Scala: Save result in a toDf temp table - scala

I'm trying save some analyses in toDF TempTable, but a receive the following error ":215: error: value toDF is not a member of Double".
I'm reading data of a Cassandra table, and i'm doing some calculations. I want save these results in a temp table.
I'm new in scala, somebody, can help me please?
my code
case class Consumo(consumo:Double, consumo_mensal: Double, mes: org.joda.time.DateTime,ano: org.joda.time.DateTime, soma_pf: Double,empo_gasto: Double);
object Analysegridata{
val conf = new SparkConf(true)
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.port", "9042")
.set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
.set("spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable", "true");
val sc = new SparkContext(conf);
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc);
val checkpointDirectory = "/var/lib/cassandra/data"
ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDirectory) // set checkpoint directory
// val context = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDirectory)
import sqlContext.implicits._
def rddconsumo(rddData: Double): Double = {
val rddData: Double = {
implicit val data = conf
val grid = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids", "analyzer").as((r:Double) => (r)).collect
def goto(cs: Array[Double]): Double = {
var consumo = 0.0;
var totaldias = 0;
var soma_pf = 0.0;
var somamc = 0.0;
var tempo_gasto = 0.0;
var consumo_mensal = 0.0;
var i=0
for (i <- 0 until grid.length) {
val minutos = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "MINUTE");
val horas = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol","HOUR_OF_DAY");
val dia = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "DAY_OF_MONTH");
val ano = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "YEAR");
val mes = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("timecol", "MONTH");
val potencia = sc.cassandraTable("smartgrids","analyzer_temp").select("n_pf1", "n_pf2", "n_pf3")
def convert_minutos (minuto : Int) : Double ={
dia.foreach (i => {
def adSum(potencia: Array[Double]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < potencia.length) {
soma_pf += potencia(i);
i += 1;
println("Potemcia =" + soma_pf)
def tempo(minutos: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < minutos.length) {
somamc += convert_minutos(minutos(i))
i += 1;
def tempogasto(horas: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < horas.length) {
tempo_gasto = horas(i) + somamc;
i += 1;
println("Temo que o aparelho esteve ligado =" + tempo_gasto)
def consumof(dia: Array[Int]) = {
var i=0;
while (i < dia.length) {
consumo = soma_pf * tempo_gasto;
i += 1;
println("Consumo diario =" + consumo)
mes.foreach (i => {
def totaltempo(dia: Array[Int]) = {
var i = 0;
while(i < dia.length){
totaldias += dia(i);
i += 1;
println("Numero total de dias =" + totaldias)
def consumomensal(mes: Array[Int]) = {
var i = 0;
while(i < mes.length){
consumo_mensal = consumo * totaldias;
i += 1;
println("Consumo Mensal =" + consumo_mensal);
error: value toDF is not a member of Double"

It's rather unclear what you're trying to do exactly (too much code, try providing a minimal example), but there are a few apparent issues:
rddData has type Double: seems like it should be RDD[Double] (which is a distributed collection of Double values). Trying to save a single Double value as a table doesn't make much sense, and indeed - doesn't work (toDF can be called on an RDD, not any type, specifically not on Double, as the compiler warns).
you collect() the data: if you want to load an RDD, transform it using some manipulation, and then save it as a table - collect() should probably not be called on that RDD. collect() sends all the data (distributed across the cluster) into the single "driver" machine (the one running this code) - after which you're not taking advantage of the cluster, and again not using the RDD data structure so you can't convert the data into a DataFrame using toDF.


How to create a DataFrame using a string consisting of key-value pairs?

