Twilio SMS wrong encoding in Java API - unicode

Supposedly, twilio handles encoding automatically... but it doesn't.
My code is as in the tutorial:
String msg = "áéíóú";
Message message = Message.creator(new PhoneNumber(toNumber),
new PhoneNumber(fromNumber),
But in the phone, the message arrives with the infamous � characters
I have tried changing the JVM locale parameters:
-Duser.language=es -Duser.region=MX
to no avail
I'm testing in a Linux box. On my colleague's Windows 10 box works fine.
Any pointers?

I just ran into this issue and currently have a ticket opened with Twilio Support on this.
I took a chance and tried the previous version of their API and it worked without a hitch.
Use maven to grab the 6.3.0 version of their Java API or download it from their Java API Page however they note that version 6.x is deprecated. Hopefully this will be addressed in an update to their API.
Example Code for sending Messages with the 6.3.0 version of Twilio's Java API


Watson speech-to-text getting disconnected immediately on Unity

I am using the latest unity SDK 2.12.0 and Unity 2017.4.
My unity project is available here:
Please note that you will need an IBM Apikey to access the API functionality.
I followed the following video tutorial for setting up the SDK:
While running the ExampleStreaming sample as shown in the video, I'm getting the following log:
[SpeechToText.SendStart()][DEBUG] SendStart() with the following params: {"action":"start","content-type":"audio/l16;rate=22050;channels=1;","inactivity_timeout":-1,"interim_results":true,"max_alternatives":0,"profanity_filter":false,"smart_formatting":true,"speaker_labels":false,"timestamps":true,"word_confidence":true
[SpeechToText.OnListenClosed()][DEBUG] OnListenClosed(), State = DISCONNECTED
[SpeechToText.KeepAlive()][DEBUG] KeepAlive exited.
I have thoroughly searched for this issue. Seems like many people have faced a similar issue, but none of the posts have a satisfactory solution. Can anyone help me with this?
This has to do with the move to TLS 1.2. Only Unity 2018.2 and above support TLS 1.2 using .NET 4.x equivalent Scripting Runtime Version.
Since you are using Unity 2017.4 you will need to create your Speech to Text instance in US South (Dallas). This is the only region that still supports TLS 1.0.
Alternatively, you can update to Unity 2018.2 or above and switch to Scripting Runtime Version .NET 4.x equivalent.

Moodle Scorm API throws an error

I'm running Moodle 2.4.3. Seems like I have issues with my Scorm API. It throws an error at the end of last slide.
"Trying to set value but API not available."
What could be the reason?
BTW, I'm using Google Chrome 44.
The fact that this is happening at the end of the package suggests to me that the package is closing the connection and then trying to send more data.
Have you tried running the course on SCORM Cloud in debug mode to see what's going on?

Swagger 1.3.7 and Jersey 2.15/2.16 issue: the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource

I have a REST API that was working with Jersey 2.6 and Swagger 1.3.7. I read that Jersey 2.9 fixes a warning that I was getting so I upgraded to the latest Jersey 2.16 but then Swagger stopped working. I went back and upgraded one version at a time until I saw that Swagger was working with 2.15 so I settled on that. Now, the PUT API fails with Swagger with the following error:
The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method
The API works using FireFox RESTClient and specifying "application/json".
I do have "jersey-media-json-jackson" as a dependency and call "Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient().register(JacksonFeature.class);" in the program.
I tried upgrading Swagger but that did not help.
Has Swagger been verified to work with Jersey 2.15/2.16?
I've recently managed to get swagger-core to work with Jersey 2.16 with a similar issue. Keep in mind they are using the latest version (1.5.X) and not 1.3.X but the same solution will apply.
The problem is most likely with version resolution, specifically, the one of jackson-databind. For some reason, even jersey-media-json-jackson 2.16 depends on an older version of jackson-databind, even though it works fine with the latest version. Without having more details, it would be difficult to suggest a full solution, but you can follow the dependency tree and see the conflicts there.
If you do require further assistance, I'd suggest either using our mailing list, or even better, the IRC channel where we could interact online and resolve it.

Mule IDE plugin for Eclipse url not working (

Mule id plugin Url is not working. Can any one help to get an alternate url for the same plugin.
This url is also mentioned in the below tutorial.
Below is the error which i am receiving after accessing this url in browser.
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
Mule version 2X uses the url :- and for Mule version 3X the url :- is being used.
You need to check the version of Mule you are using and need to use the url that matches your Mule version.
If you are using Mule Enterprise edition you can take support from the MuleSoft Support, else if you are not using Enterprise you can post the issue in their forum
I seriously doubt there is still support for the Mule IDE, it was deprecated in favour of Mule Studio (that then became Anypoint Studio).
Do you really need to do a new development on Mule 2.x? If not, please consider using the much better Anypoint studio. If you need to stick to the 2.x version, you could just use a vanilla version of eclipse that will take care of the the autocompletion and then export to the apps directory of a running mule container for a hot deployment.

License issue in SOAP UI pro-4.5.2

Good Morning all
I am looking for help on a licensing issue in SOAP UI.
I have a purchased license od SOAP UI pro and tried to activate the license on my new Windowa-7/64 bit DELL system.
i am unable to activate it in SOAP UI pro 4.5.2. ... enses.html
Every time I try to activate online now this is the message I receive an error message
Unable to activate license.
The license can not be activated as the number of allowed copies has been exceeded.
How can I get my new license activated?
The problem can be resolved if you put an old version of soap ui first and then start updating the license file with the new one.
I am using 4.6 Soap Ui pro and faced it again.
This might not be an issue of Soap Ui , but is the problem of updating the old license (which is expired ) or adding a new license in the existing Soap Ui with the new license.
please let me know , if there is some doubts .
Contact SoapUI support . I think they can help you.
Maybe you should use an online tool that is more adapted to SOAP tests and does not require that you install anything. Try Why using a installed software to do online stuffs (SOAP) when online tool exists?