Scala: Haar Wavelet Transform - scala

I am trying to implement Haar Wavelet Transform in Scala. I am using this Python Code for reference Github Link to Python implementation of HWT
I am also giving here my Scala code version. I am new to Scala so forgive me for not-so-good-code.
* Created by vipul vaibhaw on 1/11/2017.
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, MutableList,ArrayBuffer}
object HaarWavelet {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var samples = ListBuffer(
for (i <- 0 to samples.length){
var ubound = samples(i).max+1
var length = samples(i).length
var deltas1 = encode(samples(i), ubound)
var deltas = deltas1._1
var avg = deltas1._2
println( "Input: %s, boundary = %s, length = %s" format(samples(i), ubound, length))
println( "Haar output:%s, average = %s" format(deltas, avg))
println("Decoded: %s" format(decode(deltas, avg, ubound)))
def wrap(value:Int, ubound:Int):Int = {
def encode(lst1:ListBuffer[Int], ubound:Int):(ListBuffer[Int],Int)={
//var lst = ListBuffer[Int]()
var lst = lst1
var deltas = new ListBuffer[Int]()
var avg = 0
while (lst.length>=2) {
var avgs = new ListBuffer[Int]()
while (lst.nonEmpty) {
// getting first two element from the list and removing them
val a = lst.head
lst -= 1 // removing index 0 element from the list
val b = lst.head
lst -= 1 // removing index 0 element from the list
if (a<=b) {
avg = (a + b)/2
avg = (a+b+ubound)/2
var delta = wrap(b-a,ubound)
avgs += avg
deltas += delta
lst = avgs
(deltas, avg%ubound)
def decode(deltas:ListBuffer[Int],avg:Int,ubound:Int):ListBuffer[Int]={
var avgs = ListBuffer[Int](avg)
var l = 1
for(i <- 0 to l ){
val delta = deltas.last
deltas -= -1
val avg = avgs.last
avgs -= -1
val a = wrap(math.ceil(avg-delta/2.0).toInt,ubound)
val b = wrap(math.ceil(avg+delta/2.0).toInt,ubound)
def is_pow2(n:Int):Boolean={
(n & -n) == n
But Code gets stuck at "var deltas1 = encode(samples(i), ubound)" and doesn't give any output. How can I improve my implementation? Thanks in advance!

Your error is on this line:
lst -= 1 // removing index 0 element from the list.
This doesn't remove index 0 from the list. It removes the element 1 (if it exists). This means that the list never becomes empty. The while-loop while (lst.nonEmpty) will therefore never terminate.
To remove the first element of the list, simply use lst.remove(0).


Scala nested for loop

I'm a new Scala fellow and using processing library in scala ,I have 2 questions here:
val grid: Array[Cell] = Array()
val w = 60
val rows = height/w
val cols = width /w
override def setup(): Unit = {
for(j <- 0 until rows;
i <- 0 until cols){
val cell = new Cell(i,j)
grid :+ cell
println(s"at row : $j, at col: $i") //it compiles only once (at row : 0,
} //at col: 0 )
override def draw(): Unit = {
grid.foreach(cell => cell.display())//nothing happens
but if i replace the variables rows & cols by height/w & width/w in the nested loop as follows:
for(j <- 0 until height/w;
i <- 0 until width/w){
val cell = new Cell(i,j)
grid :+ cell
println(s"at row : $j, at col: $i") //it compiles ordinary as nested
} //for loop
the second question is in the class Cell here:
class Cell(i: Int,j:Int){
def display(): Unit = {
val x = this.i * w
val y = this.j * w
println("it works")//doesn't work
//creating a square
the method display doesn't work when calling at function draw() but no errors show up
Use tabulate to initialise your Array:
val grid = Array.tabulate(rows * cols) { i => new Cell(i % cols, i / cols) }
If you still have a problem with the display function then please post it as a separate question.

Getting type mismatch exception in scala

Hi I am trying UDAF with spark scala. I am getting the following exception.
Description Resource Path Location Type type mismatch; found : scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Any] required: String SumCalc.scala /filter line 63 Scala Problem
This is my code.
override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {
val in_array = buffer.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](0);
var finalArray = Array.empty[Array[String]]
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
breakable {
for (outerArray <- in_array) {
val currentTimeStamp = outerArray(1).toLong
var sum = 0.0
var count = 0
var check = false
var list = outerArray
for (array <- in_array) {
val toCheckTimeStamp = array(1).toLong
if (((currentTimeStamp - 10L) <= toCheckTimeStamp) && (currentTimeStamp >= toCheckTimeStamp)) {
sum += array(5).toDouble
count += 1
if ((currentTimeStamp - 10L) > toCheckTimeStamp) {
check = true
if (sum != 0.0 && check) list = list :+ (sum).toString // getting error on this line.
else list = list :+ list(5).toDouble.toString
finalArray ++= Array(list)
Any help will be appreciated.
There are a couple of mistakes in your evaluate function of UDAF.
list variable is a string but you are treating it as an array
finalArray is initialized as Array.empty[Array[String]] but later on you are adding Array(list) to the finalArray
You are not returning finalArray from evaluate method as its inside for loop
So the correct way should be as below
override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {
val in_array = buffer.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](0);
var finalArray = Array.empty[String]
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
breakable {
for (outerArray <- in_array) {
val currentTimeStamp = outerArray(1).toLong // timestamp values
var sum = 0.0
var count = 0
var check = false
var list = outerArray
for (array <- in_array) {
val toCheckTimeStamp = array(1).toLong
if (((currentTimeStamp - 10L) <= toCheckTimeStamp) && (currentTimeStamp >= toCheckTimeStamp)) {
sum += array(5).toDouble // RSSI weightage values
count += 1
if ((currentTimeStamp - 10L) > toCheckTimeStamp) {
check = true
if (sum != 0.0 && check) list = list + (sum).toString // calculate sum for the 10 secs difference
else list = list + (sum).toString // If 10 secs difference is not there take rssi weightage value
finalArray ++= Array(list)
finalArray // Final results for this function
Hope the answer is helpful