I'm getting logs from a firewall in CEF Format as a string which looks as:
ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DSE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0
How can I create a DataFrame from this kind of string where I'm getting key-value pairs separated by = ?
My objective is to infer schema from this string using the keys dynamically, i.e extract the keys from left side of the = operator and create a schema using them.
What I have been doing currently is pretty lame(IMHO) and not very dynamic in approach.(because the number of key-value pairs can change as per different type of logs)
val a: String = "ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DCE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0"
val ttype: String = "DCE"
type parseReturn = (String,String,List[String],Int)
def cefParser(a: String, ttype: String): parseReturn = {
val firstPart = a.split("\\|")
var pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
var listSize: Int = 0
if (firstPart.size == 8 && firstPart(4) == ttype) {
pD += firstPart(0)
pD += firstPart(1)
pD += firstPart(2)
pD += firstPart(3)
pD += firstPart(4)
pD += firstPart(5)
pD += firstPart(6)
val secondPart = parseSecondPart(firstPart(7), ttype)
pD ++= secondPart
listSize = pD.toList.length
(firstPart(2), ttype, pD.toList, listSize)
} else {
val temp: List[String] = List(a)
(firstPart(2), "IRRELEVANT", temp, temp.length)
The method parseSecondPart is:
def parseSecondPart(m:String, ttype:String): ListBuffer[String] = ttype match {
case auditActivity.ttype=>parseAuditEvent(m)
Another function call to just replace some text in the logs
def parseAuditEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val updated_msg = msg.replace("cat=", "metadata_event_type=")
.replace("destinationtranslatedaddress=", "event_user_ip=")
.replace("duser=", "event_user_id=")
.replace("deviceprocessname=", "event_service_name=")
.replace("cn3=", "metadata_offset=")
.replace("outcome=", "event_success=")
.replace("devicecustomdate1=", "event_utc_timestamp=")
.replace("rt=", "metadata_event_creation_time=")
Final function to get only the values:
def parseEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val newMsg = msg.replace("\\=", "$_equal_$")
val pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
val splitData = newMsg.split("=")
val mSize = splitData.size
for (i <- 1 until mSize) {
if(i < mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).split(" ")
val b = a.size-1
val c = a.slice(0,b).mkString(" ")
pD += c.replace("$_equal_$","=")
} else if(i == mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).replace("$_equal_$","=")
pD += a
} else {
The returns contains a ListBuffer[String]at 3rd position, using which I create a DataFrame as follows:
val df = ss.sqlContext
.createDataFrame(tempRDD.filter(x => x._1 != "IRRELEVANT")
.map(x => Row.fromSeq(x._3)), schema)
People of stackoverflow, i really need your help in improving my code, both for performance and approach.
Any kind of help and/or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks In Advance.

recursive value x$5 needs type

i am getting error at this line
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
recursive value x$7 needs
recursive value x$1 needs
what does this error meaning, please guide me how to resolve this error.
object Collect {
private var numTweetsCollected = 0L
private var partNum = 0
private var gson = new Gson()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Process program arguments and set properties
if (args.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: " + this.getClass.getSimpleName +
"<outputDirectory> <numTweetsToCollect> <intervalInSeconds> <partitionsEachInterval>")
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
val outputDir = new File(outputDirectory.toString)
if (outputDir.exists()) {
System.err.println("ERROR - %s already exists: delete or specify another directory".format(
println("Initializing Streaming Spark Context...")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(intervalSecs))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Utils.getAuth)
tweetStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => {
val count = rdd.count()
if (count > 0) {
val outputRDD = rdd.repartition(partitionsEachInterval)
outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(outputDirectory + "/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString)
numTweetsCollected += count
if (numTweetsCollected > numTweetsToCollect) {
Try removing the Utils.IntParam(.. from your pattern matched values. Extract the values, then parse them separately.

