search in mongodb embedded records - mongodb

We have a mongodb document as given below, and we configured text index on messageTopic, messageTopicQuestion and answer fields, if i search with a text string then I expect only matched embedded records in the results not the entire document.
For example in below document if i search with word "private", then results should only return the first embedded document not both the records. How to retrieve only matched embedded documents and exclude unmatched ones.
"_id": ObjectId("586e8efdde81e56032000084"),
"messageTopic": "My Private",
"messageText": [{
"messageTopicQuestion": "agent private",
"answer": "agent private",
"_id": ObjectId("586e8efdde81e56032000085"),
"keywords": ["private"]
}, {
"messageTopicQuestion": "Greetings Checking",
"answer": "Heloo I am good What about u",
"_id": ObjectId("586fc80ccced739407000f4e"),
"keywords": ["Hi-Good", "Heloo"]
"__v": 3
I am using below script
$match: {
$text: {$search: 'private'},
visible: 'PUB'
},{ $sort: { score: { $meta: "textScore" } } }])
Appreciate help. Thanks.

I believe the question is a variation of this problem How to get a specific embedded document inside a MongoDB collection?
The issue is how to get the single embedded document and exclude the rest. My suggestion is to use db.collection.find() instead of aggregation.
Something in that sense
db.collection.find({ 'messageText.keyword': 'private' }, {'messageText.$': 1});
, as indicated by the answer above.
messageText.keyword can be replaced with whichever field you want to be searched.
I can confirm that the scenario works on my database.


Trying to fetch data from Nested MongoDB Database?

I am beginner in MongoDB and struck at a place I am trying to fetch data from nested array but is it taking so long time as data is around 50K data, also it is not much accurate data, below is schema structure please see once -
"_id": {
"$oid": "6001df3312ac8b33c9d26b86"
"City": "Los Angeles",
"Details": [
"Name": "Shawn",
"age": "55",
"Gender": "Male",
"profession": " A science teacher with STEM",
"inDate": "2021-01-15 23:12:17",
"Cars": [
"language": "English"
"Name": "Nicole",
"age": "21",
"Gender": "Female",
"profession": "Law student",
"inDate": "2021-01-16 13:45:00",
"Cars": [
"language": "English"
"date": "2021-01-16"
Here I am trying to filter date with date and Details.Cars like
it is returning details of other persons too which do not have cars- BMW , Only trying to display details of person like - Shawn which have BMW or special array value and date too not - Nicole, rest should not appear but is it not happening.
Any help is appreciated. :)
A combination of $match on the top-level fields and $filter on the array elements will do what you seek.[
{$match: {"date":"2021-01-16"}}
,{$addFields: {"Details": {$filter: {
input: "$Details",
as: "zz",
cond: { $in: ['BMW','$$zz.Cars'] }
,{$match: {$expr: { $gt:[{$size:"$Details"},0] } }}
$unwind is overly expensive for what is needed here and it likely means "reassembling" the data shape later.
We use $addFields where the new field to add (Details) already exists. This effectively means "overwrite in place" and is a common idiom when filtering an array.
The second $match will eliminate docs where the date matches but not a single entry in Details.Cars is a BMW i.e. the array has been filtered down to zero length. Sometimes you want to know this info so if this is the case, do not add the final $match.
I recommend you look into using real dates i.e. ISODate instead of strings so that you can easily take advantage of MongoDB date math and date formatting functions.
Is a common mistake think that find({nested.array:value}) will return only the nested object but actually, this query return the whole object which has a nested object with desired value.
The query is returning the whole document where value BMW exists in the array Details.Cars. So, Nicole is returned too.
To solve this problem:
To get multiple elements that match the criteria you can do an aggregation stage using $unwind to separate the different objects into array and match by the criteria you want.
"$match": { "Details.Cars": "BMW", "date": "2021-01-26" }
"$unwind": "$Details"
"$match": { "Details.Cars": "BMW" }
This query first match by the criteria to avoid $unwind over all collection.
Then $unwind to get every document and $match again to get only the documents you want.
Example here
To get only one element (for example, if you match by _id and its unique) you can use $elemMatch in this way:
"Details.Cars": "BMW",
"date": "2021-01-16"
"Details": {
"$elemMatch": {
"Cars": "BMW"
Example here
You can use $elemenMatch into query or projection stage. Docs here and here
Using $elemMatch into query the way is this:
"Details": {
"$elemMatch": {
"Cars": "BMW"
"date": "2021-01-16"
"Details.$": 1
Example here
The result is the same. In the second case you are using positional operator to return, as docs says:
The first element that matches the query condition on the array.
That is, the first element where "Cars": "BMW".
You can choose the way you want.

