Alamofire memory leaks Instruments - swift

I am trying to clean my app from memory leaks and I have a few problems understanding this
Why Alamofire function Request.serializeResponseJSON is called 30 seconds after I've launched app: I did not touch anything or navigate anywhere, the screen was static.
Why does it leaks?
Why does my code leaks?
I get same leaks when the screen have loaded.
What I've tried so far:
Appending to and initialising arrays in every way that possible;
Changing all variable (class, func) to be optional/not
Initialising classes in UIViewController;
Initialising classes in main thread;
Searching these problems in the internet.
I've found out, using Xcode memory tool, that it is somehow connected with _ContiguousArrayStorage, but I do not understand how and what is it actually.
I am out of any ideas what is wrong here. Any tips would be much appreciated.
Here is all related code:
My general API request
public func requestWithLocation(_ httpmethod: Alamofire.HTTPMethod, URL: String, parameters: [String: AnyObject]?, completionHandler: #escaping CompletionHandler) -> (){
var header: HTTPHeaders = [:]
var location: [String: Double] = [:]
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
if (CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedWhenInUse
|| CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways) && locationManager.location != nil {
location = [
"lon" : locationManager.location!.coordinate.longitude,
"lat" : locationManager.location!.coordinate.latitude
if User.sharedInstance.token != "" {
header["Authorization"] = User.sharedInstance.token
var parametersWithLocation = parameters ?? [:]
parametersWithLocation["location"] = location as AnyObject
Alamofire.request("\(serverAddress)/\(URL)", method: httpmethod, parameters: parametersWithLocation, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: header).validate().responseJSON { response in
var data: JSON?
if response.result.value != nil {
data = JSON(response.result.value!)
if User.sharedInstance.token == "" {
User.sharedInstance.token = response.response?.allHeaderFields["Authorization"] as! String
} else {
if let header = response.response?.allHeaderFields["Authorization"] as? String {
if User.sharedInstance.token != header {
User.sharedInstance.token = header
completionHandler(data, response.result.error as NSError?)
My screen request
class func requestMainScreen(handler: #escaping ([ShortRestaurant], [ShortRestaurant], [ShortRestaurant]) -> ()) {
var dataForBestChoise: [ShortRestaurant] = []
var dataForTop: [ShortRestaurant] = []
var dataForNearest: [ShortRestaurant] = []
let group = DispatchGroup()
APIModel.sharedInstance.requestWithLocation(.post, URL: "restaurants/near", parameters: nil, completionHandler: {(data, error) in
guard let `data` = data else {
for JSON in data["restaurants"].arrayValue {
dataForNearest.append(ShortRestaurant.initFromJSON(JSON)) //here is leak
APIModel.sharedInstance.requestWithLocation(.post, URL: "restaurants/top", parameters: nil, completionHandler: {(data, error) in
guard let `data` = data else {
for JSON in data["restaurants"].arrayValue {
dataForTop.append(ShortRestaurant.initFromJSON(JSON))//here is leak
APIModel.sharedInstance.requestWithLocation(.post, URL: "restaurants/personal", parameters: nil, completionHandler: {(data, error) in
guard let `data` = data else {
for JSON in data["restaurants"].arrayValue {
dataForBestChoise.append(ShortRestaurant.initFromJSON(JSON)) //here is leak
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
handler(dataForBestChoise, dataForTop, dataForNearest)
My classes (I know this kind of initialisation is kinda wrong, but I'd changed to init(data: JSON) - did not help:
class func initFromJSON(_ data: JSON) -> ShortRestaurant {
let restaurant = ShortRestaurant() = data["id"].stringValue = data["name"].stringValue
restaurant.image = data["img"].stringValue
restaurant.description = data["shortDesc"].stringValue
restaurant.nameOfMetrostatin = data["address"]["metro"]["name"].stringValue
restaurant.mapType = data["mapType"].stringValue
restaurant.address = data["address"]["street"].stringValue
restaurant.longitude = data["address"]["location"][0].doubleValue
restaurant.latitude = data["address"]["location"][1].doubleValue = data["phone"].stringValue
restaurant.workTime = data["currentWork"].stringValue
