Tumblr share url - share

I've came across this page https://www.tumblr.com/examples/share/sharing-links-to-articles.html which shows a possible way to customly create a share URL for tumblr.
Simplified version of what they have:
Click to share
This will take you to the log in page or straight to the share page if you're already logged in. However, if you change the http%3A%2F%2F part to a simple http:// it will now load to a "Not Found Page". http://jsfiddle.net/m5ow6bhs/3/ What the hell Tumblr?
Do you guys have any idea what's going on or what's the correct code to share something to Tumblr?

As with most share services, the URL should be passed as an encoded string. This supports the OPs comments about http%3A%2F%2F(encoded) and http:// (raw).
Tumblr provides variable transformations in the theme operators to handle encoding, but sadly it doesn't work with custom variables.
One quick solution is to drop the http:// part. Example: http://jsfiddle.net/L9jd8dhz/

I have discovered as of recently that the share URL needs to be updated as such:
The &posttype= seems to be a new requirement to make the share work correctly.


Link query strings get cut off

I'm not aware of link designing strategies, so I am not sure why my link gets chopped off when someone clicks on from sources like Facebook etc.
I have a 'share feature' on my platform, which lets a user create a link to their listing and share it with people.
The link I generate for the listing in my backend has parameters, which reads the listing id and the type and displays content over HTML
Here's a sample link for a listing
However, when I share the link on facebook and click it, the browser redirects to a link that's cut off
I'm not aware of link designing principles, so I'm a bit lost here!
Your URL contains “special characters” (like a second question mark inside the query string), but you neglected to apply proper URL encoding when putting this URL as a parameter value into another URL:
Use encodeURIComponent on the value you are concatenating to the sharer URL here.

Facebook Share Titles

Hey this is probably a stupid question. Our organization is currently working on a replatform and we are almost done! At this point we're just fixing tiny bugs, like this one.
If I were to copy/paste this URL into Facebook, it would supply the correct title/description for the article automatically: http://prod-www.startribune.com/isle-royale-wolf-population-plummets-to-three/300340911/
However if I were to copy/paste THIS url into facebook, it would choose the first text it encounters after the start of the section of the page it scrolls to. http://prod-www.startribune.com/isle-royale-wolf-population-plummets-to-three/300340911/#comments
The only difference in the URL's is the addition of #comments to the end.
What I'm wondering, how would I have the #comments URL provide the same title/description that is pulled into facebook that the page does when you go to it sans #comments fragment?
Do I just need to redeclare the meta tags in that part of the page?
The issue seems to be that there really isn't an issue. All of the URLs generated for canonical and og:url are pointing to what, ultimately, will be the home for the articles, but currently those URLs don't exist yet. I have a feeling this will be a non-issue once the replatform code goes live.

Facebook share ignores custom query string parameters

I try to share an URL that contains query parameter in FB.
Here is my share link
Sharing works but my custom query parameter is gone and replaced with facebook query parameters in the facebook timeline something like here
The same problem when FB.ui({ method: 'share',... is used.
It worked well on previous version of facebook sharing sharer.php but it's deprecated now and I have no idea how to make current share work.
We faced same problem. We instead used Feed Dialog that works fine. The irony is that if you read on facebook's developer's site Facebook is recommending us using Share Dialog in place of Feed dialog however, Share dialog does not work as expected.
Here is the link to get more information on Feed dialog
Personally i like Feed dialog more the share cause it gives you some additional properties to manage how dialog should appear
i assume you solved your problem in a different way already but i have found a solution for this. Just in case somebody else comes across this question.
Facebook strips the parameters only when it is more or less sure that the file is an php file.
So for http://example.com/?test=1
or http://example.com/index.php?test=1
the parameters are removed.
But if you make it look like a normal html file, it works:
for example is posted with the parameters.
Of course you can use some simple mod_rewrite Rule to redirect the request to the original php file:
RewriteRule /whatever.htm(\?.*) /index.php%1
(rule is untested but should work hopefully)

Tab links using only the page and app_id has stopped working, is there an alternative beyond querying Facebook each time?

A few days ago these type of links worked: http://www.facebook.com/pages/132456789?sk=app_132465798465 but now they give 404's.
The alternative is link to the namespace of the page like so: http://www.facebook.com/pages/foo/1456798324564?sk=app_134654689794 however to find out the link I'd need to ask Facebook for it, and it seem like since the namespace can change I can't just ask for it once.
Is there another way to use page and app id's to link to tabs without needing the roundtrip to Facebook?
I don't think that first format was ever used on Facebook, i'm surprised it worked.
As far as I can tell the 'name' part of a page URL is arbitrary, so just filling in something there will work, e.g.
will also work as

How does facebook's Share a link feature work?

I'm trying to implement a feature like that where a user inputs a url and when displaying that url I want to have a custom display (an embed object if it's a video from youtube, a thumbnail if it's an image link, title and excerpt of body if it's a normal link).
How can such a feature be realized?
There is a new idea called oEmbed that a few sites support (Flickr, Vimeo and a few others) that addresses this problem. oEmbed site
Otherwise, just check the site against a list of ones you pick and then pull out the relevant bits to construct an embed link.
I liked the idea of oEmbed a lot but unfortunately it doesn't has that much adoption yet.
oohEmbed tries to solve this issue by building oEmbed for many websites.
For the feature to work, it needs the server's interaction where I believe the following scenario is how it works
Assume that we have the site humanzz.com and that it provides such feature
A user enters a url on the humanzz.com's webpage and presses a button like facebooks' preview button
An AJAX call is made to a dedicated page on humanzz.com
humanzz.com does calls the remote website and gets its data
The AJAX call now returns the page's data (oEmbed JSON object)
This involves so much server's overhead.
I really wanted to do it using JavaScript as the server's role was only to bypass "Same Origin Policy"'s restrictions.
oohEmbed allows bypassing the server's step by specifying a callback parameter to oohEmbed so that the JSON object returned is passed to a callback function on your page.
An example illustrating this is as follows
Add a script tag dynamically to your page
< script type="text/javascript" src="http://oohembed.com/oohembed/?url=http%3A//www.amazon.com/Myths-Innovation-Scott-Berkun/dp/0596527055/&callback=myCallBack">< /script>
This would result in executing myCallback(oEmbedJSONObject) which is great.
The problem with that solution is you still have to have a fallback for websites that don't have oEmbed representations.
For the embedded things, I have been using auto_html ( https://github.com/dejan/auto_html) with great success (vimeo, youtube, images) and even added soundcloud myself. But I am still looking for a "thumbnail" generation with an image and text facebook-like.
I guess you have to construct it by yourself by manually parsing the kind of URL you get.
If it is an image url, well then you just have to rescale it and in case the user clicks on it, then handle that by opening the original one somehow.
If it is a link to some youtube video, then you have to take a look at how the embedding of Youtube videos works. You can just copy the code that is provided by Youtube itself, and then exchange the parts with the URL to the video with the URL you got from your user.
I did never implement something like that, but I assume it should work somehow like this.