MVC routing vs angularjs routing -

While MVC itself has routing feature why should we use angularjs routing? I am expecting an answer apart from just addressing server side and client side issues

It's a design decision, so it's impossible to give a definitive answer as to why you should use one or the other. MVC has its own routing because it's a server-side web application framework. AngularJS has its own routing because it's a client-side web application framework. You can use one or the other or both in mixed degrees. I'm not sure what kind of answer you're expecting, but it entirely boils down to whether you want to rely more on server-side or client-side, and even then, where and to what degree. You could have portions of your site that rely entirely on Angular and essentially function as a SPA, while other parts would rely entirely on MVC with nothing going on client-side.


Constructing a back-end suitable for app and web interface

Let's suppose I was going to design a platform like Airbnb. They have a website as well as native apps on various mobile platforms.
I've been researching app design, and from what I've gathered, the most effective way to do this is to build an API for the back-end, like a REST API using something like node.js, and SQL or mongoDB. The font-end would then be developed natively on each platform which makes calls to the API endpoints to display and update data. This design sounds like it works great for mobile development, but what would be the best way to construct a website that uses the same API?
There are three approaches I can think of:
Use something completely client-side like AangularJS to create a single-page application front end which ties directly into the REST API back-end. This seems OK, but I don't really like the idea of a single-page application and would prefer a more traditional approach
Create a normal web application (in PHP, python, node.js, etc), but rather than tying the data to a typical back end like mySQL, it would basically act as an interface to the REST API. For example when you visit the server would then call the corresponding REST endpoint (ie and render the HTML for the user. This seems like kind of a messy approach, especially since most web frameworks are designed to work with a SQL backend.
Tie the web interface in directly in with the REST api. For example, The endpoint can return both html or json depending on the HTTP headers. The advantage is that you can share most of your code, however the code would become more complex and you can't decouple your web interface from the API.
What is the best approach for this situation? Do you choose to completely decouple the web application from the REST API? If so, how do you elegantly interface between the two? Or do you choose to merge the REST API and web interface into one code base?
It's a usually a prefered way but one should have a good command of SPA.
Adds a redundant layer from performance perspective. You will basically make twice more requests all the time.
This might work with super simple UI, when it's just a matter of serializing your REST API result into different formats but I believe you want rich UI and going this way will be a nightmare from both implementation and maintainance perspective.
Extract your core logic. Put it into a separate project/assembly and reuse it both in your REST API and UI. This way you will be able to reuse the business logic which is the same both for UI and REST API and keep the representation stuff separately which is different for UI and REST API.
Hope it helps!
Both the first and the second option seem reasonable to me, in the sense that there are certain advantages in decoupling the backend API from the clients (including your web site). For example, you could have dedicated teams per each project, if there's a bug on the web/api you'd only have to release that project, and not both.
Say you're going public with your API. If you're releasing a version that breaks backwards compatibility, with a decoupled web app you'd be able to detect that earlier (say staging environment, given you're developing both in-house). However, if they were tightly coupled they'd probably work just fine, and you'll find out you've broken the other clients only once you release in production.
I would say the first option is preferable one as a generic approach. SPA first load delay problem can be resolved with server side rendering technique.
For second option you will have to face scalability, cpu performance, user session(not on rest api of course because should be stateless), caching issues both on your rest api services and normal website node instances (maybe caching not in all the cases). In most of the cases this intermediate backend layer is just unnecessary, there is not any technical limitation for doing all the stuff in the recent versions of browsers.
The third option violates the separation of concerns, in your case presentational from data models/bussines logic.

What's RESTful API, and does it mean anything for a front end developer?

I've been reading around trying to understand what RESTful API is all about. I guess I understood the general outlines and a bit about how it's related to HTTP and all that.
In fact, one of the jobs I recently applied for required a 'must' knowledge of a RESTful API!! The job description was messy anyway and seemed it had been written by an HR person, or somebody who didn't actually have an advanced technical knowledge.
I fail to see how, as a frontend developer / UI/UX designer, I could benefit from the vague RESTful API stuff? What's the connection?! Should really be bothered?
Simple and Precisely NO.
For only a front End Developer; it is not necessary, it is must (or SOAP bases API) for BackEnd Application Developer.
I am Android app Developer, made REST api for my app and my friend is just working on Web Page UI for that APP.!
Ajax calls are little to know for you.!
But one should know little bit about APIs, it never hurts :)
RESTful api, and web services in general, are a way to abstract back ends from front end developpers. It allows front-end developpers to do their interfaces without the need to code any server-side logic.
Web services contain all the business logic. As a front-end developper, you'd need to know how to interact with such services, but the whereabouts of the api call are not required of you to understand.
Finally, it's a way to define clear separation between what the application looks like and what the application does.
REST is a way to think applications. To make short, the client is stateless and you use HTTP methods for what they are designed to in order to interact with your server resources. You also leverage HTTP status codes, media types, content negotiation (Conneg).
If you want to know more about principles of RESTful services and Web API, you could have a look at this link:
Hope it helps you,
From client perspective the two main differences between REST and other e.g. SOAP webservices, that you have to use stateless communication (so you won't have a server side session, login, logout, etc...) and you have to use hyperlinks as request templates instead of building request from scratch. Because of these constraints your client breaks much harder by API changes.

