Searching for max-min in MATLAB - matlab

I am writing a matlab code where i calculate the max-min.
I am using matlab's "fminimax" to solve the following problem:
G: is a system matrix. pt: is the optimization variable.
When the actual system matrix is used, the "fminimax" stops after one iteration and returns the initial value of "pt", no matter what the initial value for "pt", i.e. no solution is found. (the initial value is defined as X0 in the documentation). The system has the following parameters: G is in the order of e-11, pt is in the order of e-1, and c1 is in the order of e-14.
when i try a randomly generated test matrix and different parameters, the "fminimax" finds a solution for the problem, and everything works fine. G in order of e-2, pt in order of e-2, c1 is in the order of e-7.
I tried to scale the actual system: "fminimax" lasted more than one iteration, however, it still returned the initial value of pt, i.e. it couldn't find a solution.
I tried to change the tolerance of the "fminmax", using "options" [StepTolerance, OptimalityTolerance, ConstraintTolerance, and functiontolerance]. There were no impact at all. still no solution.
I thought that the problem might be that the precision of "fminimax" is not that high, or it is not suitable to solve the problem. i think it is also slow.
i downloaded CPLX, and i wanted to transform the max-min problem into linear programing, using a method i found in a book. However, when i tried my code on a simple minimax it didn't give the same solution.
I thought of using CVX for example, but the problem is not convex.
What might be the problem?
P.S. the system matrix, G, has different realizations, i tried some of them. However, the "fminimax" responds in the same way for all of them, i.e. it wasn't able to find an adequate solution.

I am not convinced that the optimization solvers are broken. If the problem is nonconvex, then there can be multiple local minimizers. Given the information you have provided, we have no way of knowing whether you started at an initial condition.
The first place you need to start is by getting more information from the optimization exit condition... Did it finish because it hit the iteration limit? (I hope not since it isn't doing many iterations)... Did it finish because a tolerance was hit (e.g. the function did not change by more than xxxx)? Or perhaps it could not find a feasible solution? (I don't know if you have any constraints that need to be met).
More than likely, I wold guess that you are starting at a local minimizer without realizing it. So you need to determine whether you are indeed at a local minimizer by looking at the jacobian of the function evaluated at your initial guess. Either calculate it analytically or use a finite step approximation....


How to stop MPSolver of Google OR-Tools at the first feasible solution found?

I have a MIP (BP, maximization) that takes too long to compute and I'd like to have MPSolver return the first feasible solution it finds, also, I'd like to know if I use RELATIVE_MIP_GAP solver parameter correctly.
I have tried two things:
I have searched the docs and have not found a callback possibility for MPSolver's solution iteration process (only for CpSolver) with which one could implement stopping on the first feasible solution found.
Relative gap as termination criterion
I tried using RELATIVE_MIP_GAP like so (this is Kotlin language):
val mpSolverParameters = MPSolverParameters().apply {
setDoubleParam(MPSolverParameters.DoubleParam.RELATIVE_MIP_GAP, 1.0)
I've seen as a documentation comment somewhere that a 0.05 value for RELATIVE_MIP_GAP means a 5% gap, so 1.0 should denote a 100% gap.
But it did not work. I know it because when I have set a time limit, it returned a solution at the end of the time limit, but when I ran the same problem without a time limit, it just went on and did not return anything even after much more time than when it stopped at the time limit previously.
If I understand relative gaps correctly, if I set a value of 1.0 for this relative gap parameter, the solver should stop at any feasible solution found immediately, because the objective value of any integer solution is inside a 100% relative difference of the objective value for any continuous state of the variables. I should add that my objective function is always positive, so there's no problem of these two having different signs.
Solution remarks
Both of Laurent Perron's suggestions work for my case.
If using SCIP as the solver, we may call solver.setSolverSpecificParametersAsString("limits/solutions = 1") to get the first feasible solution, but that will be a poor quality one. We may increase this value passed as we see fit.
Check out time limit too: call setTimeLimit(timeInMs) on your solver object. It will return the best feasible solution found so far, or the unsolved state if no solution has been found at all.
Still not sure why RELATIVE_MIP_GAP didn't work, it is part of the API, not a solver specific parameter.
can you try CP-SAT ? Does it fit there ? meaning no continuous variables.
Can you remove the objective function ?

why if I put a filter on an output I modify the source signal? is this a simulink bug?

