Create and edit .cpp file in command line - command-line

I've been trying to setup Notepad++ with my school's computer lab so that I can access their compiler remotely and write C++ scripts in the application, but so far I've only managed to connect to my student server through PuTTY.
I can access all of my files on my account through command line however, and was wondering if there was a method to create and edit .cpp files in command line.
Thanks in advance.

Yes just make a folder like this:
mkdir myCode
Then create the text file and write it with vim (or nano if you find vim hard):
vi myCode/main.cpp
nano myCode/main.cpp


VS Code - Using Code Runner Extension to Run Programs on Virtual Machine (VM)

I develop on Windows using a Linux VM via Vagrant and Virtual Box. I'm trying to figure out how to get the Code Runner extension to run my files on the VM. The biggest hurdle so far is, for a given file, I need to convert from the Windows host path to the Linux guest path.
The Code Runner extension allows one to map file types to shell commands to run those files. For example,
"java": "cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt"
tells Code Runner that when I try to run a Java file, it should cd to the directory that contains the file, and compile the file, and then run the compiled file. The mapping from file types to commands is called the code-runner.executorMap which is contained in settings.json. By adding the option
"code-runner.runInTerminal": true
to my settings.json, I can tell Code Runner to run in the integrated terminal. So by simply SSHing into my VM from the integrated terminal via vagrant ssh, I have code runner targeting the virtual machine.
This is where the problem comes in - Code Runner is using my Windows style paths and my Windows file structures as command line arguments to my VM.
For example, suppose my Windows file structure looks like c:\a\b\c\d and my VM has its root in c so that c and d are shared folders. If I want to run a file in d, the command cd $dir will tell my VM to do cd c:\a\b\c\d.
I have thought of workarounds like adding the following to my settings to run python files
"python": "cd \"$(dirname \"$(locate -l1 $fileName)\")\"; python3 $fileName",
This command, which runs on the integrated terminal (the VM) locates and changes to the directory which contains the file which is to be run. It then tells the python3 interpreter to run that file. However, this doesn't always work (e.g. multiple files with the same name), and requires me to update the database that locate depends upon every time I add a file.
There has to be some way to translate my Windows file paths to the paths on the virtual machine (so e.g. c:\a\b\c\d -> /c/d). Perhaps through Vagrant? I would appreciate any help.
I developed a workaround. I would still be interested in a "cleaner" solution.
The workaround is as follows:
Firstly, I wrote a Python script to convert from Windows Paths to paths on my virtual machine. The script takes in the windows path to a file and the file name as arguments.
import sys
path_to_vagrantfile = r"C:\Users\Evan\Google Drive\Development\Vagrantfile"
linux_path="/vagrant/"+'/'.join(y) + "/" + file_name
Thus the following code converts from a windows file location to one on my virtual machine (assuming you saved at the root of your shared directory, \vagrant :
python3 \"/vagrant/\" $dirWithoutTrailingSlash $fileName
Therefore, to run most files of various interpreted languages, I just supply the output of this command as an argument to the interpreter. For example, to run a Python script on my VM automatically, I just add the following line to the code-runner.executorMap:
"python": "python3 \"$(python3 \"/vagrant/\" $dirWithoutTrailingSlash $fileName)\""
Or for Racket/scheme, I just do:
"scheme": "racket \"$(python3 \"/vagrant/\" $dirWithoutTrailingSlash $fileName)\""

Creating a bat file to run raspberry pi commands on windows

I am trying to set up a simple bat file to help non-tech people execute scripts by just clicking a file on desktop.
I haven't used windows in a while, and don't have a real dev environment set up on the computers they are going to be using. I installed putty, and can manually ssh into the pi's and run commands, but I can't teach that process to the employees.
I would like to create a simple bat file that runs the following commands:
<enter password>: 'xxx'
sudo reboot
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you!
Downloaded Plink #
I moved it, AND putty to c:/windows/system32 instead of changing PATH
This doesn't seem necessary, as the next step will automatically locate the file and change the path.
On desktop, right click and create a new shortcut.
In the shortcut path, I typed:
plink -ssh -pw raspberry sudo reboot
This worked.
if you recheck the shortcut again, it should automatically change the path to execute plink

Is there PostgreSQL profile file like .bash_profile

Everytime I enter PostgreSQL via Terminal (by "psql"), I have to run some certain meta commands, like "\pset null [null]".
So, is there any way to execute it automatically everytime I run "psql", just like the .bash_profile or .bashrc file in the bash shell?
As documented in man psql:
Oh, finally I found a solution via the help information, edit my .bash_profile, add the line:
alias psql='psql --pset=null=[null]'
It works

Send data to putty in powershell

I have powershell script that open putty.exe in process and i want to send data to this process, how can i do that???
The process:
$solExe = [diagnostics.process]::start("putty.exe", "-raw -P 2000")
The command line interface for putty is plink.exe. You can use plink to send commands over ssh.
For example:
PS C:> c:\progra~2\putty\plink.exe -i C:\credentials\mykeyfile.ppk "ls";
Things to remember:
The first time you connect to a server, you'll have to add it to your registry, so this won't work in a non-interactive mode for brand new servers. There isn't a way to disable this.
The key file has to be in ppk format for plink.exe to recognize it. If yours is in pem format, use puttygen.exe to create a ppk file.
The path to the key file cannot contain any spaces, or the command above won't work.
If you want to send multiple commands at once, write them to a file and use the -m switch with plink.exe.
If you need to transfer files, you can use pscp.exe in a similar fashion.

Command Line in Batch file?

I am making a batch file to automate mysql installation silently. When I type the following line in the command prompt everything works fine.
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqlinstanceconfig.exe" -i -q ServiceName="mydb" RootPassword="pos" ServerType=DEVELOPMENT DatabaseType=INNODB Port=3306
My question is: can I somehow add this to a batch file so it will run it as if I entered it in the command line?
yes, its easy. As Santa commented, just put your command inside some text file, change the extension of that file to .bat. Thats all !!