How does 'fuzzy' work in MongoDB's $searchBeta stage of aggregation?

I'm not quite understanding how fuzzy works in the $searchBeta stage of aggregation. I'm not getting the desired result that I want when I'm trying to implement full-text search on my backend. Full text search for MongoDB was released last year (2019), so there really aren't many tutorials and/or references to go by besides the documentation. I've read the documentation, but I'm still confused, so I would like some clarification.
Let's say I have these 5 documents in my db:
"name": "Lightning Bolt",
"set_name": "Masters 25"
"name": "Snapcaster Mage",
"set_name": "Modern Masters 2017"
"name": "Verdant Catacombs",
"set_name": "Modern Masters 2017"
"name": "Chain Lightning",
"set_name": "Battlebond"
"name": "Battle of Wits",
"set_name": "Magic 2013"
And this is my aggregation in MongoDB Compass:[
$searchBeta: {
search: { //search has been deprecated, but it works in MongoDB Compass; replace with 'text'
query: 'lightn',
path: ["name", "set_name"],
fuzzy: {
maxEdits: 1,
prefixLength: 2,
maxExpansion: 100
What I'm expecting my result to be:
"name": "Lightning Bolt", //lightn is in 'Lightning'
"set_name": "Masters 25"
"name": "Chain Lightning", //lightn is in 'Lightning'
"set_name": "Battlebond"
What I actually get:
[] //empty array
I don't really understand why my result is empty, so it would be much appreciated if someone explained what I'm doing wrong.
What I think is happening: is looking for documents in the "name" and "set_name" fields for words that have a max edit of one character variation from the "lightn" query. The documents that are in the cards collection contain edits that are greater than 2, and therefor your expected result is an empty array. "Fuzzy is used to find strings which are similar to the search term or terms"; used with maxEdits and prefixLength.
Have you tried the term operator with the wildcard option? I think the below aggregation would get you the results you were actually expecting.
"query": "l*h*",
You need to provide an index to use with your search query.
The index is basically the analyzer that your query will use to process your results regarding if you want to a full match of the text, or you want a partial match etc.
You can read more about Analyzers from here
In your case, an index based on STANDARD analyzer will help.
After you create your index your code, modified below, will work:[
text: { //search has been deprecated, but it works in MongoDB Compass; replace with 'text'
index: 'index_name_for_analyzer (STANDARD in your case)'
query: 'lightn',
path: ["name"] //since you only want to search in one field
fuzzy: {
maxEdits: 1,
prefixLength: 2,
maxExpansion: 100

