I am working on a SoapUI automation project for Restful service.I'm new to SoapUi and Restful services itself.
I have the Rest API generated in SoapUI. I don't have any sample requests given by the developer so I am working on creating the requests myself. I only have a JSON contract document to refer to which was created for the UI developers. Now according to the specification documents, some get methods in the API's are supposed to have two parameters "token" and "ContextName". However, when I imported the WADL file in SoapUI, the request body only has the "token" parameter. So am I manually supposed to add the other missing parameter in my requests? and is it possible to create a POST(rest test request) in a GET resource?
I don't think you can have multiple body parameters (or if you can, it's certainly not a good practice!). Check to see if the ContextName parameter is a different type of parameter such as a query or path parameter (called template parameter in SoapUI). Here is some info about different types of REST parameters in SoapUI: http://www.soapui.org/rest-testing/understanding-rest-parameters.html
I'm not sure what you mean in your second question. Perhaps you want to write a Test Case with multiple Test Steps (a GET and a POST)? Check out this link: http://www.soapui.org/functional-testing/structuring-and-running-tests.html Also look at the other sections under Functional Testing to learn how to control the flow of test steps.
The REST URL mapping for Spring Boot when using JHipster is properly according to best REST practices, for example, the following url scheme is employed for GET, PUT, POST & DELETE methods:
But in the Account resource that comes with every project that uses JHipster generator, the URL scheme is as follows:
I will like to understand the reason behind this mapping, because it could have been just one URL, like
and we could provide query parameters in POST and/or PUT methods. But there must be a best practice behind it, though I am not able to completely understand it. Any elaboration on the topic will be great.
I don't make this very general question post lightly, but I've maxed out what I can figure out on my own.
I'm starting up the QA Test Automation at my new company (they don't automate anything currently) and they've elected to use SoapUI for this procedure.
The application they're developing is a REST application (I don't really have any idea what that means) so I'm trying to build a REST request and Test Suite to reach our internal test server (which gets me XML that I am not allowed to post here - but it does reach the server successfully!) and then try to do a Login/Logout test.
I'm asking for help with methodology, because I have no idea where to start. I;ve Googled and trolled their support forums and looked in every corner of YouTube. Everyone is doing something different enough that I can't relate or use it.
Does anybody out there use SoapUI and test functional login in a REST application? I can write HTML/CSS and I'm pretty Java savvy, so I can do technical stuff if I know what to look for and what to learn.
Feeling overwhelmed. This was not in my job description when I started.
You should start with REST, and after that with SoapUI.
It is hard to catch the essence of REST.
It is like the hybrid of SOAP and a simple HTML driven web application. By SOAP you describe your web service with a WSDL. By a web application you send back hypermedia, so you don't have to write a WSDL or any descriptor to your application. This is convention over configuration...
REST uses the same approach, so it sends back hypermedia as well, but it sends not HTML, because it is not machine processable. The hypermedia sent by a REST API is usually an XML or a JSON derivative, for example ATOM+XML, JSON-LD, etc... If your web service does not send back hyperlinks, then it is not a real REST service just a SOAP web service with some REST constraints. There is a big difference. By SOAP you have to know everything about the operation name and the parameters if you want to send a request. If something changes, then your SOAP client breaks immediately. By REST your automated client follows links, checks their link-relation, or the bound linked data and recognizes which link is what it was looking for. So the modification of the link's url is irrelevant in the client, because it follows the vocabulary of the application, for example: hydra is a project which tries to describe these application level semantics in a general way, and tries to bind it to open linked data.