Sorting a DStream and taking topN

I have some DStream in Spark Scala and I want to sort it then take the top N.
The problem is that whenever I try to run it I get NotSerializableException and the exception message says:
This is because the DStream object is being referred to from within the closure.
The problem is that I don't know how to solve it:
Here is my try:
package com.badrit.realtime
import java.util.Date
import com.badrit.drivers.UnlimitedSpaceTimeDriver
import com.badrit.model.{CellBuilder, DataReader, Trip}
import com.badrit.utility.Printer
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{DStream, InputDStream}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Duration, Milliseconds, StreamingContext}
import scala.collection.mutable
object StreamingDriver {
val appName: String = "HotSpotRealTime"
val hostName = "localhost"
val port = 5050
val constrains = UnlimitedSpaceTimeDriver.constrains;
var streamingRate = 1;
var windowSize = 8;
var slidingInterval = 2;
val cellBuilder = new CellBuilder(constrains)
val inputFilePath = "/home/ahmedelgamal/Downloads/green_tripdata_2015-02.csv"
def prepareTestData(sparkStreamCtx: StreamingContext): InputDStream[Trip] = {
val sparkCtx = sparkStreamCtx.sparkContext
val textFile: RDD[String] = sparkCtx.textFile(inputFilePath)
val data: RDD[Trip] = new DataReader().getTrips(textFile)
val groupedData = data.filter( Date(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)))
.groupBy(trip =>
printf("Grouped Data Count is " + groupedData.length)
var dataQueue: mutable.Queue[RDD[Trip]] = mutable.Queue.empty;
groupedData.foreach(trips => dataQueue += sparkCtx.makeRDD(trips.toArray))
printf("\n\nTest Queue size is " + dataQueue.size)
groupedData.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (trips: Iterable[Trip], index: Int) => {
println("Items List " + index)
val passengers: Array[Int] =
val cnt = passengers.length
println("Sum is " + passengers.sum)
println("Cnt is " + cnt)
val passengersRdd = sparkCtx.parallelize(passengers)
println("Mean " + passengersRdd.mean())
println("Stdv" + passengersRdd.stdev())
sparkStreamCtx.queueStream(dataQueue, true)
def cellCreator(trip: Trip) = cellBuilder.cellForCarStop(trip.pickup)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 1) {
streamingRate = 1;
windowSize = 3 //2 hours 60 * 60 * 1000L
slidingInterval = 2 //0.5 hour 60 * 60 * 1000L
else {
streamingRate = args(0).toInt;
windowSize = args(1).toInt
slidingInterval = args(2).toInt
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster("local[*]")
val sparkStreamCtx = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Milliseconds(streamingRate))
val data: InputDStream[Trip] = prepareTestData(sparkStreamCtx)
val dataWindow = data.window(new Duration(windowSize), new Duration(slidingInterval))
//my main problem lies in the following line
val newDataWindow = dataWindow.transform(rdd => sparkStreamCtx.sparkContext.parallelize(rdd.take(10)))
I don't mind any other ways to sort a DStream and get its top N rather than my way.
You can use transform method in the DStream object then sort the input RDD and take n elements of it in a list, then filter the original RDD to be contained in this list.
val n = 10
val topN = result.transform(rdd =>{
val list = rdd.sortBy(_._1).take(n)

Iterating over cogrouped RDD

I have used a cogroup function and obtain following RDD:
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, (Iterable[(Int, Long)], Iterable[(Int, Long)]))]
Before the map operation joined object would look like this:
RDD[(Int, (Iterable[(Int, Long)], Iterable[(Int, Long)]))]
(-2095842000,(CompactBuffer((1504999740,1430096464017), (613904354,1430211912709), (-1514234644,1430288363100), (-276850688,1430330412225)),CompactBuffer((-511732877,1428682217564), (1133633791,1428831320960), (1168566678,1428964645450), (-407341933,1429009306167), (-1996133514,1429016485487), (872888282,1429031501681), (-826902224,1429034491003), (818711584,1429111125268), (-1068875079,1429117498135), (301875333,1429121399450), (-1730846275,1429131773065), (1806256621,1429135583312))))
(352234000,(CompactBuffer((1350763226,1430006650167), (-330160951,1430320010314)),CompactBuffer((2113207721,1428994842593), (-483470471,1429324209560), (1803928603,1429426861915))))
Now I want to do the following:
val globalBuffer = ListBuffer[Double]()
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2).map(x => {
val listA = x._2._1.toList
val listB = x._2._2.toList
for(tupleB <- listB) {
val localResults = ListBuffer[Double]()
val itemToTest = Set(tupleB._1)
val tempList = ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
for(tupleA <- listA) {
val tValue = someFunctionReturnDouble(tupleB._2, tupleA._2)
val i = (tupleA._1, tValue)
tempList += i
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2).slice(0,20).map(i => i._1)
val intersect = sortList.toSet.intersect(itemToTest)
if (intersect.size > 0)
localResults += 1.0
else localResults += 0.0
val normalized = sum(localResults.toList)/localResults.size
globalBuffer += normalized
//method sum
def sum(xs: List[Double]): Double = {//do the sum}
At the end of this I was expecting joined to be a list with double values. But when I looked at it it was unit. Also I will this is not the Scala way of doing it. How do I obtain globalBuffer as the final result.
Hmm, if I understood your code correctly, it could benefit from these improvements:
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2).map(x => {
val listA = x._2._1.toList
val listB = x._2._2.toList
val localResults = {
case (intBValue, longBValue) =>
val itemToTest = intBValue // it's always one element
val tempList = {
case (intAValue, longAValue) =>
(intAValue, someFunctionReturnDouble(longBvalue, longAValue))
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(-_._2).slice(0,20).map(i => i._1)
if (sortList.toSet.contains(itemToTest)) { 1.0 } else {0.0}
// no real need to convert to a set for 20 elements, by the way
Transformations of RDDs are not going to modify globalBuffer. Copies of globalBuffer are made and sent out to each of the workers, but any modifications to these copies on the workers will never modify the globalBuffer that exists on the driver (the one you have defined outside the map on the RDD.) Here's what I do (with a few additional modifications):
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2) map { x =>
val iterA = x._2._1
val iterB = x._2._2
var count, positiveCount = 0
val tempList = ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
for (tupleB <- iterB) {
for(tupleA <- iterA) {
val tValue = someFunctionReturnDouble(tupleB._2, tupleA._2)
tempList += ((tupleA._1, tValue))
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2).iterator.take(20)
if (sortList.exists(_._1 == tupleB._1)) positiveCount += 1
count += 1
At this point you can obtain of local copy of the proportions by using joined.collect.

scala priority queue not ordering properly?