restaurant.avarageBill = data["price"].stringValue
restaurant.peopleInfo = data["croud"].stringValue
restaurant.rating = data["rating"].stringValue
restaurant.ratingTrend = data["trend"].stringValue
restaurant.distance = data["distance"].doubleValue
restaurant.isFavourited = data["isFavourited"].bool ?? false
restaurant.specialOfferDescription = data["discounts"]["name"].string
restaurant.specialOfferName = data["discounts"]["type"].string
restaurant.alertText = data["label"]["name"].string
restaurant.alertIcon = data["label"]["type"].string
restaurant.alertBackground = data["label"]["color"].string
restaurant.avaliableDates = ReservationSchedule.initArrayFrom(data: data["availableDates"])
restaurant.avaliableTimes = data["scheduleRes"].arrayObject as? [String] ?? []
restaurant.doesHaveDiscount = data["discounts"]["id"].string != nil
restaurant.doesHaveEvent = data["events"]["id"].string != nil
restaurant.weeklyTop = data["weeklyTop"].bool ?? false
restaurant.monthlyTop = data["monthlyTop"].bool ?? false
restaurant.yearTop = data["yearTop"].bool ?? false
restaurant.isActive = data["isActive"].bool ?? true
return restaurant
Array of these leaks:
class ReservationSchedule {
var description: String
var data: String
var dayTitle: String
var fullTitle: String
init(data: JSON) { = data["value"].stringValue
self.dayTitle = data["day"].stringValue
self.description = data["label"].stringValue
self.fullTitle = data["title"].stringValue
class func initArrayFrom(data: JSON) -> [ReservationSchedule] {
var schedule: [ReservationSchedule] = []
for day in data.arrayValue {
schedule.append(ReservationSchedule.init(data: day)) //here is leak
return schedule

Have you tried setting URLCache time to request, This will remove the the cache of request and free's the memory


Alamofire request not being executed after adding one parameter

I have this function. Whenever I comment the "v": 2 parameter it works like a charm, then I add it and when trying to call the function from my VC it doesn't get fired off. I think the problem is somewhere at the top. Like I said, when commenting the "v:2" parameter, everything goes smooth. I've checked my postman and the URL Request adding that parameter does give me the right response, but my function is not being called in my VC. Any ideas? Please I'm desperate ):
public func getBusinessBy(location loc: String, type: Int, loading: Bool, OnSuccess success: #escaping (_ businesses: [NSDictionary]) -> Void, OnFailed failed: #escaping (_ error: String) -> Void) {
if loading {
let bUrl = HttpUtils.getBusinessesBy(type: type)
let params: Parameters = [
"location": loc,
"type": type,
"v": 2,
Alamofire.request(bUrl, method: .get, parameters: params, encoding: URLEncoding.queryString, headers: [:]).responseJSON() { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let val):
if let res = val as? NSDictionary {
if let businesses = res.results() {
let allBusiesses = businesses.sorted(by: { (d1, d2) -> Bool in
(d1.object(forKey: "open") as! Bool) && !(d2.object(forKey: "open") as! Bool)
// Storing All Businesses to global
var tmpCat = [NSDictionary]()
var tmpPro = [NSDictionary]()
var tmpPMotion = [NSDictionary]()
var tmpPBusiness = [NSDictionary]()
for busin in allBusiesses {
guard let categories = busin["categories"] as? [NSDictionary] else {
tmpCat.append(contentsOf: categories)
var flag = false
for cat in categories {
if let prod = cat["products"] as? [NSDictionary] {
for p in prod {
var pClone = NSMutableDictionary()
pClone = p.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableDictionary
let pivot = NSMutableDictionary()
pivot["business_id"] = busin.getId()
pivot["business_name"] = busin.getName()
pivot["business_description"] = busin.getDescription()
pivot["business_enabled"] = busin.isOpened()
pivot["category_name"] = cat.getName()
pivot["category_description"] = cat.getDescription()
pivot["category_enabled"] = cat.isEnabled()
pClone["pivot"] = pivot
if p.isFeatured() {
if !flag {
flag = true
// }
} else {
failed(val as? String ?? "Passing error!")
if loading {
// SVProgressHUD.dismiss()
case .failure(let error):
if loading {
// SVProgressHUD.dismiss()

DispatchGroup is not executing correctly when downloading Firebase Storage Data

I have a situation where I have a closure that fetches User Data from Firebase, and within it I have another closure that downloads an Image from Firebase Storage.
