ActiveX component can't create object (MATLAB Compiler) - matlab

I know there are similar questions out there, but this one is a little different (I think).
I used the MATLAB Compiler to convert a .m to an Excel add-in. When I run the add-in on my machine, it works just fine. When I send it to a colleague, they get the "ActiveX component can't create object" error. They have added the add-in no problem.
Is there something going on here that's easily fixed?
MATLAB code:
function mess = createAndRouteOrderWithStyle()
c = startbbrg();
[num,text] = exportToM();
s = emsx('//blp/emapisvc_beta');
order.EMSX_ORDER_TYPE = text(1);
order.EMSX_SIDE = text(2);
order.EMSX_TICKER = text(3);
order.EMSX_AMOUNT = int32(num(1));
%order.EMSX_LIMIT_PRICE = num(2);
order.EMSX_BROKER = text(4);
order.EMSX_HAND_INSTRUCTION = text(5);
order.EMSX_TIF = text(6);
events = createOrderAndRoute(s,order);
mess = events.ERROR_MESSAGE;
Excel VBA code:
Sub GO()
Cells(10,10).Formula = "=createAndRouteOrderWithStyle()"
End Sub


R Kable splitting the column names up oddly

I am getting bizarre formatting using kable. = function(res,true){
avg.res = round(apply(res,2,mean),2)
tab = rbind(avg.res,true)
#rownames(tab) = c('Samples','Truth')
Then I source this function into an Rmarkdown notebook.
mt =, true)
Somehow using a different kable package gets rid of this.

PowerPoint REST API?

I'm looking for a REST API for generating PowerPoint slides... does anyone have any suggestions?
Realize this wouldn't be too difficult to implement, but we're trying to avoid building noncore functionality we could get from a third party.
Basically, we want to send a JSON blob and get back the generated slide.
Think this is a related question:
Is there an API to make a MS Office 365 Powerpoint presentation programmatically?
Thanks for your help!
You can try using Aspose.Slides Cloud for your purposes. This product provides REST-based APIs for many programming languages (C#, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, C++, Go, Perl, Swift), platforms and environments. With this product, you can use both Aspose file storages and third-party storages. Docker containers can also be used for working with Aspose.Slides Cloud.
This product does not support adding contents to presentations from JSON files but it provides many features for generating contents. It also provides features to add contents to presentations from HTML and PDF documents. The following Python sample code shows you how to add a WordArt object to a new presentation, for example.
import asposeslidescloud
from asposeslidescloud.apis.slides_api import SlidesApi
from asposeslidescloud.models.slide_export_format import SlideExportFormat
from asposeslidescloud.models.shape import Shape
from asposeslidescloud.models.fill_format import FillFormat
from asposeslidescloud.models.line_format import LineFormat
from asposeslidescloud.models.text_frame_format import TextFrameFormat
from asposeslidescloud.models.three_d_format import ThreeDFormat
from asposeslidescloud.models.shape_bevel import ShapeBevel
from asposeslidescloud.models.light_rig import LightRig
from import Camera
slides_api = SlidesApi(None, "my_client_id", "my_client_secret")
file_name = "example.pptx"
slide_index = 1
dto = Shape()
dto.shape_type = "Rectangle"
dto.x = 100
dto.y = 100
dto.height = 100
dto.width = 200
dto.text = "Sample text"
dto.fill_format = FillFormat()
dto.fill_format.type = "NoFill"
dto.line_format = LineFormat()
dto.line_format.fill_format = FillFormat()
dto.line_format.fill_format.type = "NoFill"
text_frame_format = TextFrameFormat()
text_frame_format.transform = "ArchUpPour"
three_d_format = ThreeDFormat()
bevel_bottom = ShapeBevel()
bevel_bottom.bevel_type = "Circle"
bevel_bottom.height = 3.5
bevel_bottom.width = 3.5
three_d_format.bevel_bottom = bevel_bottom
bevel_top = ShapeBevel()
bevel_top.bevel_type = "Circle"
bevel_top.height = 4
bevel_top.width = 4
three_d_format.bevel_top = bevel_top
three_d_format.extrusion_color = "#FF008000"
three_d_format.extrusion_height = 6
three_d_format.contour_color = "#FF25353D"
three_d_format.contour_width = 1.5
three_d_format.depth = 3
three_d_format.material = "Plastic"
light_rig = LightRig()
light_rig.light_type = "Balanced"
light_rig.direction = "Top"
light_rig.x_rotation = 0
light_rig.y_rotation = 0
light_rig.z_rotation = 40
three_d_format.light_rig = light_rig
camera = Camera()
camera.camera_type = "PerspectiveContrastingRightFacing" = camera
text_frame_format.three_d_format = three_d_format
dto.text_frame_format = text_frame_format
# Create the WordArt object and download the presentation.
slides_api.create_shape(file_name, slide_index, dto)
file_path = slides_api.download_file(file_name)
The WordArt object in the output presentation:
This is a paid product but you can make 150 free API calls per month for API learning and presentation processing.
I work as a Support Developer at Aspose.