I'm seeing some strange behavior with Scala's collection.mutable.PriorityQueue. I'm performing an external sort and testing it with 1M records. Each time I run the test and verify the results between 10-20 records are not sorted properly. I replace the scala PriorityQueue implementation with a java.util.PriorityQueue and it works 100% of the time. Any ideas?
Here's the code (sorry it's a bit long...). I test it using the tools gensort -a 1000000 and valsort from
def externalSort(inFileName: String, outFileName: String)
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
val MaxTempFiles = 1024
val TempBufferSize = 4096
val inFile = new
/** Partitions input file and sorts each partition */
def partitionAndSort()(implicit ord: Ordering[String]):
List[] = {
/** Gets block size to use */
def getBlockSize: Long = {
var blockSize = inFile.length / MaxTempFiles
val freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
if (blockSize < freeMem / 2)
blockSize = freeMem / 2
else if (blockSize >= freeMem)
System.err.println("Not enough free memory to use external sort.")
/** Sorts and writes data to temp files */
def writeSorted(buf: List[String]): = {
// Create new temp buffer
val tmp ="external", "sort")
// Sort buffer and write it out to tmp file
val out = new
try {
for (l <- buf.sorted) {
} finally {
val blockSize = getBlockSize
var tmpFiles = List[]()
var buf = List[String]()
var currentSize = 0
// Read input and divide into blocks
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile(inFile).getLines()) {
if (currentSize > blockSize) {
tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
buf = List[String]()
currentSize = 0
buf ::= line
currentSize += line.length() * 2 // 2 bytes per char
if (currentSize > 0) tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
/** Merges results of sorted partitions into one output file */
def mergeSortedFiles(fs: List[])
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
/** Temp file buffer for reading lines */
class TempFileBuffer(val file: {
private val in = new
new, TempBufferSize)
private var curLine: String = ""
readNextLine() // prep first value
def currentLine = curLine
def isEmpty = curLine == null
def readNextLine() {
if (curLine == null) return
try {
curLine = in.readLine()
} catch {
case _: => curLine = null
if (curLine == null) in.close()
override protected def finalize() {
try {
} finally {
val wrappedOrd = new Ordering[TempFileBuffer] {
def compare(o1: TempFileBuffer, o2: TempFileBuffer): Int = {, o2.currentLine)
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[TempFileBuffer](
// Init queue with item from each file
for (tmp <- fs) {
val buf = new TempFileBuffer(tmp)
if (!buf.isEmpty) pq += buf
var count = 0
val out = new
try {
// Read each value off of queue
while (pq.size > 0) {
val buf = pq.dequeue()
count += 1
if (buf.isEmpty) {
buf.file.delete() // don't need anymore
} else {
// re-add to priority queue so we can process next line
pq += buf
} finally {
My tests don't show any bugs in PriorityQueue.
import org.scalacheck._
import Prop._
object PriorityQueueProperties extends Properties("PriorityQueue") {
def listToPQ(l: List[String]): PriorityQueue[String] = {
val pq = new PriorityQueue[String]
l foreach (pq +=)
def pqToList(pq: PriorityQueue[String]): List[String] =
if (pq.isEmpty) Nil
else { val h = pq.dequeue; h :: pqToList(pq) }
property("Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order") =
forAll { (l: List[String]) => l.sorted == pqToList(listToPQ(l)).reverse }
property("Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting") =
forAll { (l: List[String], s: String) =>
(l.size > 0) ==>
((s :: l.sorted.init).sorted == {
val pq = listToPQ(l)
pq += s
scala> PriorityQueueProperties.check
+ PriorityQueue.Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order: OK, passed
100 tests.
+ PriorityQueue.Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting: OK, passed
100 tests.
If you could somehow reduce the input enough to make a test case, it would help.
I ran it with five million inputs several times, output matched expected always. My guess from looking at your code is that your Ordering is the problem (i.e. it's giving inconsistent answers.)