I need to be able to download the image from Storage before signing in the user. I thought I'd try a DispatchGroup(), but I cannot assign the Image Data to self.photoImage, it always returns nil.
self.photoImage = UIImage(data: data!)
This is my first time working with Storage and GroupDispatch(), so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Relevant code:
class AppViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var db = Firestore.firestore()
#Published var userInfo: User?
#Published var signedIn: Bool = false
var handle: AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle?
let authRef = Auth.auth()
var authHandle : AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle?
var rootInfoCollection : CollectionReference!
var userIdRef = ""
var photoImage: UIImage?
var downloadImageTask: StorageReference?
var group = DispatchGroup()
func fetchUserData(){
db.collection("Users").document("\(userIdRef)").getDocument { [self] document, error in
// Check for error
if error == nil {
// Check that this document exists
if document != nil && document!.exists {
self.userInfo = { (documentSnapshot) -> User in
let data =
let uid = data?["uid"] as? UUID ?? UUID()
let company = data?["company"] as? String ?? ""
let name = data?["name"] as? String ?? ""
let admin = data?["admin"] as? Bool ?? false
let photoRef = data?["photoRef"] as? String ?? ""
self.downloadImageTask =
return User(uid: uid, company: company, name: name, admin: admin, photoRef: photoRef, photoImage: nil)
downloadImageTask?.getData(maxSize: 6 * 1024 * 1024) { data, error in
if let error = error {
print("Got an error fetching data: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
self.photoImage = UIImage(data: data!)
} .default).async {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if photoImage != nil {
print("Photo Image Is Set")
withAnimation {
self.signedIn = true
Although I haven't tested it, maybe this works for you:
class AppViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var db = Firestore.firestore()
#Published var userInfo: User?
#Published var signedIn: Bool = false
var handle: AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle?
let authRef = Auth.auth()
var authHandle : AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle?
var rootInfoCollection : CollectionReference!
var userIdRef = ""
var photoImage: UIImage?
var downloadImageTask: StorageReference?
var group = DispatchGroup()
func fetchUserData(){
db.collection("Users").document("\(userIdRef)").getDocument { [self] document, error in
// Check for error
if error == nil {
// Check that this document exists
if document != nil && document!.exists {
self.userInfo = { (documentSnapshot) -> User in
let data =
let uid = data?["uid"] as? UUID ?? UUID()
let company = data?["company"] as? String ?? ""
let name = data?["name"] as? String ?? ""
let admin = data?["admin"] as? Bool ?? false
let photoRef = data?["photoRef"] as? String ?? ""
self.downloadImageTask =
return User(uid: uid, company: company, name: name, admin: admin, photoRef: photoRef, photoImage: nil)
downloadImageTask?.getData(maxSize: 6 * 1024 * 1024) { data, error in
if let error = error {
print("Got an error fetching data: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
self.photoImage = UIImage(data: data!)
group.notify(queue: .main) { [self] in
if photoImage != nil {
print("Photo Image Is Set")
withAnimation {
self.signedIn = true

How Can I Use Two URLs Asynchronously to Parse JSON data

So I am using a URL in the bolded text to parse JSON data retrieved remotely from that URL. My issue is that I want to parse data remotely AND asynchronously from TWO URLs not just one. The following code works great for 1 URL but I haven't the slightest idea how to do the same thing for 2. I am fairly new to Swift to any tips or pointers would be appreciated.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var customerNameLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var cardNumberLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var dateNTimeLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var amountLabel: UILabel!