I know it sounds strange and that's a bad way to write a question,but let me show you this odd behavior.
as you can see this signal, r5, is nice and clean. exactly what I expected from my simulation.
now look at this:
this is EXACTLY the same simulation,the only difference is that the filter is now not connected. I tried for hours to find a reason,but it seems like a bug.
This is my file, you can test it yourself disconnecting the filter.
Tried it with simulink 2014 and on friend's 2013,on two different computers...if Someone can test it on 2015 it would be great.
(attaching the filter to any other r,r1-r4 included ''fixes'' the noise (on ALL r1-r8),I tried putting it on other signals but the noise won't go away).
the expected result is exactly the smooth one, this file showed to be quite robust on other simulations (so I guess the math inside the blocks is good) and this case happens only with one of the two''link number'' (one input on the top left) set to 4,even if a small noise appears with one ''link number'' set to 3.
thanks in advance for any help.
It seems to me that the only thing the filter could affect is the time step used in the integration, assuming you are using a dynamic time step (which is the default). So, my guess is that (if this is not a bug) your system is numerically unstable/chaotic. It could also be related to noise, caused by differentiation. Differentiating noise over a smaller time step mostly makes things even worse.
Solvers such as ode23 and ode45 use a dynamic time step. ode23 compares a second and third order integration and selects the third one if the difference between the two is not too big. If the difference is too big, it does another calculation with a smaller timestep. ode45 does the same with a fourth and fifth order calculation, more accurate, but more sensitive. Instabilities can occur if a smaller time step makes things worse, which could occur if you differentiate noise.
To overcome the problem, try using a fixed time step, change your precision/solver, or better: avoid differentiation, use some type of state estimator to obtain derivatives or calculate analytically.

How to get the iteration number of lsqnonlin

I am doing parameter estimation in matlab using lsqnonlin function.
In my work, I need to plot a graph to show the error in terms of lsqnonlin iteration. So, I need to know which iteration is running at each point of time in lsqnonlin. Could anybody help me how I can extract the iteration number while lsqnonlin is running?
You want to pass it an options parameter setting 'display' to either 'iter' or 'iter-detailed'
Never used it myself, but looking at the help of lsqnonlin, it seems that there is an option to set a custom output function, which gets called during every iteration of the solver. Looking at the specification, it seems that the values optimValues.iteration and optimValues.fval get passed into the function, which is probably the things you are interested in.
You should thus define your own function with the right signature, and depending on your wishes, this function prints it on the command line, makes a plot, saves the intermediate results in a vector, etc. Finally, you need to pass this function as a function handle to the solver: lsqnonlin(..., 'OutputFcn', #your_outputfun).
The simple way to do this would be:
Start with a low number of (maximum) iterations
Get the result
Increase the number of iterations
Get the result
If the maximum iterations is used Go to step 3
This is what I would recommend in most cases when performance is not a big issue.
However, if you cannot afford to do it like this, try edit lsqnonlin and go digging untill you find the point where the number of iterations is found. Then change the function to make sure you store the results you need at that point. (don't forget to change it back afterwards).
The good news is that all relevant files seem to be editable, the bad news is that it is not so clear where you can find the current number of iterations. A quick search led me to fminbnd, but I did not manage to confirm that this is actually used by lsqnonlin.