Querying the most recent posts in a MongoDB collection

Rather new to Mongodb/Mongoose/Node. Trying to make a query to retrieve the most recent posts (example being the 10 most recent posts) across all documents in a collection.
I tried querying this a few different ways.
MessageboardModel.find({"posts": {"time": {"$gte": ISODate("2014-07-02T00:00:00Z")}}} ...
I tried doing the above just to try getting to the proper nested time property, but everything I was trying throws an error. I'm definitely missing something here...
Here is an example document in the collection:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5c435d493dcf9281500cd177"
"movie": 433249,
"posts": [
"replies": [],
"_id": {
"$oid": "5c435d493dcf9281500cd142"
"username": "Username1",
"time": {
"$date": "2019-01-19T17:24:25.204Z"
"post": "This is a post title",
"content": "Content here."
"replies": [],
"_id": {
"$oid": "5c435d493dcf9281500cd123"
"username": "Username2",
"time": {
"$date": "2019-01-12T17:24:25.204Z"
"post": "This is another post made earlier",
"content": "Content here."
"__v": 0
There are many documents in the collection. I want to get, say the most recent 10 posts, across all of the documents in the entire collection.
Any help?
You can try using aggregation query:
1> Match Specific doc
2> Stretch docs of its array using $unwind.
3> Sort using the time field from the posts.
4> Select fields , if specific fields needs to be shown.
5> Add limit, how many docs you want.
"movie": 433249 //you may add find conditions here, otherwise you can keep {} or remove $match from here
{$unwind:"$posts"}, //this will make the each array element with different different docs.
{$sort:{"posts. time":1}}, // sort using the date field now, depends on your requirement use -1 /1
{$project:{posts:1}}, //select docs only from posts field. [u can remove if you want every element, or may modify]
{$limit:10} //you want only last 10 posts
let me know if you still having any issue or getting any error.
would love answer.

How to join two collection in mongo without lookup

I have two collection, there name are post and comment.
The model structure is in the following.
I want to use aggregation query post and sort by comments like length sum, currently I can query a post comments like length sum in the following query statement.
My question is how can I query post and join comment collection in Mongo version 2.6. I know after Mongo 3.2 have a lookup function.
I want to query post collection and sort by foreign comments likes length. Is it have a best way to do this in mongo 2.6?
"_id": ObjectId("5a39e22c27308912334b4567"),
"uid": "0",
"content": "what is hello world mean?",
/* 1 */
"_id": ObjectId("5a595d8c2703892c3d8b4567"),
"uid": "1",
"post_id": "5a39e22c27308912334b4567",
"comment": "hello world",
"like": [
/* 2 */
"_id": ObjectId("5a595d8c2703892c3d8b4512"),
"uid": "2",
"post_id": "5a39e22c27308912334b4567",
"comment": "hello stackoverflow",
"like": [
Query a post comments like sum
"$match": {
post_id: "5a39e22c27308912334b4567"
"$project": {
"likeLength": {
"$size": "$like"
"post_id": "$post_id"
"$group": {
_id: "$post_id",
"likeLengthSum": {
"$sum": "$likeLength"
There is no "best" way to query, as it'll really depend on your specific needs, but... you cannot perform a single query across multiple collections (aside from the $lookup aggregation pipeline function in later versions, as you already are aware).
You'll need to make multiple queries: one to your post collection, and one to your comment collection.
If you must perform a single query, then consider storing both types of documents in a single collection (with some identifier property to let you filter on either posts or comments, within your query).
There is no other way to join collections in the current MongoDB v6 without $lookup,
I can predict two reasons that causing you the issues,
The $lookup is slow and expensive - How to improve performance?
$lookup optimization:
Follow the guideline provided in the documentation
Use indexs:
You can use the index on the reference collection's fields, as per your sample data you can create an index for post_id field, an index for uid field, or a compound index for both the fields on the basis of your use cases
You can read more about How to Improve Performance with Indexes and Document Filters
db.comment.createIndex({ "post_id": -1 });
db.comment.createIndex({ "uid": -1 });
// or
db.comment.createIndex({ "post_id": -1, "uid": -1 });
Document Filters:
Use the $match, $limit, and $skip stages to restrict the documents that enter the pipeline
You can refer to the documentation for more detailed examples
{ $skip: 0 },
{ $limit: 10 } // as per your use case
Limit the $lookup result:
Try to limit the result of lookup by $limit stage,
Try to coordinate or balance with improved query and the UI/Use cases
You want to avoid $lookup - How to improve the collection schema to avoid $lookup?
Store the analytics/metrics:
If you are trying to get the total counts of the comments in a particular post then you must store the total count in the post collection whenever you get post get a new comment
"_id": ObjectId("5a39e22c27308912334b4567"),
"uid": "0",
"content": "what is hello world mean?",
// new fields
"total_comments": 10
Store minimum reference data:
If you want to show the comments of a particular post, you can limit the result for ex: show 5 comments per post
You can also store a max of 5 latest comments in the post collection to avoid the $lookup, whenever you get the latest comment then add it and just remove the oldest comment from 5 comments
"_id": ObjectId("5a39e22c27308912334b4567"),
"uid": "0",
"content": "what is hello world mean?",
// new fields
"total_comments": 10,
"comments": [
"_id": ObjectId("5a595d8c2703892c3d8b4567"),
"uid": "1",
"comment": "hello world"
"_id": ObjectId("5a595d8c2703892c3d8b4512"),
"uid": "2",
"comment": "hello stackoverflow"
Must read about Reduce $lookup Operations
Must read about Improve Your Schema

