How to get input from ion-searchbar? - ionic-framework

It is super easy problem but I just can't seem to figure this out (And yes I have read the documentation).
I am trying to get the input user puts in the ion-searchbar (in Ionic v4) after they the press search and put in a const/let.
<ion-searchbar showCancelButton="focus" class=""></ion-searchbar>
I don't know how I should write the TS for this.
Thanks in advance :{)

Use (search) event to call your function. This event is fired when the user will click on the search button provided by the ion-searchbar.
To get the value entered in the searchbar, use $ which gets the value field of the tag which in this case is <ion-searchbar>
placeholder="Search Some Values">
To listen to changes as user types in the search bar:
Note: On Ionic 6+, (ionInput) strangely emits value on $ although, their documentation mentions $event.detail

In your .html file:
placeholder="Search for a place">
In your .ts file:
export class LoginPage{
autocomplete: { input: string; };
updateSearchResults() {
console.log(this.autocomplete.input) //search input will display

Hope this works.
Html file.
ts file
ionChange(event) {

Always Read Documentation of API, Plugins or anything which you are looking for.
You will get data by using ionChange() or ionInput().
Use following code in HTML file
and in TypeScript.
public getData(){
//ur logic here

Get a reference to the searchbar using the #ViewChild directive:
<ion-searchbar #search></ion-searchbar>
#ViewChild('search', {static: false}) search: IonSearchbar;
Thereafter, get the value of the ion-searchbar as follows:
const input = await;
const searchValue = input.value;


Ionic - Problem using two way binding to change a style. As example I am using background-color

I think I have a very basic problem but I can't resolve it. So what I am trying to do is to implement a button in Ionic that when pressed change the style of a style. To keep it simple for now I try and change the background color of a div. However, it does not work neither does it give an error. (I use console page of browser to view changes, look for errors etc)
The code in the page is
Some Button
The code in the is
setStyle(value: string): void {
console.log('read More Works');
this.aColor = '#yellow';
console.log('read More still Works');
and that is it. Clicking on 'Some Button' button does not do anything except the logging but I am pretty sure it is not two way binding that is the issue as I tried just using for example trying with just some text as being the 'variable' I want to change and that worked fine.
I do appreciate any help :(
You can use pre defined CSS styles for that. Something like this:
#somediv {
&.initial-style {
background: #000;
&.dinamic-style {
background: #fff;
<div id="somediv" [class]="apply_styles ? 'dinamic-style' : 'initial-style'">
styles applied: {{ apply_styles }}
<ion-button (click)="changeStyle()">Change Style</ion-button>
apply_styles: boolean = false;
changeStyle() {
this.apply_styles = !this.apply_styles;
Of course this is very simple. But I hope it can put you in the right direction.

Ionic 5-Clear the searchbox text when clicking the reset button

I am working with ionic 5 ..I have a ionsearch to search the contents from a list.Then i have another reset button while pressing this reset button i want the ionsearch text typed inside the searchbar to be cleared.Kindly help me.
Thanks in advance
You can use its ionClear event to do whatever you want e.g Clear the text
You can set the content of the ion-searchbar component through the value property:
document.querySelector('ion-searchbar').value = '';
This will also automatically call the ionInput event.
you can use [(ngModel)]="searchData" click on button call function and clear 'searchData'.
For eg.
/** html code */
<ion-searchbar placeholder="Search users" [debounce]="250" mode="ios" [(ngModel)]="searchData"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-button mode="ios" expand="block" color="carnation" (click)="clearSearch()">
typescript code
public searchData:string ='';
this.searchData = '';

How to simulate ionBlur in tests

Maybe I'll start with what I want to achieve: I have a form with a required field. By default it should not display any error. The error should be displayed if a user touches the field. So my field looks more or less like this:
<ion-input .... (ionBlur)="updateDispayedErrors()"></ion-input>
But I don't know how to test it because:
Running fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.blur() does not triggers ionBlur handler (the same with ....dispatchEvent(new Event('blur')))
Plain angular (blur) does not work (i.e. if I change the code to (blur)="updateDisplayErrors()" then it does not work)
It seems that calling blur() method on native <input .../> element that is created in the browser would work but... the problem is that when I run the tests fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.childNodes is empty... So the native <input .../> is not created
Please let me know if you would like to see a full example to illustrate it.
If you add a selector to ion-input like:
<ion-input .... (ionBlur)="updateDisplayedErrors()" id="specialInput"></ion-input>
Then you can use fixture.debugElement.triggerEventHandler:
import { By } from '#angular/platform-browser';
it('should emit ionBlur', () => {
const ionDe = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#specialInput'));
const ionBlurResult = spyOn(component, 'updateDisplayedErrors');
ionDe.triggerEventHandler('ionBlur', {});

Ionic-3 ion-input maxlength attribute not working

I have tried to add ion-input for maxlength , max attribute but it's not working as per expectation.
<ion-input type="number" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"></ion-input>
<ion-input type="number" placeholder="*" max="1"></ion-input>
Anyone knows the solution for the same?
According to this post: maxlength ignored for input type="number" in Chrome
Maxlength doesn't work on input type="number"
One alternative is suggested here:
where dilhan119 suggests using type="tel"
A robust solution is to use a form validator, which will prevent form submission (and can show the user an error):
<ion-textarea [(ngModel)]=“text” (ionChange)="textareaMaxLengthValidation()"></ion-textarea>
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]=“text” (ionChange)="textareaMaxLengthValidation()"></ion-input>
textareaMaxLengthValidation() {
    if (text.length > 50) {
   text= text.slice(0, 50);
I found my way out you can use below my code. great this about it is you can keep input type number so android will show keyboard of your desire
put this code in your form builder
phone: ['', [Validators.required, this.isValidNumber.bind(this)]]
in your ts file add below method
isValidNumber(fieldControl: FormControl) {
if(this.formBuilderGroup) {
return fieldControl.value.toString().length < 10 ? null : {
NotEqual: true
in above code change formBuilderGroup to whatever your form builder group name it
is. change 10 to whatever you prefer length
I stumbled accross this issue recently and I ended up using a solution similar to the one by #Karthick Chandra Sekar, only difference is I used the standard HTML keypress event instead, since ionChange lets the event go through and causes the character to actually be displayed briefly before it gets rid of. Using keypress allows to prevent the event before it actually takes effect. So, this is how it worked out for me:
Html file:
<ion-input type="number" (keypress)="limitInputLength($event)"></ion-input>
TS code:
limitInputLength($event, maxLength=2) {
if($>=maxLength) {

Searchbar - search on 'enter' key

I'm very new to Ionic framework.
Following the docs I created a searchbar like this:
ionInput When the Searchbar input has changed including cleared.
This works as expected.
However I want a different behaviour. I don't want to trigger search($event) every time the input changes, but I couldn't find an output event that is emitted when the user hits the 'enter' key or clicks a button for example.
Is there a solution for this behaviour?
You should be able to add Angular 2 keyup bindings to elements such as keyup and click
<ion-searchbar #q
Component TS:
search(q: string) {
With Ionic 5 using Angular you have to wrap the ion-searchbar inside a form tag like this:
<form (ngSubmit)="hideKeyboard()">
<ion-searchbar (ionChange)="search($event)"></ion-searchbar>
In your component using Capacitor:
import { Plugins } from '#capacitor/core';
const { Keyboard } = Plugins;
hideKeyboard() {
Of course you could use the ngSubmit event to also search and not only hide the keyboard.
I was able to capture 'Enter' key click or 'search' key click with (search) output event
Just to add to #daniel-rubambura 's answer.
You can use ngModel in conjunction with (search) to get the value.
searchTerm: string;