Is it possible to create a canonical URL for pages with just a pageid in confluence? - confluence

I need to groups each space in the Piwik web analytics software. The cleanest way to do it would be if all URL´s had the spacekey in it, to allow each space-owner to easily get a complete view of their space and retain all functionality like browsing the site with an analytics overlay.
Some URL´s are canonical, however some just have an URL like /pages/viewpage.action?pageId=199921170
Is there some way through the AJS API or other method to find force a working URL in the form: /display/spacekey/title-of-page
The most important part is to have the spacekey in the URL. If there´s no workaround I might just generate an invalid URL by inserting spacekey and let each space-owner fix their page-titles if they want working analytics :-)
We are running Confluence version 5.10.7
(There´s an unresolved open issue on concerning the broader issue of sometimes having ugly URLs in confluence)

Instead of adding an incorrect URL, you could use a custom variable to record the space key, e.g.
_paq.push(['setCustomVariable','1','Space Key', AJS.params.spaceKey]);


AMP errors in web master tool

I have implemented AMP successfully for my webpages and google started indexing it, which I came to know via WebMaster tool. I am facing some issues which is present and disappears in short span of time.
Issue logged are:
User authored JavaScript found on page
The pages doesn't contain any script tags except schema.
This error is showing for few pages from 120 pages instead of following same
template. Below is the image link:
Have some more query:
I have observe different amp urls getting redirected to its original page when the same amp url is being used in Web Browser.
Is Google taking care of it or its on us to do the redirection?
I am planning to implement the sign in and share buttons on my web pages which will be using javascript. But if I do so, I do get validation error. So what is the right approach.
Can anyone please help me on this?
Please ensure that all script tags are of type application/ld+json. There should be no executable code in these script tags.
Redirection is something that you must be doing on your end. Google doesn't do any sort of redirection from AMP to non-amp pages if the URL is hit directly. In fact that URL schema that Google uses in their carousel is entirely their own, and just includes the path to your page inside it. E.g.
Social sharing using Javascript inserted in the page is not allowed, as no Javascript is allowed. If you want to use social sharing, use a non-javascript implemention, or try out the amp-social-share
thanks for the response. As per the query which I asked
Please ensure that all script tags are of type application/ld+json. There should be no executable code in these script tags - I am not using any Script as of now except amp only
Redirection is something that you must be doing on your end. Google doesn't do any sort of redirection from AMP to non-amp pages if the URL is hit directly. In fact that URL schema that Google uses in their carousel is entirely their own, and just includes the path to your page inside it. E.g. -
Social sharing using Javascript inserted in the page is not allowed, as no Javascript is allowed. If you want to use social sharing, use a non-javascript implementation, or try out the amp-social-share - Implemented Social Share and its working fine
Can we implement AMP for eCommerce sites where a lot of JavaScript, forms, plugins can be included? As of my knowledge AMP wants to keep it simple and thus restrict as many JavaScript, form tag is not valid only. So is there any chance we can implement AMP on eCommerce sites.

In ColdFusion, how to I remove the text at the end of my URL?

Sometimes, links open pages in my website with weird text at the end of it (like Facebook). I would like to remove that text, since my page will not display with it there.
For example, what I would like to do is tell my page that if the URL has text after a pound sign, remove it and open the URL without it.
So if someone opens my page with:
I want it to correct and open the page
How would I do that? I know how to do this with PHP, but I'm new to ColdFusion.
Are you using a service like If so, these (and other) marketing services may add fragment to URLs for tracking purposes. They're harmless, but here's AddThis instructions on how to remove them if you use their service. (Check w/your marketing team before you do this.)
The fragment is not passed to the ColdFusion server and not in the CGI scope. It's intended to be available and used in the client browser only. This should not be causing any problems with "ColdFusion" generating pages, so your problem may due to javascript. Open up Web Developer tools (F12) to identify any javascript errors that may be caused by the unexpected fragment. (You didn't provide a URL or error message, so it's difficult to troubleshoot the problem you may be encountering.)
Here's an existing solution on StackOverflow that you could you use to remove the fragment client-side:
// remove fragment as much as it can go without adding an entry in browser history:
// slice off the remaining '#' in HTML5:
if (typeof window.history.replaceState == 'function') {
history.replaceState({}, '', window.location.href.slice(0, -1));
I would only advise performing this once during pageload and maybe include a filter to preserve any fragments you actually want to preserve.
As a side note, I occasionally add Go to Top to long pages without any matching #top element. Normally any id that is not found will force the browser to automatically scroll to the top.