So at first you have to check that you have a real REST API, which follows the HATEOAS principle, or just a REST like SOAP web service. This is very important if you want to write end to end tests against it. By testing REST, you have to follow the links in your tests returned by the web API. By testing REST like SOAP, you have to build the links yourself in your tests... How to build such a link? I am sure you got a description of your REST API, but a link looks usually something like this in a JSON format:
rel: "link-relations",
method: "METHOD",
href: "domain/api-root/version/resource-path?map-reduce",
data: {...},
title: "...",
Ofc. there is some difference by every hypermedia, so you have to check your XML hypermedia type, how it represents links... The link-relations and maybe other attributes bind your data to the semantics of your REST API. The METHOD is always a verb, usually: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, maybe OPTIONS, and so on... There are only a few REST verbs, each of them has a specific meaning. In the url: The domain is the domain name of your application, e.g. https://example.com. The api-root is the root of your REST API, usually /api. The version is the version number of the currently used API, usually /v1. Only non backward compatible vocabulary changes should affect this version number. The resource-path is the path of your resource, usually /users or /users/inf3rno, etc... By REST you have resources. Each of them has a unique resource-path, and as you can see, every word in that path is a noun. So resources are something you can modify or display with a verb. For example a GET /users/inf3rno should return a representation of my profile page, and a PATCH /users/inf3rno {nick: "Leslie"} will turn my nick name: inf3rno into Leslie. By REST every resource should have only a single resource-path, so this is always a unique identifier, therefore the previous example with PATCH was not so perfect if you want to have multiple users with the same nick... The map-reduce in the queryString of the url, and it contains the sorting, pagination and filtering settings of the resource you want to modify or display. For example you can retrieve some data of every user with a first name: "Leslie" with GET /users?filters="firstName: 'Leslie'"&page=3&count=25. There is a difference between the following url-s: /users?id="inf3rno" and /users/inf3rno. The first one points to a collection resource and filters the result by its representation, the second one points to a single item resource. So a GET should return a collection representation with a single item by the first one, and an item representation by the seconds one. By the resource modifying methods there is no difference between the 2 urls... So it is recommended to add only a unique identifier to the resource-path if you want to select an item resource from a collection. By reducing the collection representation in any other ways, you have to add the filters to the queryString. The data part contains the params from the input fields. The title is the title of the link, and so on... You can use url-templates of you want to put input params to the url as well...
By REST the client maintains the session, and it sends the credentials (username, password) with every request. This is because the REST service is like John Snow, it does not know anything about the session or the identity of the user. It has to authenticate every request. To do that it uses a credentials -> permissions cache. This is a good approach, because the service scales very well if it does not have to maintain the session, which is part of the application state (the state of the client)... The REST service maintains only the resource state, which is not dependent on the clients...
The response to your REST requests is usually a hypermedia which contains the links you can follow and the data you requested. By REST like SOAP web services you get only the data in a JSON or XML format. Every response should contain a proper status header. The most frequent status codes are:
200 - ok (by successful PUT, PATCH and GET)
201 - created (by successful POST)
202 - accepted (by async request with eventual consistency)
204 - no content (by successful DELETE)
206 - partial content (by pagination with range headers)
301 - moved permanently (by migration)
304 - not modified (by cache)
400 - bad request (by invalid input)
401 - unauthorized (if no password given, or wrong username or password)
403 - access denied (if your account does not have permission to perform the task)
404 - not found (by unknown resource)
409 - conflict (by concurrency issues or duplicated request or db constraint problems)
410 - gone (if the resource was present before, but it is already deleted)
415 - unsupported media type (if the client wants the response in an unknown media type)
500 - internal server error (if the request was okay, but something went wrong by processing it)
By any error you have to send a detailed error message with a custom error code, which is understandable for the users, not just the developers...
That's how a REST API looks like.
To test it with e2e tests you have to set fixtures send REST requests and check their response. So it is like any other test... The SoapUI is not necessarily the best tool to do that, I read many complaints about it... I personally never used it, but it is not so hard to write your custom testing system. You need a testing framework, which can compare expected and actual values. You need something to send HTTP requests, or simply mock out the HTTP framework of the REST API. You need something for the fixture. By integration tests you can mock out the business logic and the HTTP framework as well, so by those you just inject the mock dependencies and check the calls. By e2e tests you need a test data set, and compare it with the result XML in your case... If you want to e2e test your client, you can use selenium if it is HTML based, maybe with nightwatch.js. By testing a real REST API, you'll need an automated browser, like selenium for your REST API implementation, which can select and follow the proper links. If you are developing the REST API you would write a browser like that anyways if you want an example client for your 3rd party client developers.