var customers = [Customer]()
var currentCustomerIndex = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// Retrieve JSON data from a remote server
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// Create a session
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
// Validate the URL to ensure that it is not a broken link
if let validURL = URL(string: "**THISISMYJSONURLHERE(removedforsecurity)**") {
//Create a task that will download whatever is found at validURL as a Data object
let task = session.dataTask(with: validURL, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
// If there is an error, we are going to bail out of this entire method (hence return)
if let error = error {
print("Data task failed with error: " + error.localizedDescription)
// If we get here that means we have received the info at the URL as a Data Object nd we can now ue it
//Check the response status
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200,
let validData = data
else {print("JSON Object Creation Failed"); return}
do {
let jsonObj = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: validData, options: .mutableContainers) as? [Any]
// Call our Parse method
self.ParseData(jsonObject: jsonObj)
catch {
func ParseData(jsonObject: [Any]?) {
guard let json = jsonObject
else { print("Parse failed to unwrap the optional."); return }
for firstLevelItems in json {
guard let object = firstLevelItems as? [String: Any],
let fname = object["first_name"] as? String,
let lname = object["last_name"] as? String,
let fullName = fname + " " + lname as? String,
let customerNumber = object["customer_number"] as? Int,
let purchase = object["purchase"] as? [String: Any],
let time = purchase["time"] as? String,
let date = purchase["date"] as? String,
let amount = purchase["amount"] as? String
else { continue }
// See Note: Nested Functions
func addTransaction(_customer: Customer) {
if let cardNumber = purchase["card_number"] as? String? {
_customer.transactions.append(Transaction(firstName: fname, lastName: lname, time: time, date: date, amount: amount, cardNumber: cardNumber))
else {
_customer.transactions.append(Transaction(firstName: fname, lastName: lname, time: time, date: date, amount: amount))
let filteredCustomers = customers.filter({ (customer) -> Bool in
return customer.transactions[currentCustomerIndex].customerName == fullName
if filteredCustomers.count == 0 {
customers.append(Customer(customerNumber: customerNumber))
//Forced unwrapping here is ok because we know for a fact that customers wont be empty
addTransaction(_customer: customers.last!)
// If filtered array.count is 1 then that means we already have a customer object for this number
// In that case we just want to modify the existing customer object instead of creating a new one
else if filteredCustomers.count == 1 {
// filteredCustomer[0].customerNote = "This has been counted and Modified"
addTransaction(_customer: filteredCustomers[0])
else {
//See Note: Assertion
// Assertion Failure so that as we are building if this ever happens we know we have messed up
assertionFailure("No customers should exist twice in our customers array")
// print("Customer Number: \(customerNumber) has \(filteredCustomers.count) Orccurance in Customer's Array")
func displayData() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.customerNameLabel.text = self.customers[self.currentCustomerIndex].customerName
self.cardNumberLabel.text = self.customers[self.currentCustomerIndex].cardNum
self.dateNTimeLabel.text = self.customers[self.currentCustomerIndex].dateNTime
self.amountLabel.text = "$" + self.customers[self.currentCustomerIndex].customerAmount.description
#IBAction func changeCustomer(_ sender: UIButton) {
currentCustomerIndex += sender.tag
if currentCustomerIndex < 0 {
currentCustomerIndex = customers.count - 1
else if currentCustomerIndex >= customers.count {
currentCustomerIndex = 0

WEBRTC: Local streams are visible on OPENVIDU WEB(other Participant) end But Remote Streams are coming NIL on my end locally swift iOS

I am using OpenVidu for Video Chat, Using this Repo I know this has bugs, but I have to use this as This is working fine at Android and WEB. I am able to make it working where my Local video can be seen on OpenVidu Web but Remote or other person who has joined session from Web whose video(Video Stream and Audio Stream) is not coming at my end. however I can see Remote Participant ID and Name at my end when a user joined the session.
Attached Image is the screen shot showing Remote streams are nil.
Below is the WebSocketListener Class I am using, I have updated pods so have to update delegates as well.