Tumblr share url

I've came across this page which shows a possible way to customly create a share URL for tumblr.
Simplified version of what they have:
Click to share
This will take you to the log in page or straight to the share page if you're already logged in. However, if you change the http%3A%2F%2F part to a simple http:// it will now load to a "Not Found Page". What the hell Tumblr?
Do you guys have any idea what's going on or what's the correct code to share something to Tumblr?
As with most share services, the URL should be passed as an encoded string. This supports the OPs comments about http%3A%2F%2F(encoded) and http:// (raw).
Tumblr provides variable transformations in the theme operators to handle encoding, but sadly it doesn't work with custom variables.
One quick solution is to drop the http:// part. Example:
I have discovered as of recently that the share URL needs to be updated as such:<-urlencode(share_url)->&posttype=link
The &posttype= seems to be a new requirement to make the share work correctly.

Facebook photo get parameters and photo available for how long

When I request a photo from Facebook, some urls are like this:
And others are like this:
The second one has a few extra GET parameters (oh, oe and __gda_ _ (space is there to prevent bold).
When these parameters exist, the image will be invalid after a few days because those values will be different (you can check this by doing a new API call to get the same photo).
What do these parameters mean and how are they linked to the maximum timeframe?
I know some history and its purpose.
Originally facebook image url look like this
but there are more than on size of image available so people have access to thumbnail image can simply replace suffix _b with _n
(So now it is https://{*snipped*}/XXXXXXXXXXX_n.jpg)
to access to larger version of the image (if available).
Some time later facebook implements central image system that can dynamically crop and resize image on the fly upon request.
The url provided by facebook at this point of time may look like this:
And when people see the url their curiosity arise.
Let's try remove some parameter from the url.
And what they get is the largest and most complete version of the image they can possibly get from facebook server.
This method was working for a long time.
When people see image in their email (mostly profile picture) they can get complete version of image without even log into facebook.
It was working everywhere include private profile picture.
The quick fix and cheapest solution for facebook is to sign request path with some signature algorithm.
I guess they use HMAC as the core algorithm and derive HMAC input from various source including request path.
This will ensure that the only party who can generate valid url is the one who have HMAC key. (presumably just facebook)
Now old issue is fixed you can not use it anymore but there are more than one issue that can be fixed by adding MAC.
It is invalidation of access to images.
Let say people once publish their photo (now other can have both valid request path plus signed signature from facebook) and later on they change their mind and make the photo private.
However, people with valid url and signature can still fetch the image from facebook server.
To solve this issue with super cheap resource considered that they already implements HMAC calculation.
(And to obscure the fact that facebook does not actually delete your image from their system when you delete it.)
They decided to mix value derived from timestamp into input of HMAC.
(See RFC-6238 for similar usage)
So signature refreshing from facebook is periodically required to gain access to photo.
This solved the latter issue with very cheap additional resource.
And here you have it.
Some of history and rationale behind facebook's parameters.
I'm certain that there is no official document about the time frame but it should not be difficult to do some experiment yourself considered that now you know that the value of time frame you want is fixed and predictable.
I think they are facebook image session keys and they produced by facebook on every image showing. So fb servers consider that the request for an image is allowed and known by facebook itself.
Sorry for my bad English and my shallow comment, but i think the solution of this problem may be that fetch a url for a new image session when old one expired. Or i don't know your whole system but maybe you can connect to that assign-keys-for-images mechanism of facebook directly and get all fresh links.
If I am right about those parameters' working mechanisms purposes, i think there is no second solution.
Sorry for my bad English again.
I found the answer (finally). The point is that the photos are not public. If you request a private photo through the API they add a query string so that the url is not valid anymore after some time. Therefore the photo is still somewhat "private". The feature is understandable and there is no workaround other than downloading the image to some other place.

Format of External Links on Facebook

I have seen when you visit a profile on FB and click on link provided in
Contact Information --> Website
Facebook first take you to url format mentioned below
and then takes you to the site .
My question is why facebook does so, Iam asking because there is a place in my application where iam allowing users to enter website urls.
...and the reason for facebook using the mentioned link instead of linking directly to is that facebook is evil.
They want to know which links are popular, where their users are going and where the link came from.
I also see a format as where the BAQByDCFo is a hash value.
URL encoding is done so that a second URL can be placed within the first's query string without breaking the original URL. For example, implying directory structure by using the "/" character or breaking out of name value pair by using "&". If you're going to be embedding a URL as a query string parameter, you must encode it first. How you do this will differ depending on the language you're working with but most web based frameworks have a native or library based function to easily do this.