Writing superficial wrappers for functions [MATLAB] - matlab

I have a function in Matlab:
function [runs,balls]=batting(form,team_flag,weather_flag)
form is a 1x13 array of doubles. The flags are just boolean. runs,balls are just scalars. The function above does some complex mathematical simulation to arrive at its output values. Now i write a wrapper :
function [runs,balls]=wrapper1(form)
Then I write another wrapper:
function runs_vector=wrapper2(form_vector)
for i=1:size(form_vector,1)
runs_vector=cellfun(#wrapper1, form_cell)';
It must be evident as to what i am trying to achieve. I am trying to exploit the behavior of cellfun for my custom-defined function batting. The flag arguments need to be set to false here but in general they are varied in the project of which this is part of. So i could not disappear the flag inputs to the batting function without writing an intermediate wrapper,i.e. wrapper1. My question is if there is a less ugly or more smart way of doing this?

You can eliminate wrapper1 by creating an anonymous function that reduces batting to two arguments:
runs_vector = cellfun(#(form) batting(form, false, false), form_cell)';
In addition, the loop can be replaced by num2cell like so:
form_cell = num2cell(form_vector, 2);
Combining these two gives us
function runs_vector = wrapper2(form_vector)
form_cell = num2cell(form_vector, 2);
runs_vector = cellfun(#(form) batting(form, false, false), form_cell)';


vectorize a function with multiple variables

Consider the arbitrary function:
function myFunc_ = myFunc(firstInput, secondInput)
myFunc_ = firstInput * secondInput;
Now imagine I want to map the above function to an array for the first input firstInput, while the second input secondInput is constant. For example, something like:
firstVariable = linspace(0., 1.);
plot(firstVariable, map(myFunc, [firstVariable , 0.1]))
where 0.1 is an arbitrary scalar value for the secondInput and firstVariable array is an arbitrary array for the firstInput.
I have looked into the arrayfun() function. However, I don't know how to include the constant variable. Plus it seems like the syntax between MATLAB and Octave are different, or maybe I'm mistaken. It is important for me to have a cross-compatible code that I can share with colleagues.
Assuming in the original function you were multiplying two scalars and you want to vectorise, then
function myFunc_ = myFunc(firstInput, secondInput)
myFunc_ = firstInput .* secondInput;
should work just fine.
Then plot it directly:
plot( firstVariable, myFunc(firstVariable , 0.1) )
I'm afraid the arbitrary examples given in the original question were too simplified and as a result, they do not represent the actual issue I'm facing with my code. But I did manage to find the right syntax that works inside Octave:
plot(firstVariable, arrayfun(#(tempVariable) myFunc(tempVariable, 0.1), firstVariable))
basically the
#(tempVariable) myFunc(tempVariable, 0.1)
creates what is so-called an anonymous function and the
arrayfun(<function>, <array>)
maps the function over the given array.

MATLAB: Using get in cellfun for a cell array of objects

I've been stuck with this for a while and I couldn't find something similar asked previously (or I have failed in doing so)
My situation is fairly simple: I have a cell array of objects. They are all the same object and I have a get function for this kind of object which is: get (obj, attr), where obj is the object in question and attr is a integer from 1-6. Depending on the number the get function returns the corresponding attribute.
I would like to obtain all of my "position" attributes from all my objects which are in the corresponding cell array (this would be attr = 2). I know that cellfun performs a function on all cells, but the question is, how do I use my get function here for all my objects, taking into account that the function is get (obj, attr) ?
Thanks in advance
Firstly, by using get as a custom function you are shadowing the built-in get function - this is bad practise!
With this in mind, and to avoid confusion with the built-in get function which has similar syntax, I'm going to use getattr as a stand-in for your custom function which accpets an object and an integer 1 to 6.
pos = cellfun( #(obj) getattr( obj, 2 ), myCellOfObjects, 'uni', 0 );
By specifying 'uni', 0, the output doesn't have to be scalar and will be put into a cell array. This is useful when, for example, you have a multi-element array for your position.
This is equivalent to the following loop:
pos = cell( numel(myCellOfObjects), 1 );
for ii = 1:numel(pos)
pos{ii} = getattr( myCellOfObjects{ii}, 2 );
If ever in doubt about cellfun or arrayfun, just write a loop first - they are essentially the same but more concise.
There is a trick to this some are unaware of: you can pass multiple arguments to cellfun like this:
cellfun(#(obj,attr) get(obj,attr), {obj1,obj2},{attr1,attr2},'uni',0)
if you want to get one attribute of the cellarray (instead of providing an attribute for every object in the cellarray), then you can simply use this
cellfun(#(x) getattr(x,attr),obj,'uni',0)
put into anonymous function for convenience:
get_attr = #(obj,attr) cellfun(#(x) getattr(x,attr),obj,'uni',0)
%returns cell array of object attributes
I haven't run any of these functions since you didn't provide any example data / code. Please test and feedback.

