Can someone show me how I can output hrs:mins:secs in mySQL SELECT statement below? - mysql-workbench

Here is the picture of how I would like it to be displayed
Here is what I have so far when use the DATE_ADD function in MySQL Workbench 6.3, but I have been struggling to output the hrs:mins:secs (you don't see the code for that output because I didn't write it here). I know that I can use INTERVAL HOUR_SECOND to display hrs:mins:secs but I don't understand how it works.
SELECT DATE_ADD('2017-01-26', INTERVAL 31 DAY) AS '31 Days';
I know this SELECT statement above will output 31 days from the specified date indicated above, but what do I need to do to output the hrs:mins:secs along with the 31 days from the date in the SELECT statement?

You can do it using DATE_FORMAT(). Examples:
Add function
* Adds a particular interval to given date
SELECT DATE_ADD('2017-01-26', INTERVAL 31 DAY) AS '31 Days';
31 Days
Format function
* Formats a particular date object
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%b %d %Y %h:%i %p')
AS 'Now';
Jan 28 2017 04:29 PM
Format and add:
* Adds and Formats date object
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD('2017-01-26', INTERVAL 31 DAY),'%b %d %Y %h:%i %p')
AS 'Formatted date';
Formatted date
Feb 26 2017 12:00 AM
Additionally, here is the sqlfiddle for the example:!9/9eecb7d/92948
Also check the various formats to further tailor to your needs:


Wrong day when using day()-formula with format - PowerBI

I'm trying to find out the weekday i.e Mon, Tue, Wed etc. from a date-range formatted as yyyy mm dd
I tried to use the formula format(day(Date Table),"ddd"), but the weekday is wrong. In my example, the output of 2020.01.01 gives Sunday, but it should be Wednesday.
I think your formula is wrong:
Instead of
format(day(Date Table),"ddd")
format(<Target Table>[<date column>],"ddd")
I.e. Omit the DAX DAY call. This is resulting in the day of the month (1..31) being passed to the format function.
When you use the DAY function in DAX, it returns the day of the month (1 through 31).
Thus DAY ( DATE ( 2020, 1, 1) ) = 1 which means you're trying to format the number 1 as a date. Integers are interpreted as days since 1899/12/30 when treated as a date, so 1 corresponds to 1899/12/31, which happened to be a Sunday. Thus FORMAT(1, "ddd") = "Sun".
There's no reason to get DAY involved here. You can simply write
Day = FORMAT ( 'Calendar'[Date], "ddd" )

Number of days in a month in DB2

Is there a way to find the number of days in a month in DB2. For example I have a datetime field which I display as Jan-2020, Feb-2020 and so on. Based on this field I need to fetch the number of days for that month. The output should be something like below table,
I'm using the below query
select reportdate, TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY') as textmonth from mytable
Expected output
ReportDate textMonth No of Days
1-1-2020 08:00 Jan-2020 31
1-2-2020 09:00 Feb-2020 29
12-03-2020 07:00 Mar-2020 31
Try this:
WITH MYTABLE (reportdate) AS
TIMESTAMP('2020-01-01 08:00:00')
, TIMESTAMP('2020-02-01 09:00:00')
, TIMESTAMP('2020-03-12 07:00:00')
SELECT reportdate, textMonth, DAYS(D + 1 MONTH) - DAYS(D) AS NO_OF_DAYS
reportdate, TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY') textMonth
, DATE(TO_DATE('01-' || TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY'), 'dd-Mon-yyyy')) D
Db2 has the function DAYS_TO_END_OF_MONTH and several others which you could use. Based on your month input, construct the first day of the month. This should be something like 2020-01-01 for Jan-2020 or 2020-02-01 for Feb-2020. Follow the link for several other conversion functions which allow you to transform between formats and to perform date arithmetics.
convert your column to a proper date and try this: day(last_day(date_column))

