Qlikview - Data between dates; filter out data past or future data depending on selected date - charts

I've seen threads where the document has Start Date and End Date "widgets" where users type in their dates, however, I'm looking for a dynamic solution, for example on the table below, when I select a date, say "1/1/2004", I only want to see active players (this would exclude Michael Jordan only).
Jersey# Name RookieYr RetirementYr Average PPG
23 Michael Jordan 1/1/1984 1/1/2003 24
33 Scotty Pippen 1/1/1987 1/1/2008 15
1 Derrick Rose 1/1/2008 1/1/9999 16
25 Vince Carter 1/1/1998 1/1/9999 18

The most flexible way is to IntervalMatch the RookieYr * RetireYr dates into a table of all dates. See http://qlikviewcookbook.com/recipes/download-info/count-days-in-a-transaction-using-intervalmatch/ for a complete example.

Here's the interval match for your data. You'll can obviously create your calendar however you want.
load * inline [
Jersey#, Name, RookieYr, RetirementYr, Average, PPG
23, Michael Jordan, 1/1/1984, 1/1/2003, 24
33, Scotty Pippen, 1/1/1987, 1/1/2008, 15
1, Derrick Rose, 1/1/2008, 1/1/9999, 16
25, Vince Carter, 1/1/1998, 1/1/9999, 18
let zDateMin=37000;
let zDateMax=40000;
Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1) as [DATE],
year( Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1)) as YEAR,
month( Date($(zDateMin) + IterNo() - 1)) as MONTH
WHILE $(zDateMin)+IterNo()-1<= $(zDateMax);
IntervalMatch (DATE) load RookieYr, RetirementYr resident STATS;
left join (DATES) load * resident INTERVAL; drop table INTERVAL;
There's not much to it you need to load 2 tables one with the start and end dates and one with the calendar dates then you interval match the date field to the start and end field and from there it will work the last join is just to tidy up a bit.
The result of all of that is this ctrl-t. Don't worry about the Syn key it is required to maintain the interval matching.
Then you can have something like this.
Derrick Rose is also excluded since he had not started by 1/1/2004


Number of days in a month in DB2

Is there a way to find the number of days in a month in DB2. For example I have a datetime field which I display as Jan-2020, Feb-2020 and so on. Based on this field I need to fetch the number of days for that month. The output should be something like below table,
I'm using the below query
select reportdate, TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY') as textmonth from mytable
Expected output
ReportDate textMonth No of Days
1-1-2020 08:00 Jan-2020 31
1-2-2020 09:00 Feb-2020 29
12-03-2020 07:00 Mar-2020 31
Try this:
WITH MYTABLE (reportdate) AS
TIMESTAMP('2020-01-01 08:00:00')
, TIMESTAMP('2020-02-01 09:00:00')
, TIMESTAMP('2020-03-12 07:00:00')
SELECT reportdate, textMonth, DAYS(D + 1 MONTH) - DAYS(D) AS NO_OF_DAYS
reportdate, TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY') textMonth
, DATE(TO_DATE('01-' || TO_CHAR(reportdate, 'Mon-YYYY'), 'dd-Mon-yyyy')) D
Db2 has the function DAYS_TO_END_OF_MONTH and several others which you could use. Based on your month input, construct the first day of the month. This should be something like 2020-01-01 for Jan-2020 or 2020-02-01 for Feb-2020. Follow the link for several other conversion functions which allow you to transform between formats and to perform date arithmetics.
convert your column to a proper date and try this: day(last_day(date_column))

Qlikview - arrayList

i need to calculate difference between two date excluding sunday. I have table with dates and i need to calculate number of dates of repeated days from last date.
if i have dates like that
I use this code in script
date(max(Date)) as dateMax,
date(min(Date)) as dateMin
And i get min date = 27-05-2017 and max date = 30-05-2017 then i use in expressions
=floor(((dateMax - dateMin)+1)/7)*6 + mod((dateMax - dateMin)+1,7)
+ if(Weekday(dateMin) + mod((dateMax - dateMin)+1,7) < 7, 0, -1)
And get result 3 days. Thats OK, but the problem is if I have next dates:
When use previously code I get min date = 10-05-2017 and max date = 30-05-2017 and result 18, but this is not OK.
I need to count only dates from
I need to get max date and go throw loop repeated dates and if have brake to see is that date sunday if yes then step that date and continue to count repeated dates and if i again have break and if not sunday than close loop and remember number of days.
In my case instead of 18 days i need to get 3 days.
Any idea?
I'd recommend you creating a master calendar in the script where you can apply weights or any other rule to your days. Then in your table or app you can just loop through the dates or perform operations and sum their weights (0: if sunday, 1: if not). Let's see an example:
// In this case I'll do a master calendar of the present year
LET vMinDate = Num(MakeDate(year(today()),1,1));
LET vMaxDate = Num(MakeDate(year(today()),12,31));
$(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1 as Num,
Date($(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1) as Date_tmp
AUTOGENERATE 1 WHILE $(vMinDate) + Iterno() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate);
Date_tmp AS Date,
Week(Date_tmp) as Week,
Year(Date_tmp) as Year,
Capitalize(Month(Date_tmp)) as Month,
Day(Date_tmp) as Day,
WeekDay(Date_tmp) as WeekDay,
'T' & ceil(num(Month(Date_tmp))/3) as Quarter,
'T' & ceil(num(Month(Date_tmp))/3) & '-' & right(year(Date_tmp),2) as QuarterYear,
date(monthStart(Date_tmp),'MMMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
date(monthstart(Date_tmp),'MMM-YY') as MonthYear2
RESIDENT Calendar_tmp
ORDER BY Date_tmp ASC;
DROP Table Calendar_tmp;

