How to turn off a weird "box" cursor and selection behavior in Netbeans? - netbeans

I have some kind of weird behavior in Netbeans. I guess I accidentally entered some key combination which messed up the cursor and selection behavior. In the image you'll see what I mean: normally, if you select text across multiple lines, you'll see the behavior on the right screenshot.
But I have the behavior on the left screenshot. Also, trying to insert text at a certain position with Shift, inserts it some positions to the right (= not where the cursor is). Additionally, when the cursor blinks, it appears dashed.
The fact that the selection in the left screenshot is drawn nicely doesn't make me think of a bug, but rather of a feature. I can't seem to find the key combination to turn it off again.
So my question is, what is this feature? Why does it exist and with what key combination did I turn it on?

One possibility is you have the Rectangular Selection plugin installed.
However, the more likely candidate is the rectangular selection feature in the editor core. Find the button on your edit toolbar, and toggle it off. As per helpful comments below, this can accidentally be switched on (and toggled back off again) using:
On Windows and Linux: Ctrl + Shift + R
On Mac: Shift + Meta + R
On Mac, if the above does not work: some folks have reported that Shift + Command + R worked for them

This key combination (Ctrl+Shift+R) is used to open types etc. in Eclipse, so when switching to Netbeans many people will get stuck with this.


VSCode move selection of multiple lines up and down

I am trying to get used to VSCode because of dendron and I am friend of learning defaults because I work on too many installs to maintain custom settings.
Is there any equivalent in VSCode to sublime text multiline movement?
I have attached a GIF to show what I mean because I can't seem to find the right google keywords or everyone else means something else than me with saying move multiple cursor lines vertically.
In ST I can move them after selecting them with a cursor via SHIFT + CTRL + Up/Down
GIF of st3 multi line movement
EDIT: Found it. Sublime Text 3 can move blocks by cursor, vscode can't. It only moves by selection. Which ironically work with a single line cursor though.
Select all lines which you want to move up/down then Alt + (arrow key up/ arrow key down ) to move your piece of code up or down.

Select text from keyboard in matlab

In emacs, it's possible to set a mark with c-space. The mark marks one end of a selection then when you move the cursor the other end of the selection moves with it.
For example, c-a, c-space, c-n, c-n selects two lines of text.
Matlab doesn't seem to have the concept of placing a mark. Is there any way to select text from the keyboard?
I'd like to do things like whack/yank a few words or comment out multiple lines without using the mouse.
I found this old question while trying to figure out the same problem. If anyone out there is still looking for how to do this, Matlab (as of version 2016a) supports keyboard selection shortcuts in the keyboard binding preferences (Preferences --> Keyboard --> Shortcuts). By default the text select functions are using the Home/End and Ctr/Shift + arrow keys to do this. I don't think the Emacs marking concept works but you could define a shortcut to your liking.
Matlab Emacs Keyboard Binding Defaults
At least you don't have to use the mouse :-)

