Searchbar - search on 'enter' key - ionic-framework

I'm very new to Ionic framework.
Following the docs I created a searchbar like this:
ionInput When the Searchbar input has changed including cleared.
This works as expected.
However I want a different behaviour. I don't want to trigger search($event) every time the input changes, but I couldn't find an output event that is emitted when the user hits the 'enter' key or clicks a button for example.
Is there a solution for this behaviour?

You should be able to add Angular 2 keyup bindings to elements such as keyup and click
<ion-searchbar #q
Component TS:
search(q: string) {

With Ionic 5 using Angular you have to wrap the ion-searchbar inside a form tag like this:
<form (ngSubmit)="hideKeyboard()">
<ion-searchbar (ionChange)="search($event)"></ion-searchbar>
In your component using Capacitor:
import { Plugins } from '#capacitor/core';
const { Keyboard } = Plugins;
hideKeyboard() {
Of course you could use the ngSubmit event to also search and not only hide the keyboard.

I was able to capture 'Enter' key click or 'search' key click with (search) output event

Just to add to #daniel-rubambura 's answer.
You can use ngModel in conjunction with (search) to get the value.
searchTerm: string;


Jquery not working when click ajax button

I use jquery datepicker and it not display after I click ajax button.
Is there any way to show datepicker again after click? I use wicket 8.
public class BasePage extends WebPage {
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jqueryui.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>
public class HomePage extends BasePage {
public HomePage() {
SearchForm searchForm = new SearchForm();
Form<SearchForm> form = new Form<>(new CompoundPropertyModel<SearchForm>(searchForm))
AjaxButton btn = new AjaxButton() {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequest target) {
// Handle search data
TextField<String> date = new TextField<>("searchDate");
<form wicket:id="form">
<input wicket:id="searchDate" class="datepicker" />
<button wicket:id="btn">Search</button>
$(function() {
After click ajax button all script in file main.js not working
Please help me.
when you update form via AJAX you replace each element inside it, which includes the input field you use with datepicker. But doing so you loose the javascript setting done by main.js when page was first loaded.
You can solve this in two ways. First, you could update only those elements that need to be refreshed, for example the component that you use to show search result (I suppose there must be such an element in your code).
The second solution, more heavier and complicated, is to make a custom TextField component that execute the datepicker javascript code each time is rendered.
An example of such solution can be found is in the user guide:
I would recommend to follow the first solution as it's more natural and simpler and requires less code.
If you want to refresh the textfield another simple solution is to use target.appendJavaScript​ to reapply the datepicker plugin:
target.add("$('#" + date.getMarkupId() + "').datepicker();");
this should add the datepicker to the fresh new field.

Ionic 5-Clear the searchbox text when clicking the reset button

I am working with ionic 5 ..I have a ionsearch to search the contents from a list.Then i have another reset button while pressing this reset button i want the ionsearch text typed inside the searchbar to be cleared.Kindly help me.
Thanks in advance
You can use its ionClear event to do whatever you want e.g Clear the text
You can set the content of the ion-searchbar component through the value property:
document.querySelector('ion-searchbar').value = '';
This will also automatically call the ionInput event.
you can use [(ngModel)]="searchData" click on button call function and clear 'searchData'.
For eg.
/** html code */
<ion-searchbar placeholder="Search users" [debounce]="250" mode="ios" [(ngModel)]="searchData"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-button mode="ios" expand="block" color="carnation" (click)="clearSearch()">
typescript code
public searchData:string ='';
this.searchData = '';