Backbone with non-Restful services

I am looking at backbone for a project. I have many legacy services which are non-restful that I have no choice but to use them as is. I see that I have to override Backbone.Model.sync, parse and many other methods and handle the ajax service calls. I am not sure how the routing is going to work but I can see that there will be a lot of extra code to make that work. My question is: Is Backbone really recommended if I have to work with non-restful services? I don't find any examples or discussion anywhere online which talks about it.
Backbone's automatic understanding of REST conventions boils down to probably about 50 lines of code. If your back-end APIs are all odd and unique, yes, you'll need to write code to talk to them, but you'll need that no matter which framework you use because no framework is going to understand the unique weirdnesses of your back end services. If you feel good about the basic MVC with event bindings design of backbone, stick with it. That's the core of it. And it's a tiny core, that's why it's called backbone.
As per routing, that's really handled in the browser as a single page app and the browser URL routing and associated backbone router/view code is entirely separate from the API patterns and URLs that provide the back end services. The two can be utterly unrelated and that's fine. You'll still be able to define your own browser routing however you see fit.

Is REST a good choice for GUI web applications?

GUI based web applications could be build upon a GUI component, stateful framework like Wicket or they could build in a RESTful, stateless way with GUI status only on the client.
From a technical point of view REST looks like the right way since it leverages the full power of http and leads to highly scalable applications. But that comes at a price. Complex GUIs will require a JavaScript application on the client in many cases. You have to stay on the same page and reload only parts, if state should be maintained on the client. Or you have to use tricks with hidden iframes. Sometimes there are pseudo resource like shopping carts on the server, to enable a RESTful design. You have to maintain intermediate state of multi step dialogues and so on ...
If I look around there are very few RESTful GUI webapplications. Is this because of historical reasons or is a RESTful design unproductive in common scenarios?
If I look around there are very few
RESTful GUI webapplications. Is this
because of historical reasons or is a
RESTful design unproductive in common
My answer is subjective, but in my opinion, two major hurdles hinder RESTful development:
Change - it very different from the way sites are traditionally designed
Challenge - designing a pure RESTful server API and a corresponding rich, robust client UI isn't easy
Complex GUIs will require a JavaScript
application on the client in many
In my opinion, a complex, a rich client-side experience is going to require some in-depth JavaScript, regardless of the server-side implementation.
You have to stay on the same page and
reload only parts,
This is a very different design from the traditional request/response full-page-to-full-page design. Each design has its own trade offs. REST designs work particularly well with AJAX calls, but the client-side code requires careful design to be maintainable and robust.
A RESTful server with a thick-client:
scales well: session information for every user isn't stored in scarce server memory
less request/response data over the wire: not sending every page in full, not sending session IDs or ViewStates
clean reusable URLs: provide a clean, decoupled server API that can support multiple UIs
pure: strict adherence to the HTTP specification (GETs cause no side effects, etc.)
client experience: richer, more responsive with asynchronous transactions
However, as you mentioned thick-clients have drawbacks:
more vulnerable to XSS attacks, RESTful URLs really need careful security
complex JavaScript can be challenging to develop, maintain, and debug (using OO JavaScript can help mediate this)
there is a need to indicate to the user that asynchronous requests are processing in the background
more client-side failure-handling logic is required
frameworks and IDE tools have been traditionally weaker for client-side development, compared to server-side (this is slowly getting better)
RESTful GUI designs are very productive, IMHO. You can leverage a lot of functionality without extra work to support the corner cases, such as the user resubmitting information, browser history (back and forward) multiple tabs and windows. If I'm not mistaken this site uses a RESTful UI.
REST was defined by observing characteristic of successful web applications, both GUI and M2M. Therefore by definition it should be appropriate for these cases.
I also noticed you asked a question regarding desktop versus web applications. You may be interested to know that REST is an excellent architecture for building desktop client applications too. I have written a few desktop clients that get all of their data from a REST server.

Web Framework that handles forms intuitively?

Will be starting a web app that will have to provide many different HTML forms for data entry, so I was wondering if there is a web framework out there that does this in a clever way. generally when you have forms you have many considerations like navigation, validation, etc. that are not handled very efficiently by he frameworks I've seen so far.
Has someone taken the pain out of forms?
Have you tried looking at Grails? It can take your domain classes and dynamically scaffold them into web forms and apply server-side validation. The default scaffolding provides navigation, pagination, validation, and all kinds of other -ations that are pretty good!
Here's a good tutorial.
Try, It is written in PHP (but fully OOP). It manages both database layer with nice Form templating system.
I think forms are handled pretty cleverly in Ruby on Rails. And also in .Net. The latter goes pretty far in letting you reuse the database logic for validating data and also has "automatic" handling of security issues like XSS and XSRF.