Does my UML Deployment Diagram look correct? - deployment

I modelled a Deployment Diagram to describe the following situation:
PC: User calls website on a webserver unsing his Browser
Intern Server: a Server that contains the IIS Web Server, the websites that are dynamically created using the Django Framework, a MySQL database where the data that is displayed in the website is stored and two scripts that interact with the Database und a website of another server.
Extern Server: unknown architecture, but contains the .html files that are being requested by the scripts on the intern server.
I am using the demo version of Visual Paradigm, sorry for the watermarks.


Where do I place the deployment files for asp net core application

I have a self contained asp net core web application and I dont know where in the file system I need to place the files. I will be using the Kestrel web server without a reverse proxy as it will be behind the AWS application load balancer. I will use amazon linux2 AMI
It is OK to place it anywhere as long as the hosting user has sufficient permissions to the folder. Simply create a systemd service configuration and it would work properly.
Consider placing it in /usr/share as where the applications commonly are.

What directory to publish Asp.NET Core application on desktop to?

I come from the desktop application world (WPF, WinForms), where the convention is to deploy your exe to \Program Files[ (x86)]\CompanyName\AppName\ directory, and store all the data in \Program Data\CompanyName\AppName\ directory.
What's the corresponding convention for deploying Asp.NET Core web services on a desktop (not a server) PC? Program Files directory doesn't seem like a good idea, because it requires admin credentials for writing, a problem you hit the moment you try to publish the app. On the other hand, while Program Data doesn't have the permission problem, it just doesn't feel right, given there is no corresponding Program Files location.
I've also seen C:\intepub\wwwroot\web-service-name used, when IIS was involved. Is that the way to go? I'm guessing it makes sense when running Asp.Net Core app in Kestrel behind IIS as reverse proxy, but what if I were to host my app inside a Windows Service instead?
There is a lot of enduser as well as enterprise apps deployed as windows services with embedded web applications (using Apache, tomcat..etc) Under Program Files, Ex: HPE server admin/config tools.
So for Kestrel APP, I would deploy bin in Program Files and write logs,DB,etc under Program Data. it will works without permission issues since dotnet binary has the needed perms.

Unity 3D application cannot access SQL server database when built as web player?

When I build as a standalone executable my application works fine with database SQL server, but does not work when built as a web player. What can I do?.
You won't be able to connect to a database using the web player as it is inside a security sandbox.
Restrictions on accessing data on a domain other than the one hosting your .unity3d file.
Some limitation on the usage of the Sockets.
You can read more about it here:

Understanding lightswitch deployment

I wish to deploy a lightswitch application for a small company. I want a central server hosting the database and then the silverlight client to run inside the network connecting to the server and updating the database with clients, etc.
I have made a working system using the intrinsic database in VS2013, but now I come to deploy it and am having problems, despite hours reading MSDN and following tutorials.
I create a deployment package on my development machine, which I then install on the server, but I then need to create a client only package, which points to the server? Does this mean I need to specify the central database as an external data source? Or does this switch happen automatically? Can I publish only the server, and install that on the server machine, (I have already installed the web server package) then publish a separate client package for installing the application on the clients? I need all the clients to update a single database, not all have their own local copies and local databases...
When you "create a client only package" the intrinsic database is running on the client, so nothing point to the server.
A external data source is always external regardless of the app type.
What type of a LightSwitch Application you've selected?
A 2-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to the end-user computer.
A 3-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.
A 3-tier Web application runs in an end-user web browser. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.

howtodeploy dotnetnuke webapplication in webserver

I created one dotnetnuke web application and also i worked with the database aslo, now i want to deploy in my webserver as a portal. How to deploy the dotnetnuke web application in my web server, I want the steps how to deploy the dnn application..
It depends because there are numerous scenarios.
A. Simple solution is to just copy DNN and its database to web server, as you can do with any other application. This is good option if you need to move all you have locally.
Copy file system with local dnn to web server
Restore dnn database to database server accessible to web server
Update PortalAlias table with webserver domain name
Update connection string(s) in web.confg to new database location.
B. More sophisticate options is If your app is made as one or more DNN modules. Than you need to create DNN module deployment package (ZIP file with DNN manifest files, acsx files, dlls, resources, SQL install scripts, etc…). Easy start is Create Module Package option in Module Definitions. When you have correct and complete module package you can install it to other DNN host installations.
If you will be deploying to a web "farm" (more than one server), this documentation from DNN can help