Unable to run compiled Matlab code that uses "Presentation" for report generation

I am trying to convert a simple program that uses "Presentation" (from reportgen package) to a .exe.
The code is as follows:
import mlreportgen.ppt.*
slides = Presentation('mySlideAddPresentation.pptx');
slide1 = add(slides,'Title and Picture');
plane = Picture(which('tulips.jpg'));
plane.X = '4in';
plane.Y = '4in';
plane.Width = '5in';
plane.Height = '2in';
I get the following error on running the complied version:
" Undefined function 'Presentation' for input arguments of type 'char'"
Any idea what I am missing here?I am on 2015b, used the following link for help:
You need to make the reportgen compilable, see here and here
In my code I put:
if ismcc || isdeployed
% Make sure DOM is compilable
Then it compiles fine! :)

simulink - GetSet Custom Storage Class

I am having a model which takes two input & multiplies them & give the output.
output_1 = input_1 * input_2
I have declared my simulink signals as CustomStorageClass= GetSet
input_1 = Simulink.Signal;
input_1.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
input_1.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'GetSet';
input_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.GetFunction = 'Get_input_1';
input_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.SetFunction = 'Set_input_1';
input_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'signals.h';
input_2 = Simulink.Signal;
input_2.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
input_2.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'GetSet';
input_2.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.GetFunction = 'Get_input_2';
input_2.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.SetFunction = 'Set_input_2';
input_2.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'signals.h';
output_1 = Simulink.Signal;
output_1.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
output_1.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'GetSet';
output_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.GetFunction = 'Get_output_1';
output_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.SetFunction = 'Set_output_1';
output_1.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'signals.h';
Now I am trying to convert my model to code using simulink coder.
In code generation setting of the model i have selected ert.tlc file in the system target file settings.
But the generated code does not have a Get_input_1() or Get_input_2() call like shown in this link.
What i have missed in the setting. Please suggest
I know you probably already solved this issue, but I have also seen this behavior before.
Sometimes MATLAB does not update the header files correctly. If you had set a different configuration for your variable and then made a change involving the header files, I would recommend erasing the *_ert_rtw and slprj folders (they will appear again). It is similar to doing a "Make clean" operation, to ensure that everything is brand new.

Crystal Reports Runtime & Redistributable

Is there a difference between these two things. I am trying to move some reports from a local server to a dev server and I know that we have installed the redist on the dev server, but am still having problems getting the report to run. Is the runtime separate I come accross different sites mentioning both things but havent been able to tell if they are talking about the same thing
*Edit - posting code to see if as dotjoe suggested I have incorrectly labled my report path. the database connection is returned from a method to a string array reportString so that is what that array is.
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer2" runat="server"
AutoDataBind="True" Height="50px" Width="350px" ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh="True" ToolbarImagesFolderUrl="~/images/reportViwerImages"/>
ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
myConnectionInfo.ServerName = reportString[1];
myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = reportString[0];
myConnectionInfo.UserID = reportString[2];
myConnectionInfo.Password = reportString[3];
string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../../mdReports/CrystalReport.rpt");
CrystalReportViewer2.ReportSource = ReportPath;
ParameterField field1 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue val1 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
val1.Value = hiddenFieldReportNumber.ToString();
private void SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo)
TableLogOnInfos myTableLogOnInfos = CrystalReportViewer2.LogOnInfo;
foreach (TableLogOnInfo myTableLogOnInfo in myTableLogOnInfos)
myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo;
you have not load the report from the given Path.
Please see below link