Scala while loop returns Unit all the time - scala

I have the following code, but I can't get it to work. As soon as I place a while loop inside the case, it's returning a unit, no matter what I change within the brackets.
case While(c, body) =>
while (true) {
How can I make this while loop return a non-Unit type?
I tried adding brackets around my while condition, but still it doesn't do what it's supposed to.
Any pointers?
A little more background information since I didn't really explain what the code should do, which seems to be handy if I want to receive some help;
I have defined a eval(exp : Exp). This will evaluate a function.
Exp is an abstract class. Extended by several classes like Plus, Minus (few more basic operations) and a IfThenElse(cond : Exp, then : Exp, else : Exp). Last but not least, there's the While(cond: Exp, body: Exp).
Example of how it should be used;
eval(Plus(Num(1),Num(4)) would result in NumValue(5). (Evaluation of Num(v : Value) results in NumValue(v). NumValue extends Value, which is another abstract class).
eval(While(Lt(Num(1),Var("n")), Plus(Num(1), Var("n"))))
Lt(a : Exp, b : Exp) returns NumValue(1) if a < b.

It's probably clear from the other answer that Scala while loops always return Unit. What's nice about Scala is that if it doesn't do what you want, you can always extend it.
Here is the definition of a while-like construct that returns the result of the last iteration (it will throw an exception if the loop is never entered):
def whiley[T](cond : =>Boolean)(body : =>T) : T = {
def loop(previous : T) : T = if(cond) loop(body) else previous
if(cond) loop(body) else throw new Exception("Loop must be entered at least once.")
...and you can then use it as a while. (In fact, the #tailrec annotation will make it compile into the exact same thing as a while loop.)
var x = 10
val atExit = whiley(x > 0) {
val squared = x * x
x -= 1
println("The last time x was printed, its square was : " + atExit)
(Note that I'm not claiming the construct is useful.)

Which iteration would you expect this loop to return? If you want a Seq of the results of all iterations, use a for expression (also called for comprehension). If you want just the last one, create a var outside the loop, set its value on each iteration, and return that var after the loop. (Also look into other looping constructs that are implemented as functions on different types of collections, like foldLeft and foldRight, which have their own interesting behaviors as far as return value goes.) The Scala while loop returns Unit because there's no sensible one size fits all answer to this question.
(By the way, there's no way for the compiler to know this, but the loop you wrote will never return. If the compiler could theoretically be smart enough to figure out that while(true) never terminates, then the expected return type would be Nothing.)

The only purpose of a while loop is to execute a side-effect. Or put another way, it will always evaluate to Unit.
If you want something meaningful back, why don't you consider using an if-else-expression or a for-expression?

As everyone else and their mothers said, while loops do not return values in Scala. What no one seems to have mentioned is that there's a reason for that: performance.
Returning a value has an impact on performance, so the compiler would have to be smart about when you do need that return value, and when you don't. There are cases where that can be trivially done, but there are complex cases as well. The compiler would have to be smarter, which means it would be slower and more complex. The cost was deemed not worth the benefit.
Now, there are two looping constructs in Scala (all the others are based on these two): while loops and recursion. Scala can optimize tail recursion, and the result is often faster than while loops. Or, otherwise, you can use while loops and get the result back through side effects.


Error in recursive list logic

I am trying to build a list in scala that given input (length,and a function) the output would be a list from 0 up to that length-1.
for example:
listMaker(3,f) = List(0,1,2)
so far I have created a helper class that takes 2 int and returns a list in that range.
the listMaker function is as follows:
def listMaker[A](length:Int, f:Int =>A):List[A] = length match{
case 0 => List()
case _ => listMaker(length,f)
my f function just takes a variable x and returns that:
def f(x:Int)=x
the comment below makes sense, but it still gets me errors. I think the edited code is an easier way to get where I would like to
However, now I get an infinite loop. What part of the logic am I missing?
A recursive function typically has to gradually "bite off" pieces of the input data until there is nothing left - otherwise it can never terminate.
What this means in your particular case is that length must decrease on each recursive call until it reaches zero.
def listMaker[A](length:Int, f:Int =>A):List[A] = length match{
case 0 => List()
case _ => listMaker(length,f)
But you are not reducing length - you are passing it unchanged to the next recursive call, so, your function cannot terminate.
(There are other problems too - you need to build up your result list as you recurse, but your current code simply returns an empty list. I assume this is a learning exercise, so I'm not supplying working code...).