Scala: Save result in a toDf temp table

I'm trying save some analyses in toDF TempTable, but a receive the following error ":215: error: value toDF is not a member of Double".
I'm reading data of a Cassandra table, and i'm doing some calculations. I want save these results in a temp table.
I'm new in scala, somebody, can help me please?
my code
case class Consumo(consumo:Double, consumo_mensal: Double, mes: org.joda.time.DateTime,ano: org.joda.time.DateTime, soma_pf: Double,empo_gasto: Double);
object Analysegridata{
val conf = new SparkConf(true)
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.port", "9042")
.set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
.set("spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable", "true");
val sc = new SparkContext(conf);
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc);
val checkpointDirectory = "/var/lib/cassandra/data"
ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDirectory) // set checkpoint directory
// val context = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDirectory)
import sqlContext.implicits._
def rddconsumo(rddData: Double): Double = {
val rddData: Double = {
implicit val data = conf
val grid = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids", "analyzer").as((r:Double) => (r)).collect
def goto(cs: Array[Double]): Double = {
var consumo = 0.0;
var totaldias = 0;
var soma_pf = 0.0;
var somamc = 0.0;
var tempo_gasto = 0.0;
var consumo_mensal = 0.0;
var i=0
for (i <- 0 until grid.length) {
val minutos = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "MINUTE");
val horas = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol","HOUR_OF_DAY");
val dia = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "DAY_OF_MONTH");
val ano = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "YEAR");
val mes = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "MONTH");
val potencia = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("n_pf1", "n_pf2", "n_pf3")
def convert_minutos (minuto : Int) : Double ={
dia.foreach (i => {
def adSum(potencia: Array[Double]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < potencia.length) {
soma_pf += potencia(i);
i += 1;
println("Potemcia =" + soma_pf)
def tempo(minutos: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < minutos.length) {
somamc += convert_minutos(minutos(i))
i += 1;
def tempogasto(horas: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < horas.length) {
tempo_gasto = horas(i) + somamc;
i += 1;
println("Temo que o aparelho esteve ligado =" + tempo_gasto)
def consumof(dia: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < dia.length) {
consumo = soma_pf * tempo_gasto;
i += 1;
println("Consumo diario =" + consumo)
mes.foreach (i => {
def totaltempo(dia: Array[Int]) = {
var i = 0;
while(i < dia.length){
totaldias += dia(i);
i += 1;
println("Numero total de dias =" + totaldias)
def consumomensal(mes: Array[Int]) = {
var i = 0;
while(i < mes.length){
consumo_mensal = consumo * totaldias;
i += 1;
println("Consumo Mensal =" + consumo_mensal);
error: value toDF is not a member of Double"
It's rather unclear what you're trying to do exactly (too much code, try providing a minimal example), but there are a few apparent issues:
rddData has type Double: seems like it should be RDD[Double] (which is a distributed collection of Double values). Trying to save a single Double value as a table doesn't make much sense, and indeed - doesn't work (toDF can be called on an RDD, not any type, specifically not on Double, as the compiler warns).
you collect() the data: if you want to load an RDD, transform it using some manipulation, and then save it as a table - collect() should probably not be called on that RDD. collect() sends all the data (distributed across the cluster) into the single "driver" machine (the one running this code) - after which you're not taking advantage of the cluster, and again not using the RDD data structure so you can't convert the data into a DataFrame using toDF.

use spark run KMeans cluster , program block?