View All Eclipse shortcuts

I was trying to learn all the eclipse shortcuts... I couldn't find anything useful.
There are some shortcuts available for easy ones, like Find, Find in Files, Comment, Uncomment etc.
Is there any way to view all the eclipse shortcuts?
Clicking Ctrl+Shift+L from eclipse, will list all the shortcuts. This is pretty useful, as you don't need to switch to another window... You can do your work without any interruption.. :-)
Open Windows->Preferences->General->Keys. Now you can use the filter to find your shortcut and change its binding.
Shows you a list of your currently defined shortcut keys.
However this will only show you custom short cuts that user have added therefore, Please find useful eclipse short-cuts below
CTRL + /
In line Comment
Block Comment
Delete row. Try it! You no longer need to grab the mouse and select the line, or select Home, Shift + End, Delete. Quick and clean.
ALT + Up/Down Arrow
Move the row (or the entire selection) up or down. Very useful when rearranging code. You can even select more rows and move them all at once. Notice, that it will be always correctly indented.
ALT + Left/Right Arrow
Move to the last location you edited. Imagine you just created a class "Foo", and now you are working on a class "Boo". Now, if you need to look at the "Foo" class, just press Alt+Left Arrow. Alt+Right Arrow brings you back to "Boo".
Organize imports. What happens when you first use a class you have not yet imported? You will see an error. But when you press this magical combination, all your missing classes will be imported, and the unused imports will vanish.
Probably the most useful one. It activates the quick fix. Imagine you create a class, which implements some interface. You will get an error, because the inherited methods are not yet implemented. While you are on line where the error occurs, press this combination to activate the quick fix. Now, select the "Add unimplemented methods" option. You can use the quick fix at every error you ever receive.
Quick fix comes in handy in other situations too. My favorite is the "Split variable declaration". Sometimes I need to broaden the scope of a variable. I activate the quick fix, split declaration, and use alt + arrow to put it where it belongs. You can find even more uses: Convert local variable to field, rename in file, inline local variable, etc...
You could use the "Split variable declaration" on the bar variable, and then move it with Alt+Arrows above the try block..
Or you could use the "Add unimplemented methods" fix here.
The best thing you can do if you see an error is to use the quick fix.
Open Type. Imagine, that you need to have a look at the "Foo" class. But, where is the "Foo" class? Is it in the "Boo" project and in the "" package? Or somewhere else? With this shortcut, you don't need to know. Just press it, type "Foo" and you are in.
Shows you a list of all open editors.
Use to move between open editors. This is a slower alternative to Ctrl + E. It comes in handy in a situation when you want to periodically switch between two editors, something that is nearly impossible with Ctrl+E as it sorts entries quite randomly. Or you might just use Alt+Arrows...
Move between views. When in the editor, press Ctrl+F7 to switch to the Package Explorer, or hold Ctrl and press F7 multiple times to switch to other views.
Move between perspectives. The same as the previous.
CTRL + F11
Runs the application. What gets launched depends on your settings. It will either launch the last launched class (my preferred way) or it will launch the currently selected resource (the default way). If you want to change its behavior read the previous post.
Open new type wizard. This is not very quick because you have to select the wizard type (whether you want to create new class, jsp, xml or something else) in the next step. A much faster way would be if you could just hit the shortcut and invoke the particular wizard. It is possible, just keep reading...
Maximize or umaximize current tab.
Corrects indentation.
Formats code. You can make beautiful looking code out of a mess with this. It requires a bit of setup, but it is well worth it. You can find its settings under Window->Preferences->Java->Code style->Formatter
Incremental search. Similar to the search in firefox, it shows you results as you type. Don't be surprised if when you hit this combination nothing happens - at the first glance. Just start typing and eclipse will move your cursor to the first occurence.
Bind this to "Generate getters and setters". This is a "must have".
Bind this to SVN/CVS "Commit".
Bind this to SVN/CVS "Update".
yes, you can go Window - Preferencee - General - Keys and see all available shortcuts. Also you can reorder keys here.
Also you can read more about eclipse shortcuts here

cannot select text in VTE using keyboard

I'm writing my own terminal application in C using the VTE library. Everything works great except I cannot select text with the keyboard. For example if I have just typed something, in most terminals you can hold down the shift key and select the previous text with the left arrow key, then you can paste it wherever you want. In VTE, all that happens is you get a D in the current cursor position. I can obviously block the printing of D in the terminal by returning TRUE from the keypress (which I have done), but I still cannot select the text.
I thought I might be able to do it manually starting with vte_terminal_get_cursor_position(), but there is no method to select a block of text (that I could find) in VTE once I have the boundaries for the selection.
I've looked at other VTE based projects such as tinyterm, and evilvte, but they just print the D in the terminal as well when that key combination is pressed.
So is there any way to select text in VTE using the keyboard? Thanks.
It turns out that very few if any terminals allow you to select text with the keyboard. Not sure how that got into my head. Anyway, I still think it would be a handy capability, so the question stands. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

deleting collapsed code section in Eclipse

Collapsing code sections is nice. But everytime I select the collapsed part in the editor and cut/delete it the selection expands and I have to find the start/end manually in the expanded code.
Is there an easier way?
Many thanks!
When your cursor is inside the element you can use Select Enclosing Element Shift+Alt+Up. You may need to press it a few times, depending how many levels of enclosing elements there are (blocks like loops).
You may use a desktop environment that thinks it is a good idea to define a few hundred shortcuts that you will never use but that override all your application shortcuts (Ubuntu Unity). In this case you may need to change your desktop environment (by far the most painless way to solve this problem).
Using Neon
Collapse the code
Double click the collapsed code
Hit ctrl-x or the Delete key.
Hitting Backspace or the Enter key still just expands the collapsed code