How to generate a Swagger file for a REST API - rest

My requirement is to generate a Swagger File for a given ReST API URL. I have invoked the below mentioned URLs using POSTMAN client and it was working fine.
However, for this URL to use in Informatica, it's required to have associated Swagger file either json or yaml format.
I am just an end user to ReST API and not aware of its code.
Below are URLs which were used. [Method=POST] [Method=GET]
Please suggest any 3rd party utilities to help to create Swagger Files out of providing these APIs.
Tom George

You could use OpenAPI designer. It's an easy to use, self explaining swagger generator. Fill out the required forms in the "Header" tab and then add the login and activitylog paths in the tab "Paths"


Data Factory can't download CSV file from web API with Basic Auth

I'm trying to download a CSV file from a website in Data Factory using the HTTP connector as my source linked service in a copy activity. It's basically a web call to a url that looks like
The website uses basic authentication. I have manually tested by using the url in a browser and entering the credentials, and everything works fine. I have used the REST connector in a copy activity to download the data as a JSON file (same url, just without the ".csv" in there), and that works fine. But there is something about the authentication in the HTTP connector that is different and causing issues. When I try to execute my copy activity, it downloads a csv file that contains the HTML for the login page on the source website.
While searching, I did come across this Github issue on the docs that suggests that the basic auth header is not initially sent and that may be causing an issue.
As I have it now, the authentication is defined in the linked service. I'm hoping that maybe I can add something to the Additional Headers or Request Body properties of the source in my copy activity to make this work, but I haven't found the right thing yet.
Suggestions of things to try or code samples of a working copy activity using the HTTP connector and basic auth would be much appreciated.
The HTTP connector expects the API to return a 401 Unauthorized response after the initial request. It then responds with the basic auth credentials. If the API doesn't do this, it won't use the credentials provided in the HTTP linked service.
If that is the case, go to the copy activity source, and in the additional headers property add Authorization: Basic followed by the base64 encoded string of username:password. It should look something like this (where the string at the end is the encoded username:password):
Authorization: Basic ZxN0b2njFasdfkVEH1fU2GM=`
It's best if that isn't hard coded into the copy activity but is retrieved from Key Vault and passed as secure input to the copy activity.
I suggest you try to use the REST connector instead of the HTTP one. It supports Basic as authentication type and I have verified it using a test endpoint on
Above is the configuration for the REST linked service. Once you have created a dataset connected to this linked service you can include it in you copy activity.
Once the pipeline executes the content of the REST response will be saved in the specified file.

Where does the swagger string go when importing API into Azure API Management?

I know that it's supposed to go in the request body, but how does it fit in with the rest of the metadata? What's the NAME part of the name/value pair for the actual swagger text? I'm trying to import a swagger documentation into Azure API Management by passing in a string representation of the swagger doc. According to the documentation below, the "Content-Type" should be set to "application/vnd.swagger.doc+json" and the "import" query parameter should be set to "true". However, there is nothing in the documentation that specifies where this "import" parameter should go. Here is the PUT example that Microsoft provides:
PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/apis/{apiId}?api-version=2016-10-10
Is there an example that shows how to pass in the swagger string along with all the other required parameters in the body?:
Apis documentation
To import swagger file you need to make a PUT call at
Swagger content should go as is into request body, without any encoding. Various pieces of information from swagger will be used to fill in the API details, it's only path that has to be explicitly passed in query as it just can't be found there.

Swagger Multiple hosts in same Json spec

I am using a single host for documenting REST API's in Swagger Ui 2.0 but I need two hosts in the JSON file for calling rest API's one for http and the other one for https. Is it possible? If yes then how to do that?
The way swagger figures out URLs is this:
You provide the basic one in index.html from where the swagger.json gets generated. The generated swagger.json does not contain a URL per se, or any http/https information. It only has a path relative to the base URL you provided.
After the UI gets generated based on generated swagger.json, the "Try it out" buttons execute GET/POST/PUT requests based on the URL info in the address bar. check this piece of code in your swagger-ui.js:
if (url && url.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
url = this.buildUrl(window.location.href.toString(), url);
So, if you want to use https, use https in the address bar to hit Swagger UI. You will also need to mention the same in your index.html, and in swagger-ui.js in the above code.

Can you POST in a GET Method in Rest services?

I am working on a SoapUI automation project for Restful service.I'm new to SoapUi and Restful services itself.
I have the Rest API generated in SoapUI. I don't have any sample requests given by the developer so I am working on creating the requests myself. I only have a JSON contract document to refer to which was created for the UI developers. Now according to the specification documents, some get methods in the API's are supposed to have two parameters "token" and "ContextName". However, when I imported the WADL file in SoapUI, the request body only has the "token" parameter. So am I manually supposed to add the other missing parameter in my requests? and is it possible to create a POST(rest test request) in a GET resource?
I don't think you can have multiple body parameters (or if you can, it's certainly not a good practice!). Check to see if the ContextName parameter is a different type of parameter such as a query or path parameter (called template parameter in SoapUI). Here is some info about different types of REST parameters in SoapUI:
I'm not sure what you mean in your second question. Perhaps you want to write a Test Case with multiple Test Steps (a GET and a POST)? Check out this link: Also look at the other sections under Functional Testing to learn how to control the flow of test steps.

What's the correct uri for QBO v3 API update operation?

I'm trying to use the QBO v3 API object update function described here. The API explorer shows a different uri.
I'm trying to update an account with Id 42. Both of the following URIs get me a 401:
As the documentation would suggest:
(the above at least gives me a json blob with the 401)
As the api explorer would suggest:
(here I don't even get the json, just a plain 401)
My request body is successful when I use the api explorer, so I don't believe that's the problem. I also don't believe authentication is the problem, because I can successfully create objects and also make queries with the same headers.
What might I be missing?
Don't put the Account object's ID into the URL. The [?requestid=] from the documentation you mentioned apparently refers to an id related to the request (not the object in question). The API Explorer's URI appears to simply mislead (although I could certainly be missing something here).
In your example, just use this:
Let the headers and request body do the rest.
Correct BASE URI:
you can refer example request/response section of any entity doc.
Ref -
To debug(401 authentication issue), you can use any standard RestClient.
In the following thread, I've explained how to use RestClinet plugin of Mozilla to test any QBO V3 endpoint.
InvalidTokenException: Unauthorized-401
You can download IPP's devkit and using that devkit you can call any endpoints easily.
Hope it will be useful.