Does return break referential transparency?

I was reading the description of the Scala WartRemover tool, and was confused by one of the points they had. The description said this:
return breaks referential transparency. Refactor to terminate
computations in a safe way.
// Won't compile: return is disabled
def foo(n:Int): Int = return n + 1
def foo(ns: List[Int]): Any = => return n + 1)
This doesn't make any sense to me, and both of the examples look referentially transparent. Is there some way in which the return keyword makes it any more likely for a function to break referential transparency? Am I just completely misunderstanding their point?
At it's core, referentially transparency is about evaluating expressions. Fundamentally, it says that if you evaluate an expression in a context, it will evaluate to the same value if you evaluate it in any identical context.
Except that "return" statements don't evaluate to anything at all. They cause the current call of the enclosing method to evaluate to something. There's no way that fits the concept of referential transparency. The "throw" statement has a similar problem.
For the examples, the first one
def foo(n:Int): Int = return n + 1
is benign but verbose and non-idiomatic. The second one
def foo(ns: List[Int]): Any = => return n + 1)
is much more problematic. If passed the empty list, it returns the empty list. If passed a non empty list, it returns the value of the head of the list plus 1.

How to avoid return statement and escape from for loop?

I've been told to avoid use of return in Scala, although I'm not sure why.
I've got the following code, and it doesn't seem to return the proper thing unless I put the return keyword in there. Why do I need to put return?
def nextParen(chars: List[Char]): List[Char] =
for(i <- 0 to chars.size - 1) {
if(chars(i) == '(' || chars(i) == ')') {
return chars.slice(i, chars.size) // return HERE!
The argument for avoiding return is that it leads to code that is less readable, and not refactor-safe. It's not an absolute rule, if you find an algorithm that's best expressed that way, but usually code can be made clearer by writing it as an expression.
This particular code looks to be equivalent to:
def nextParen(chars: List[Char]) =
chars.dropWhile{c => c != '(' && c != ')'}
In general, try to focus on writing expressions rather than procedures; rather than telling the compiler what steps it should take, tell it what the value is. Even if you didn't know about dropWhile, you could write the loop as a fold (e.g. foldLeft) that says what to do at each element of the list, and then the case where the list is empty at the end would fall out naturally, rather than needing two different branches for where there is a match and where there isn't.
There's nothing wrong with using return when it clearly expresses your intent in a good algorithm. However, you should be cautious about using it because it isn't necessary, and most things you want to do already have decent implementations in the collections library.
So, for example, your code works but is O(n^2) in the size of the list because you're indexing into a linear data structure. It's much better to use
chars.dropWhile(c => c != '(' && c != ')')
or if you don't know about that, any of a huge number of alternatives:
val i = chars.indexWhere(c => c == '(' || c == ')')
if (i < 0) chars take 0 else chars drop i
var found = false
chars.filter(c => found || { found = (c == '(' || c == ')'); found })
You can probably come up with half a dozen more without trying too hard. (Fold with an indicator, for/yield with an if clause, span, etc.)
So the best reason to not use return is that you should know your library. Usually you don't need it; it's better to use a stock method that computes what you want.
You are using a for in the imperative sense above. You don't have to use a return if you use it in a more functional sense i.e., as a for-yield or fold or takeWhile.
I think one of the biggest thing to wrap your head around when you move from imperative to functional (side-effect free) is the notion that you can express your code a sequence of expressions, each of which evaluates to a value. For example, a for-yield expression evaluates to a value. So in an imperative world you are executing a sequence of statements that is changing the state (data structures, console etc) around you.
PS: I've used a lot of terms (e.g., side-effect, for-yield, value) that may sound unfamiliar to a new Scala programmer. But with more experience they will make more sense. I would highly recommend this book - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Coding style - ordering of expressions in blocks in Scala

