isdigit function for BCPL - operating-system

I am currently programming in BCPL for an OS course and wanted to write a simple is_digit() function for validation in a program of mine.
A code snippet of my current code follows:
let is_digit(n) be {
if ((n >= '0') /\ (n <= '9')) then
resultis true;
I am aware that BCPL has no notion of types, but how would I be able to accomplish this sort of thing in the language?
Passing in a number yields a false result instead of the expected true.

is_digit() is a function returning a value, rather than a routine, so should use = VALOF rather than BE. Otherwise, the code is OK.
let is_digit(n) = valof {
resultis true

Functions that return values should be using valof rather than be, the latter (a routine rather than a function) can be called as a function but the return value you get back from it will be undefined(a).
In addition, you should ensure you return a valid value for every code path. At the moment, a non-digit will not execute a RESULTIS statement, and I'm not entirely certain what happens in that case (so best to be safe).
That means something like this is what you're after, keeping in mind there can be implementation variations, such as & and /\ for and, or {...} and $(...$) for the block delimiters - I've used the ones documented in Martin's latest manual:
LET is_digit(n) = VALOF {
RESULTIS (n >= '0') & (n <= '9')
(a) Since Martin Richards is still doing stuff with BCPL, this manual may help in any future questions (or see his home page for a large selection of goodies).


Does mathjs have any concept of null or undefined?

I think the answer is probably 'no' as from what I can tell maths libraries don't seem to handle null, but what I'd like to have is to be handle null in these scenarios:
(y not defined)
z = sum(x, y)
with eval() ideally giving:
However, this throws an exception, as y is not defined.
In effect I'm defaulting 'y' to zero in that example, and that won't work in all scenarios.
So, what I suppose I'm asking is, is there an in-built way to define a default for a variable if it's not assigned a value?
If not, I'm assuming that this would be possible by writing a custom function. If someone could confirm this, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks :-).
Ok - I was looking through the release notes for v4 and saw it talking about the constants 'null, undefined' (and others). So, in order to solve this I have to define a variable as undefined (probably should have known this!).
(Note: I suspect these constants are available in previous version too.)
Then combined with a 'default' custom function I can get what I wanted:
y = null
z = sum(x, def(y, 0))
where 'def' is defined and imported as below (making use of 'lodash'):
var customFunctions = {
def: function (value, defaultValue) {
return !_.isNil(value) ? value : defaultValue;

How to avoid return statement and escape from for loop?

I've been told to avoid use of return in Scala, although I'm not sure why.
I've got the following code, and it doesn't seem to return the proper thing unless I put the return keyword in there. Why do I need to put return?
def nextParen(chars: List[Char]): List[Char] =
for(i <- 0 to chars.size - 1) {
if(chars(i) == '(' || chars(i) == ')') {
return chars.slice(i, chars.size) // return HERE!
The argument for avoiding return is that it leads to code that is less readable, and not refactor-safe. It's not an absolute rule, if you find an algorithm that's best expressed that way, but usually code can be made clearer by writing it as an expression.
This particular code looks to be equivalent to:
def nextParen(chars: List[Char]) =
chars.dropWhile{c => c != '(' && c != ')'}
In general, try to focus on writing expressions rather than procedures; rather than telling the compiler what steps it should take, tell it what the value is. Even if you didn't know about dropWhile, you could write the loop as a fold (e.g. foldLeft) that says what to do at each element of the list, and then the case where the list is empty at the end would fall out naturally, rather than needing two different branches for where there is a match and where there isn't.
There's nothing wrong with using return when it clearly expresses your intent in a good algorithm. However, you should be cautious about using it because it isn't necessary, and most things you want to do already have decent implementations in the collections library.
So, for example, your code works but is O(n^2) in the size of the list because you're indexing into a linear data structure. It's much better to use
chars.dropWhile(c => c != '(' && c != ')')
or if you don't know about that, any of a huge number of alternatives:
val i = chars.indexWhere(c => c == '(' || c == ')')
if (i < 0) chars take 0 else chars drop i
var found = false
chars.filter(c => found || { found = (c == '(' || c == ')'); found })
You can probably come up with half a dozen more without trying too hard. (Fold with an indicator, for/yield with an if clause, span, etc.)
So the best reason to not use return is that you should know your library. Usually you don't need it; it's better to use a stock method that computes what you want.
You are using a for in the imperative sense above. You don't have to use a return if you use it in a more functional sense i.e., as a for-yield or fold or takeWhile.
I think one of the biggest thing to wrap your head around when you move from imperative to functional (side-effect free) is the notion that you can express your code a sequence of expressions, each of which evaluates to a value. For example, a for-yield expression evaluates to a value. So in an imperative world you are executing a sequence of statements that is changing the state (data structures, console etc) around you.
PS: I've used a lot of terms (e.g., side-effect, for-yield, value) that may sound unfamiliar to a new Scala programmer. But with more experience they will make more sense. I would highly recommend this book - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Scala while loop returns Unit all the time