// WebSocketListener.swift
// WebRTCapp
// Created by Sergio Paniego Blanco on 01/05/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Sergio Paniego Blanco. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Starscream
import WebRTC
class WebSocketListener: WebSocketDelegate {
let useSSL = true
var socket: WebSocket
var helloWorldTimer: Timer?
var id = 0
var url: String
var sessionName: String
var participantName: String
var localOfferParams: [String: String]?
var iceCandidatesParams: [[String:String]]?
var userId: String?
var remoteParticipantId: String?
var participants: [String: RemoteParticipant]
var localPeer: RTCPeerConnection?
var peersManager: PeersManager
var token: String
var views: [UIView]!
var names: [UILabel]!
var key: String?
init(url: String, sessionName: String, participantName: String, peersManager: PeersManager, token: String, views: [UIView], names: [UILabel]) {
self.url = url
self.sessionName = sessionName
self.participantName = participantName
self.participants = [String: RemoteParticipant]()
self.peersManager = peersManager
self.token = token
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
request.timeoutInterval = 20
socket = WebSocket(request: request)
socket.delegate = self
self.localPeer = self.peersManager.localPeer
self.iceCandidatesParams = []
self.views = views
self.names = names
// func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocketClient) {
// print("Connected")
// pingMessageHandler()
// var joinRoomParams: [String: String] = [:]
// joinRoomParams["recorder"] = "false"
// joinRoomParams["platform"] = "iOS"
// joinRoomParams[JSONConstants.Metadata] = "{\"clientData\": \"" + "iOSUser" + "\"}"
// joinRoomParams["secret"] = "MY_SECRET"
// joinRoomParams["session"] = sessionName
// joinRoomParams["token"] = token
// sendJson(method: "joinRoom", params: joinRoomParams)
// if localOfferParams != nil {
// sendJson(method: "publishVideo",params: localOfferParams!)
// }
// }
func pingMessageHandler() {
helloWorldTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 5, target: self, selector: #selector(WebSocketListener.doPing), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
#objc func doPing() {
var pingParams: [String: String] = [:]
pingParams["interval"] = "5000"
sendJson(method: "ping", params: pingParams)
socket.write(ping: Data())
var isConnected = false
func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocketClient, error: Error?) {
print("Disconnect: " + error.debugDescription)
func didReceive(event: WebSocketEvent, client: WebSocket) {
switch event {
case .connected(let headers):
isConnected = true
print("websocket is connected: \(headers)")
var joinRoomParams: [String: String] = [:]
joinRoomParams["recorder"] = "false"
joinRoomParams["platform"] = "iOS"
joinRoomParams[JSONConstants.Metadata] = "{\"clientData\": \"\(self.participantName)\"}"
joinRoomParams["secret"] = ""
joinRoomParams["session"] = sessionName
joinRoomParams["token"] = token
sendJson(method: "joinRoom", params: joinRoomParams)
if localOfferParams != nil {
sendJson(method: "publishVideo",params: localOfferParams!)
case .disconnected(let reason, let code):
isConnected = false
print("websocket is disconnected: \(reason) with code: \(code)")
case .text(let string):
print("Received text: \(string)")
let data = .utf8)!
do {
let json: [String: Any] = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as! [String : Any]
if json[JSONConstants.Result] != nil {
handleResult(json: json)
} else {
handleMethod(json: json)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("ERROR parsing JSON: ", error)
case .binary(let data):
print("Received data: \(data.count)")
case .ping(_):
case .pong(_):
case .viabilityChanged(_):
case .reconnectSuggested(_):
case .cancelled:
isConnected = false
case .error(let error):
isConnected = false
// func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocketClient, text: String) {
// print("Recieved message: " + text)
// let data = .utf8)!
// do {
// let json: [String: Any] = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as! [String : Any]
// if json[JSONConstants.Result] != nil {
// handleResult(json: json)
// } else {
// handleMethod(json: json)
// }
// } catch let error as NSError {
// print("ERROR parsing JSON: ", error)
// }
// }
func handleResult(json: [String: Any]) {
let result: [String: Any] = json[JSONConstants.Result] as! [String: Any]
if result[JSONConstants.SdpAnswer] != nil {
saveAnswer(json: result)
} else if result[JSONConstants.SessionId] != nil {
if result[JSONConstants.Value] != nil {
let value = result[JSONConstants.Value] as! [[String:Any]]
if !value.isEmpty {
addParticipantsAlreadyInRoom(result: result)
self.userId = result[JSONConstants.Id] as? String
for var iceCandidate in iceCandidatesParams! {
iceCandidate["endpointName"] = self.userId
sendJson(method: "onIceCandidate", params: iceCandidate)
} else if result[JSONConstants.Value] != nil {
} else {
func addParticipantsAlreadyInRoom(result: [String: Any]) {
let values = result[JSONConstants.Value] as! [[String: Any]]
for participant in values {
self.remoteParticipantId = participant[JSONConstants.Id]! as? String
let remoteParticipant = RemoteParticipant() = participant[JSONConstants.Id] as? String
let metadataString = participant[JSONConstants.Metadata] as! String
let data = .utf8)!