Sas changing of date format

I have three columns with date formatted differently in SAS:
12 june 2017 00:15 - full date
2016 - only year
12 - only month
I Need to change the format of date and subtract after the dates to get results in the number of months.
for instance, "12 June 2017 00:15" - December 2016 = 7
how to do it?
As you have probably already found, there isn't a ready-made SAS date informat that will correctly handle your full date field, so you'll need to write a bit of custom logic to convert it before doing your calculation. date9. is the closest matching format I could find:
data example;
fulldate = '12 june 2017 00:15';
year = 2016;
month = 12;
/* Convert string to date9 format and input */
fulldate_num = input(
substr(scan(fulldate,2,' '),1,3),
), date9.
/* Calculate difference in months */
monthdiff = intck('month', mdy(month,1,year), fulldate_num);
Convert the "full date" field to a SAS date value.
Convert the combo of year and month to a SAS date value, too.
Use the INTCK function to find the difference in months.
For example:
data dates ;
input dt $18. yy mm ;
mm_diff = intck ("mon", input (cats (yy, mm), yymmn6.), input (dt, anydtdte12.)) ;
put mm_diff= ;
cards ;
12 june 2017 00:15 2016 12
11 june 2018 00:15 2017 3
run ;
The log will print:
As a side note, the statement "there isn't a ready-made SAS date informat that will correctly handle your full date field" made elsewhere in this thread is incorrect. As the program snippet above shows, the ANYDTDTEw. informat handles it with aplomb. It's just incumbent upon the programmer to supply a sufficient informat width W. Above, it is selected as W=12. If you're reluctant to guess and/or count, just use ANYDTDTE32.
Paul Dorfman
Assuming that you have three numeric variables and the first one contains valid SAS datetime values you should first convert both to valid SAS date values. You can then use the INTCK() function to count months.
nmonths = intck('month',datepart(VAR1),mdy(VAR3,1,VAR2));

How to get large number in Amazon Redshift?

I am trying to get epochtime (13 digits) after subtracting from task_end_time column using something like
((task_end_time - to_date ('01 Jan 1970 00:00:00', 'DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) * 24 * 3600* 1000)::bigint AS "log_datetime"
This gives me below exception
ERROR: XX000: Integer data overflow (multiplication)
seems like all you actually need to do is
extract('epoch' from task_end_time) AS "log_datetime"

Qlikview - Data between dates; filter out data past or future data depending on selected date

I've seen threads where the document has Start Date and End Date "widgets" where users type in their dates, however, I'm looking for a dynamic solution, for example on the table below, when I select a date, say "1/1/2004", I only want to see active players (this would exclude Michael Jordan only).
Jersey# Name RookieYr RetirementYr Average PPG
23 Michael Jordan 1/1/1984 1/1/2003 24
33 Scotty Pippen 1/1/1987 1/1/2008 15
1 Derrick Rose 1/1/2008 1/1/9999 16
25 Vince Carter 1/1/1998 1/1/9999 18
The most flexible way is to IntervalMatch the RookieYr * RetireYr dates into a table of all dates. See for a complete example.
Here's the interval match for your data. You'll can obviously create your calendar however you want.
load * inline [
Jersey#, Name, RookieYr, RetirementYr, Average, PPG
23, Michael Jordan, 1/1/1984, 1/1/2003, 24
33, Scotty Pippen, 1/1/1987, 1/1/2008, 15
1, Derrick Rose, 1/1/2008, 1/1/9999, 16
25, Vince Carter, 1/1/1998, 1/1/9999, 18
let zDateMin=37000;
let zDateMax=40000;
Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1) as [DATE],
year( Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1)) as YEAR,
month( Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1)) as MONTH
WHILE $(zDateMin)+IterNo()-1<= $(zDateMax);
IntervalMatch (DATE) load RookieYr, RetirementYr resident STATS;
left join (DATES) load * resident INTERVAL; drop table INTERVAL;
There's not much to it you need to load 2 tables one with the start and end dates and one with the calendar dates then you interval match the date field to the start and end field and from there it will work the last join is just to tidy up a bit.
The result of all of that is this ctrl-t. Don't worry about the Syn key it is required to maintain the interval matching.
Then you can have something like this.
Derrick Rose is also excluded since he had not started by 1/1/2004