MATLAB function arguments in my code

I have a MATLAB code and I do how understand how it works.In the main code
tunestruct = {samplefunc,numreps,data_type,MS_criterion};
[Xtrain,optk,optsig2,tuningExtras] = tuneSKSC(data,kernel_type,maxk,tunestruct);
tuneSKC.m starts with
function [Xtrain,optk,optsig2,extras] = tuneSKSC(datastruct,kernel,maxk,tunestruct)
My question is what is tunestruct?Then, are data,kernel_type,maxk,tunestruct arguments for function?
I have pasted tunestruct.m
tunestruct is actually a cell array made of a bunch of other variables.
A cell array is a data type with indexed data containers called cells, where each cell can contain any type of data. Cell arrays commonly contain either lists of text strings, combinations of text and numbers, or numeric arrays of different sizes.
The reason of making a cell array instead of passing those arguments as separate values each times, is that the code has a very specific pattern for handling this set of parameters, in case they are not passed as arguments, as described in this code segment you've provided:
if exist('tunestruct','var')
if ~iscell(tunestruct)
tunestruct = {tunestruct,1};
tunestruct{2} = 1; %furs is deterministic, only one repetition is enough
s1 = ~strcmp(tunestruct{3},'net_unw') && strcmp(tunestruct{4},'Modularity');
tunestruct{4} = 'AMS'; %Modularity is used for unweighted network data
warning('\nNot possible to use Modularity, using AMS instead...');

Designing Function to Reduce Return Variables in Matlab

This is NOT a question where I need to know how to add A+B in MATLAB. This is more of a code design question.
I have few function files that return a numeric matrix and index info on the matrix. For example
function [Mat1, IdxID, IdxDate, IdxVal, IdxMarker, IdxOpen, ...] = First ()
.... % where IdxId = 1 ; IdxDate = 2 ; ...
function [Mat1, IdxUid, IdxName, IdxVal, Mat2, IdxUid2, IdxSalary2, ...] = Second ()
.... % where IdxUid= 1 ; IdxName= 2 ; ...
As you can see the code becomes clunky and when I call these functions, I have to declare an equal number of outputs to catch all the indices. The advantage is if I suddenly swap ID & Date columns, the calling functions do not change as I simply make ID=2, Date=1. I also have the advantage of renaming these variables inside the function.
Is there a better way to do this? I'm testing whether struct or cell can be used for indices. I can't use datasets or cell for returning numeric matrix. Too much time is lost in translating it into numbers. Thanks.
Yes, you can return arrays/cells/structs instead. For instance, id can be a struct with multiple variables. Your function definition could be as follows.
function [Mat, Id] = Second ()
In your function, have the following set:
If you find that you have multiple structs with the same exact structure, you can even consider objects.
Please clarify with more details on the structure if you want a more detailed answer.

Functions with a flexible list of ordered/unordered and labeled/unlabeled inputs in MATLAB

A lot of MATLAB functions have an input structure such as:
output = function MyFun(a,b,c,'-setting1',s1,'-setting2',s2,'-setting3',s3)
I am wondering how I should implement this kind of functionality in my own functions. To be precise, I would like to find out how I can create a function such that:
The function has a variable number of inputs N + M
The first N inputs are ordered and unlabeled. In the example above, N = 3. The first input is always a, second input is always b, third input is always c. The function input is variable in that users do not necessarily need to send b, c; when they do not then these can take on default (hardcoded) values. As far as I know, this type of functionality is generally handled via varargin.
The remaining M inputs are unordered, but labeled. In the example above, M = 3, the variables are s1,s2,s3 and their labels are setting1,setting2 and setting3 respectively, I would like for users to be able to specify these variables in whatever order they want. If users choose not to specify one of these inputs (i.e. setting1), then I would like my function to assign default values for s1.
One example of such a function is the dlmwrite function.
Ideally, I am looking for an approach that is typically used by MATLAB developers so that my code is easy to understand.
The InputParser class addresses all of these issues. You can specify any number of:
Required parameters (ordered, unlabeled)
Optional parameters (ordered, unlabeled)
String parameter-value pairs in any order (unordered, labeled)
A very clear tutorial with examples is provided by MathWorks. For a function defined as function printPhoto(filename,varargin), the example boils down to the following.
Create the inputParser:
p = inputParser;
Specify defaults and define validation criteria:
defaultFinish = 'glossy';
validFinishes = {'glossy','matte'};
checkFinish = #(x) any(validatestring(x,validFinishes));
defaultColor = 'RGB';
validColors = {'RGB','CMYK'};
checkColor = #(x) any(validatestring(x,validColors));
defaultWidth = 6;
defaultHeight = 4;
Define required/optional/parameter input names, set their default values and validation functions:
Parse the inputs into a struct:
Then you have the input arguments and their values in p.Results.
The InputParser class is used throughout newer MathWorks functions, so don't be afraid to use it yourself!