do {
if let metadata = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as? Dictionary<String,Any>
remoteParticipant.participantName = metadata["clientData"] as? String
} catch let error as NSError {
self.participants[!] = remoteParticipant
self.peersManager.createRemotePeerConnection(remoteParticipant: remoteParticipant)
let mandatoryConstraints = ["OfferToReceiveAudio": "true", "OfferToReceiveVideo": "true"]
let sdpConstraints = RTCMediaConstraints(mandatoryConstraints: mandatoryConstraints, optionalConstraints: nil)
remoteParticipant.peerConnection!.offer(for: sdpConstraints, completionHandler: {(sessionDescription, error) in
print("Remote Offer: " + error.debugDescription)
self.participants[!]!.peerConnection!.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription!, completionHandler: {(error) in
print("Remote Peer Local Description set " + error.debugDescription)
var remoteOfferParams: [String:String] = [:]
remoteOfferParams["sdpOffer"] = sessionDescription!.sdp
remoteOfferParams["sender"] = self.remoteParticipantId! + "_CAMERA"
self.sendJson(method: "receiveVideoFrom", params: remoteOfferParams)
self.peersManager.remotePeer!.delegate = self.peersManager
func saveAnswer(json: [String:Any]) {
let sessionDescription = RTCSessionDescription(type: RTCSdpType.answer, sdp: json["sdpAnswer"] as! String)
if localPeer == nil {
self.localPeer = self.peersManager.localPeer
if (localPeer!.remoteDescription != nil) {
participants[remoteParticipantId!]!.peerConnection!.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, completionHandler: {(error) in
print("Remote Peer Remote Description set: " + error.debugDescription)
if self.peersManager.remoteStreams.count >= self.participants.count {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Count: " + self.participants.count.description)
if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height == 2436 {
let renderer = RTCEAGLVideoView(frame: self.views[self.participants.count-1].frame)
let videoTrack = self.peersManager.remoteStreams[self.participants.count-1].videoTracks[0]
// Add the view and name to the first free space available
var index = 0
while (index < 2 && !(self.names[index].text?.isEmpty)!) {
index += 1
if index < 2 {
self.names[index].text = self.participants[self.remoteParticipantId!]?.participantName
self.names[index].backgroundColor =
self.names[index].textColor = UIColor.white
self.embedView(renderer, into: self.views[index])
self.participants[self.remoteParticipantId!]?.index = index
self.views[index].bringSubview(toFront: self.names[index])
#if arch(arm64)
let renderer = RTCMTLVideoView(frame: self.views[self.participants.count-1].frame)
let renderer = RTCEAGLVideoView(frame: self.views[self.participants.count-1].frame)
let videoTrack = self.peersManager.remoteStreams[self.participants.count-1].videoTracks[0]
// Add the view and name to the first free space available
var index = 0
while (index < 2 && !(self.names[index].text?.isEmpty)!) {
index += 1
if index < 2 {
self.names[index].text = self.participants[self.remoteParticipantId!]?.participantName
self.names[index].backgroundColor =
self.names[index].textColor = UIColor.white
self.embedView(renderer, into: self.views[index])
self.participants[self.remoteParticipantId!]?.index = index
self.views[index].bringSubview(toFront: self.names[index])
} else {
localPeer!.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, completionHandler: {(error) in
print("Local Peer Remote Description set: " + error.debugDescription)
func handleMethod(json: Dictionary<String,Any>) {
if json[JSONConstants.Params] != nil {
let method = json[JSONConstants.Method] as! String
let params = json[JSONConstants.Params] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
switch method {
case JSONConstants.IceCandidate:
iceCandidateMethod(params: params)
case JSONConstants.ParticipantJoined:
participantJoinedMethod(params: params)
case JSONConstants.ParticipantPublished:
participantPublished(params: params)
case JSONConstants.ParticipantLeft:
participantLeft(params: params)
print("Error handleMethod, " + "method '" + method + "' is not implemented")
func iceCandidateMethod(params: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
// if (params["endpointName"] as? String == userId) {
// saveIceCandidate(json: params, endPointName: nil)
// } else {
// saveIceCandidate(json: params, endPointName: params["endpointName"] as? String)
// }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if params["senderConnectionId"] != nil {
self.key = "senderConnectionId"
} else {
self.key = "endpointName"
if (params[self.key ?? ""] as? String == self.userId) {
self.saveIceCandidate(json: params, endPointName: params["endpointName"] as? String)