diagnostic for MATLAB ODE

I am solving a stiff PDE in MATLAB using ode15, and it often freezes depending on the initial conditions. I never actually get an error, it just won't finish even after 10 hours when it should take around 30 seconds to run. I am experimenting with different spatial and time node intervals, but it is hard, because I don't get feedback.
Is there some sort of equivalent to diagnostic for fsolve? stats is not useful because it only displays an output after fsolve is finished.
Check out the documentation on odeset, and specifically the stats option. I think you basically just want to set stats to on and you will get some feedback.
Also, depending on your ODE, you may need a different solver. About half way down the page on this page there is a list of most of the solvers available in MATLAB. Depending on whether your function is stiff or non-stiff, and how accurate you need to get, one of those might work better for you. Sometimes I just code them all in and comment out all but one until I find the one that runs the best for me, but check out the documentation on each if you want to find the "right" one for your application.
Your question is confusing because you refer to both ode15s and fsolve locking up. These are two completely different functions. One does numerical integration and the other solves for roots. Also, fsolve has no option called 'Stats' (see doc fsolve). If you want continuous output from fsolve use:
options = optimist('Display','iter');
[x,fval,exitflag] = fsolve(myfun,x0,options)
This will display the iteration count, number of function evaluations, the function value, and other stuff depending on what algorithm you use (the alorithm can be adjusted via the 'Algorithm' option). Again see doc fsolve for full details.
As far as the 'Stats' option with ode15s goes, it's not going to give you very much information. I doubt that it will you figure out why your system is halting (if it even is ode15s that you have a problem with). What you can try is using an output function via the 'OutputFcn' option of odeset. You can try the simple odeprint first:
options = odeset('OutputFcn',#odeprint)
which will print your state after each integration step. Type edit odeprint to see the code and how you might write your own output function if you need to do more.

max likelihood fminsearch

I used Matlab-fminsearch for a negativ max likelihood model for a binomial distributed function. I don't get any error notice, but the parameter which I want to estimate, take always the start value. Apparently, there is a mistake. I know that I ask a totally general question. But is it possible that anybody had the same mistake and know how to deal with it?
Thanks a lot,
#woodchips, thank you a lot. Step by step, I've tried to do what you advised me. First of all, I actually maximized (-log(likelihood)) and this is not the problem. I think I found out the problem but I still have some questions, if I don't bother you. I have a model(param) to maximize in paramstart=p1. This model is built for (-log(likelihood(F))) and my F is a vectorized function like F(t,Z,X,T,param,m2,m3,k,l). I have a data like (tdata,kdata,ldata),X,T are grids and Z is a function on this grid and (m1,m2,m3) are given parameters.When I want to see the value of F(tdata,Z,X,T,m1,m2,m3,kdata,ldata), I get a good output. But I think fminsearch accept that F(tdata,Z,X,T,p,m2,m3,kdata,ldata) like a constant and thatswhy I always have as estimated parameter the start value. I will be happy, if you have any advise to tweak that.
You have some options you can try to tweak. I'd start with algorithm.
When the function value practically doesn't change around your startpoint it's also problematic. Maybe switching to log-likelyhood helps.
I always use fminunc or fmincon. They allow also providing the Hessian (typically better than "estimated") or 'typical values' so the algorithm doesn't spend time in unfeasible regions.
It is virtually always true that you should NEVER maximize a likelihood function, but ALWAYS maximize the log of that function. Floating point issues will almost always corrupt the problem otherwise. That your optimization starts and stops at the same point is a good indicator this is the problem.
You may well need to dig a little deeper than the above, but even so, this next test is the test I recommend that all users of optimization tools do for every one of their problems, BEFORE they throw a function into an optimizer. Evaluate your objective for several points in the vicinity. Does it yield significantly different values? If not, then look to see why not. Are you creating a non-smooth objective to optimize, or a zero objective? I.e., zero to within the supplied tolerances?
If it does yield different values but still not converge, then make sure you know how to call the optimizer correctly. Yeah, right, like nobody has ever made this mistake before. This is actually a very common cause of failure of optimizers.
If it does yield good values that vary, and you ARE calling the optimizer correctly, then think if there are regions into which the optimizer is trying to diverge that yield garbage results. Is the objective generating complex or imaginary results?