I want to deploy Spring Cloud (Eureka/ribbon) code to Cloud Foundry. Ribbon will do the client side load balancing, so I don't need the Cloud Foundry router. How to I tell Cloud Foundry not to use its router?
We recently moved from Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon to Spring Cloud LoadBalancer and using spring-cloud-kubernetes as discovery client.
What is the equivalent property for spring.cloud.kubernetes.ribbon.mode (https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-kubernetes/1.1.2.RELEASE/reference/html/#ribbon-discovery-in-kubernetes) now? Since ribbon is no longer in the picture.
We are working on providing SC LoadBalancer support now: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-kubernetes/issues/516.
I am trying to implement Azure osba service broker on google cloud shell to interact with google cloud kubernetes and Azure services, but i am not able to run it and always commands are ending in some error.
I have installed helm and service catalog also. Please suggest me any simple service broker for google cloud shell which i can implement easily for demo purpose. Can i use Google shell cloud MySQL ( GCP)? Please provide any information in form of website link or github.
You can use config connector to manage your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources through Kubernetes configuration as Google cloud platform service broker is deprecated.
This documentation will help you to get started with config connector by managing a cloud spanner instance. You can also refer to this repository that contains sample applications and resources like PubSub for use with Config Connector
I created an Elastic Beanstalk environment with a AWS VPC. It is a Java REST application using Spring framework.
When I setup the Elastic Beanstalk environment without a VPC, I'm able to hit the REST endpoint.
However, now with VPC, I'm not able to access it.
What is the proper way to access this REST endpoint now?
I'm comparing layer 7 HTTP(S) load balancers to use with Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform.
GCP has their own managed service called Google Cloud Load Balancer.
Also popular to use with Kubernetes is Envoy, an open-source "cloud native" proxy that has many contributions from Google staff.
Is Google Cloud Load Balancer a managed version of Envoy? Perhaps just with some added integrations with GCP's CDN? If they are not actually the same, what are they key differences between the two options (beyond just that one is managed and the other is self-deployed)?
Right now the new version of Google Load Balancer uses Envoy proxy to handle advance traffic management (here)
In spring cloud dataflow, as per my understanding each stream is a microservice but the dataflow server is not. Am I right?
Is it possible to have multiple instances of spring cloud dataflow(SCDF) server? How to loadbalance the dataflow server? I am planning to deploy it in AWS.The official documentation didn't mention anything about loadbalancing of dataflow server. If it is possible how do Dashboard, shell works?
The SCDF-server is a regular Spring MVC + Spring Boot application that serves the REST-APIs, DSL commands, UI, and repository access for stream/task metadata persistence.
In platforms like Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and others, upon scaling the SCDF-server, the platform automatically handles traffic routing and load-balancing.
If you were to orchestrate the deployment on your own and on AWS, you'd have to plug a load-balancer in front of the server instances. The shell, UI, and REST-APIs would hit the load-balancer instead, to interact with the SCDF-server.