I'd like to add some UML diagrams to my *.dox document, with these requirements:
I'd like to include plain PlantUML document, without doxygen tags in it.
I want it as link to image in my final document, instead of having it on the main page directly.
How can I achieve this goal?
To achieve first requirement try using Plantuml preprocessing. Like this:
* #startuml
* !include my_diagram.txt!0
* #enduml
Second requirement, as I know, is not supported by Doxygen so far.
I believe this is currently not possible, there is no command similar to #dotfile, #mscfile or #diafile which does this for dot, msc or dia source files. But if you want to reuse the same diagram in different pages of the documentation you can let doxygen generate a png file from the code and just include the png file:
\startuml [{file}] ["caption"] [<sizeindication>=<size>]
#startuml{myimage.png} "Image Caption" width=5cm
I did not try this, but this way you might workaround this, you could create an extra page in a .h, .dox or .txt file containing a doxygen comment, where you put all your diagrams in. From this file doxygen generates the png files. Those png files you might embed using the #image command.
I use '.md' to generate '(index).html' and '(refman*).rtf' documentation with doxygen 1.8.14.
The mathematical equation in '*.md' gives a correct equation in html output but not in the file 'refman.rtf'. The other theoretical parts like paragraph and other stuff work well between *.md and rtf output.
I guess *.rtf is not recognizing the equation part of the *.md document.
Does the RTF generation through doxygen read the *.md files?
Do I need to change any tag to make *.md work with rtf output?
Not only for markdown but also for "normal" doxygen input formulas do not work.
From the documentation:
Doxygen allows you to put LATEX formulas in the output (this works
only for the HTML and LATEX output, not for the RTF nor for the man
page output).
A workaround workflow, at the moment for non inline formulas, is to do something like:
Create an image with the formula e.g in a dummy doxygen run where one does not use MATHJAX, this will result in an image with a name like: 'form_0.png'.
In the code one has to place an if construct like:
\if rtf_run
\image rtf form_0.png
\f... with the formula
One now has to run doxygen twice:
once for the output without rtf, i.e. without setting rtf_run in ENABLED_SECTIONS
once for rtf output by setting rtf_run in ENABLED_SECTIONS
EDIT June 5, 2018: I've just pushed a proposed patch to github pull request 756. Here the formulas are rendered as png images and included in the RTF documentation.
EDIT: 2018/06/10: The push request has been integrated in the master version on github.
To distinguish this question from Doxygen: Adding a custom link under the "Related Pages" section which has an accepted answer that is not a real answer to the question, I specifically add prewritten to the question.
What I want:
Write one document tex file (without preamble, since this file will be \input-ed into a full document)
Import the document into Doxygen's HTML output.
Using Doxygen to produce tex file will probably not work, since it does too much layout work [This holds for its HTML output too like empty table rows 2015]. If Doxygen takes some other input that can easily be transformed into LaTeX, that will do.
You can easily add an already existing Latex file to your doxygen documentation using \latexonly\input{yourfile}\endlatexonly.
I would assume you put it e.g. under a doxygen \page.
Doxygen generates a nice class hierarchy for my project using graphviz. But I now want to add manual annotations to that graph. For that I need to edit the DOT file. However doxygen doesn't seem to output that file anywhere. It only outputs a .map file and the .png image.
How do I get doxygen to give me the dot file? I checked their documentation, but couldn't find any way to achieve it. Surely doxygen has to produce the dot file at some stage?
If you set DOT_CLEANUP to NO in doxygen's configuration file, doxygen will not remove the .dot files.
In addtion to the documented C source code I would like to include a MS-Word document about the software architecture to the HTML doucumentation generated by Doxygen.
How can I achive this?
Is there a way to convert the MS-Wordfile *.docx to a Doxygenfile *.dox?
You could link to the document using
link name
in a comment block.
Alternative is to convert it to a (simple enough) HTML file, so that doxygen can parse that, but then you probably loose a lot of the document's markup and layout.
I want to include an external dot diagram to my doxygen documentation -- in \mainpage My Personal Index Page. How would I go about it?
Would I include it as an attached png or can I have doxygen generate the diagram itself?
You can use the \dotfile command to reference a dot file from inside a doxygen comment block.
Doxygen will run dot and include the resulting image in the generated documentation.
See http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/commands.html#cmddotfile for more info.