I have the following code, but I can't get it to work. As soon as I place a while loop inside the case, it's returning a unit, no matter what I change within the brackets.
case While(c, body) =>
while (true) {
How can I make this while loop return a non-Unit type?
I tried adding brackets around my while condition, but still it doesn't do what it's supposed to.
Any pointers?
A little more background information since I didn't really explain what the code should do, which seems to be handy if I want to receive some help;
I have defined a eval(exp : Exp). This will evaluate a function.
Exp is an abstract class. Extended by several classes like Plus, Minus (few more basic operations) and a IfThenElse(cond : Exp, then : Exp, else : Exp). Last but not least, there's the While(cond: Exp, body: Exp).
Example of how it should be used;
eval(Plus(Num(1),Num(4)) would result in NumValue(5). (Evaluation of Num(v : Value) results in NumValue(v). NumValue extends Value, which is another abstract class).
eval(While(Lt(Num(1),Var("n")), Plus(Num(1), Var("n"))))
Lt(a : Exp, b : Exp) returns NumValue(1) if a < b.
It's probably clear from the other answer that Scala while loops always return Unit. What's nice about Scala is that if it doesn't do what you want, you can always extend it.
Here is the definition of a while-like construct that returns the result of the last iteration (it will throw an exception if the loop is never entered):
def whiley[T](cond : =>Boolean)(body : =>T) : T = {
def loop(previous : T) : T = if(cond) loop(body) else previous
if(cond) loop(body) else throw new Exception("Loop must be entered at least once.")
...and you can then use it as a while. (In fact, the #tailrec annotation will make it compile into the exact same thing as a while loop.)
var x = 10
val atExit = whiley(x > 0) {
val squared = x * x
x -= 1
println("The last time x was printed, its square was : " + atExit)
(Note that I'm not claiming the construct is useful.)
Which iteration would you expect this loop to return? If you want a Seq of the results of all iterations, use a for expression (also called for comprehension). If you want just the last one, create a var outside the loop, set its value on each iteration, and return that var after the loop. (Also look into other looping constructs that are implemented as functions on different types of collections, like foldLeft and foldRight, which have their own interesting behaviors as far as return value goes.) The Scala while loop returns Unit because there's no sensible one size fits all answer to this question.
(By the way, there's no way for the compiler to know this, but the loop you wrote will never return. If the compiler could theoretically be smart enough to figure out that while(true) never terminates, then the expected return type would be Nothing.)
The only purpose of a while loop is to execute a side-effect. Or put another way, it will always evaluate to Unit.
If you want something meaningful back, why don't you consider using an if-else-expression or a for-expression?
As everyone else and their mothers said, while loops do not return values in Scala. What no one seems to have mentioned is that there's a reason for that: performance.
Returning a value has an impact on performance, so the compiler would have to be smart about when you do need that return value, and when you don't. There are cases where that can be trivially done, but there are complex cases as well. The compiler would have to be smarter, which means it would be slower and more complex. The cost was deemed not worth the benefit.
Now, there are two looping constructs in Scala (all the others are based on these two): while loops and recursion. Scala can optimize tail recursion, and the result is often faster than while loops. Or, otherwise, you can use while loops and get the result back through side effects.

validate a where clause query in c#

I was asked this question in an interview.
Write a c# program which will print out all the errors in a statement.
(a + b == 3 and x == y or b / c == d)
Allowed keywords are and/or, braces are allowed and have to match. The statement has to be logically correct. Print out all the errors.
Something like a compiler or sql analyzer.
Any idea how to go about syntax checking?
You're being asked to build a parser.
The computer science theory behind compilers is extensive and complex. To keep it simple, I recommend reading Jack Crenshaw's compiler tutorial. It will show you in the first few chapters how to do exactly this by building a top-down recursive descent parser. His example is almost exactly what you're trying to do. It's in Pascal, but it's still easy enough to follow and the concept still applies.
Google for "jack crenshaw let's build a compiler", or browse to:
That's actually pretty complicated if you want to get it 100% right. The direction to research would have to do with the keywords "finite state automata", "regular expressions" (not to be confused with Regex) and "context-free grammars". Also there's an approach called "recursive descent parser" but you'll need to understand the above concepts first.
Matching brackets and parenthesis is easy.
string expression = "(a + b + (c + d) )";
int brackets = 0;
int parenthesis = 0;
foreach(char c in expression)
if(c == '(') ) parenthesis++;
if(c == ')') ) parenthesis--;
if(parenthesis < 0) { // ERROR!!! }
// Same logic with brackets
if (parenthesis != 0) { ERROR!!! }
Also, I would use a similar approach with "statements mergers" ( +, -, *, / ) and "statements comparators" ( ==, !=, <, <=, ... )
For each word in your expression, only a few valid keywords can follow.
As it was mentionned before, writing parsers is a difficult task, planning every exception case right away is hardly possible. This should be the general idea instead of a definitive solution.
On a final note, it is perfectly ok to have multiple passes to scan for different things. First pass is brackts/parenthesis only, then check for something else in another loop.