Combine, Group and Rename

Here is my current formula:
if left ({Command.NextDueDate},7) = "2016-01" then "January'16"
else if left ({Command.NextDueDate},7) = "2016-02" then "February'16"
else if left ({Command.NextDueDate},7) = "2017-01" then "January'17"
I take date Strings from my database formatted like 2016-01-05, 2016-01-06...2017-01-01. I use these as columns.
I want to look for the year (16), then month (01), then for next column look for year (16) again and month (2). Then I'd like to interpret the month as shortened month names, like Jan or Feb. Finally I'd want to join the data back together. So in the end it will work like this:
16 + 01 becomes Jan16
16 + 02 becomes Feb16
17 + 01 becomes Jan17
How can I do this without manually entering an if-else clause for each month of each year?
No need to hard code it - Use this formula to get the month and year:
MonthName(Month(CDateTime({Command.NextDueDate}))) +
Don't use if/else statements when you can get the information through clever use of formulas. There are a few ways you can make Ankur's formula even better:
To get the short Month name, use: MonthName(Month(CDateTime({Command.NextDueDate})),True) The True at the end shortens the name to "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" and so on.
To get the Year, use Year(CDateTime({Command.NextDueDate}))
Combine the two formulas and it does all the work for you:
MonthName(Month(CDateTime({Command.NextDueDate})),True) +

convert year-month string into daily dates

recently I asked how to convert calendar weeks into a list of dates and received a great and most helpful answer:
convert calendar weeks into daily dates
I tried to apply the above method to create a list of dates based on a column with "year - month". Alas i cannot make out how to account for the different number of days in different months.
And I wonder whether the package lubridate 'automatically' takes leap years into account?
Sample data:
df <- data.frame(YearMonth = c("2016 - M02", "2016 - M06"), values = c(28,60))
M02 = February, M06 = June (M11 would mean November, etc.)
Desired result:
DateList Values
2016-02-01 1
2016-02-02 1
2016-02-28 1
2016-06-01 2
2016-06-30 2
Values would something like
df$values / days_in_month()
Thanks a million in advance - it is honestly very much appreciated!
I'll leave the parsing of the line to you.
To find the last day of a month, assuming you have GNU date, you can do this:
last_day=$(date -d "$year-$month-01 + 1 month - 1 day" +%d)
echo $last_day # => 29 -- oho, a leap year!
Then you can use a for loop to print out each day.
thanks to answer 6 at Add a month to a Date and answer for (how to extract number with leading 0) i got an idea to solve my own question using lubridate. It might not be the most elegant way, but it works.
sample data
data <- data_frame(mon=c("M11","M02"), year=c("2013","2014"), costs=c(200,300))
step 1: create column with number of month
temp2 <- gregexpr("[0-9]+", data$mon)
data$monN <- as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(data$mon, temp2)))
step 2: from year and number of month create a column with the start date
data$StartDate <- as.Date(paste(as.numeric(data$year), formatC(data$monN, width=2, flag="0") ,"01", sep = "-"))
step 3: create a column EndDate as last day of the month based on startdate
data$EndDate <- data$StartDate
day(data$EndDate) <- days_in_month(data$EndDate)
step 4: apply answer from Apply seq.Date using two dataframe columns to create daily list for respective month
data$id <- c(1:nrow(data))
dataL <- setDT(data)[,list(datelist=seq(StartDate, EndDate, by='1 day'), costs= costs/days_in_month(EndDate)) , by = id]

Merging average of time series corresponding to time span in a different data set

I have two datasets, one with contracts and one with market prices. The gist of what I am trying to accomplish is to find the average value of a time series that corresponds to a period of time in a cross-sectional data set. Please see below.
Example Dataset 1:
Beginning Ending Price
1/1/2014 5/15/2014 $19.50
3/2/2012 10/9/2015 $20.31
1/1/2012 1/8/2012 $19.00
In the example above there are several contracts, the first spanning from January 2014 to May 2014, the second from March 2012 to October 2015. Each one has a single price. The second dataset has weekly market prices.
Example Dataset 2:
Date Price
1/1/2012 $18
1/8/2012 $17.50
1/15/2015 $21.00
I would like to find the average "market price" (i.e. the average of the price in dataset 2) between the beginning and ending period for each contract on dataset 1. So, for the third contract from 1/1/2012 to 1/8/2012, from the second dataset the output would be (18+17.50)/2 = 17.75. Then merge this value back to the original dataset.
I work with Stata, but can also work with R or Excel.
Also, if you have a better suggestion for a title I would really appreciate it!
You can cross the contracts cross section data with the time series, which forms every pairwise combination, drop the prices from outside the date range, and calculate the mean like this:
/* Fake Data */
tempfile ts ccs
input str9 d p_daily
"1/1/2012" 18
"1/8/2012" 17.50
"1/15/2015" 21.00
gen date = date(d,"MDY")
format date %td
drop d
rename date d
save `ts'
input id str8 bd str9 ed p_contract
1 "1/1/2014" "5/15/2014" 19.50
2 "3/2/2012" "10/9/2015" 20.31
3 "1/1/2012" "1/8/2012" 19.00
foreach var of varlist bd ed {
gen date = date(`var',"MDY")
format date %td
drop `var'
rename date `var'
save `ccs'
/* Calculate Mean Prices and Merge Contracts Back In */
cross using `ts'
sort id d
keep if d >= bd & d <=ed
collapse (mean) mean_p = p_daily, by(id bd ed p_contract)
merge 1:1 id using `ccs', nogen
sort id
This gets you something like this:
id p_contract bd ed mean_p
1 19.5 01jan2014 15may2014 .
2 20.31 02mar2012 09oct2015 21
3 19 01jan2012 08jan2012 17.75