Material UI IconButton onClick doesn't let to handle event

I installed "#material-ui/core": "^4.9.2" and "#material-ui/icons": "^4.9.1".
In my form i have several rows, each row has an add button and a remove button. I want the remove button to remove the row from it was clicked. It works fine with regular Button with a "-" character in it. But i want it fancy, so i replaced my Button from an IconButton, and imported the icons to use
import {AddCircleOutline,RemoveCircleOutlineOutlined} from "#material-ui/icons";
And my IconButton looks like this:
disabled={props.index > 0 ? false : true}
When the IconButton is hit, the onClick method is called (i know because of logs in my console) but i can't handle the event because it is now undefined.
The funny thing is that if i click on the button area that doesn't correspond to the icon, it works. But obviously i need it to work in the whole area of the button.
It is not a binding issue because i already tested it.
Any ideas?
Props that are not cited in the documentation are inherited to their internal <EnhancedButton />, so you need to use a wrapper.
onClick={(e) => props.onRemoveClick(e)}
disabled={props.index > 0 ? false : true}
Well you gave an idea. Since i needed an index to identify the row's button, i sended the index through a paramater on the onClick method, like this:
onClick={e => props.onRemoveClick(props.index)}
In this way i didn't need to handle the event. I also had to bind my method on the constructor:
constructor(props) {
this.handleRemoveClick = this.handleRemoveClick.bind(this);
Now i got the behaviour wanted
You can see the github ussue here. There is some problem with typescript definition files but we can work around it.
I tried to solve it like in the github issue but didn't work. So this works for me.
const onClick = (e: any) => {
// e is of type any so the compiler won't yell at you
<IconButton onClick={(e) => onClick(e)}>
I don't know the reason but using e.currentTarget helped me to get the button that I wanted and not the material icon inside it.
onClick={(e) => {
return console.log(e.currentTarget)

How to get input from ion-searchbar?

It is super easy problem but I just can't seem to figure this out (And yes I have read the documentation).
I am trying to get the input user puts in the ion-searchbar (in Ionic v4) after they the press search and put in a const/let.
<ion-searchbar showCancelButton="focus" class=""></ion-searchbar>
I don't know how I should write the TS for this.
Thanks in advance :{)
Use (search) event to call your function. This event is fired when the user will click on the search button provided by the ion-searchbar.
To get the value entered in the searchbar, use $ which gets the value field of the tag which in this case is <ion-searchbar>
placeholder="Search Some Values">
To listen to changes as user types in the search bar:
Note: On Ionic 6+, (ionInput) strangely emits value on $ although, their documentation mentions $event.detail
In your .html file:
placeholder="Search for a place">
In your .ts file:
export class LoginPage{
autocomplete: { input: string; };
updateSearchResults() {
console.log(this.autocomplete.input) //search input will display
Hope this works.
Html file.
ts file
ionChange(event) {
Always Read Documentation of API, Plugins or anything which you are looking for.
You will get data by using ionChange() or ionInput().
Use following code in HTML file
and in TypeScript.
public getData(){
//ur logic here
Get a reference to the searchbar using the #ViewChild directive:
<ion-searchbar #search></ion-searchbar>
#ViewChild('search', {static: false}) search: IonSearchbar;
Thereafter, get the value of the ion-searchbar as follows:
const input = await;
const searchValue = input.value;

Ionic 2 Updating Button Text and Event on Click

Sorry if this sounds very obvious but I am new to Ionic 2 / Angular 2. Upon submitting a form, I need to update the button text and click event, ie:
first click on button = submit form + update button text to "Next"
second click on button = trigger goToNext()
I managed to update the button text but not update the click event (to goToNext() ).
<form (ngSubmit)="logForm(i)">
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="form.userinput[i]" name="userinput[i]"></ion-input>
<button ion-button block type="submit" (click)="setNext($, 'Next')">Check</button>
setNext(element, text){
element.textContent = 'Next';
// go to Next Page
Ideally you change your design a bit to keep a variable that stores state of your 'Controller'. e.g. stores PageNumber. and then behave differently based on what page you are on. So I suggest change design a bit.
But to answer your current question without major change, you can bind the handler dynamically the same way you bind the text. then in the first handler, change the handler for the next click. the default values for handler and text will decide which one is going the be used initially
handler = this.setNext;
text = 'first text';
alert('handler1 called');
this.handler = this.goToNext;
this.text = 'other text';
alert('second called');
// go to Next Page
and in your html you go like
<button ion-button block type="submit" (click)="handler()">{{text}}</button>
You can use n00b answer or something like this:
in html file:
<button ion-button block type="submit" (click)="check()">{{btn_txt}}</button>
in ts file:
btn_txt = 'Check';
check() {
if (this.btn_txt == 'Check') {
//do some logic
this.btn_txt = 'Next';
} else {
console.log('go to next page');