Is it Pythonic to use bools as ints?

False is equivalent to 0 and True is equivalent 1 so it's possible to do something like this:
def bool_to_str(value):
"""value should be a bool"""
return ['No', 'Yes'][value]
Notice how value is bool but is used as an int.
Is this this kind of use Pythonic or should it be avoided?
I'll be the odd voice out (since all answers are decrying the use of the fact that False == 0 and True == 1, as the language guarantees) as I claim that the use of this fact to simplify your code is perfectly fine.
Historically, logical true/false operations tended to simply use 0 for false and 1 for true; in the course of Python 2.2's life-cycle, Guido noticed that too many modules started with assignments such as false = 0; true = 1 and this produced boilerplate and useless variation (the latter because the capitalization of true and false was all over the place -- some used all-caps, some all-lowercase, some cap-initial) and so introduced the bool subclass of int and its True and False constants.
There was quite some pushback at the time since many of us feared that the new type and constants would be used by Python newbies to restrict the language's abilities, but Guido was adamant that we were just being pessimistic: nobody would ever understand Python so badly, for example, as to avoid the perfectly natural use of False and True as list indices, or in a summation, or other such perfectly clear and useful idioms.
The answers to this thread prove we were right: as we feared, a total misunderstanding of the roles of this type and constants has emerged, and people are avoiding, and, worse!, urging others to avoid, perfectly natural Python constructs in favor of useless gyrations.
Fighting against the tide of such misunderstanding, I urge everybody to use Python as Python, not trying to force it into the mold of other languages whose functionality and preferred style are quite different. In Python, True and False are 99.9% like 1 and 0, differing exclusively in their str(...) (and thereby repr(...)) form -- for every other operation except stringification, just feel free to use them without contortions. That goes for indexing, arithmetic, bit operations, etc, etc, etc.
I'm with Alex. False==0 and True==1, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Still, in Python 2.5 and later I'd write the answer to this particular question using Python's conditional expression:
def bool_to_str(value):
return 'Yes' if value else 'No'
That way there's no requirement that the argument is actually a bool -- just as if x: ... accepts any type for x, the bool_to_str() function should do the right thing when it is passed None, a string, a list, or 3.14.
def bool_to_str(value):
"value should be a bool"
return 'Yes' if value else 'No'
is more readable.
Your code seems inaccurate in some cases:
>>> def bool_to_str(value):
... """value should be a bool"""
... return ['No', 'Yes'][value]
>>> bool_to_str(-2)
And I recommend you to use just the conditional operator for readability:
def bool_to_str(value):
"""value should be a bool"""
return "Yes" if value else "No"
It is actually a feature of the language that False == 0 and True == 1 (it does not depend on the implementation): Is False == 0 and True == 1 in Python an implementation detail or is it guaranteed by the language?
However, I do agree with most of the other answers: there are more readable ways of obtaining the same result as ['No', 'Yes'][value], through the use of the … if value else … or of a dictionary, which have the respective advantages of hinting and stating that value is a boolean.
Plus, the … if value else … follows the usual convention that non-0 is True: it also works even when value == -2 (value is True), as hinted by dahlia. The list and dict approaches are not as robust, in this case, so I would not recommend them.
Using a bool as an int is quite OK because bool is s subclass of int.
>>> isinstance(True, int)
>>> isinstance(False, int)
About your code: Putting it in a one-line function like that is over the top. Readers need to find your function source or docs and read it (the name of the function doesn't tell you much). This interrupts the flow. Just put it inline and don't use a list (built at run time), use a tuple (built at compile time if the values are constants). Example:
print foo, bar, num_things, ("OK", "Too many!)[num_things > max_things]
Personally I think it depends on how do you want to use this fact, here are two examples
Just simply use boolean as conditional statement is fine. People do this all the time.
a = 0
if a:
do something
However say you want to count how many items has succeed, the code maybe not very friendly for other people to read.
def succeed(val):
if do_something(val):
return True
return False
count = 0
values = [some values to process]
for val in values:
count += succeed(val)
But I do see the production code look like this.
all_successful = all([succeed(val) for val in values])
at_least_one_successful = any([succeed(val) for val in values])
total_number_of_successful = sum([succeed(val) for val in values])