How to install fly cli in windows 10 - concourse

I'm a newbie to concourse and it needs fly cli. I'm on windows 10 pro 64 bit.
Upon opening the fly.exe I downloaded from nothing happens.
Any idea?
Thank you!

fly is a command line tool.
Follow these steps to install it in Windows,
Download the zip file for windows from
Extract the zip file to a folder (say, C:\concourse\). The executable fly.exe is now available under C:\concourse\fly.exe
Update the PATH environment variable with this new directory C:\concourse\
Open command prompt and run fly.exe.


Install NewSSHSession offline server - powershell

I'm trying to install a posh-ssh on my offline env so i can create ssh connection via powershell.
i went to this website:
seems like it has the files i need inside, but i'm not sure how to install it.
any ideas? or this is the wrong link?
back then i used the following command:
find-module PoSH-SSH | Install-Module
but now its not working (since im not connected to the internet).
thanks in advance.
It;s a comprsssed archive. Just unzip it into a folder called "POSH-SSH".
Place the folder in your modules directory which you can find by typing
To install for all users, place it in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules (for 64bit)
Then just Import-Module as usual
Thanks to Scepticalist i made some google and found this article
the following softwares can open this file:
Microsoft Visual Studio with NuGet extension
Microsoft File Explorer
Corel WinZip 23
WinRAR 5
Thanks for the help.
Are you aware that Windows 10 has SSH built in since v1809? An OpenSSH-Client is already installed, you can directly use it by calling ssh. There is also an OpenSSH-Server available, but has to be enabled as a feature first.
MS documentation on enabling OpenSSH-Server

Talend Installtion on Ubuntu

I would like to install Talend Open Studio on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but the Talend website shows only download options for Windows and Mac only. Where do I find the Linux version?
If you download the Windows version, you should receive a zip file. The zip file should contain binaries for both Windows and Linux. To start the Studio on Linux, just run the bash script contained within.
I'm not sure why they don't label the download as Windows and Linux, hopefully they fix that at some point to make it a little clearer.
I was able to download zip file here:

running eclipse from terminal in mac os x

I've been trying to run eclipse from my mac os x terminal and I'm getting the error that no such eclipse command is found. I added the directory to my PATH variable and I'm able to run this just fine on linux, just not on mac osx.
Anyone know why this is?
Eclipse is a Mac Application (like rather than a simple executable so you open it from Terminal using the open command:
open /Applications/
This is assuming you are using Eclipse Mars or later, earlier versions of Eclipse have a different path.
I have a bin folder at my user root folder. This folder is added to my PATH env variable in my .bash_profile
Then I have an ~/bin/eclipse file. this file is executable (chmod +x ~/bin/eclipse)
it contains
open /Path/To/
Hope this help

How do I install the Matlab MCR in Ubuntu 14.04 without "killing" Unity?

Background: I have created an Ubuntu VirtualBox from LAPP stack and added the Ubuntu desktop (Unity: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop). Now I am attempting to install the MCR without loosing Unity.
Download MCR zip and extract to MCR_SOURCE
Go to my folder that contains the files: cd /media/sf_shared/MCR_ SOURCE
Change installer_input.txt file:
# Note: To find out the required toolboxes >> start Matlab >> run your code and find out which toolboxes were used with: license('inuse')
Install MCR: sudo ./install -inputFile /media/sf_shared/MCR_SOURCE/installer_input.txt >> success
Restart Ubuntu >> test whether Ubuntu’s Unity still exists >> everything is fine
Attention the next step will “ kill ” your Ubuntu desktop configuration!!! (i.e. copy your hardisk, anything you must do to recover quickly) – now configure: sudo gedit /etc/environment
# Note: X11/app-defaults folder has not been created during installation
Restart Ubuntu >> Unity is gone, recovery attempts such as deleting the above lines do not recover Unity; reinstalling the Ubuntu desktop does not help either.
I have tried an alternative route with exporting the variables, which also "kills" Unity. By the way this affects all users.
Any ideas?
It is not necessary to register these environment variables in /etc/environment, which means that the Unity sidebar will not be affected.
Instead register the environment variables temporarily either as local user or via sudo -i:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/MCR/v84/runtime/glnxa64:/opt/MCR/v84/bin/glnxa64:/opt/MCR/v84/sys/os/glnxa64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
export XAPPLRESDIR="/opt/MCR/v84/X11/app-defaults"
Now it is possible to run Matlab Apps without "killing" Ubuntu's desktop. For instance to run the Java compiled makesqr.m file.
java -classpath "/opt/MCR/v84/toolbox/javabuilder/jar/javabuilder.jar:/media/sf_shared/for_testing/makesqr.jar" makesqr.Class1 5
The Java package makesqr was created using Matlab's JavaBuilder tutorial. This was done on my Windows 7 machine, which runs Matlab R2014b.
Please ensure that the owner and permissions of the /opt/MCR and /media/sf_shared/for_testing folders are set correctly (see here for details).

Error installing Netbean in Windows 8

I have tried everything possible to install Netbean 7.3.1 on my Windows 8 OS supporting laptop. However, it was not going through from here
This is the message I got after downloading all the software from mentioned link when tried to install for each download:
CRITICAll nullnull
I downloaded JDK (Name of the file: jdk-7u25-nb-7_3_1-windows-x64) and when I tried installing JDK I got an error says:
cannot find bundled JVM to run installer
Please can anyone share step-by-step instructions?
Open command prompt in the directory where your netbeans setup file is located. (to open cmd prompt, press shift and right click anywhere in the directory window and hit 'open command prompt here')
Now type the following command in command prompt
netbeans-8.0-windows.exe --tempdir C:\Temp --userdir C:\NBI
hit enter.
This is apparently a bug, though not in netbeans. Check out comments 9 and 10 for a possible work-around.