeline successfully executed and got the output:
There is no direct or easy way to send email attachment from ADF.
But as a workaround first you will have to save the output of your lookup activity to a file and then follow the approach described in this video by a community volunteer where logic apps come into play to send the lookup activity output data file as an attachment. How To Send File as Attachment From Azure Data Factory - Azure Data Factory Tutorial 2021
In order to save the lookup output data to a file you can follow this approach: Get Output of lookup activity in a file

Facebook's Batch Request not picking up a JSON parameter

My goal is to create a number of ads using Facebook's Batch API :
I am sending a POST request at this URL:
I am sending 2 parameters as per the documentation:
1- access_token
2- batch
The JSON in the batch parameter looks like :
"method": "POST",
"relative_url": "v2.9\/act_158365238\/ads",
"attached_files": "test1",
"body": "creative={\"title\":\"Test title 1\",\"body\":\"Test body 1\",\"object_url\":\"https:\/\/\/testapp\/\", \"image_file\":\"test1.jpg\"}&targeting={\"countries\":[\"US\"]}&name=test1"
The Problem
When I send this request with POSTman or my PHP code, it throws the following error
"error": {
"message": "(#100) The parameter creative is required",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "Gj2sG7N8l1f"
However when I send the exact same request via Facebook's Graph API tool, it successfully creates the ads.
According to the API Documentation provided to create creatives you should be posting to the URL "v2.9/act_187687683/adcreatives"... The fragment of the batch that you are showing is used to create an Ad.
If, as you say, your intention is to create an AdCreative then you should be using something like the above, which differs in the body from what you are using:
"method": "POST",
"name": "create_creative",
"relative_url": "v2.9/act_187687683/adcreatives",
"attached_files": "test1",
"body": "title=Test title&body=Test body&link_url="
In the other hand, if what you are creating is an add, then you should consider referencing the AdCreative by its ID as is done in the examples, hence in the case of a creative added in the same batch you could use the relative reference to the name:
or if it is a creative already created you can reference it by the creative_id:
I think the message is a red herring -- it's not seeing your body's creative field because the OAuth isn't properly set in your POSTman requests, so it isn't parsing the body or seeing the creative field.
If you don't know how to set OAuth in POSTman, here's a good tutorial:

How to change ejabberd MUC subject

I've tried to change MUC subject using ejabberd API but didn't work. I use Postman to work with the API
api : /api/change_room_option
request body :
"name": "testgroup",
"service": "conference.localhost",
"option": "subject",
"value": "BookNerds"
error : "400 Bad Request"
I've enabled change_room_option in my ejabberd.yaml and set allow_change_subj to true. Using this configuration and same request body format, I successfully change 'title' and 'description'.
Note : I ran another test using Adium and successfully change the subject. When I check in database, subject and subject_author have been updated. Do I need to set subject_author too in the request body? If yes - I don't think it's possible since change_room_option will only accept four parameters as stated here

Can someone explain, what does the webhook do in

I am new to I want to send data to the web server and receive it and then give it to the users? From the documentation that I read, I understood that I have to use a webhook. But I am not sure how will send and receive the data?
Can the webhook be developed in any language?
The webhook is a web service that you implement in any language and on any platform, with an HTTP (must be https for ghome) and JSON interface, that fullfils (in their lingo) a user intent.
API.AI matches a user utterance to an intent (which then suggests entity values and a response) and they pass these in the call to your web service. You do whatever processing you need - your domain logic - and then return a speech response for the user and optionally some API.AI contexts.
You can read more about it (and about slot filling fulfillment which is a little different) here.
You can visualize the working of a webhook like a block where data request comes in JSON format somewhat like this:
"id": "7aef9329-4a32-4d59-b661-8bf380a0f35b",
"timestamp": "2017-06-07T05:36:12.641Z",
"lang": "en",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "hi",
"action": "",
"actionIncomplete": true,
"parameters": {
"address": "",
"crust": "",
"sauce": "",
"size": "",
"time": "",
"topping": "",
"type": ""
and another json file is returned to it according to the prescribed settings.

How to retrieve attachments from Facebook Graph API?

I'm struggling to find a method to retrieve attachments from a message via the Graph API.
When I request the message (m_mid.xxxxxx/attachments), I get the response:
"data": [
"id": "105446924xxxxxx",
"mime_type": "application/pdf",
"name": "some.pdf",
"size": 89628
Any way to get the attachment link or the file itself?
The documentation only lists four fields that you can use as query parameters to filter the results, and these are the same as the response to your request.
However, if you remove the fields parameter from the request, you'll also get an image_data object which includes URLs.
For example:{message_id}/attachments?access_token={page_access_token}