How to use the full width when an UI element is invisible in iphone? - iphone

I have a label and a button like in the above picture. I like the label to use full width when I click on hide button.
I tried setting the width to 0, how ever it does not change the label with. Is this correct? or is there a better way to do this ?
blockingButton.frame = CGRectMake(blockingButton.frame.origin.x, blockingButton.frame.origin.y, 0, blockingButton.frame.height)

No, 0 can cause problems.
Try this:
blockingButton.frame = CGRectMake(blockingButton.frame.origin.x, blockingButton.frame.origin.y, self.view.frame.size.width, blockingButton.frame.height)


how to set textfield size fix macos swift

I have one textfield "A" with width 150. but whenever I am passing more characters to textfield "A", it is getting overlapped on other textfield "B" characters.
I want textfield "A" to be fixed size and scrollable(mostly right and left).
Thanks in advance.
You should use Auto-Layeout in your storybook. Set fixed width, trailing space and leading space to your text field.
I have added the Auto-Layeouts to my textfields and I have followed below steps:
1) Selected the label.
2) Go to attributes inspector.
3) Select 'Line Breaks' and choose an option Truncate Tail
4) now I can see the text without overlapping with another textField.
Note: But still I am not able to view/Scoll the full text.
Just found this piece of code. It might help you
scrollView.hasHorizontalScroller = true
textView.maxSize = NSMakeSize(CGFloat(FLT_MAX), CGFloat(FLT_MAX))
textView.isHorizontallyResizable = true
textView.textContainer?.widthTracksTextView = false
textView.textContainer?.containerSize = NSMakeSize(CGFloat(FLT_MAX), CGFloat(FLT_MAX))

Get the size of wrapped text in Label

If I create a Label in a 500x500 area with wordwrap, how can I find out the height of the wrapped text ? I'm looking for the yellow height, not the salmon height.
Answer of #idrise doesn't work for system font And here I give a more flexible answer.
Assume we want to create a text/label which has a fixed width, but dynamic height according to text's length. for that you can use below code:
Label *lbl = Label::createWithSystemFont("aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa", "Arial", 50);
lbl->setDimensions(FIXED_WIDTH, 0); // "0" means we don't care about wrapping vertically, hence `getContentSize().height` give a dynamic height according to text's length
auto dynamicHeight = title->getContentSize().height; // According to text's length :)
And obviously for fixed height you can do similarly.
Hope Help someone :]
This may seem a little counter intuitive.
First you set the dimensions with an excessively large height.
Calling getLineHeight and getStringNumLines will calculate the height based on the width passed.
You send the width and height back to setDimensions.
Now your labels getContentSize() will return the actual size of the text.
label->setDimensions(width, 2000);
label->setDimensions(width,label->getStringNumLines() *
They added the functionality you want:
Added three overflow type to new label: CLAMP, SHRINK, RESIZE_HEIGHT.
Overflow type is used to control label overflow result, In SHRINK mode, the font size will change dynamically to adapt the content size. In CLAMP mode, when label content goes out of the bounding box, it will be clipped, In RESIZE_HEIGHT mode, you can only change the width of label and the height is changed automatically. For example:
//Change the label's Overflow type
mTexto=Label::createWithTTF(mTextoHelp.c_str(),CCGetFont(), 30);
mTexto->setDimensions(mSize.width*0.8f, 0.f);

Relative UILabel in a game object

I created a game object which acts as a repeating item for a UIGrid which I populate dynamically. The gameobject (RowItem) has couple of UILabel whose text can change on runtime depending on the content. The content of these UILabels overlap when the text is bigger. Can anybody help me in how to make UILabel expand relative to the adjacent UILabel when the text is more/less?
You can use transform.localScale property of the UILabel's property to scale it. Just make them bigger when the text is bigger than let's say 20 characters. Try with arbitrary values.
Also when you change the scale, run a re-align method, which aligns other labels so that they don't overlap.
you can get the text length in pixel by this:
UILabel label;
float width = label.relativeSize.x * label.transform.localScale.x;
float height = label.relativeSize.y * label.transform.localScale.y;
Let's say that you want to set you max length to 100, you can do this:
if (width > 100)
label.localScale = new Vector3(100 / label.relativeSize.x, 100/ label.relativeSize.x, 1);
the second param for Vector3 is also based on relativeSize.x is not a typo, that makes sure your text will not become thin.
Hope this works.

LWUIT has a weird margin (or padding)

When i add a Form to LWUIT using, the form is not set exactly in the (0,0) coordinate, it's leaving like 20 pixels in the top and 3 on the left.
I'm developing for the Nokia SDK 1.1 FYI and i'm using their version of LWUIT
Let me know if there is a workaround on this.
Here is how i'm creating the Form
this.view = new Form();
this.view.setLayout(new CoordinateLayout(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth(), Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight()));
This shows a padding on the top and on the left side (Bigger on the top than on the left side)
See a screen shot:
Found the 2 Issues:
1) I had to set the titleArea padding and margins to 0 like this:
this.view.getTitleArea().getStyle().setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.view.getTitleArea().getStyle().setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
2) For the left padding, it was in the label where i was placing the photo, so just changing it's style (padding) to 0 made the trick

how to know tableview size xcode iphone?

- (double) tableSize
double tableSize1=[self tableView:tableViewA numberOfRowsInSection:0]*tableViewA.rowHeight;
return tableSize1;
I use that code to know tablesize, but I want to know easier way to know it.. like tableviewA.size or something like that..
example : tableviewA have 20 tableviewcell, I want to know the tableviewA size.. how to know it?
If I do tableViewA.frame.size.height it'll always show 400, which is the height of the table frame, because that's the size of the table view. I want the size of the whole table including those I need to scroll. –
For example, if the tableviewA has lots of rows then I want to see a high number
You can use this - tableView.contentSize.height
this help?
then may be you can use
CGSize tableViewContentSize = tableView.contentSize;
to get the content size.
then to get the height and width just