} else {
self.saveIceCandidate(json: params, endPointName: params[self.key ?? ""] as? String)
// func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocketClient, data: Data) {
// print("Received data: " + data.description)
// }
func participantJoinedMethod(params: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
let remoteParticipant = RemoteParticipant() = params[JSONConstants.Id] as? String
self.participants[params[JSONConstants.Id] as! String] = remoteParticipant
let metadataString = params[JSONConstants.Metadata] as! String
let data = .utf8)!
do {
if let metadata = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as? Dictionary<String,Any>
remoteParticipant.participantName = metadata["clientData"] as? String
self.peersManager.createRemotePeerConnection(remoteParticipant: remoteParticipant)
} else {
print("bad json")
} catch let error as NSError {
participantPublished(params: params)
func participantPublished(params: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
self.remoteParticipantId = params[JSONConstants.Id] as? String
print("ID: " + remoteParticipantId!)
let remoteParticipantPublished = participants[remoteParticipantId!]!
let mandatoryConstraints = ["OfferToReceiveAudio": "true", "OfferToReceiveVideo": "true"]
remoteParticipantPublished.peerConnection!.offer(for: RTCMediaConstraints.init(mandatoryConstraints: mandatoryConstraints, optionalConstraints: nil), completionHandler: { (sessionDescription, error) in
remoteParticipantPublished.peerConnection!.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription!, completionHandler: {(error) in
print("Remote Peer Local Description set")
var remoteOfferParams: [String: String] = [:]
remoteOfferParams["sdpOffer"] = sessionDescription!.description
remoteOfferParams["sender"] =! + "_webcam"
self.sendJson(method: "receiveVideoFrom", params: remoteOfferParams)
self.peersManager.remotePeer!.delegate = self.peersManager
func participantLeft(params: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
print("participants", participants)
print("params", params)
let participantId = params["connectionId"] as! String
if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height == 2436 {
let renderer = RTCEAGLVideoView(frame: self.views[0].frame)
if(self.peersManager.remoteStreams.count > 0){
let videoTrack = self.peersManager.remoteStreams[0].videoTracks[0]
if let index = self.participants.keys.index(of: participantId) {
let i = participants.distance(from: participants.startIndex, to: index)
self.names[i].text = ""
self.names[i].backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
participants.removeValue(forKey: participantId)
#if arch(arm64)
let renderer = RTCMTLVideoView(frame: self.views[0].frame)
let renderer = RTCEAGLVideoView(frame: self.views[self.participants.count-1].frame)
if(self.peersManager.remoteStreams.count > 0){
let videoTrack = self.peersManager.remoteStreams[0].videoTracks[0]
if let index = self.participants.keys.index(of: participantId) {
let i = participants.distance(from: participants.startIndex, to: index)
self.names[i].text = ""
self.names[i].backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
participants.removeValue(forKey: participantId)
func saveIceCandidate(json: Dictionary<String, Any>, endPointName: String?) {
let iceCandidate = RTCIceCandidate(sdp: json["candidate"] as! String, sdpMLineIndex: json["sdpMLineIndex"] as! Int32, sdpMid: json["sdpMid"] as? String)
if (endPointName == nil || participants[endPointName!] == nil) {
self.localPeer = self.peersManager.localPeer
} else {
func sendJson(method: String, params: [String: String]) {
let json: NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
json.setValue(method, forKey: JSONConstants.Method)
json.setValue(id, forKey: JSONConstants.Id)
id += 1
json.setValue(params, forKey: JSONConstants.Params)
json.setValue(JSON_RPCVERSION, forKey: JSONConstants.JsonRPC)
let jsonData: NSData
do {
jsonData = try json, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions()) as NSData
let jsonString = NSString(data: jsonData as Data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String
print("Sending = \(jsonString)")
socket.write(string: jsonString)
} catch _ {
print ("JSON Failure")
func addIceCandidate(iceCandidateParams: [String: String]) {
func embedView(_ view: UIView, into containerView: UIView) {
containerView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.8)
view.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
Any One who has used this code, needed help here. I have Participant ID what is the way to get Audio Video streams, Do I need to make some connection(Peer connection)? or I will get these streams in the socket connection response only.

