Column editor in Oracle Sql Developer - oracle-sqldeveloper

Anyone knows if there is a column editor function in Oracle SQL Developer?
I have to modify the same column in a large number of insert statement and it would be really useful to have a column editor.
To explain better which is my problem i am searching a function similar to Eclipse ones when you type Alt + Shift + A (How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?), and it allow you to edit in one time a lot of columns.
There is something similar or i have to do it manually?
I am using version.

If you're using a newer version of Oracle Sql Developer (at least 18.3.x but perhaps before) there is an even easier way.
Simply go to the "Edit" menu and then choose "Block Selection":

Edit/Wrap Selection (enable it):
Just press Shift and move cursors up and down, etc.
Be careful to press Esc after each edition as it seems to "stick" or something and it keeps adding cursors and modifying where you don't expect it.
Trick: The multi-cursor is useful to edit several parts in the same line.


Copy/move rest of the current line to the end of next line

I have Googled a lot but cannot find one feature in VScode that I would appreciate greatly:
Copy (or move) rest of the current line (i.e. not the entire line) to the end of next line
What I have - note the cursor
What I need - again note the cursor
So ideally, with a single keyboard shortcut, I would copy (or move) the remainder of the current line (= "ABC1" in the example) to the end of the next line. Any ideas how to do that? Is it available within VScode, or is there a relevant extension? Thanks!
Since you're asking if there's an extension for it, the vim extensions should at least be mentioned. I have no intention or desire to start an(other) editor war, though.
What you're asking would be trivial in vim (y$, yank to end of line) and there are at least two very popular vim extensions for vscode that will bring the vim keybindings as well as the power of configurable commands and bindings in vim to vscode.
Yes, it would require some effort to learn the "vim way" of doing things, but the upside is that you'll probably never have to re-learn the bindings if you move between editors/IDEs since they are available in pretty much every editor and they make editing very fast and precise.
Drag and drop by mouse
Why are you not using mouse drag and drop text?
Select the text and drag it by mouse where you need
Otherwise, if you have multiple times then you can solve it in two steps.
Replace all Name by Name(ctrl+enter)SecretCode
Replace all "(ctrl+enter)SecretCode by "

Disable intrinsic suggestions on VSCode

If I write some statement of my preferred language and then I use Tab on Sublime Text 3 it puts basic structure of that sentence to use quickly.
But, if I try the same behavior on VSCode, it only completes the phrase instead of structure for that sentence, forcing me to:
Write the complete structure.
Press Ctrl + Space and then use the arrows keys to choose some suggestion structure.
Use arrow keys before Tab to choose the suggestion I want.
Those three are slower than only write some statement and Tab…
I want to disable the first line of suggestion to use structure suggestions for quickly development:
Are there some kind of config.suggestionBuiltIn: false? I have not seen some similar on the oficial documentation.

How to turn off a weird "box" cursor and selection behavior in Netbeans?

I have some kind of weird behavior in Netbeans. I guess I accidentally entered some key combination which messed up the cursor and selection behavior. In the image you'll see what I mean: normally, if you select text across multiple lines, you'll see the behavior on the right screenshot.
But I have the behavior on the left screenshot. Also, trying to insert text at a certain position with Shift, inserts it some positions to the right (= not where the cursor is). Additionally, when the cursor blinks, it appears dashed.
The fact that the selection in the left screenshot is drawn nicely doesn't make me think of a bug, but rather of a feature. I can't seem to find the key combination to turn it off again.
So my question is, what is this feature? Why does it exist and with what key combination did I turn it on?
One possibility is you have the Rectangular Selection plugin installed.
However, the more likely candidate is the rectangular selection feature in the editor core. Find the button on your edit toolbar, and toggle it off. As per helpful comments below, this can accidentally be switched on (and toggled back off again) using:
On Windows and Linux: Ctrl + Shift + R
On Mac: Shift + Meta + R
On Mac, if the above does not work: some folks have reported that Shift + Command + R worked for them
This key combination (Ctrl+Shift+R) is used to open types etc. in Eclipse, so when switching to Netbeans many people will get stuck with this.

Is there a command in Eclipse like Vim's "o"?

I find it useful to be able to create an empty new line after current line. End Enter does exactly what I want, but it is not easy to type. Something closer to default keyboard row, like Ctrl+o, would be much better. Can I do this using default Eclipse commands, or is there any plugin providing such functionality?
Shift-Enter inserts a line below the cursor and Ctrl-Shift-Enter inserts above.

deleting collapsed code section in Eclipse

Collapsing code sections is nice. But everytime I select the collapsed part in the editor and cut/delete it the selection expands and I have to find the start/end manually in the expanded code.
Is there an easier way?
Many thanks!
When your cursor is inside the element you can use Select Enclosing Element Shift+Alt+Up. You may need to press it a few times, depending how many levels of enclosing elements there are (blocks like loops).
You may use a desktop environment that thinks it is a good idea to define a few hundred shortcuts that you will never use but that override all your application shortcuts (Ubuntu Unity). In this case you may need to change your desktop environment (by far the most painless way to solve this problem).
Using Neon
Collapse the code
Double click the collapsed code
Hit ctrl-x or the Delete key.
Hitting Backspace or the Enter key still just expands the collapsed code