I am not able to install Talend open studio on Mac OS - talend

I am not able to install Talend open studio on Mac OS.
Error - The TOS_BD-macosx-cocoa executable launcher was unable to locate its
companion shared library.

You just need to execute this command in TOS binaries folder : xattr -c TOS_DI-macosx-cocoa.app

Default macOS Archive Utility app does not extract the installation archive properly.
Unzip using Keka - http://www.kekaosx.com/en/
Then Open Installer file.


Installing STM32CubeProgrammer on macOS Big Sur

I'm trying to install STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS BigSur, I have followed this steps from the website: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BmnqrB/how-to-run-stm32cubeprogrammer-on-macos-catalina-10151-19b88?t=1620993010340. Although when I run the program with terminal, it gives me an error saying that I couldn't found jre folder. But when downloading from the website, it comes with the jre folder, SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.7.0.exe and SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.7.0.app.
This is the error line:
JRE Folder not found!
jre not found
macOS GUI setup doesn't work, although seems it can be executed via packaged console executable.
Use appropriate version for the command:
Source: ST Community

How to install fly cli in windows 10

I'm a newbie to concourse and it needs fly cli. I'm on windows 10 pro 64 bit.
Upon opening the fly.exe I downloaded from https://concourse-ci.org/ nothing happens.
Any idea?
Thank you!
fly is a command line tool.
Follow these steps to install it in Windows,
Download the zip file for windows from concourse-ci.org
Extract the zip file to a folder (say, C:\concourse\). The executable fly.exe is now available under C:\concourse\fly.exe
Update the PATH environment variable with this new directory C:\concourse\
Open command prompt and run fly.exe.

Talend Installtion on Ubuntu

I would like to install Talend Open Studio on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but the Talend website shows only download options for Windows and Mac only. Where do I find the Linux version?
If you download the Windows version, you should receive a zip file. The zip file should contain binaries for both Windows and Linux. To start the Studio on Linux, just run the bash script contained within.
I'm not sure why they don't label the download as Windows and Linux, hopefully they fix that at some point to make it a little clearer.
I was able to download zip file here:

Install4j - unistalling linux application

I'm making multiplatform(win and linux without GUI) installer for my application - using install4j.
Install4j creates application.sh installation file. When I run this sh file - my application is installed on linux machine. But whats the correct way how to uninstall my application? No uninstaller.sh was created. Should I run application.sh with some additions arguments? Thanks
The uninstaller is created wherever you specify it. On Installer->Screens & Actions, select the "Uninstaller" and check its "Executable name" and "Executable directory" properties.

running eclipse from terminal in mac os x

I've been trying to run eclipse from my mac os x terminal and I'm getting the error that no such eclipse command is found. I added the directory to my PATH variable and I'm able to run this just fine on linux, just not on mac osx.
Anyone know why this is?
Eclipse is a Mac Application (like Mail.app) rather than a simple executable so you open it from Terminal using the open command:
open /Applications/eclipse.app
This is assuming you are using Eclipse Mars or later, earlier versions of Eclipse have a different path.
I have a bin folder at my user root folder. This folder is added to my PATH env variable in my .bash_profile
Then I have an ~/bin/eclipse file. this file is executable (chmod +x ~/bin/eclipse)
it contains
open /Path/To/Eclipse.app
Hope this help