Given a one page app that uses push state and RESTful backend, we can imagine accessing the listing of a resource at /resourceName (i.e. /users). So /users would create a formated list of users
Now the problem is that this resource JSON or XML feed should also be mapped to /resourceName, so if boot form my application entry point at / then all is good, when navigating to /users the JS router can trigger a Ajax call that get the JSON data. Now the problem is if the URL is pointing directly at /users then i will land on a JSON feed instead of the actual listing. I could route all call to a main entry point and then let the JS router do the work though if i do so the AJAX call to fetch JSON wil brake.
I remember a while ago people adding .json to their json request, or even a GET parameter ?format=json and then having the controller taking different actions. I find that somewhat hacky.. Are there any other ways to go about this?
For that matter i am using laravel4 backend and backboneJS
I think the .json on the end of the request is the best approach. the other approach could be to create a separate endpoint endpoint for api request api.mydomain.com vs www.mydomain.com
What method you use to get a different response depends on how you'd like to go about it. Since you're asking about an opinionated topic (There is no one right answer), here's some options you can explore.
First, here's a good read from Apigee on API design, which covers what I'll write about here. See page 20 on "Support multiple formats"
The Rails way: Append a .json, .xml or other extension at the end of your request and handle that code within Laravel (You may want to use the "before" filter to check the request or Laravel's excellent route parameters, which allow the use of regex to define the route).
You can check the "accept" header in the request and set that header in your ajax calls to "application/json" instead of the default "application/html" to inform your application which format to use in its response. Again, the before or after filters may come in handy to check the request and define the response as appropriate
Create a query string `?format=json" or similar. Same comments as in point 1.
Laravel doesn't have built-in methods to change the response for you. You can, however, fairly easily detect what's being asked and choose which format to return in. It does take some thinking about how you want to accomplish that, however.
Some options off the top of my head:
Use the "before" or "after" filter to check what the request "wants" for a format, and do some transformations on the response to make that work
Extend the request and response class to "automate" this (request class to detect format, response class to transform the response to the correct format)
Hope that helps
It's valid to say which representation do you want. E.g. JSON, XML or binary, depends on what you want and which serializers have you developed.
You framework should support either setting of default representation or if you provide some mapping URL -> method you should be able to say which representation you are going to return - also either by default or taken within some object which represents your request.
I ended up using different endpoints as suggested by #Aaron Saunders. In laravel 4 this is dumb easy to implement using group routes:
'domain' => 'whatever.dev',
define('APP_DOMAIN', 'app.' . Config::get('app.domain'));
define('API_DOMAIN', 'api.' . Config::get('app.domain'));
Route::group(array('domain' => API_DOMAIN), function()
Route::group(array('domain' => APP_DOMAIN), function()
I am developing an application that is supposed to retrieve test parameters from test instances in ALM, submit them in tests and then update statuses in ALM. Problem is I do not know how to access these parameters from REST API.
As close as I got was test configuration in /qcbin/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/test-configs/ but this does not contain data I need.
its a little bit later to answer, but hope it will help someday.
this will return XML or JSON (depends on Accept: header) with params data
We'd like to add some integration tests for the many REST services that our Grails app exposes, instead of manually verifying them using the Firefox Poster plugin that we are currently using.
BTW, In our case it HAS to be an integration test, not a unit test.
I trust others have gone thru' this before and could save us some time instead of experimenting...
`grails test-app -integration`
Does the above command actually launch the functionality required to do a self-post to our own app (http://localhost/myapp) ? It would have to go through the url mapping pipeline, xml content negotiation, spring/acegi security, etc. If so, I suppose we could use the Groovy RESTClient as documented here:
Google tells me another option is the functional-testing plugin:
Any comments or issues from the experienced? It's a Grails 1.2.1 app using plugins.acegi=0.5.2
What you want is
grails test-app integration:
As per http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Command%20Line/test-app.html
The REST services are usually created via actions in a controller that are set in the URLMappings to work with the different HTTP methods (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), so since they are simple actions in a controller an integration test can be just a test method that test the action like any other, sending them the content-type you need, JSON for example and passing the correct data as JSON if that is what your services is expecting.
You can create multiple test methods for the same action to test the difference responses, for example if a non valid resource is requested than test that the service is returning the correct error code 404 for instance.