Since I began programming in Scala, I gravitated towards what seems to be a natural coding style in this language, which is easiest to explain with a simple example:
val a = {
def f1(p : Int) = ...
def f2(p : Int) = ...
f1(12) * f2(100)
As you can see, the multiplication of the values, which, if you want to understand the code, is the first operation you should want to familiarize yourself with, is not to be found until the last line. Instead, you need to read through the pieces of the puzzle first (functions f1, f2) before you can see how they're actually arranged. For me, this makes the code harder to read. How are you dealing with this problem - or maybe you don't find it a problem at all?
One interesting approach might be to use the untyped macro proposal in macro-paradise to introduce a where binding, such that:
val a = (f1(12) * f2(100)) where {
def f1(x : Int) = x + 1
def f2(x : Int) = x + 2
gets rewritten to your code above. As I understand it, untyped macros would allow the non-existent identifiers f1 and f2 to exist past the pre-macro typecheck. I think the rewrite should be relatively simple, and then the second typecheck would catch any problems. However, I've never actually written any macros, so it's possible there's something about this which would fail!
If it were possible, I think it would be quite a nice form to have (and rewriting would solve problems with execution order) - if I get some time I may have a stab at writing it!
Edit: I've had a go at writing this, and bits of it turn out surprisingly easy. Code is available on github. Unfortunately, the best I can do so far is:
val result = where ( f1(1) * f2(2), {
def f1(x : Int) = x + 1
def f2(x : Int) = x + 2
The problem is that Scala's infix operators are just method calls, and so I'd need to have something constructed on the expression (f1(1) * f2(2)) in order to invoke them. But that's the very expression which won't type properly before macro resolution, so I'm not quite sure what to do. Time for a new question, methinks!

Scala - implicit return value syntax [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Return in Scala
I have just started using Scala and have come across some behavior that I don't really understand, and I'm hoping the stackoverflow community can shed some light.
Using this test:
This code works as I would expect - 0 is returned on the second iteration:
def example(value: Int, list: List[Int]): Int = {
if (list.isEmpty)
return 0
return 1
example(value - list.head, list.tail) + example(value, list.tail);
However, this code does not - it throws a NoSuchElementException("head of empty list") on the second iteration:
def example(value: Int, list: List[Int]): Int = {
if (list.isEmpty)
example(value - list.head, list.tail) + example(value, list.tail);
The difference appears to be that in the second example, Scala is assuming "0" and "1" are not return values but expressions to be evaluated because there is another expression at the end of the function. It makes sense that the first example would return as expected due to the explicit "return" keyword.
However, given the syntax of the if statement in second example, I would think the compiler would realize that "0" is not an expression to be evaluated, but rather a return value. Why is this not the case?
You should read the answer here for information about implicit returning since that part of your question is an exact duplicate.
But I'll answer specifically your point about "I would think the compiler would realize that "0" is not an expression to be evaluated, but rather a return value", since it's an interesting observation.
The simple answer is that 0 is an expression... it just happens to be the case that its evaluation is pretty simple. Scala doesn't make a distinction between "expressions that require effort" and "expressions that are easy" when it decides how to process your code. It just processes it the way it's told.
More importantly, if the Scala compiler did get into the business of guessing your intent, that would get pretty crazy, and would make coding a lot more challenging!
To see why we do not want this, let's look at your code that you posted:
def example(value: Int, list: List[Int]): Int = {
if (list.isEmpty)
example(value - list.head, list.tail) + example(value, list.tail);
As you mentioned, the 0 and 1 bits aren't really doing anything. So maybe this hypothetical compiler would say "Hey! The only interesting thing I can do with these is to return them!" and thus makes them return. We'll now we've got an if/else in which both sides return. In other words, if list is empty, we return, and if it's not empty, we return. So we always return, and the function ends.
But wait!! There's another line after the if/else expression! So our hypothetical compiler says "Hey! If I return here, then I won't ever execute that line! And that line looks pretty important. Maybe I shouldn't return, so that I can execute it." But then it realizes "Oh no! If i don't return the 0 or 1, then they are pointless! I have to return them!". "But that last line is still there!". "Ahhhhhhh!!!!1!!".
So maybe it's better that the compiler doesn't try to guess what we want and instead just does what we tell it.