MongoDB: How to do a text search and sort by a date

Context: I have a MongoDB populated with large number of emails. I'd like to do a search for all emails that include a given email address within any of the following fields: To, From, CC and BCC. The result needs to be sorted by the field Date. We're currently trying the following query:
db.collection.find({ $text : {$search: "\"\""}}).sort({Date:1})
I've tried doing a compound index including the date but it does not work.
With this index...
db.collection.createIndex({Date: 1, From:"text", To:"text", CC:"text", BCC:"text"})
it gives error 17007 as Date should have an equality match as it's a prefix. This is not an option as we'd like all emails regardless of the date.
Also with this other index...
db.collection.createIndex({From:"text", To:"text", CC:"text", BCC:"text", Date:1})
Then it gives error 17144 as it goes over the internal limit for the sort.
We've read the following:
Stackoverflow ref
Stackoverflow ref
mongoDB doc on compound index
In these references and others I'm getting the idea that this is not possible but I don't think what we're trying to do is atypical or so much out of the box.
Are we doing something wrong? Is there a way to do this query with compound index or any other MongoDB feature?
Regardless of other compound index keys, you need to include the $meta for the "textScore" in order to get the correct sorting:
{ "$text": { "$search": "\"\""}},
{ "score": { "$meta": "textScore" } }
"score": { "$meta": "textScore" }, "Date": 1
So naturally you want that "score" to sort first, and then by "Date" in order for things to be correctly ranked by relevance of the search.
The order of index does not matter, but of course you can ony have "one" text index. So make sure you drop all others before creating:
"From": "text",
"To": "text",
"BCC": "text",
Look for indexes that are current with:
Or just drop everything and start fresh:
For the data you appear to be searching on though, I would have thought a regular compound index on each field should suit you better. Looking for "email" addresses should be an "exact match", and if you expect multiple items for each field then they should be arrays of strings, like so:
"TO": [""],
"FROM": [""],
"CC": ["",""],
"BCC": [],
"Date": ISODate("2015-07-27T13:42:05.535Z")
Then you need seperate indexes on each field, possibly in compound with "Date" like so:{ "TO": 1, "Date": 1 }){ "FROM": 1, "Date": 1 }){ "CC": 1, "Date": 1 }){ "BCC": 1, "Date": 1 })
And query with an $or condition:{
"$or": [
{ "TO": "" },
{ "FROM": "" },
{ "CC": "" },
{ "BCC": "" }
"Date": { "$lt": new Date() }
If you look at the .explain(true) (verbose) output from that, you should see that the winning plan is an "index intersection" of all the specified indexes. This works out to be very efficient as every field ( and index selected ) has an exact match value, and a range match on the indexed date.
That's going to be a lot better for you than the "fuzzy matching" of text searches. Even regular expressions should work better here in general ( for e-mail addresses ) and especially if they are "anchored" ^ to the start of the string.
Text indexes are meant for "word like tokens" to match, but this should not be your data. The $or does not look at nice, but it should do a much better job.