when I use apache spark scala API run the KMeans cluster. my program as follow:
object KMeans {
def closestPoint(p: Vector, centers: Array[Vector]) = {
var index = 0
var bestIndex = 0
var closest = Double.PositiveInfinity
for(i <- 0 until centers.length) {
var tempDist = p.squaredDist(centers(i))
if(tempDist < closest) {
closest = tempDist
bestIndex = i
def parseVector(line: String): Vector = {
new Vector(line.split("\\s+").map(s => s.toDouble))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {}
System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "F:/OpenSoft/hadoop-2.2.0")
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "kmeans cluster",
val lines = sc.textFile("G:/testData/") // RDD[String]
val count = lines.count
val data = _) // RDD[Vector]
val K = 6
val convergeDist = 0.1
val kPoint = data.takeSample(withReplacement = false, K, 42) // Array[Vector]
var tempDist = 1.0
while(tempDist > convergeDist) {
val closest = => (closestPoint(p, kPoint), (p, 1)))
val pointStat = closest.reduceByKey{case ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =>
(x1+x2, y1+y2)}
val newKPoint ={pair => (
tempDist = 0.0
for(i <- 0 until K) {
tempDist += kPoint(i).squaredDist(newKPoint(i))
for(newP <- newKPoint) {
kPoint(newP._1) = newP._2
println("Finish iteration (delta=" + tempDist + ")")
println("Finish centers: ")
when I apply run as local mode , the log info as follow:
14/03/31 11:29:15 INFO HadoopRDD: Input split: hdfs://hadoop-01:9000/data/
program begin block , no running continue........
Can anyone can help me???

scala priority queue not ordering properly?

I'm seeing some strange behavior with Scala's collection.mutable.PriorityQueue. I'm performing an external sort and testing it with 1M records. Each time I run the test and verify the results between 10-20 records are not sorted properly. I replace the scala PriorityQueue implementation with a java.util.PriorityQueue and it works 100% of the time. Any ideas?
Here's the code (sorry it's a bit long...). I test it using the tools gensort -a 1000000 and valsort from
def externalSort(inFileName: String, outFileName: String)
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
val MaxTempFiles = 1024
val TempBufferSize = 4096
val inFile = new
/** Partitions input file and sorts each partition */
def partitionAndSort()(implicit ord: Ordering[String]):
List[] = {
/** Gets block size to use */
def getBlockSize: Long = {
var blockSize = inFile.length / MaxTempFiles
val freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
if (blockSize < freeMem / 2)
blockSize = freeMem / 2
else if (blockSize >= freeMem)
System.err.println("Not enough free memory to use external sort.")
/** Sorts and writes data to temp files */
def writeSorted(buf: List[String]): = {
// Create new temp buffer
val tmp ="external", "sort")
// Sort buffer and write it out to tmp file
val out = new
try {
for (l <- buf.sorted) {
} finally {
val blockSize = getBlockSize
var tmpFiles = List[]()
var buf = List[String]()
var currentSize = 0
// Read input and divide into blocks
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile(inFile).getLines()) {
if (currentSize > blockSize) {
tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
buf = List[String]()
currentSize = 0
buf ::= line
currentSize += line.length() * 2 // 2 bytes per char
if (currentSize > 0) tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
/** Merges results of sorted partitions into one output file */
def mergeSortedFiles(fs: List[])
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
/** Temp file buffer for reading lines */
class TempFileBuffer(val file: {
private val in = new
new, TempBufferSize)
private var curLine: String = ""
readNextLine() // prep first value
def currentLine = curLine
def isEmpty = curLine == null
def readNextLine() {
if (curLine == null) return
try {
curLine = in.readLine()
} catch {
case _: => curLine = null
if (curLine == null) in.close()
override protected def finalize() {
try {
} finally {
val wrappedOrd = new Ordering[TempFileBuffer] {
def compare(o1: TempFileBuffer, o2: TempFileBuffer): Int = {, o2.currentLine)
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[TempFileBuffer](
// Init queue with item from each file
for (tmp <- fs) {
val buf = new TempFileBuffer(tmp)
if (!buf.isEmpty) pq += buf
var count = 0
val out = new
try {
// Read each value off of queue
while (pq.size > 0) {
val buf = pq.dequeue()
count += 1
if (buf.isEmpty) {
buf.file.delete() // don't need anymore
} else {
// re-add to priority queue so we can process next line
pq += buf
} finally {
My tests don't show any bugs in PriorityQueue.
import org.scalacheck._
import Prop._
object PriorityQueueProperties extends Properties("PriorityQueue") {
def listToPQ(l: List[String]): PriorityQueue[String] = {
val pq = new PriorityQueue[String]
l foreach (pq +=)
def pqToList(pq: PriorityQueue[String]): List[String] =
if (pq.isEmpty) Nil
else { val h = pq.dequeue; h :: pqToList(pq) }
property("Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order") =
forAll { (l: List[String]) => l.sorted == pqToList(listToPQ(l)).reverse }
property("Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting") =
forAll { (l: List[String], s: String) =>
(l.size > 0) ==>
((s :: l.sorted.init).sorted == {
val pq = listToPQ(l)
pq += s
scala> PriorityQueueProperties.check
+ PriorityQueue.Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order: OK, passed
100 tests.
+ PriorityQueue.Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting: OK, passed
100 tests.
If you could somehow reduce the input enough to make a test case, it would help.
I ran it with five million inputs several times, output matched expected always. My guess from looking at your code is that your Ordering is the problem (i.e. it's giving inconsistent answers.)