Codeship basic build hanging - deployment

I am working on a project that uses Codeship to deploy builds. I got up today and saw:
Normally a build takes ~2 minutes, but I have waited on this one for half an hour. Codeship does not show anything being run. Not a single command. And my integration does not show the new application version, either.
How can I fix the hanging build?

Fixed! I just had to stop and restart the build as well as reset the dependency cache. Thanks #mlocher for the help.
If anyone came here from a search engine or something else with the same problem, try to restart the build, restart after resetting the dependency cache, or making another commit with a trivial / no change. This should fix the problem. Otherwise, send codeship a ticket at


vsCode can't retrieve/deploy anything

Working with Salesforce, org is authorised, everything works fine until it doesn't and there's no error code or anything.
In the morning I retrieved a few files I had to change, 10 minutes later when I needed to retrieve another one, it kept "Running SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org" for a few minutes and failed. Then again and again, whether I deploy something or retrieve, it just fails.
Closed, waited for it to sync, refreshed all lwcs, still the same problem.
You may have a sfdx-cli issue. There is a known issue right now with the version 7.150.0 reported here:
My team was having issues with our CI pipeline, and our fix was to use an older version. Once we updated our CI tool to grab extract the binary, and run the tool, our deploys started working successfully.
Check your local and CI tool with the sfdx --version command. If you are using the broken one, roll it back to the version that you need.

Eclipse does not recognize my changes in src folder, throws the same error

I'm having a hard time using eclipse because of the following issue.
It goes like this. I'll code and try to run it. Then, it will throw some errors (of any kind). And so, after I have changed a part of the code, comment out which codes I suspect makes the error, or delete something, I then restart the websphere application server in order to republish my work. Next is to test my work using SoapUI then all of a sudden eclipse throws an error which is the same as before. I've tried to search in here answers to this questions but it involves codes which don't need in my project and also answers that I can't understand well (since I am very new to programming). However, I have found a way to resolve this but it's very inconvenient. To be able for eclipse to detect changes in the src folder, I should restart eclipse after editing my codes then remove my project in the server, start the server and then publish my work in websphere all over again. It solves my problem but I do all of these stuff every now and then even if I only comment out a single line in the code. What I want is to avoid doing this process of resolving the issue since it consumes so much of my time whenever I republish the project in the server.
Can somebody help me with this? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks a lot!
It is a bit strange that you need to restart eclipse. The normal way would be to just re run your application server.
Try only he 3 second steps you mentioned (remove my project in the server, start the server and then publish my work in websphere) and if that works try again without removing the project. Just restart the servers.
And let us know if that worked!

Eclipse needs to be closed to save settings

I'm making a web app in eclipse, when i make the changes they are not reflecting on my next run.
I'm doing the below.
save changes-> Stop Server-> start server-> run program
but the error appeared before is up again.
I use Kepler 32-bit. please let me know how i can fix this.
You need to build your app after saving. If you don't have auto build on then your changes will not be reflected also make sure you publish to server too. Although Since you are restarting the server that may not be needed.

SWbot testcases hanging in jenkins build

Followed the instructions given over here and successfully did the integration were the swtbot testcases worked fine but now all of sudden after adding few more swtbot testcases it started hanging and completely stopped working!
Things which I tried till now are,
-> Ran the testcases in Linux local server which passes without any issue but the same in jenkins hangs now.
-> Changing Xvfb process to Xvnc -> Still same issue, build hangs
-> Commented all swtbot testcase and added simple test like creating a project which works fine without any issues.
-> Changed the jenkins server to new slave to make sure if it's DISPLAY issue but again same problem in the new slave.
-> Used NX Client to track the UI flow which happen in jenkins server via sandbox build but fails with widget not found exception.
-> Used upgraded SWTBot plugin but no help
Mailed to 4 days back but no reply still! Can someone please help me in this asap? Not sure what else to try with to resolve this problem now.
When you connect via VNC, try checking out if there's not any other modal window hiding behind the Eclipse workbench. We used to have problems especially with the "Usage data" window.
Found the issue finally and fixed the problem!
Our testcases involves checking the shortcut keys which are meant for table operations such as, inserting a new row - insert key, delete a row - delete key and so on..
It seems that when swtbot executes the keystroke as,"").pressShortcut(Keystrokes.DELETE);
it makes the entire eclipse to hang. Am still not sure what is the reason behind it, so replaced DELETE with CTRL + Q key combination in our implementation code and then it started working fine.
Eclipse hangs even when some keystroke is added in the testcase which doesn't do any ui operations. So, did those cleanup and all the testcases are passing now :)
Seems to be a another limitation in swtbot and hope that development team will analyze this further if possible. Already have posted it in eclipse community as well.
Thanks to Cpt. Senkfuss and Lula for your suggestions!!

Why are my Eclipse project builds so slow?

We use Eclipse (Indigo, with STS). Certain of our projects take inordinately long to build. Often the progress indicator sticks on, say, 87%, for 30 seconds.
I'm trying to find out what Eclipse is spending it's time on during the build cycle. I hope to be able to optimize the build or disable components that are causing it to be so slow. I'd like to see a log file saying ("compiling java code", "processing resources", etc).
I've poked around the log files in the .metadata directory. I've looked on the Eclipse site for tips. I've tried using "-debug" when starting Eclipse. I still can't find the information I'm looking for.
Is there any way to get Eclipse to spit out a log of what activities it is spending its time on when it builds a project?
What kind of projects are these? Java? Dynamic Web? Two things to look at for hints about what's going on are in the project Properties dialog; look at the Builders section and the Validation section. Try disabling the validations to see if that makes a difference in your build times.
To get some insight into what's happening at the times when the build seems to hang, try setting the -debug and -consoleLog options, as described here.
Disable your virus scanner software for your workspace and project directories. I increased the speed of my build in that way.
You can go to edit Windows->preference->general->workspace->build order to edit the default that exist according to your project need.
And check the maximum number of iteration when building with cycle.
I hope it works.
Since eclipse is a Java application, the usual debugging tools are at your disposal. In particular, you might try connecting to eclipse with JConsole and inspect the thread dump taken when the build "hangs", or run eclipse within a profiler.
You might find out things like a validator trying to download an xml schema, and waiting for the timeout since eclipse is not configured to use the corpoate proxy server - something which is very hard to find out by other means ;-)
Look into Apache Ant build scripts. Eclipse has support to auto generate them as a starting point instead of coding the whole thing by hand. The shop I worked in used tuned ANT scripts to optimize and control build order. We then piped output to log files using shell scripts.
You can try and replace with this aapt . My build for a particular project went from 3 minutes to 41 seconds....
This is an old post but thought of sharing my solution. I was using eclipse Luna and I noted that when you keep on working on a GIT branch without checking into git over the time the build becomes very slow. In my case I just deleted the folder .git and the file .gitignore and the build was very fast. Please note that this will disconnect eclipse from git, therefore use this aproach only if you know how to connect back to git branch using git commands.