Synced reading from Firebase

I have a value I need to read from Firebase and then write it together with multiple other values to Firebase in a transaction of two objects total.
I am creating a CHAT and so when a message is sent, I am creating a chat room for both contacts, each to his own. My code :
private func CreateChatRoom(creatorID: String, creatorName: String ,contactID: String, contactName: String)
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
let infoForCreator = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: contactName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: contactID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: contactImageString] as [String : Any]
let infoForContact = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: creatorName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: creatorID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: creatorImageString] as [String : Any]
let childUpdates = ["\(creatorID)/\(contactID)/": infoForCreator,
"\(contactID)/\(creatorID)/": infoForContact
private func ReadContactImage(contactID: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> ())
Constants.refs.databaseUsers.child(contactID).child(Constants.Account.AccountFields.USER_IMAGE_STR).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
self.tempContactImg = (snapshot.value as? String)!
var tempContactImg : String = "";
I read here on SO that the function "ReadContactImage" should run synchronously, but it does not. So I'm left with empty contact images.
I thought about just reading both images in the same function, but CreateChatRoom also needs to be synchronous, so I am left with the same problem, basically.
Does anyone know how to handle this properly ?
Is there maybe an easier way of doing this?
If writing to Database is async, I get an exception here:
func AddChatToCollections(chatAsDictionary: NSDictionary!)
if chatAsDictionary == nil
let contactName = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME] as! String
let contactImg = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL] as! String
//let lastMsg = chatAsDictionary["lastMessage"] as! String
let newMsgs = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS] as! Int
let contactID = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID] as! String
let chatToAdd = PrivateChatLiteObject(chattingWith: contactName, ContactID: contactID, unreadMessages: newMsgs, LastMSG: "", ContactImageStr: contactImg)
chatsDictionary[contactID] = chatToAdd
When trying to use the information in dictionary, which is taken from Firebase.
That function is called from here:
private func populateActiveChats()
let loggedOnUserID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let ref = Constants.refs.databaseChatsLite.child(loggedOnUserID!)
// Retrieve the products and listen for changes
ref.observe(.value, with:
{ (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]
if (self.chatsDictionary.keys.contains(child.key) == false)
let chatValueDictionary = child.value as? NSDictionary
self.AddChatToCollections(chatAsDictionary: chatValueDictionary)
Which is called from viewDidLoad() when I open my Chats page.
Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Because chatAsDictionary[CONTACT_NAME] doesn't exist, because when chatAsDictionary gets its data from Firebase, it is not yet written there from the async function
Both methods you call load data from Firebase asynchronously. You can't constructor infoForCreator (et al) until both calls to ReadContactImage have completed.
A simple way to do that is to nest the calls:
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
let infoForCreator = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: contactName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: contactID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: contactImageString] as [String : Any]
let infoForContact = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: creatorName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: creatorID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: creatorImageString] as [String : Any]
let childUpdates = ["\(creatorID)/\(contactID)/": infoForCreator,
"\(contactID)/\(creatorID)/": infoForContact
Alternative, you can keep a counter:
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
var completedCount = 0;
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
if completedCount == 2
createDatabaseNode(contactImageString, creatorImageString)
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
if completedCount == 2
createDatabaseNode(contactImageString, creatorImageString)
And createDatabaseNode is then a function that contains your code to populates the data structures and calls updateChildValues.